[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f684bb3b9264b72db05e841368d1fd2eb54c6a53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: Remove this unused include once no other file indirectly depends on it.
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
namespace base::internal {
// A token that identifies a series of sequenced work items (i.e. tasks, native
// message handlers, code blocks running outside or a `RunLoop`, etc. that are
// mutually exclusive).
class BASE_EXPORT SequenceToken {
// Instantiates an invalid SequenceToken.
constexpr SequenceToken() = default;
// Explicitly allow copy.
SequenceToken(const SequenceToken& other) = default;
SequenceToken& operator=(const SequenceToken& other) = default;
// An invalid SequenceToken is not equal to any other SequenceToken, including
// other invalid SequenceTokens.
bool operator==(const SequenceToken& other) const;
bool operator!=(const SequenceToken& other) const;
// Returns true if this is a valid SequenceToken.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns the integer uniquely representing this SequenceToken. This method
// should only be used for tracing and debugging.
int ToInternalValue() const;
// Returns a valid SequenceToken which isn't equal to any previously returned
// SequenceToken.
static SequenceToken Create();
// Returns the `SequenceToken` for the work item currently running on this
// thread. A valid and unique `SequenceToken` is assigned to each thread. It
// can be overridden in a scope with `TaskScope`.
static SequenceToken GetForCurrentThread();
explicit SequenceToken(int token) : token_(token) {}
static constexpr int kInvalidSequenceToken = -1;
int token_ = kInvalidSequenceToken;
// A token that identifies a task.
// This is used by ThreadCheckerImpl to determine whether calls to
// CalledOnValidThread() come from the same task and hence are deterministically
// single-threaded (vs. calls coming from different sequenced or parallel tasks,
// which may or may not run on the same thread).
class BASE_EXPORT TaskToken {
// Instantiates an invalid TaskToken.
constexpr TaskToken() = default;
// Explicitly allow copy.
TaskToken(const TaskToken& other) = default;
TaskToken& operator=(const TaskToken& other) = default;
// An invalid TaskToken is not equal to any other TaskToken, including
// other invalid TaskTokens.
bool operator==(const TaskToken& other) const;
bool operator!=(const TaskToken& other) const;
// Returns true if this is a valid TaskToken.
bool IsValid() const;
// In the scope of a `TaskScope`, returns a valid `TaskToken` which isn't
// equal to any `TaskToken` returned in the scope of a different `TaskScope`.
// Otherwise, returns an invalid `TaskToken`.
static TaskToken GetForCurrentThread();
friend class TaskScope;
explicit TaskToken(int token) : token_(token) {}
// Returns a valid `TaskToken` which isn't equal to any previously returned
// `TaskToken`. Private as it is only meant to be instantiated by `TaskScope`.
static TaskToken Create();
static constexpr int kInvalidTaskToken = -1;
int token_ = kInvalidTaskToken;
// Returns true if a thread checker bound in a different task than the current
// one but on the same sequence and thread may return true from
// `CalledOnValidSequence()`.
bool BASE_EXPORT CurrentTaskIsThreadBound();
// Identifies a scope in which a task runs.
class BASE_EXPORT [[maybe_unused, nodiscard]] TaskScope {
// `sequence_token` identifies the series of mutually exclusive work items
// that this task is part of (may be unique if this task isn't mutually
// exclusive with any other work item). `is_thread_bound` sets the value
// returned by `CurrentTaskIsThreadBound()` within the scope.
explicit TaskScope(SequenceToken sequence_token, bool is_thread_bound);
TaskScope(const TaskScope&) = delete;
TaskScope& operator=(const TaskScope&) = delete;
const TaskToken previous_task_token_;
const SequenceToken previous_sequence_token_;
const bool previous_task_is_thread_bound_;
} // namespace base::internal