[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 58538f4b56065f0ae66b6fa3e19b1633181a4621 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
struct AccessibilityDocInfo {
bool operator==(const AccessibilityDocInfo& other) const;
bool operator!=(const AccessibilityDocInfo& other) const;
uint32_t page_count = 0;
bool text_accessible = false;
bool text_copyable = false;
struct AccessibilityPageInfo {
uint32_t page_index = 0;
gfx::Rect bounds;
uint32_t text_run_count = 0;
uint32_t char_count = 0;
// TODO(crbug.com/1144444): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in PP_TextRenderingMode.
// See PDF Reference 1.7, page 402, table 5.3.
enum class AccessibilityTextRenderMode {
kUnknown = -1,
kFill = 0,
kStroke = 1,
kFillStroke = 2,
kInvisible = 3,
kFillClip = 4,
kStrokeClip = 5,
kFillStrokeClip = 6,
kClip = 7,
kMaxValue = kClip,
struct AccessibilityTextStyleInfo {
AccessibilityTextStyleInfo(const std::string& font_name,
int font_weight,
AccessibilityTextRenderMode render_mode,
float font_size,
uint32_t fill_color,
uint32_t stroke_color,
bool is_italic,
bool is_bold);
AccessibilityTextStyleInfo(const AccessibilityTextStyleInfo& other);
std::string font_name;
int font_weight = 0;
AccessibilityTextRenderMode render_mode =
float font_size = 0.0f;
// Colors are ARGB.
uint32_t fill_color = 0;
uint32_t stroke_color = 0;
bool is_italic = false;
bool is_bold = false;
// TODO(crbug.com/1144444): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in PP_PrivateDirection.
enum class AccessibilityTextDirection {
kNone = 0,
kLeftToRight = 1,
kRightToLeft = 2,
kTopToBottom = 3,
kBottomToTop = 4,
kMaxValue = kBottomToTop,
struct AccessibilityTextRunInfo {
AccessibilityTextRunInfo(uint32_t len,
const gfx::RectF& bounds,
AccessibilityTextDirection direction,
const AccessibilityTextStyleInfo& style);
AccessibilityTextRunInfo(const AccessibilityTextRunInfo& other);
uint32_t len = 0;
gfx::RectF bounds;
AccessibilityTextDirection direction = AccessibilityTextDirection::kNone;
AccessibilityTextStyleInfo style;
struct AccessibilityCharInfo {
uint32_t unicode_character = 0;
double char_width = 0.0;
struct AccessibilityTextRunRangeInfo {
// Index of the starting text run of the annotation in the collection of all
// text runs in the page.
size_t index = 0;
// Count of the text runs spanning the annotation.
uint32_t count = 0;
struct AccessibilityLinkInfo {
AccessibilityLinkInfo(const std::string& url,
uint32_t index_in_page,
const gfx::RectF& bounds,
const AccessibilityTextRunRangeInfo& text_range);
AccessibilityLinkInfo(const AccessibilityLinkInfo& other);
// URL of the link.
std::string url;
// Index of this link in the collection of links in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page = 0;
// Bounding box of the link.
gfx::RectF bounds;
AccessibilityTextRunRangeInfo text_range;
struct AccessibilityImageInfo {
AccessibilityImageInfo(const std::string& alt_text,
uint32_t text_run_index,
const gfx::RectF& bounds);
AccessibilityImageInfo(const AccessibilityImageInfo& other);
// Alternate text for the image provided by PDF.
std::string alt_text;
// We anchor the image to a char index, this denotes the text run before
// which the image should be inserted in the accessibility tree. The text run
// at this index should contain the anchor char index.
uint32_t text_run_index = 0;
// Bounding box of the image.
gfx::RectF bounds;
struct AccessibilityHighlightInfo {
AccessibilityHighlightInfo(const std::string& note_text,
uint32_t index_in_page,
uint32_t color,
const gfx::RectF& bounds,
const AccessibilityTextRunRangeInfo& text_range);
AccessibilityHighlightInfo(const AccessibilityHighlightInfo& other);
// Represents the text of the associated popup note, if present.
std::string note_text;
// Index of this highlight in the collection of highlights in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page = 0;
// Color of the highlight in ARGB. Alpha is stored in the first 8 MSBs. RGB
// follows after it with each using 8 bytes.
uint32_t color = 0;
// Bounding box of the highlight.
gfx::RectF bounds;
AccessibilityTextRunRangeInfo text_range;
struct AccessibilityTextFieldInfo {
AccessibilityTextFieldInfo(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
bool is_read_only,
bool is_required,
bool is_password,
uint32_t index_in_page,
uint32_t text_run_index,
const gfx::RectF& bounds);
AccessibilityTextFieldInfo(const AccessibilityTextFieldInfo& other);
// Represents the name property of text field, if present.
std::string name;
// Represents the value property of text field, if present.
std::string value;
// Represents if the text field is non-editable.
bool is_read_only = false;
// Represents if the field should have value at the time it is exported by a
// submit form action.
bool is_required = false;
// Represents if the text field is a password text field type.
bool is_password = false;
// Index of this text field in the collection of text fields in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page = 0;
// We anchor the text field to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the text field should be inserted in the accessibility tree.
uint32_t text_run_index = 0;
// Bounding box of the text field.
gfx::RectF bounds;
struct AccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo {
// Represents the name property of choice field option.
std::string name;
// Represents if a choice field option is selected or not.
bool is_selected = false;
// Bounding box of the choice field option.
gfx::RectF bounds;
// TODO(crbug.com/702993): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in
// PP_PrivateChoiceFieldType.
enum class ChoiceFieldType {
kListBox = 0,
kComboBox = 1,
kMinValue = kListBox,
kMaxValue = kComboBox,
struct AccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo {
const std::string& name,
const std::vector<AccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo>& options,
ChoiceFieldType type,
bool is_read_only,
bool is_multi_select,
bool has_editable_text_box,
uint32_t index_in_page,
uint32_t text_run_index,
const gfx::RectF& bounds);
AccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo(const AccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo& other);
// Represents the name property of choice field, if present.
std::string name;
// Represents list of options in choice field, if present.
std::vector<AccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo> options;
// Represents type of choice field.
ChoiceFieldType type;
// Represents if the choice field is non-editable.
bool is_read_only = false;
// Represents if the choice field is multi-selectable.
bool is_multi_select = false;
// Represents if the choice field includes an editable text box.
bool has_editable_text_box = false;
// Index of this choice field in the collection of choice fields in the
// page.
uint32_t index_in_page = 0;
// We anchor the choice field to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the choice field should be inserted in the accessibility
// tree.
uint32_t text_run_index = 0;
// Bounding box of the choice field.
gfx::RectF bounds;
// TODO(crbug.com/702993): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in PP_PrivateButtonType.
enum class ButtonType {
kPushButton = 1,
kCheckBox = 2,
kRadioButton = 3,
kMinValue = kPushButton,
kMaxValue = kRadioButton,
struct AccessibilityButtonInfo {
AccessibilityButtonInfo(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
ButtonType type,
bool is_read_only,
bool is_checked,
uint32_t control_count,
uint32_t control_index,
uint32_t index_in_page,
uint32_t text_run_index,
const gfx::RectF& bounds);
AccessibilityButtonInfo(const AccessibilityButtonInfo& other);
// Represents the name property of button, if present.
std::string name;
// Represents the value property of button, if present.
std::string value;
// Represents the button type.
ButtonType type;
// Represents if the button is non-editable.
bool is_read_only = false;
// Represents if the radio button or check box is checked or not.
bool is_checked = false;
// Represents count of controls in the control group. A group of interactive
// form annotations is collectively called a form control group. Here, an
// interactive form annotation, should be either a radio button or a
// checkbox. Value of `control_count` is >= 1.
uint32_t control_count = 0;
// Represents index of the control in the control group. A group of
// interactive form annotations is collectively called a form control group.
// Here, an interactive form annotation, should be either a radio button or
// a checkbox. Value of `control_index` should always be less than
// `control_count`.
uint32_t control_index = 0;
// Index of this button in the collection of buttons in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page = 0;
// We anchor the button to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the button should be inserted in the accessibility tree.
uint32_t text_run_index = 0;
// Bounding box of the button.
gfx::RectF bounds;
struct AccessibilityFormFieldInfo {
const std::vector<AccessibilityTextFieldInfo>& text_fields,
const std::vector<AccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo>& choice_fields,
const std::vector<AccessibilityButtonInfo>& buttons);
AccessibilityFormFieldInfo(const AccessibilityFormFieldInfo& other);
std::vector<AccessibilityTextFieldInfo> text_fields;
std::vector<AccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo> choice_fields;
std::vector<AccessibilityButtonInfo> buttons;
struct AccessibilityPageObjects {
const std::vector<AccessibilityLinkInfo>& links,
const std::vector<AccessibilityImageInfo>& images,
const std::vector<AccessibilityHighlightInfo>& highlights,
const AccessibilityFormFieldInfo& form_fields);
AccessibilityPageObjects(const AccessibilityPageObjects& other);
std::vector<AccessibilityLinkInfo> links;
std::vector<AccessibilityImageInfo> images;
std::vector<AccessibilityHighlightInfo> highlights;
AccessibilityFormFieldInfo form_fields;
// TODO(crbug.com/702993): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in
// PP_PrivateFocusObjectType.
enum class FocusObjectType {
kNone = 0,
kDocument = 1,
kLink = 2,
kHighlight = 3,
kTextField = 4,
kMaxValue = kTextField,
struct AccessibilityFocusInfo {
FocusObjectType focused_object_type = FocusObjectType::kNone;
uint32_t focused_object_page_index = 0;
uint32_t focused_annotation_index_in_page = 0;
struct AccessibilityViewportInfo {
double zoom = 0.0;
double scale = 0.0;
gfx::Point scroll;
gfx::Point offset;
uint32_t selection_start_page_index = 0;
uint32_t selection_start_char_index = 0;
uint32_t selection_end_page_index = 0;
uint32_t selection_end_char_index = 0;
AccessibilityFocusInfo focus_info;
// TODO(crbug.com/702993): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in
// PP_PdfAccessibilityAction.
enum class AccessibilityAction {
// No action specified.
kNone = 0,
// Invoke the rect to scroll into the viewport.
kScrollToMakeVisible = 1,
// Invoke the default action on a node.
kDoDefaultAction = 2,
// Invoke the global point to scroll into the viewport.
kScrollToGlobalPoint = 3,
// Set the text selection.
kSetSelection = 4,
// Last enum value marker.
kMaxValue = kSetSelection,
// TODO(crbug.com/702993): Remove next line comment after PDF migrates away
// from Pepper.
// Explicitly set all enum values to match enum values in
// PP_PdfAccessibilityAnnotationType.
enum class AccessibilityAnnotationType {
// No annotation type defined.
kNone = 0,
// Link annotation.
kLink = 1,
// Last enum value marker.
kMaxValue = kLink,
enum class AccessibilityScrollAlignment {
// No scroll alignment specified.
kNone = 0,
// Scroll the point to the center of the viewport.
// Scroll the point to the top of the viewport.
// Scroll the point to the bottom of the viewport.
// Scroll the point to the left of the viewport.
// Scroll the point to the right of the viewport.
// Scroll the point to the closest edge of the viewport.
// Last enum value marker.
kMaxValue = kClosestToEdge,
struct PageCharacterIndex {
// Index of PDF page.
uint32_t page_index = 0;
// Index of character within the PDF page.
uint32_t char_index = 0;
struct AccessibilityActionData {
AccessibilityAction action,
AccessibilityAnnotationType annotation_type,
const gfx::Point& target_point,
const gfx::Rect& target_rect,
uint32_t annotation_index,
uint32_t page_index,
AccessibilityScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment,
AccessibilityScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment,
const PageCharacterIndex& selection_start_index,
const PageCharacterIndex& selection_end_index);
AccessibilityActionData(const AccessibilityActionData& other);
// Accessibility action type.
AccessibilityAction action = AccessibilityAction::kNone;
// Annotation type on which the action is to be performed.
AccessibilityAnnotationType annotation_type =
// Target point on which the action is to be performed.
gfx::Point target_point;
// Target rect on which the action is to be performed.
gfx::Rect target_rect;
// Index of annotation in page.
uint32_t annotation_index = 0;
// Page index on which the link is present.
uint32_t page_index = 0;
// Horizontal scroll alignment with respect to the viewport
AccessibilityScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment =
// Vertical scroll alignment with respect to the viewport
AccessibilityScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment =
// Page and character index of start of selection.
PageCharacterIndex selection_start_index;
// Page and character index of exclusive end of selection.
PageCharacterIndex selection_end_index;
} // namespace chrome_pdf