[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e9a2893752f9a4cf9b00d20df7895ae418d068ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
// Class to efficiently calculate statistics in a sliding window.
// This class isn't thread safe.
// Supported statistics are Min/Max/Mean/Deviation.
// You can also iterate through the items in the window.
// The class is modular: required features must be specified in the template
// arguments.
// Non listed features don't consume memory or runtime cycles at all.
// Usage:
// base::MovingWindow<int,
// base::MovingWindowFeatures::Min,
// base::MovingWindowFeatures::Max>
// moving_window(window_size);
// Following convenience shortcuts are provided with predefined sets of
// features:
// MovingMax/MovingMin/MovingAverage/MovingAverageDeviation/MovingMinMax.
// Methods:
// Constructor:
// MovingWindow(size_t window_size);
// Window update (available for all templates):
// AddSample(T value) const;
// size_t Count() const;
// void Reset();
// Available for MovingWindowFeatures::Min:
// T Min() const;
// Available for MovingWindowFeatures::Max:
// T Max() const;
// Available for MovingWindowFeatures::Mean:
// U Mean<U>() const;
// Available for MovingWindowFeatures::Deviation:
// U Deviation<U>() const;
// Available for MovingWindowFeatures::Iteration. Iterating through the window:
// iterator begin() const;
// iterator begin() const;
// size_t size() const;
// Features supported by the class.
struct MovingWindowFeatures {
struct Min {
static bool has_min;
struct Max {
static bool has_max;
// Need to specify a type capable of holding a sum of all elements in the
// window.
template <typename SumType>
struct Mean {
static SumType has_mean;
// Need to specify a type capable of holding a sum of squares of all elements
// in the window.
template <typename SumType>
struct Deviation {
static SumType has_deviation;
struct Iteration {
static bool has_iteration;
// Main template.
template <typename T, typename... Features>
class MovingWindow;
// Convenience shortcuts.
template <typename T>
using MovingMax = MovingWindow<T, MovingWindowFeatures::Max>;
template <typename T>
using MovingMin = MovingWindow<T, MovingWindowFeatures::Min>;
template <typename T>
using MovingMinMax =
MovingWindow<T, MovingWindowFeatures::Min, MovingWindowFeatures::Max>;
template <typename T, typename SumType>
using MovingAverage = MovingWindow<T, MovingWindowFeatures::Mean<SumType>>;
template <typename T>
using MovingAverageDeviation =
namespace internal {
// Class responsible only for calculating maximum in the window.
// It's reused to calculate both min and max via inverting the comparator.
template <typename T, typename Comparator>
class MovingExtremumBase {
explicit MovingExtremumBase(size_t window_size)
: window_size_(window_size),
last_idx_(window_size - 1),
compare_(Comparator()) {}
~MovingExtremumBase() = default;
// Add new sample to the stream.
void AddSample(const T& value, size_t total_added) {
// Remove old elements from the back of the window;
while (size_ > 0 && added_at_[begin_idx_] + window_size_ <= total_added) {
if (begin_idx_ == window_size_) {
begin_idx_ = 0;
// Remove small elements from the front of the window because they can never
// become the maximum in the window since the currently added element is
// bigger than them and will leave the window later.
while (size_ > 0 && compare_(values_[last_idx_], value)) {
if (last_idx_ == 0) {
last_idx_ = window_size_;
DCHECK_LT(size_, window_size_);
if (last_idx_ == window_size_) {
last_idx_ = 0;
values_[last_idx_] = value;
added_at_[last_idx_] = total_added;
// Get the maximum of the last `window_size` elements.
T Value() const {
DCHECK_GT(size_, 0u);
return values_[begin_idx_];
// Clear all samples.
void Reset() {
size_ = 0;
begin_idx_ = 0;
last_idx_ = window_size_ - 1;
const size_t window_size_;
// Circular buffer with some values in the window.
// Only possible candidates for maximum are stored:
// values form a non-increasing sequence.
std::vector<T> values_;
// Circular buffer storing when numbers in `values_` were added.
std::vector<size_t> added_at_;
// Begin of the circular buffers above.
size_t begin_idx_ = 0;
// Last occupied position.
size_t last_idx_;
// How many elements are stored in the circular buffers above.
size_t size_ = 0;
// Template parameter comparator.
const Comparator compare_;
// Null implementation of the above class to be used when feature is disabled.
template <typename T>
struct NullExtremumImpl {
explicit NullExtremumImpl(size_t) {}
~NullExtremumImpl() = default;
void AddSample(const T&, size_t) {}
void Reset() {}
// Class to hold the moving window.
// It's used to calculate replaced element for Mean/Deviation calculations.
template <typename T>
class MovingWindowBase {
explicit MovingWindowBase(size_t window_size) : values_(window_size) {}
~MovingWindowBase() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample) {
values_[cur_idx_] = sample;
if (cur_idx_ == values_.size()) {
cur_idx_ = 0;
// Is the window filled integer amount of times.
bool IsLastIdx() const { return cur_idx_ + 1 == values_.size(); }
void Reset() {
cur_idx_ = 0;
std::fill(values_.begin(), values_.end(), T());
T GetValue() const { return values_[cur_idx_]; }
T operator[](size_t idx) const { return values_[idx]; }
size_t Size() const { return values_.size(); }
// What index will be overwritten by a new element;
size_t CurIdx() const { return cur_idx_; }
// Circular buffer.
std::vector<T> values_;
// Where the buffer begins.
size_t cur_idx_ = 0;
// Null implementation of the above class to be used when feature is disabled.
template <typename T>
struct NullWindowImpl {
explicit NullWindowImpl(size_t) {}
~NullWindowImpl() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample) {}
bool IsLastIdx() const { return false; }
void Reset() {}
T GetValue() const { return T(); }
// Performs division allowing the class to work with more types.
// General template.
template <typename SumType, typename ReturnType>
struct DivideInternal {
static ReturnType Compute(const SumType& sum, const size_t count) {
return static_cast<ReturnType>(sum) / static_cast<ReturnType>(count);
// Class to calculate moving mean.
template <typename T, typename SumType, bool IsFloating>
class MovingMeanBase {
explicit MovingMeanBase(size_t window_size) : sum_() {}
~MovingMeanBase() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample, const T& replaced_value, bool is_last_idx) {
sum_ += sample - replaced_value;
template <typename ReturnType = SumType>
ReturnType Mean(const size_t count) const {
if (count == 0) {
return ReturnType();
return DivideInternal<SumType, ReturnType>::Compute(sum_, count);
void Reset() { sum_ = SumType(); }
SumType Sum() const { return sum_; }
SumType sum_;
// Class to calculate moving mean.
// Variant for float types with running sum to avoid rounding errors
// accumulation.
template <typename T, typename SumType>
class MovingMeanBase<T, SumType, true> {
explicit MovingMeanBase(size_t window_size) : sum_(), running_sum_() {}
~MovingMeanBase() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample, const T& replaced_value, bool is_last_idx) {
running_sum_ += sample;
if (is_last_idx) {
// Replace sum with running sum to avoid rounding errors accumulation.
sum_ = running_sum_;
running_sum_ = SumType();
} else {
sum_ += sample - replaced_value;
template <typename ReturnType = SumType>
ReturnType Mean(const size_t count) const {
if (count == 0) {
return ReturnType();
return DivideInternal<SumType, ReturnType>::Compute(sum_, count);
void Reset() { sum_ = running_sum_ = SumType(); }
SumType Sum() const { return sum_; }
SumType sum_;
SumType running_sum_;
// Null implementation of the above class to be used when feature is disabled.
template <typename T>
struct NullMeanImpl {
explicit NullMeanImpl(size_t window_size) {}
~NullMeanImpl() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample, const T&, bool) {}
void Reset() {}
// Computs main Deviation fromula, allowing the class to work with more types.
// Deviation is equal to mean of squared values minus squared mean value.
// General template.
template <typename SumType, typename ReturnType>
struct DeivationInternal {
static ReturnType Compute(const SumType& sum_squares,
const SumType& square_of_sum,
const size_t count) {
return static_cast<ReturnType>(
std::sqrt((static_cast<double>(sum_squares) -
static_cast<double>(square_of_sum) / count) /
// Class to compute square of the number.
// General template
template <typename T, typename SquareType>
struct SquareInternal {
static SquareType Compute(const T& sample) {
return static_cast<SquareType>(sample) * sample;
// Class to calculate moving deviation.
template <typename T, typename SumType, bool IsFloating>
class MovingDeviationBase {
explicit MovingDeviationBase(size_t window_size) : sum_sq_() {}
~MovingDeviationBase() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample, const T& replaced_value, bool is_last_idx) {
sum_sq_ += SquareInternal<T, SumType>::Compute(sample) -
SquareInternal<T, SumType>::Compute(replaced_value);
template <typename ReturnType, typename U>
ReturnType Deviation(const size_t count, const U& sum) const {
if (count == 0) {
return ReturnType();
return DeivationInternal<SumType, ReturnType>::Compute(
sum_sq_, SquareInternal<U, SumType>::Compute(sum), count);
void Reset() { sum_sq_ = SumType(); }
SumType sum_sq_;
// Class to calculate moving deviation.
// Variant for float types with running sum to avoid rounding errors
// accumulation.
template <typename T, typename SumType>
class MovingDeviationBase<T, SumType, true> {
explicit MovingDeviationBase(size_t window_size)
: sum_sq_(), running_sum_() {}
~MovingDeviationBase() = default;
void AddSample(const T& sample, const T& replaced_value, bool is_last_idx) {
SumType square = SquareInternal<T, SumType>::Compute(sample);
running_sum_ += square;
if (is_last_idx) {
// Replace sum with running sum to avoid rounding errors accumulation.
sum_sq_ = running_sum_;
running_sum_ = SumType();
} else {
sum_sq_ += square - SquareInternal<T, SumType>::Compute(replaced_value);
template <typename ReturnType, typename U>
ReturnType Deviation(const size_t count, const U& sum) const {
if (count == 0) {
return ReturnType();
return DeivationInternal<SumType, ReturnType>::Compute(
sum_sq_, SquareInternal<U, SumType>::Compute(sum), count);
void Reset() { running_sum_ = sum_sq_ = SumType(); }
SumType sum_sq_;
SumType running_sum_;
// Null implementation of the above class to be used when feature is disabled.
template <typename T>
struct NullDeviationImpl {
explicit NullDeviationImpl(size_t window_size) {}
~NullDeviationImpl() = default;
void AddSample(const T&, const T&, bool) {}
void Reset() {}
// Template helpers.
// Gets all enabled features in one struct.
template <typename... Features>
struct EnabledFeatures : public Features... {};
template <typename T>
concept has_member_min = requires { T::has_min; };
template <typename T>
concept has_member_max = requires { T::has_max; };
template <typename T>
concept has_member_mean = requires { T::has_mean; };
template <typename T>
concept has_member_deviation = requires { T::has_deviation; };
template <typename T>
concept has_member_iteration = requires { T::has_iteration; };
// Gets the type of the member if present.
// Can't just use decltype, because the member might be absent.
template <typename T>
struct get_type_mean {
using type = void;
template <typename T>
requires has_member_mean<T>
struct get_type_mean<T> {
using type = decltype(T::has_mean);
template <typename T>
using mean_t = typename get_type_mean<T>::type;
template <typename T>
struct get_type_deviation {
using type = void;
template <typename T>
requires has_member_deviation<T>
struct get_type_deviation<T> {
using type = decltype(T::has_deviation);
template <typename T>
using deviation_t = typename get_type_deviation<T>::type;
// Performs division allowing the class to work with more types.
// Specific template for TimeDelta.
template <>
struct DivideInternal<TimeDelta, TimeDelta> {
static TimeDelta Compute(const TimeDelta& sum, const size_t count) {
return sum / count;
// Computs main Deviation fromula, allowing the class to work with more types.
// Deviation is equal to mean of squared values minus squared mean value.
// Specific template for TimeDelta.
template <>
struct DeivationInternal<double, TimeDelta> {
static TimeDelta Compute(const double sum_squares,
const double square_of_sum,
const size_t count) {
return Seconds(std::sqrt((sum_squares - square_of_sum / count) / count));
// Class to compute square of the number.
// Specific template for TimeDelta.
template <>
struct SquareInternal<TimeDelta, double> {
static double Compute(const TimeDelta& sample) {
return sample.InSecondsF() * sample.InSecondsF();
} // namespace internal
// Implementation of the main class.
template <typename T, typename... Features>
class MovingWindow {
// List of all requested features.
using EnabledFeatures = internal::EnabledFeatures<Features...>;
explicit MovingWindow(size_t window_size)
: min_impl_(window_size),
window_impl_(window_size) {}
// Adds sample to the window.
void AddSample(const T& sample) {
min_impl_.AddSample(sample, total_added_);
max_impl_.AddSample(sample, total_added_);
mean_impl_.AddSample(sample, window_impl_.GetValue(),
deviation_impl_.AddSample(sample, window_impl_.GetValue(),
// Returns amount of elementes so far in the stream (might be bigger than the
// window size).
size_t Count() const { return total_added_; }
// Calculates min in the window.
T Min() const
requires internal::has_member_min<EnabledFeatures>
return min_impl_.Value();
// Calculates max in the window.
T Max() const
requires internal::has_member_max<EnabledFeatures>
return max_impl_.Value();
// Calculates mean in the window.
// `ReturnType` can be used to adjust the type of the calculated mean value;
// if not specified, uses `T` by default.
template <typename ReturnType = T>
requires internal::has_member_mean<EnabledFeatures>
ReturnType Mean() const {
return mean_impl_.template Mean<ReturnType>(
std::min(total_added_, window_impl_.Size()));
// Calculates deviation in the window.
// `ReturnType` can be used to adjust the type of the calculated deviation
// value; if not specified, uses `T` by default.
template <typename ReturnType = T>
requires internal::has_member_deviation<EnabledFeatures>
ReturnType Deviation() const {
const size_t count = std::min(total_added_, window_impl_.Size());
return deviation_impl_.template Deviation<ReturnType>(count,
// Resets the state to an empty window.
void Reset() {
total_added_ = 0;
// iterator implementation.
class iterator {
~iterator() = default;
const T operator*() {
DCHECK_LT(idx_, window_impl_->Size());
return (*window_impl_)[idx_];
iterator& operator++() {
// Wrap around the circular buffer.
if (idx_ == window_impl_->Size()) {
idx_ = 0;
// The only way to arrive to the current element is to
// come around after iterating through the whole window.
if (idx_ == window_impl_->CurIdx()) {
idx_ = kInvalidIndex;
return *this;
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const { return idx_ == other.idx_; }
iterator(const internal::MovingWindowBase<T>& window, size_t idx)
: window_impl_(window), idx_(idx) {}
static const size_t kInvalidIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
raw_ref<const internal::MovingWindowBase<T>> window_impl_;
size_t idx_;
friend class MovingWindow<T, Features...>;
// Begin iterator. Template to enable only if iteration feature is requested.
iterator begin() const
requires internal::has_member_iteration<EnabledFeatures>
if (total_added_ == 0) {
return end();
// Before window is fully filled, the oldest element is at the index 0.
size_t idx =
(total_added_ < window_impl_.Size()) ? 0 : window_impl_.CurIdx();
return iterator(window_impl_, idx);
// End iterator. Template to enable only if iteration feature is requested.
iterator end() const
requires internal::has_member_iteration<EnabledFeatures>
return iterator(window_impl_, iterator::kInvalidIndex);
// Size of the collection. Template to enable only if iteration feature is
// requested.
size_t size() const
requires internal::has_member_iteration<EnabledFeatures>
return std::min(total_added_, window_impl_.Size());
// Member for calculating min.
// Conditionally enabled on Min feature.
internal::MovingExtremumBase<T, std::greater<>>,
// Member for calculating min.
// Conditionally enabled on Min feature.
internal::MovingExtremumBase<T, std::less<>>,
// Type for sum value in Mean implementation. Might need to reuse deviation
// sum type, because enabling only deviation feature will also enable mean
// member (because deviation calculation depends on mean calculation).
using MeanSumType =
// Member for calculating mean.
// Conditionally enabled on Mean or Deviation feature (because deviation
// calculation depends on mean calculation).
internal::has_member_mean<EnabledFeatures> ||
MovingMeanBase<T, MeanSumType, std::is_floating_point_v<MeanSumType>>,
// Member for calculating deviation.
// Conditionally enabled on Deviation feature.
// Member for storing the moving window.
// Conditionally enabled on Mean, Deviation or Iteration feature since
// they need the elements in the window.
// Min and Max features store elements internally so they don't need this.
std::conditional_t<internal::has_member_mean<EnabledFeatures> ||
internal::has_member_deviation<EnabledFeatures> ||
// Total number of added elements.
size_t total_added_ = 0;
} // namespace base