[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f82604ff7732e3b4413cce79d7629b8c7780ebe1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "services/audio/mixing_graph.h"
#include <map>
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
namespace media {
class LoopbackAudioConverter;
namespace audio {
class MixingGraphImpl : public MixingGraph {
using CreateConverterCallback =
const media::AudioParameters& input_params,
const media::AudioParameters& output_params)>;
MixingGraphImpl(const media::AudioParameters& output_params,
OnMoreDataCallback on_more_data_cb,
OnErrorCallback on_error_cb);
MixingGraphImpl(const media::AudioParameters& output_params,
OnMoreDataCallback on_more_data_cb,
OnErrorCallback on_error_cb,
CreateConverterCallback create_converter_cb);
~MixingGraphImpl() override;
std::unique_ptr<Input> CreateInput(
const media::AudioParameters& params) final;
void AddInput(Input* node) final;
void RemoveInput(Input* node) final;
// media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback
int OnMoreData(base::TimeDelta delay,
base::TimeTicks delay_timestamp,
const media::AudioGlitchInfo& glitch_info,
media::AudioBus* dest) final;
void OnError(ErrorType type) final;
class OvertimeLogger;
media::LoopbackAudioConverter* FindOrAddConverter(
const media::AudioParameters& input_params,
const media::AudioParameters& output_params,
media::LoopbackAudioConverter* parent_converter);
class AudioConverterKey {
explicit AudioConverterKey(const media::AudioParameters& params)
: sample_rate_(params.sample_rate()),
channels_(params.channels()) {}
inline bool operator==(const AudioConverterKey& other) const {
return sample_rate_ == other.sample_rate_ &&
channel_layout_ == other.channel_layout_ &&
channels_ == other.channels_;
inline bool operator<(const AudioConverterKey& other) const {
if (sample_rate_ != other.sample_rate_)
return sample_rate_ < other.sample_rate_;
if (channel_layout_ != other.channel_layout_)
return channel_layout_ < other.channel_layout_;
return channels_ < other.channels_;
inline bool SameChannelSetup(const media::AudioParameters& params) const {
return channel_layout_ == params.channel_layout() &&
channels_ == params.channels();
inline void UpdateChannelSetup(const media::AudioParameters& params) {
channel_layout_ = params.channel_layout();
channels_ = params.channels();
inline int sample_rate() const { return sample_rate_; }
inline void set_sample_rate(int sample_rate) { sample_rate_ = sample_rate; }
int sample_rate_;
media::ChannelLayout channel_layout_;
int channels_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MixingGraphImpl, AudioConverterKeySorting);
void Remove(const AudioConverterKey& key,
media::AudioConverter::InputCallback* input);
using AudioConverters =
// The audio format of the mixed audio leaving the mixing graph.
const media::AudioParameters output_params_;
// Called from OnMoreData() with mixed audio as input.
const OnMoreDataCallback on_more_data_cb_;
// Notifies the client about audio rendering errors.
const OnErrorCallback on_error_cb_;
// Called when a new converter needs to be created.
const CreateConverterCallback create_converter_cb_;
// UMA logging.
const std::unique_ptr<OvertimeLogger> overtime_logger_;
base::Lock lock_;
// The |main_converter_|, the |converters_| and the inputs are connected
// to form a graph (tree structure) that determines how the input audio is
// channel mixed, resampled, and added to the final output. Channel mixing
// and resampling are handled by converters. The tree is constructed to
// minimize the use of resampling, which is the most complex operation.
// 1. For inputs with a channel layout different from the output channel
// layout: All inputs of the same sample rate and channel layout are
// combined and channel mixed to produce new inputs with the output
// channel layout.
// 2. For inputs with a sample rate different from the output sample rate:
// All inputs of the same sample rate (and after channel mixing the same
// channel layout) are combined and resampled to produce new inputs of the
// output sample rate (and channel layout).
// 3. All inputs of the output sample rate and channel layout are combined
// by the main converter to produce a single output.
AudioConverters converters_;
media::AudioConverter main_converter_;
} // namespace audio