[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 44c28dc1ee7845433f67db566de51829c8b6c49c [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Java Development Kit
Short Name: JDK
URL: https://openjdk.java.net/
Version: 17
License: GPL v2
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software development environment used for
developing Java applications and applets. (linux-x64)
Check Current Version:
* run ./print_version.sh
* Find the tag that looks like `version:2@<jdk version>.<md5 hash>`
* The version is the <jdk version> part of the tag.
This Package is Auto-Rolled:
* Minor versions are auto-rolled.
* New instances are uploaded by the packager bot:
* The bot autoruns every 6 hours. Ping a trooper or a clank-build-core@ dev to
trigger it if you need it sooner:
* New packages are rolled automatically by:
To roll to a new JDK major version:
* Test locally that builds (with Errorprone enabled) work.
* Get confiramtion from chops-source-team@google.com that Kythe supports the new version.
* Change the package in 3pp/fetch.py
* Pause the auto-roller
* Wait for the 3pp packager to create a new package
* Land a manual roll:
* Update Instance ID in //DEPS
* Update Version: at the top of this file.
Local Modifications: