[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 65edbca03b1b227ca06071196411191390de6570 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/element_id.h"
#include "cc/paint/filter_operations.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/subtree_capture_id.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/mask_filter_info.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rrect_f.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace cc {
enum class RenderSurfaceReason : uint8_t {
// Defines the scope of the backdrop for child blend mode or backdrop filter.
// This must be the last value because it's used in tracing code to know the
// number of reasons.
CC_EXPORT const char* RenderSurfaceReasonToString(RenderSurfaceReason);
struct CC_EXPORT EffectNode {
EffectNode(const EffectNode& other);
enum StableIdLabels { INVALID_STABLE_ID = 0 };
// The node index of this node in the effect tree node vector.
int id;
// The node index of the parent node in the effect tree node vector.
int parent_id;
// An opaque, unique, stable identifer for this effect that persists across
// frame commits. This id is used only for internal implementation
// details such as RenderSurface and RenderPass ids, and should not
// be assumed to have semantic meaning.
uint64_t stable_id;
float opacity;
float screen_space_opacity;
FilterOperations filters;
FilterOperations backdrop_filters;
base::Optional<gfx::RRectF> backdrop_filter_bounds;
float backdrop_filter_quality;
gfx::PointF filters_origin;
// The element id corresponding to the mask to apply to the filtered backdrop
// image.
ElementId backdrop_mask_element_id;
// The mask filter information applied to this effect node. The coordinates of
// in the mask info is in the space of the transform node associated with this
// effect node.
gfx::MaskFilterInfo mask_filter_info;
SkBlendMode blend_mode;
gfx::Vector2dF surface_contents_scale;
viz::SubtreeCaptureId subtree_capture_id;
bool cache_render_surface : 1;
bool has_copy_request : 1;
bool hidden_by_backface_visibility : 1;
// Whether the contents should continue to be visible when rotated such that
// its back face is facing toward the camera. It's true by default.
bool double_sided : 1;
bool trilinear_filtering : 1;
bool is_drawn : 1;
// In most cases we only need to draw the visible part of any content
// contributing to the effect. For copy request case, we would need to copy
// the entire content, and could not only draw the visible part. In the rare
// case of a backdrop zoom filter we need to take into consideration the
// content offscreen to make sure the backdrop zoom filter is applied with the
// correct center.
bool only_draws_visible_content : 1;
// TODO(jaydasika) : Delete this after implementation of
// SetHideLayerAndSubtree is cleaned up. (crbug.com/595843)
bool subtree_hidden : 1;
// Whether this node has a potentially running (i.e., irrespective
// of exact timeline) filter animation.
bool has_potential_filter_animation : 1;
// Whether this node has a potentially running (i.e., irrespective
// of exact timeline) backdrop-filter animation.
bool has_potential_backdrop_filter_animation : 1;
// Whether this node has a potentially running (i.e., irrespective
// of exact timeline) opacity animation.
bool has_potential_opacity_animation : 1;
// Whether this node has a currently running filter animation.
bool is_currently_animating_filter : 1;
// Whether this node has a currently running backdrop-filter animation.
bool is_currently_animating_backdrop_filter : 1;
// Whether this node has a currently running opacity animation.
bool is_currently_animating_opacity : 1;
// Whether this node has a child node with kDstIn blend mode.
bool has_masking_child : 1;
// Whether this node's effect has been changed since the last
// frame. Needed in order to compute damage rect.
bool effect_changed : 1;
bool subtree_has_copy_request : 1;
// If set, the effect node tries to not trigger a render surface due to it
// having a rounded corner.
bool is_fast_rounded_corner : 1;
// If the node or it's parent has the filters, it sets to true.
bool node_or_ancestor_has_filters : 1;
// All node in the subtree starting from the containing render surface, and
// before the backdrop filter node in pre tree order.
// This is set and used for the impl-side effect tree only.
bool affected_by_backdrop_filter: 1;
// RenderSurfaceReason::kNone if this effect node should not create a render
// surface, or the reason that this effect node should create one.
RenderSurfaceReason render_surface_reason;
// The transform node index of the transform to apply to this effect
// node's content when rendering to a surface.
int transform_id;
// The clip node index of the clip to apply to this effect node's
// content when rendering to a surface.
int clip_id;
// This is the id of the ancestor effect node that induces a
// RenderSurfaceImpl.
// This is set and used for the impl-side effect tree only.
int target_id;
int closest_ancestor_with_cached_render_surface_id;
int closest_ancestor_with_copy_request_id;
int closest_ancestor_being_captured_id;
bool HasRenderSurface() const {
return render_surface_reason != RenderSurfaceReason::kNone;
bool operator==(const EffectNode& other) const;
void AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* value) const;
} // namespace cc