[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c586008af0cf21d75e29699a7afce3be4c4df39a [file] [log] [blame]
include_rules = [
# Ash components are mini-apps and in general ash should not depend on them.
# If ash needs to launch a mini-app it can add a deps exception just for the
# header required to launch the app.
# Ash can talk to public interfaces for mini-apps.
# Ash sits above content. Exceptions live in //ash/content.
# Only allow Chrome OS services and D-Bus clients accessible to the mustash
# ash process.
# TODO(jamescook): Eliminate this. http://crbug.com/644355
"+chromeos/services/assistant/public" ,
# TODO(jamescook): Eliminate this. http://crbug.com/644361
# InputMethodManager lives in the browser process. Use ImeController.
# ui/events/devices is tied with ozone, which is controlled by mus, and
# shouldn't be used by ash.
# Enums and supporting classes or observers that are safe (should be moved to
# services/ws/public/cpp). http://crbug.com/747544.
# SessionManager/UserManager is not part of ash. Use SessionController.
specific_include_rules = {
"app_launch_unittest.cc": [
"ash_service\.*": [
"message_center_controller\.*": [
"policy_recommendation_restorer_unittest.cc": [
"root_window_controller\.*": [
"shell.cc": [
"window_manager.cc": [
"window_service_delegate_impl.cc": [