[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 153760d27de38f892a6c6f89af66d2be80db7d96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/app_commands.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/channel_info.h"
namespace base {
class Version;
namespace win {
class RegKey;
namespace installer {
class InstallationState;
// A representation of a product's state on the machine based on the contents
// of the Windows registry.
// TODO(grt): Pull this out into its own file.
class ProductState {
// Returns true if the product is installed (i.e., the product's Clients key
// exists and has a "pv" value); false otherwise.
bool Initialize(bool system_install,
BrowserDistribution::Type type);
bool Initialize(bool system_install,
BrowserDistribution* distribution);
// Returns the product's channel info (i.e., the Google Update "ap" value).
const ChannelInfo& channel() const { return channel_; }
// Returns the path to the product's "setup.exe"; may be empty.
base::FilePath GetSetupPath() const;
// Returns the product's version. This method may only be called on an
// instance that has been initialized for an installed product.
const base::Version& version() const;
// Returns the current version of the product if a new version is awaiting
// update; may be NULL. Ownership of a returned value is not passed to the
// caller.
const base::Version* old_version() const { return old_version_.get(); }
// Returns the brand code the product is currently installed with.
const std::wstring& brand() const { return brand_; }
// Returns the command to be used to update to the new version that is
// awaiting update; may be empty.
const std::wstring& rename_cmd() const { return rename_cmd_; }
// Returns true and populates |eula_accepted| if the product has such a value;
// otherwise, returns false and does not modify |eula_accepted|. Expected
// values are 0 (false) and 1 (true), although |eula_accepted| is given
// whatever is found.
bool GetEulaAccepted(DWORD* eula_accepted) const;
// Returns true and populates |oem_install| if the product has such a value;
// otherwise, returns false and does not modify |oem_install|. Expected
// value is "1", although |oem_install| is given whatever is found.
bool GetOemInstall(std::wstring* oem_install) const;
// Returns true and populates |usagestats| if the product has such a value;
// otherwise, returns false and does not modify |usagestats|. Expected values
// are 0 (false) and 1 (true), although |usagestats| is given whatever is
// found.
bool GetUsageStats(DWORD* usagestats) const;
// True if the "msi" value in the ClientState key is present and non-zero.
bool is_msi() const { return msi_; }
// The command to uninstall the product; may be empty.
const CommandLine& uninstall_command() const { return uninstall_command_; }
// True if |uninstall_command| contains --multi-install.
bool is_multi_install() const { return multi_install_; }
// Returns the set of Google Update commands.
const AppCommands& commands() const { return commands_; }
// Returns this object a la operator=().
ProductState& CopyFrom(const ProductState& other);
// Clears the state of this object.
void Clear();
static bool InitializeCommands(const base::win::RegKey& version_key,
AppCommands* commands);
ChannelInfo channel_;
scoped_ptr<Version> version_;
scoped_ptr<Version> old_version_;
std::wstring brand_;
std::wstring rename_cmd_;
std::wstring oem_install_;
CommandLine uninstall_command_;
AppCommands commands_;
DWORD eula_accepted_;
DWORD usagestats_;
bool msi_ : 1;
bool multi_install_ : 1;
bool has_eula_accepted_ : 1;
bool has_oem_install_ : 1;
bool has_usagestats_ : 1;
friend class InstallationState;
}; // class ProductState
// Encapsulates the state of all products on the system.
// TODO(grt): Rename this to MachineState and put it in its own file.
class InstallationState {
// Initializes this object with the machine's current state.
void Initialize();
// Returns the state of a product or NULL if not installed.
// Caller does NOT assume ownership of returned pointer.
const ProductState* GetProductState(bool system_install,
BrowserDistribution::Type type) const;
// Returns the state of a product, even one that has not yet been installed.
// This is useful during first install, when some but not all ProductState
// information has been written by Omaha. Notably absent from the
// ProductState returned here are the version numbers. Do NOT try to access
// the version numbers from a ProductState returned by this method.
// Caller does NOT assume ownership of returned pointer. This method will
// never return NULL.
const ProductState* GetNonVersionedProductState(
bool system_install, BrowserDistribution::Type type) const;
enum {
static int IndexFromDistType(BrowserDistribution::Type type);
ProductState user_products_[NUM_PRODUCTS];
ProductState system_products_[NUM_PRODUCTS];
}; // class InstallationState
} // namespace installer