[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3e1249f9258a0f56bbef21b00569efc7de97b70b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/web/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
class GURL;
// Observes navigation events and enables test code to block until a desired
// navigational state is observed.
// When run with -v1, information about navigation state transitions and
// unmet test expectations are logged.
class TestNavigationListener final
: public fuchsia::web::NavigationEventListener {
using BeforeAckCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const fuchsia::web::NavigationState& change,
~TestNavigationListener() override;
TestNavigationListener(const TestNavigationListener&) = delete;
TestNavigationListener& operator=(const TestNavigationListener&) = delete;
// Spins a RunLoop until the navigation state of the page matches the fields
// of |expected_state| that have been set.
void RunUntilNavigationStateMatches(
const fuchsia::web::NavigationState& expected_state);
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// the main document loaded and the normal page type.
void RunUntilLoaded();
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// |expected_url|, the normal page type, and the main document loaded.
void RunUntilUrlEquals(const GURL& expected_url);
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// |expected_title| and the normal page type.
void RunUntilTitleEquals(const base::StringPiece expected_title);
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// |expected_url|, |expected_title|, and the normal page type.
void RunUntilUrlAndTitleEquals(const GURL& expected_url,
base::StringPiece expected_title);
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// the error page type, |expected_title|, and the main document loaded.
void RunUntilErrorPageIsLoadedAndTitleEquals(
base::StringPiece expected_title);
// Calls RunUntilNavigationStateMatches with a NavigationState that has
// all the expected fields and the normal page type.
void RunUntilUrlTitleBackForwardEquals(const GURL& expected_url,
base::StringPiece expected_title,
bool expected_can_go_back,
bool expected_can_go_forward);
// Returns the title.
std::string title() { return current_state_.title(); }
// Returns the current navigation state.
fuchsia::web::NavigationState* current_state() { return &current_state_; }
// Returns the last received changes.
fuchsia::web::NavigationState* last_changes() { return &last_changes_; }
// Register a callback which intercepts the execution of the event
// acknowledgement callback. |before_ack| takes ownership of the
// acknowledgement callback and the responsibility for executing it.
// The default behavior can be restored by providing an unbound callback for
// |before_ack|.
void SetBeforeAckHook(BeforeAckCallback before_ack);
struct FailureReason {
const char* field_name;
std::string expected;
// fuchsia::web::NavigationEventListener implementation.
void OnNavigationStateChanged(
fuchsia::web::NavigationState change,
OnNavigationStateChangedCallback callback) override;
// Compare the current state with all fields of |expected_state_| that have
// been set. Any expectation mismatches will be recorded in |failure_reasons|,
// if set.
bool AllFieldsMatch(std::vector<FailureReason>* failure_reasons);
void QuitLoopIfAllFieldsMatch(
base::RepeatingClosure quit_run_loop_closure,
BeforeAckCallback before_ack_callback,
const fuchsia::web::NavigationState& change,
fuchsia::web::NavigationState current_state_;
fuchsia::web::NavigationState last_changes_;
// Set for the duration of a call to RunUntilNavigationStateMatches().
const fuchsia::web::NavigationState* expected_state_ = nullptr;
BeforeAckCallback before_ack_;