[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e7167079b5c3aefece8715bbea4b9258e9fcf748 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_observer.h"
#include "ui/touch_selection/ui_touch_selection_export.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class Point;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ui {
class Layer;
// A magnifier which shows the text caret or selection endpoint during a touch
// selection session.
class UI_TOUCH_SELECTION_EXPORT TouchSelectionMagnifierAura
: public NativeThemeObserver {
TouchSelectionMagnifierAura(const TouchSelectionMagnifierAura&) = delete;
TouchSelectionMagnifierAura& operator=(const TouchSelectionMagnifierAura&) =
~TouchSelectionMagnifierAura() override;
// Shows the magnifier at the focus bound. Roughly, this is a line segment
// representing a caret position or selection endpoint and is generally
// vertical or horizontal (depending on text orientation). E.g. for a caret in
// horizontal text, `focus_start` is the top of the caret and `focus_end` is
// the bottom of the caret. These are specified in coordinates of the
// `parent` layer which the magnifier should be attached to.
void ShowFocusBound(Layer* parent,
const gfx::Point& focus_start,
const gfx::Point& focus_end);
// NativeThemeObserver:
void OnNativeThemeUpdated(NativeTheme* observed_theme) override;
// Returns the bounds of the zoomed contents in coordinates of the magnifier's
// parent layer. This is the bounding box of the source pixels that will be
// scaled and offset to fill the magnifier layer.
gfx::Rect GetZoomedContentsBoundsForTesting() const;
// Returns the bounds of the magnifier (i.e. where the zoomed content is drawn
// to), ignoring border and style padding.
gfx::Rect GetMagnifierBoundsForTesting() const;
const Layer* GetMagnifierParentForTesting() const;
class BorderRenderer;
void CreateMagnifierLayer();
// The magnifier layer is the parent of the zoom layer and border layer. The
// layer bounds should be updated when selection updates occur.
std::unique_ptr<Layer> magnifier_layer_;
// Draws the zoomed contents, i.e. the background with a zoom and offset
// filter applied.
std::unique_ptr<Layer> zoom_layer_;
// Draws the magnifier border and shadows. `border_layer_` must be ordered
// after `border_renderer_` so that it is destroyed before `border_renderer_`.
// Otherwise `border_layer_` will have a pointer to a deleted delegate.
std::unique_ptr<BorderRenderer> border_renderer_;
std::unique_ptr<Layer> border_layer_;
base::ScopedObservation<NativeTheme, NativeThemeObserver> theme_observation_{
} // namespace ui