[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a17f155775e0d04cdc5fd0d66228da3de0adf672 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/ssl/client_cert_identity.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_private_key.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
void IdentityOwningPrivateKeyCallback(
std::unique_ptr<ClientCertIdentity> identity,
base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey>)> private_key_callback,
scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey> private_key) {
} // namespace
ClientCertIdentity::ClientCertIdentity(scoped_refptr<net::X509Certificate> cert)
: cert_(std::move(cert)) {}
ClientCertIdentity::~ClientCertIdentity() = default;
// static
void ClientCertIdentity::SelfOwningAcquirePrivateKey(
std::unique_ptr<ClientCertIdentity> self,
private_key_callback) {
ClientCertIdentity* self_ptr = self.get();
auto wrapped_private_key_callback =
base::BindOnce(&IdentityOwningPrivateKeyCallback, std::move(self),
void ClientCertIdentity::SetIntermediates(
std::vector<bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER>> intermediates) {
cert_ = cert_->CloneWithDifferentIntermediates(std::move(intermediates));
: now_(base::Time::Now()) {}
bool ClientCertIdentitySorter::operator()(
const std::unique_ptr<ClientCertIdentity>& a_identity,
const std::unique_ptr<ClientCertIdentity>& b_identity) const {
X509Certificate* a = a_identity->certificate();
X509Certificate* b = b_identity->certificate();
// Certificates that are expired/not-yet-valid are sorted last.
bool a_is_valid = now_ >= a->valid_start() && now_ <= a->valid_expiry();
bool b_is_valid = now_ >= b->valid_start() && now_ <= b->valid_expiry();
if (a_is_valid != b_is_valid)
return a_is_valid && !b_is_valid;
// Certificates with longer expirations appear as higher priority (less
// than) certificates with shorter expirations.
if (a->valid_expiry() != b->valid_expiry())
return a->valid_expiry() > b->valid_expiry();
// If the expiration dates are equivalent, certificates that were issued
// more recently should be prioritized over older certificates.
if (a->valid_start() != b->valid_start())
return a->valid_start() > b->valid_start();
// Otherwise, prefer client certificates with shorter chains.
const auto& a_intermediates = a->intermediate_buffers();
const auto& b_intermediates = b->intermediate_buffers();
return a_intermediates.size() < b_intermediates.size();
} // namespace net