[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 105e04a7067dfbb73a6a49d65107171a0473819e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/layers/draw_mode.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_collections.h"
#include "cc/trees/occlusion.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_render_pass.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/shared_quad_state.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/subtree_capture_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/mask_filter_info.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace cc {
class AppendQuadsData;
class DamageTracker;
class FilterOperations;
class Occlusion;
class LayerImpl;
class LayerTreeImpl;
class PictureLayerImpl;
class CC_EXPORT RenderSurfaceImpl {
RenderSurfaceImpl(LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl, uint64_t stable_id);
RenderSurfaceImpl(const RenderSurfaceImpl&) = delete;
virtual ~RenderSurfaceImpl();
RenderSurfaceImpl& operator=(const RenderSurfaceImpl&) = delete;
// Returns the RenderSurfaceImpl that this render surface contributes to. Root
// render surface's render_target is itself.
RenderSurfaceImpl* render_target();
const RenderSurfaceImpl* render_target() const;
// Returns the rect that encloses the RenderSurfaceImpl including any
// reflection.
gfx::RectF DrawableContentRect() const;
void SetDrawOpacity(float opacity) {
draw_properties_.draw_opacity = opacity;
float draw_opacity() const { return draw_properties_.draw_opacity; }
void SetMaskFilterInfo(const gfx::MaskFilterInfo& mask_filter_info) {
draw_properties_.mask_filter_info = mask_filter_info;
const gfx::MaskFilterInfo& mask_filter_info() const {
return draw_properties_.mask_filter_info;
SkBlendMode BlendMode() const;
void SetNearestOcclusionImmuneAncestor(const RenderSurfaceImpl* surface) {
nearest_occlusion_immune_ancestor_ = surface;
const RenderSurfaceImpl* nearest_occlusion_immune_ancestor() const {
return nearest_occlusion_immune_ancestor_;
SkColor GetDebugBorderColor() const;
float GetDebugBorderWidth() const;
void SetDrawTransform(const gfx::Transform& draw_transform) {
draw_properties_.draw_transform = draw_transform;
const gfx::Transform& draw_transform() const {
return draw_properties_.draw_transform;
void SetScreenSpaceTransform(const gfx::Transform& screen_space_transform) {
draw_properties_.screen_space_transform = screen_space_transform;
const gfx::Transform& screen_space_transform() const {
return draw_properties_.screen_space_transform;
void SetIsClipped(bool is_clipped) {
draw_properties_.is_clipped = is_clipped;
bool is_clipped() const { return draw_properties_.is_clipped; }
void SetClipRect(const gfx::Rect& clip_rect);
gfx::Rect clip_rect() const { return draw_properties_.clip_rect; }
// When false, the RenderSurface does not contribute to another target
// RenderSurface that is being drawn for the current frame. It could still be
// drawn to as a target, but its output will not be a part of any other
// surface.
bool contributes_to_drawn_surface() const {
return contributes_to_drawn_surface_;
void set_contributes_to_drawn_surface(bool contributes_to_drawn_surface) {
contributes_to_drawn_surface_ = contributes_to_drawn_surface;
void set_has_contributing_layer_that_escapes_clip(
bool contributing_layer_escapes_clip) {
has_contributing_layer_that_escapes_clip_ = contributing_layer_escapes_clip;
bool has_contributing_layer_that_escapes_clip() const {
return has_contributing_layer_that_escapes_clip_;
void set_is_render_surface_list_member(bool is_render_surface_list_member) {
is_render_surface_list_member_ = is_render_surface_list_member;
bool is_render_surface_list_member() const {
return is_render_surface_list_member_;
void set_intersects_damage_under(bool intersects_damage_under) {
intersects_damage_under_ = intersects_damage_under;
bool intersects_damage_under() const { return intersects_damage_under_; }
void CalculateContentRectFromAccumulatedContentRect(int max_texture_size);
void SetContentRectToViewport();
void SetContentRectForTesting(const gfx::Rect& rect);
gfx::Rect content_rect() const { return draw_properties_.content_rect; }
void ClearAccumulatedContentRect();
void AccumulateContentRectFromContributingLayer(
LayerImpl* contributing_layer);
void AccumulateContentRectFromContributingRenderSurface(
RenderSurfaceImpl* contributing_surface);
gfx::Rect accumulated_content_rect() const {
return accumulated_content_rect_;
void increment_num_contributors() { num_contributors_++; }
void decrement_num_contributors() {
DCHECK_GE(num_contributors_, 0);
void reset_num_contributors() { num_contributors_ = 0; }
int num_contributors() const { return num_contributors_; }
const Occlusion& occlusion_in_content_space() const {
return occlusion_in_content_space_;
void set_occlusion_in_content_space(const Occlusion& occlusion) {
occlusion_in_content_space_ = occlusion;
uint64_t id() const { return stable_id_; }
viz::CompositorRenderPassId render_pass_id() const {
return viz::CompositorRenderPassId{id()};
bool HasMaskingContributingSurface() const;
const FilterOperations& Filters() const;
const FilterOperations& BackdropFilters() const;
base::Optional<gfx::RRectF> BackdropFilterBounds() const;
LayerImpl* BackdropMaskLayer() const;
gfx::Transform SurfaceScale() const;
bool TrilinearFiltering() const;
bool HasCopyRequest() const;
viz::SubtreeCaptureId SubtreeCaptureId() const;
bool ShouldCacheRenderSurface() const;
// Returns true if it's required to copy the output of this surface (i.e. when
// it has copy requests, should be cached, or has a valid subtree capture ID),
// and should be e.g. immune from occlusion, etc. Returns false otherise.
bool CopyOfOutputRequired() const;
void ResetPropertyChangedFlags();
bool SurfacePropertyChanged() const;
bool SurfacePropertyChangedOnlyFromDescendant() const;
bool AncestorPropertyChanged() const;
void NoteAncestorPropertyChanged();
bool HasDamageFromeContributingContent() const;
DamageTracker* damage_tracker() const { return damage_tracker_.get(); }
gfx::Rect GetDamageRect() const;
std::unique_ptr<viz::CompositorRenderPass> CreateRenderPass();
viz::ResourceId GetMaskResourceFromLayer(PictureLayerImpl* mask_layer,
gfx::Size* mask_texture_size,
gfx::RectF* mask_uv_rect) const;
void AppendQuads(DrawMode draw_mode,
viz::CompositorRenderPass* render_pass,
AppendQuadsData* append_quads_data);
int TransformTreeIndex() const;
int ClipTreeIndex() const;
void set_effect_tree_index(int index) { effect_tree_index_ = index; }
int EffectTreeIndex() const;
const EffectNode* OwningEffectNode() const;
void SetContentRect(const gfx::Rect& content_rect);
gfx::Rect CalculateClippedAccumulatedContentRect();
gfx::Rect CalculateExpandedClipForFilters(
const gfx::Transform& target_to_surface);
void TileMaskLayer(viz::CompositorRenderPass* render_pass,
viz::SharedQuadState* shared_quad_state,
const gfx::Rect& unoccluded_content_rect);
LayerTreeImpl* layer_tree_impl_;
uint64_t stable_id_;
int effect_tree_index_;
// Container for properties that render surfaces need to compute before they
// can be drawn.
struct DrawProperties {
float draw_opacity;
// Transforms from the surface's own space to the space of its target
// surface.
gfx::Transform draw_transform;
// Transforms from the surface's own space to the viewport.
gfx::Transform screen_space_transform;
// This is in the surface's own space.
gfx::Rect content_rect;
// This is in the space of the surface's target surface.
gfx::Rect clip_rect;
// True if the surface needs to be clipped by clip_rect.
bool is_clipped : 1;
// Contains a mask information applied to the layer. The coordinates is in
// the target space of the render surface. The root render surface will
// never have this set.
gfx::MaskFilterInfo mask_filter_info;
DrawProperties draw_properties_;
// Is used to calculate the content rect from property trees.
gfx::Rect accumulated_content_rect_;
int num_contributors_;
// Is used to decide if the surface is clipped.
bool has_contributing_layer_that_escapes_clip_ : 1;
bool surface_property_changed_ : 1;
bool ancestor_property_changed_ : 1;
bool contributes_to_drawn_surface_ : 1;
bool is_render_surface_list_member_ : 1;
bool intersects_damage_under_ : 1;
Occlusion occlusion_in_content_space_;
// The nearest ancestor target surface that will contain the contents of this
// surface, and that ignores outside occlusion. This can point to itself.
const RenderSurfaceImpl* nearest_occlusion_immune_ancestor_;
std::unique_ptr<DamageTracker> damage_tracker_;
} // namespace cc