[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 17119dfce5bcb38780c6f8c5f531503d6d8d2eff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
template <class StructType>
class JSONValueConverter;
} // namespace base
namespace google_apis {
namespace calendar {
// Parses a calendar list item from the response.
class SingleCalendar {
SingleCalendar(const SingleCalendar&);
SingleCalendar& operator=(const SingleCalendar&);
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in this
// class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<SingleCalendar>* converter);
// The Calendar ID
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
// The color ID of the calendar
const std::string& color_id() const { return color_id_; }
void set_color_id(const std::string& color_id) { color_id_ = color_id; }
// Indicates whether or not the calendar is selected.
bool selected() const { return selected_; }
void set_selected(bool selected) { selected_ = selected; }
// Indicates whether or not the calendar is the primary calendar.
bool primary() const { return primary_; }
void set_primary(bool primary) { primary_ = primary; }
// Return the approximate size of this calendar list item in bytes.
int GetApproximateSizeInBytes() const;
std::string id_;
std::string color_id_;
bool selected_ = false;
bool primary_ = false;
// Parses a list of calendars.
class CalendarList {
CalendarList(const CalendarList&) = delete;
CalendarList& operator=(const CalendarList&) = delete;
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in this
// class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<CalendarList>* converter);
// Creates CalendarList from parsed JSON.
static std::unique_ptr<CalendarList> CreateFrom(const base::Value& value);
// Returns ETag for this calendar list.
const std::string& etag() const { return etag_; }
// Returns the kind.
const std::string& kind() const { return kind_; }
void set_etag(const std::string& etag) { etag_ = etag; }
void set_kind(const std::string& kind) { kind_ = kind; }
// Returns a set of calendars.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SingleCalendar>>& items() const {
return items_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SingleCalendar>>* mutable_items() {
return &items_;
void InjectItemForTesting(std::unique_ptr<SingleCalendar> item);
std::string etag_;
std::string kind_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SingleCalendar>> items_;
// Parses the time field in the calendar Events.list response.
class DateTime {
DateTime(const DateTime&);
DateTime& operator=(const DateTime& src);
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in this
// class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<DateTime>* converter);
// Creates DateTime from parsed JSON.
static bool CreateDateTimeFromValue(const base::Value* value, DateTime* time);
const base::Time& date_time() const { return date_time_; }
void set_date_time(const base::Time& date_time) { date_time_ = date_time; }
base::Time date_time_;
// Parses the attachment field in the `CalendarEvent` response.
class Attachment {
Attachment(const Attachment&);
Attachment& operator=(const Attachment&);
Attachment(Attachment&&) noexcept;
Attachment& operator=(Attachment&&) noexcept;
// The title of the attachment (file name).
const std::string& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const std::string& title) { title_ = title; }
// The URL of the attachment.
const GURL& file_url() const { return file_url_; }
void set_file_url(const GURL& file_url) { file_url_ = file_url; }
// The URL of the attachment icon.
const GURL& icon_link() const { return icon_link_; }
void set_icon_link(const GURL& icon_link) { icon_link_ = icon_link; }
std::string title_;
GURL file_url_;
GURL icon_link_;
// Parses the event item from the response. Not every field is parsed. If you
// find the field you want to use is not parsed here, you will need to add it.
class CalendarEvent {
CalendarEvent(const CalendarEvent&);
CalendarEvent& operator=(const CalendarEvent&);
// Status of the event.
enum class EventStatus {
// The attendee's response status.
enum class ResponseStatus {
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in this
// class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<CalendarEvent>* converter);
// The ID of this Calendar Event.
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
// The title of the event (meeting's name).
const std::string& summary() const { return summary_; }
void set_summary(const std::string& summary) { summary_ = summary; }
// An absolute link to this event in the Google Calendar Web UI.
const std::string& html_link() const { return html_link_; }
void set_html_link(const std::string& link) { html_link_ = link; }
// The color id of the event.
const std::string& color_id() const { return color_id_; }
void set_color_id(const std::string& color_id) { color_id_ = color_id; }
// The status of the event.
EventStatus status() const { return status_; }
void set_status(EventStatus status) { status_ = status; }
// The self attendency response status of the event.
ResponseStatus self_response_status() const { return self_response_status_; }
void set_self_response_status(ResponseStatus self_response_status) {
self_response_status_ = self_response_status;
const DateTime& start_time() const { return start_time_; }
void set_start_time(const DateTime& start_time) { start_time_ = start_time; }
const DateTime& end_time() const { return end_time_; }
void set_end_time(const DateTime& end_time) { end_time_ = end_time; }
const bool& all_day_event() const { return all_day_event_; }
void set_all_day_event(const bool& all_day_event) {
all_day_event_ = all_day_event;
// Video conference URL, if one is attached to the event and using the
// conferenceData.uri field. This could be 1P like Google Meet or any 3P
// provider as long as they have integrated with the calendar API correctly.
GURL conference_data_uri() const { return conference_data_uri_; }
void set_conference_data_uri(const GURL& uri) { conference_data_uri_ = uri; }
// The attachments of each event, if any.
const std::vector<Attachment>& attachments() const { return attachments_; }
void set_attachments(std::vector<Attachment> attachments) {
attachments_ = std::move(attachments);
// Return the approximate size of this event, in bytes.
int GetApproximateSizeInBytes() const;
std::string id_;
std::string summary_;
std::string html_link_;
std::string color_id_;
EventStatus status_ = EventStatus::kUnknown;
ResponseStatus self_response_status_ = ResponseStatus::kUnknown;
DateTime start_time_;
DateTime end_time_;
bool all_day_event_ = false;
GURL conference_data_uri_;
std::vector<Attachment> attachments_;
// Parses a list of calendar events.
class EventList {
EventList(const EventList&) = delete;
EventList& operator=(const EventList&) = delete;
// Registers the mapping between JSON field names and the members in this
// class.
static void RegisterJSONConverter(
base::JSONValueConverter<EventList>* converter);
// Creates EventList from parsed JSON.
static std::unique_ptr<EventList> CreateFrom(const base::Value& value);
// Returns time zone.
const std::string& time_zone() const { return time_zone_; }
// Returns ETag for this calendar.
const std::string& etag() const { return etag_; }
// Returns the kind.
const std::string& kind() const { return kind_; }
void set_time_zone(const std::string& time_zone) { time_zone_ = time_zone; }
void set_etag(const std::string& etag) { etag_ = etag; }
void set_kind(const std::string& kind) { kind_ = kind; }
// Returns a set of events in this calendar.
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent>>& items() const {
return items_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent>>* mutable_items() {
return &items_;
void InjectItemForTesting(std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent> item);
std::string time_zone_;
std::string etag_;
std::string kind_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CalendarEvent>> items_;
} // namespace calendar
} // namespace google_apis