| Name: R8 |
| URL: https://r8.googlesource.com/r8 |
| Version: unknown |
| License: BSD 3-Clause |
| License File: LICENSE |
| Security Critical: no |
| Shipped: no |
| |
| Description: |
| R8 is a whole-program optimizer and dexer. It takes in .class files and outputs |
| .dex files. |
| |
| Directory overview: |
| * lib/r8.jar |
| * The copy of R8 that is used for proguarding. |
| * Updated daily by an auto-roller. |
| * d8/lib/r8.jar |
| * The copy of R8 that is used for dexing. |
| * Updated manually (and infrequently) in order to avoid having to re-dex all |
| library targets every day. |
| * 3pp |
| * Contains code for 3pp-linux-amd64-packager to package and upload new |
| versions of r8. |
| * print_version.sh |
| * Print the R8 commit for the current version.sh. |
| |
| Local Modifications: |
| * Refer to commit descriptions within "3pp/patches" directory. |
| * Added "playground" directory for quick "how does this optimize" tests. |
| * Added "dump_inputs.py" and "print_version.sh" scripts. |
| * Added "java/src/org/chromium/build/CustomD8.java", custom_d8.jar, and BUILD.gn. |
| * Used in "build/android/gyp/dex.py" to enable desugar dependencies. |
| |
| Update Instructions: |
| * For the custom r8/d8 jar: |
| * This is required only when Custom{R,D}8.java changes. |
| * Uncomment the flag --skip-custom-d8 in internal_rules.gni to avoid depending |
| on the previously built custom_d8.jar. |
| autoninja -C out/Debug third_party/r8:custom_r8_java |
| cp out/Debug/obj/third_party/r8/custom_r8_java.javac.jar third_party/r8/custom_r8.jar |
| OR |
| autoninja -C out/Debug third_party/r8:custom_d8_java |
| cp out/Debug/obj/third_party/r8/custom_d8_java.javac.jar third_party/r8/custom_d8.jar |
| |
| * For r8: |
| * R8 is built daily and uploaded to CIPD. |
| * New instances are uploaded by the packager bot: |
| https://ci.chromium.org/p/chromium/builders/ci/3pp-linux-amd64-packager |
| * The bot autoruns every 6 hours. Ping a trooper or a clank build core dev to |
| trigger it if you need it sooner: |
| https://luci-scheduler.appspot.com/jobs/chromium/3pp-linux-amd64-packager |
| * The autoroller runs automatically when a new cipd instance is uploaded. |
| * Since r8 rolls affect downstream, the roller is only accessible to Googlers. |
| * See its status here: https://skia-autoroll.corp.goog/r/r8-chromium |
| |
| * If patching fails: |
| git clone https://r8.googlesource.com/r8 |
| cd r8 |
| * Pull the latest code: |
| git pull |
| * Apply patches: |
| git checkout -b my_branch |
| git am $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/3pp/patches/*.patch |
| * Fix patch conflicts. |
| * Save new patches. Change number if expecting more or fewer patches: |
| rm $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/3pp/patches/* |
| git format-patch origin/main..HEAD -o $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/3pp/patches |
| * Submit these fixed patches and the bot will automatically retry. |
| |
| * Local development (see above for setting up the r8 repo and applying patches): |
| * Build |
| tools/gradle.py r8 |
| * Shrink (improves r8/d8 launch time): |
| java -jar build/libs/r8.jar --debug --classfile --output r8.jar \ |
| --lib $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/jdk/current --pg-conf src/main/keep.txt \ |
| --no-minification --no-desugaring build/libs/r8.jar |
| mv $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar{,.bak} |
| cp r8.jar $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar |
| |
| * Update backported methods list (used by lint): |
| java -cp third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar com.android.tools.r8.BackportedMethodList --min-api 24 > third_party/r8/backported_methods.txt |
| |
| How to file bugs against R8: |
| * Copy & paste the failing ninja command (starts with proguard.py), and add --dump-inputs. |
| * On siso you may need to find it at the beginning of `out/<Directory>/siso_output`. |
| * This also works for dex.py, it produces d8inputs.zip |
| * As a shortcut: third_party/r8/dump_inputs.py out/Release/apks/ChromePublic.apk.mapping |
| * File bug at go/r8bug |
| * Things to include (use discretion if some are not relevant): |
| * src revision bug reproduces at |
| * Repro steps (gn gen & autoninja commands) |
| * Prefer enable_chrome_android_internal=false |
| * The r8inputs.zip from --dump-inputs |
| * Any relevant dexdump analysis |
| |
| Example R8 git-bisect script: |
| ``` |
| set -x |
| CHROMIUM_SRC=/media/mheikal/code/clankium/src |
| tools/gradle.py r8 || exit -1 |
| chmod +r $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar |
| rm -f $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar |
| cp build/libs/r8.jar $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar |
| |
| exec tools/autotest.py --out-dir out/Release <Test Here> |
| ``` |
| |
| You can run this script like so: |
| ``` |
| cd $R8_REPO |
| git bisect start <known_good_rev> <known_bad_rev> |
| git bisect run <path_to_script.sh> |
| ``` |
| Tip: When you are done, you can delete the r8 jar and gclient sync to get back |
| to ToT R8. |
| `rm -f $CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/r8/lib/r8.jar && gclient sync` |
| |
| How to submit CLs to R8: |
| * Request to be added to their allowlist in order to upload CLs. |
| * After CLs are submitted, check the bots for build breakage. |
| * https://ci.chromium.org/p/r8/g/main_all/console |