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blob: 7e3af2088b82b5f6c03c66d0e247edd2f3d354af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ui {
// EndpointType can represent either the source of the transferred data or the
// destination trying to read the data.
// Whenever a new format is supported, a new enum should be added.
enum class EndpointType {
kDefault = 0, // This type shouldn't be used if any of the following types is
// a better match.
kUrl = 1, // Website URL e.g. www.example.com.
kClipboardHistory = 2, // Clipboard History UI has privileged access to any
// clipboard data.
kUnknownVm = 3, // The VM type is not identified.
kArc = 4, // ARC.
kBorealis = 5, // Borealis OS.
kCrostini = 6, // Crostini.
kPluginVm = 7, // Plugin VM App.
kLacros = 8, // Lacros browser.
// DataTransferEndpoint represents:
// - The source of the data being ransferred.
// - The destination trying to access the data.
// - Whether the user should see a notification if the data access is not
// allowed.
// Passing DataTransferEndpoint as a nullptr is equivalent to
// DataTransferEndpoint(kDefault, true). Both specify the same types of
// endpoints (not a URL/ARC++/...etc, and should show a notification to the user
// if the data read is not allowed.)
// In case DataTransferEndpoint is constructed from a RenderFrameHost object,
// please use the url of its main frame.
explicit DataTransferEndpoint(const GURL& url,
bool off_the_record = false,
bool notify_if_restricted = true);
// This constructor shouldn't be used if |type| == EndpointType::kUrl.
explicit DataTransferEndpoint(EndpointType type,
bool notify_if_restricted = true);
DataTransferEndpoint(const DataTransferEndpoint& other);
DataTransferEndpoint(DataTransferEndpoint&& other);
DataTransferEndpoint& operator=(const DataTransferEndpoint& other);
DataTransferEndpoint& operator=(DataTransferEndpoint&& other);
bool operator==(const DataTransferEndpoint& other) const;
bool operator!=(const DataTransferEndpoint& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool IsUrlType() const { return type_ == EndpointType::kUrl; }
const GURL* GetURL() const;
EndpointType type() const { return type_; }
bool off_the_record() const { return off_the_record_; }
bool notify_if_restricted() const { return notify_if_restricted_; }
// Returns true if both of the endpoints have the same url_ and type_ ==
// kUrl.
bool IsSameURLWith(const DataTransferEndpoint& other) const;
// This variable should always have a value representing the object type.
EndpointType type_;
// The URL of the data endpoint. It always has a value if `type_` ==
// EndpointType::kUrl, otherwise it's empty.
std::optional<GURL> url_;
// Whether the endpoint corresponds to an OTR browser context. This should
// only be set to true for `EndpointType::kUrl` endpoints.
bool off_the_record_ = false;
// This variable should be set to true, if paste is initiated by the user.
// Otherwise it should be set to false, so the user won't see a notification
// when the data is restricted by the rules of data leak prevention policy
// and something in the background is trying to access it.
bool notify_if_restricted_ = true;
} // namespace ui