[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c1beb3bacdf1ca435d0eff1f0d00dc954bea5675 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: grpc-java
URL: https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Version: v1.49.0
Revision: dfbdfe82278a717896fac584fe0dd090493cd6a4
Security Critical: yes
Shipped: no
This directory contains build rules and the grpc-java protoc plugin source code.
The gRPC runtime lives in //third_party/android_deps/libs/io_grpc_grpc_*
Please note that the use of gRPC is not generally allowed within Chromium.
Before integrating with this library, consult with the security team.
See go/chrome-grpc-advice for more details.
The only currently allowed use case is for inter-app communication in android
using on-device binder channel transport.
Steps to upgrade:
- Follow the instructions in //third_party/android_deps/README.md to update the
- Download the source code of the same version and copy the files from
<grpc-java root>/compiler/src/java_plugin/cpp/ to
- You might need to update the compiler plugin's build configuration
(//third_party/grpc-java/BUILD), for example if files were added or renamed.
- Update this file (README.chromium) with the new metadata (version, revision,
source url and SHA-512 hash).
Source: https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/archive/refs/tags/v1.49.0.tar.gz
SHA-512: ff65a31246566ceb3a4dd9d5a2245693a74e46e8f9d7d47ba55a8ed08ab6e77a8260fdce6c3a4e3357463e5deb120bdb21f895e9a8a3414fd4779b1814710d95