[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 58631ace3ebdb6d84412ed24ca81f4e28104914c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "cc/base/region.h"
#include "cc/benchmarks/micro_benchmark.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/input/input_handler.h"
#include "cc/input/overscroll_behavior.h"
#include "cc/input/scroll_snap_data.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_collections.h"
#include "cc/layers/layer_position_constraint.h"
#include "cc/layers/touch_action_region.h"
#include "cc/paint/filter_operations.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_record.h"
#include "cc/trees/effect_node.h"
#include "cc/trees/element_id.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
#include "cc/trees/target_property.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point3_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rounded_corners_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/scroll_offset.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rrect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
namespace viz {
class CopyOutputRequest;
namespace cc {
class LayerClient;
class LayerImpl;
class LayerTreeHost;
class LayerTreeHostCommon;
class LayerTreeImpl;
class PictureLayer;
// Base class for composited layers. Special layer types are derived from
// this class. Each layer is an independent unit in the compositor, be that
// for transforming or for content. If a layer has content it can be
// transformed efficiently without requiring the content to be recreated.
// Layers form a tree, with each layer having 0 or more children, and a single
// parent (or none at the root). Layers within the tree, other than the root
// layer, are kept alive by that tree relationship, with refpointer ownership
// from parents to children.
class CC_EXPORT Layer : public base::RefCounted<Layer> {
// An invalid layer id, as all layer ids are positive.
enum LayerIdLabels {
// A layer can be attached to another layer as a mask for it. These
// describe how the mask would be generated as a texture in that case.
enum LayerMaskType {
// Factory to create a new Layer, with a unique id.
static scoped_refptr<Layer> Create();
Layer(const Layer&) = delete;
Layer& operator=(const Layer&) = delete;
// Sets an optional client on this layer, that will be called when relevant
// events happen. The client is a WeakPtr so it can be destroyed without
// unsetting itself as the client.
void SetLayerClient(base::WeakPtr<LayerClient> client);
LayerClient* GetLayerClientForTesting() const { return inputs_.client.get(); }
// A unique and stable id for the Layer. Ids are always positive.
int id() const { return inputs_.layer_id; }
// Returns a pointer to the highest ancestor of this layer, or itself.
Layer* RootLayer();
// Returns a pointer to the direct ancestor of this layer if it exists,
// or null.
Layer* parent() { return parent_; }
const Layer* parent() const { return parent_; }
// Appends |child| to the list of children of this layer, and maintains
// ownership of a reference to that |child|.
void AddChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child);
// Inserts |child| into the list of children of this layer, before position
// |index| (0 based) and maintains ownership of a reference to that |child|.
void InsertChild(scoped_refptr<Layer> child, size_t index);
// Removes an existing child |reference| from this layer's list of children,
// and inserts |new_layer| it its place in the list. This layer maintains
// ownership of a reference to the |new_layer|. The |new_layer| may be null,
// in which case |reference| is simply removed from the list of children,
// which ends this layers ownership of the child.
void ReplaceChild(Layer* reference, scoped_refptr<Layer> new_layer);
// Removes this layer from the list of children in its parent, removing the
// parent's ownership of this layer.
void RemoveFromParent();
// Removes all children from this layer's list of children, removing ownership
// of those children.
void RemoveAllChildren();
// Sets the children while minimizing changes to layers that are already
// children of this layer.
void SetChildLayerList(LayerList children);
// Returns true if |ancestor| is this layer's parent or higher ancestor.
bool HasAncestor(const Layer* ancestor) const;
// The list of children of this layer.
const LayerList& children() const { return inputs_.children; }
// Gets the LayerTreeHost that this layer is attached to, or null if not.
// A layer is attached to a LayerTreeHost if it or an ancestor layer is set as
// the root layer of a LayerTreeHost (while noting only a layer without a
// parent may be set as the root layer).
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host() const { return layer_tree_host_; }
// This requests the layer and its subtree be rendered and given to the
// callback. If the copy is unable to be produced (the layer is destroyed
// first), then the callback is called with a nullptr/empty result. If the
// request's source property is set, any prior uncommitted requests having the
// same source will be aborted.
void RequestCopyOfOutput(std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputRequest> request);
// True if a copy request has been inserted on this layer and a commit has not
// occured yet.
bool HasCopyRequest() const { return !inputs_.copy_requests.empty(); }
// Set and get the background color for the layer. This color is not used by
// basic Layers, but subclasses may make use of it.
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor background_color);
SkColor background_color() const { return inputs_.background_color; }
// Internal to property tree generation. Sets an opaque background color for
// the layer, to be used in place of the background_color() if the layer says
// contents_opaque() is true.
void SetSafeOpaqueBackgroundColor(SkColor background_color);
// Returns a background color with opaque-ness equal to the value of
// contents_opaque().
// If the layer says contents_opaque() is true, this returns the value set by
// SetSafeOpaqueBackgroundColor() which should be an opaque color. Otherwise,
// it returns something non-opaque. It prefers to return the
// background_color(), but if the background_color() is opaque (and this layer
// claims to not be), then SK_ColorTRANSPARENT is returned.
SkColor SafeOpaqueBackgroundColor() const;
// For testing, return the actual stored value.
SkColor ActualSafeOpaqueBackgroundColorForTesting() const {
return safe_opaque_background_color_;
// Set and get the position of this layer, relative to its parent. This is
// specified in layer space, which excludes device scale and page scale
// factors, and ignoring transforms for this layer or ancestor layers. The
// root layer's position is not used as it always appears at the origin of
// the viewport. When property trees are built by cc (when IsUsingLayerLists
// is false), position is used to update |offset_to_transform_parent|.
void SetPosition(const gfx::PointF& position);
const gfx::PointF& position() const { return inputs_.position; }
// Reorder the entirety of the children() vector to follow new_children_order.
// All elements inside new_children_order must be inside children(), and vice
// versa. Will empty the |new_children_order| LayerList passed into this
// method.
void ReorderChildren(LayerList* new_children_order);
// Set and get the layers bounds. This is specified in layer space, which
// excludes device scale and page scale factors, and ignoring transforms for
// this layer or ancestor layers.
// The root layer in the tree has bounds in viewport space, which includes
// the device scale factor.
void SetBounds(const gfx::Size& bounds);
const gfx::Size& bounds() const { return inputs_.bounds; }
// Set and get the behaviour to be applied for compositor-thread scrolling of
// this layer beyond the beginning or end of the layer's content.
// TODO(bokan): With blink-gen-property-trees this is stored on the
// ScrollNode and can be removed here.
void SetOverscrollBehavior(const OverscrollBehavior& behavior);
OverscrollBehavior overscroll_behavior() const {
return inputs_.overscroll_behavior;
// Set and get the snapping behaviour for compositor-thread scrolling of
// this layer. The default value of null means there is no snapping for the
// layer.
// TODO(crbug.com/836884) With blink-gen-property-trees this is stored on the
// ScrollNode and can be removed here.
void SetSnapContainerData(base::Optional<SnapContainerData> data);
const base::Optional<SnapContainerData>& snap_container_data() const {
return inputs_.snap_container_data;
// Set or get that this layer clips its subtree to within its bounds. Content
// of children will be intersected with the bounds of this layer when true.
void SetMasksToBounds(bool masks_to_bounds);
bool masks_to_bounds() const { return inputs_.masks_to_bounds; }
// Set or get the clip rect for this layer. |clip_rect| is relative to |this|
// layer. If you are trying to clip the subtree to the bounds of this layer,
// SetMasksToBounds() would be a better alternative.
void SetClipRect(const gfx::Rect& clip_rect);
const gfx::Rect& clip_rect() const { return inputs_.clip_rect; }
// Set or get a layer that is not an ancestor of this layer, but which should
// be clipped to this layer's bounds if SetMasksToBounds() is set to true.
// The parent layer does *not* retain ownership of a reference on this layer.
void SetClipParent(Layer* ancestor);
Layer* clip_parent() { return inputs_.clip_parent; }
// The set of layers which are not in this layers subtree but which should be
// clipped to only appear within this layer's bounds.
std::set<Layer*>* clip_children() { return clip_children_.get(); }
const std::set<Layer*>* clip_children() const { return clip_children_.get(); }
// Set or get a layer that will mask the contents of this layer. The alpha
// channel of the mask layer's content is used as an alpha mask of this
// layer's content. IOW the mask's alpha is multiplied by this layer's alpha
// for each matching pixel.
void SetMaskLayer(PictureLayer* mask_layer);
PictureLayer* mask_layer() { return inputs_.mask_layer.get(); }
// Marks the |dirty_rect| as being changed, which will cause a commit and
// the compositor to submit a new frame with a damage rect that includes the
// layer's dirty area. This rect is in layer space, the same as bounds().
virtual void SetNeedsDisplayRect(const gfx::Rect& dirty_rect);
// Marks the entire layer's bounds as being changed, which will cause a commit
// and the compositor to submit a new frame with a damage rect that includes
// the entire layer. Note that if the layer resizes afterward, but before
// commit, the dirty rect would not cover the layer, however then the layer
// bounds change would implicitly damage the full layer.
void SetNeedsDisplay() { SetNeedsDisplayRect(gfx::Rect(bounds())); }
// Returns the union of previous calls to SetNeedsDisplayRect() and
// SetNeedsDisplay() that have not been committed to the compositor thread.
const gfx::Rect& update_rect() const { return inputs_.update_rect; }
// Set or get the rounded corner radii which is applied to the layer and its
// subtree (as if they are together as a single composited entity) when
// blitting into their target. Setting this makes the layer masked to bounds.
// If the layer has a clip of its own, the rounded corner will be applied
// along the layer's clip rect corners.
void SetRoundedCorner(const gfx::RoundedCornersF& corner_radii);
const gfx::RoundedCornersF& corner_radii() const {
return inputs_.corner_radii;
// Returns true if any of the corner has a non-zero radius set.
bool HasRoundedCorner() const { return !corner_radii().IsEmpty(); }
// Set or get the flag that disables the requirement of a render surface for
// this layer due to it having rounded corners. This improves performance at
// the cost of maybe having some blending artifacts. Not having a render
// surface is not guaranteed however.
void SetIsFastRoundedCorner(bool enable);
bool is_fast_rounded_corner() const { return inputs_.is_fast_rounded_corner; }
// Set or get the opacity which should be applied to the contents of the layer
// and its subtree (together as a single composited entity) when blending them
// into their target. Note that this does not speak to the contents of this
// layer, which may be opaque or not (see contents_opaque()). Note that the
// opacity is cumulative since it applies to the layer's subtree.
virtual void SetOpacity(float opacity);
float opacity() const { return inputs_.opacity; }
// Gets the true opacity that will be used for blending the contents of this
// layer and its subtree into its target during composite. This value is the
// same as the user-specified opacity() unless the layer should not be visible
// at all for other reasons, in which case the opacity here becomes 0.
float EffectiveOpacity() const;
// Set or get the blend mode to be applied when blending the contents of the
// layer and its subtree (together as a single composited entity) when
// blending them into their target.
void SetBlendMode(SkBlendMode blend_mode);
SkBlendMode blend_mode() const { return inputs_.blend_mode; }
// A layer is root for an isolated group when it and all its descendants are
// drawn over a black and fully transparent background, creating an isolated
// group. It should be used along with SetBlendMode(), in order to restrict
// layers within the group to blend with layers outside this group.
void SetIsRootForIsolatedGroup(bool root);
bool is_root_for_isolated_group() const {
return inputs_.is_root_for_isolated_group;
// Set or get the list of filter effects to be applied to the contents of the
// layer and its subtree (together as a single composited entity) when
// drawing them into their target.
void SetFilters(const FilterOperations& filters);
const FilterOperations& filters() const { return inputs_.filters; }
// Set or get the origin to be used when applying the filters given to
// SetFilters(). By default the origin is at the origin of this layer, but
// may be moved positively or negatively relative to that. The origin effects
// any filters which do not apply uniformly to the entire layer and its
// subtree.
void SetFiltersOrigin(const gfx::PointF& origin);
gfx::PointF filters_origin() const { return inputs_.filters_origin; }
// Set or get the list of filters that should be applied to the content this
// layer and its subtree will be drawn into. The effect is clipped by
// backdrop_filter_bounds.
void SetBackdropFilters(const FilterOperations& filters);
const FilterOperations& backdrop_filters() const {
return inputs_.backdrop_filters;
void SetBackdropFilterBounds(const gfx::RRectF& backdrop_filter_bounds);
void ClearBackdropFilterBounds();
const base::Optional<gfx::RRectF>& backdrop_filter_bounds() const {
return inputs_.backdrop_filter_bounds;
void SetBackdropFilterQuality(const float quality);
float backdrop_filter_quality() const {
return inputs_.backdrop_filter_quality;
// Set or get an optimization hint that the contents of this layer are fully
// opaque or not. If true, every pixel of content inside the layer's bounds
// must be opaque or visual errors can occur. This applies only to this layer
// and not to children, and does not imply the layer should be composited
// opaquely, as effects may be applied such as opacity() or filters().
void SetContentsOpaque(bool opaque);
bool contents_opaque() const { return inputs_.contents_opaque; }
// Set or get whether this layer should be a hit test target
void SetHitTestable(bool should_hit_test);
virtual bool HitTestable() const;
// Set or gets if this layer is a container for fixed position layers in its
// subtree. Such layers will be positioned and transformed relative to this
// layer instead of their direct parent.
// A layer that is a container for fixed position layers cannot be both
// scrollable and have a non-identity transform.
void SetIsContainerForFixedPositionLayers(bool container);
bool IsContainerForFixedPositionLayers() const;
// Set or get constraints applied to the layer's position, where it may be
// in a fixed position relative to the nearest ancestor that returns true for
// IsContainerForFixedPositionLayers(). This may also specify which edges
// of the layer are fixed to the same edges of the container ancestor. When
// fixed position, this layer's transform will be appended to the container
// ancestor's transform instead of to this layer's direct parent's.
// Position constraints are only used by the cc property tree builder to build
// property trees and are not needed when using layer lists.
void SetPositionConstraint(const LayerPositionConstraint& constraint);
const LayerPositionConstraint& position_constraint() const {
return inputs_.position_constraint;
// Set or get constraints applied to the layer's position, where it may act
// like a normal layer until, during scroll, its position triggers it to
// become fixed position relative to its scroller. See CSS position: sticky
// for more details.
void SetStickyPositionConstraint(
const LayerStickyPositionConstraint& constraint);
const LayerStickyPositionConstraint& sticky_position_constraint() const {
return inputs_.sticky_position_constraint;
// On some platforms (Android renderer) the viewport may resize during scroll
// on the compositor thread. During this resize and until the main thread
// matches, position fixed layers may need to have their position adjusted on
// the compositor thread to keep them fixed in place. If
// IsContainerForFixedPositionLayers() is true for this layer, these set and
// get whether fixed position descendants of this layer should have this
// adjustment to their position applied during such a viewport resize.
// This value is only used by the cc property tree builder to build property
// trees and is not needed when using layer lists.
void SetIsResizedByBrowserControls(bool resized);
bool IsResizedByBrowserControls() const;
// Set or get the transform to be used when compositing this layer into its
// target. The transform is inherited by this layers children.
void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
const gfx::Transform& transform() const { return inputs_.transform; }
// Gets the transform, including transform origin and position, of this layer
// and its ancestors, device scale and page scale factors, into the device
// viewport.
gfx::Transform ScreenSpaceTransform() const;
// Set or get the origin to be used when applying the transform. The value is
// a position in layer space, relative to the top left corner of this layer.
// For instance, if set to the center of the layer, with a transform to rotate
// 180deg around the X axis, it would flip the layer vertically around the
// center of the layer, leaving it occupying the same space. Whereas set to
// the top left of the layer, the rotation wouldoccur around the top of the
// layer, moving it vertically while flipping it.
void SetTransformOrigin(const gfx::Point3F&);
const gfx::Point3F& transform_origin() const {
return inputs_.transform_origin;
// Set or get a scroll parent layer. It is not an ancestor of this layer, but
// this layer will be moved by the scroll parent's scroll offset.
void SetScrollParent(Layer* parent);
Layer* scroll_parent() { return inputs_.scroll_parent; }
// Set or get the scroll offset of the layer. The content of the layer, and
// position of its subtree, as well as other layers for which this layer is
// their scroll parent, and their subtrees) is moved up by the amount of
// offset specified here.
void SetScrollOffset(const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset);
// Accessor named to match LayerImpl for templated code.
const gfx::ScrollOffset& CurrentScrollOffset() const {
return inputs_.scroll_offset;
// Called internally during commit to update the layer with state from the
// compositor thread. Not to be called externally by users of this class.
void SetScrollOffsetFromImplSide(const gfx::ScrollOffset& scroll_offset);
// Marks this layer as being scrollable and needing an associated scroll node,
// and specifies the total size of the content to be scrolled (ie the max
// scroll offsets. The size should be a union of the layer and its subtree, as
// well as any layers for whom this layer is their scroll parent, and their
// subtrees, when they are transformed into this layer's space. Thus
// transforms of children affect the size of the |scroll_container_bounds|.
// Once scrollable, a Layer cannot become un-scrollable.
void SetScrollable(const gfx::Size& scroll_container_bounds);
bool scrollable() const { return inputs_.scrollable; }
const gfx::Size& scroll_container_bounds() const {
return inputs_.scroll_container_bounds;
void SetIsScrollbar(bool is_scrollbar);
bool is_scrollbar() const { return inputs_.is_scrollbar; }
// Set or get if this layer is able to be scrolled along each axis. These are
// independent of the scrollable state, or size of the scrollable area
// specified in SetScrollable(), as these may be enabled or disabled
// dynamically, while SetScrollable() defines what would be possible if these
// are enabled.
// When disabled, overscroll elasticity will not be used if the scroll offset
// ends up past the maximum range. And when enabled, with overlay scrollbars,
// the scrollbars will be shown when the scroll offset changes if these are
// set to true.
void SetUserScrollable(bool horizontal, bool vertical);
bool GetUserScrollableHorizontal() const;
bool GetUserScrollableVertical() const;
// Set or get if this layer is able to be scrolled on the compositor thread.
// This only applies for layers that are marked as scrollable, not for layers
// that are moved by a scroll parent. When any reason is present, the layer
// will not be scrolled on the compositor thread. The reasons are a set of
// bitflags from MainThreadScrollingReason, used to track the reason for
// debugging and reporting.
// AddMainThreadScrollingReasons() is used to add flags to the current set,
// and ClearMainThreadScrollingReasons() removes flags from the current set.
void AddMainThreadScrollingReasons(uint32_t main_thread_scrolling_reasons);
void ClearMainThreadScrollingReasons(
uint32_t main_thread_scrolling_reasons_to_clear);
uint32_t GetMainThreadScrollingReasons() const;
// Set or get an area of this layer within which initiating a scroll can not
// be done from the compositor thread. Within this area, if the user attempts
// to start a scroll, the events must be sent to the main thread and processed
// there.
void SetNonFastScrollableRegion(const Region& non_fast_scrollable_region);
const Region& non_fast_scrollable_region() const {
return inputs_.non_fast_scrollable_region;
// Set or get the set of touch actions allowed across each point of this
// layer. The |touch_action_region| can specify, for any number of areas,
// which touch actions are allowed in each area. The result is the
// intersection of overlapping areas. These allowed actions control if
// a touch event can initiate a scroll or zoom on the compositor thread.
void SetTouchActionRegion(TouchActionRegion touch_action_region);
const TouchActionRegion& touch_action_region() const {
return inputs_.touch_action_region;
// Sets a RepeatingCallback that is run during a main frame, before layers are
// asked to prepare content with Update(), if the scroll offset for the layer
// was changed by the InputHandlerClient, on the compositor thread (or on the
// main thread in single-thread mode). It may be set to a null callback, in
// which case nothing is called.
void set_did_scroll_callback(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const gfx::ScrollOffset&, const ElementId&)>
callback) {
inputs_.did_scroll_callback = std::move(callback);
// Set or get if the layer and its subtree should be cached as a texture in
// the display compositor. This is used as an optimization when it is known
// that the layer will be animated without changing its content, or any of its
// subtree.
// Note that this also disables occlusion culling, as the entire texture will
// be drawn so that it is not left with incomplete areas. This should only be
// used when paying the cost of creating an intermediate texture is worth it,
// even when the layer's subtree may be occluded, or not visible in the final
// output.
void SetCacheRenderSurface(bool cache_render_surface);
bool cache_render_surface() const { return cache_render_surface_; }
// If the layer induces a render surface, this returns the cause for the
// render surface. If the layer does not induce a render surface, this returns
// kNone.
RenderSurfaceReason GetRenderSurfaceReason() const;
// Set or get if the layer and its subtree will be drawn through an
// intermediate texture, called a RenderSurface. This mimics the need
// for a RenderSurface that is caused by compositing effects such as masks
// without needing to set up such effects.
void SetForceRenderSurfaceForTesting(bool force_render_surface);
bool force_render_surface_for_testing() const {
return force_render_surface_for_testing_;
// Set or get if this layer should continue to be visible when rotated such
// that its back face is facing toward the camera. If false, the layer will
// disappear when its back face is visible, but if true, the mirror image of
// its front face will be shown. For instance, with a 180deg rotation around
// the middle of the layer on the Y axis, if this is false then nothing is
// visible. But if true, the layer is seen with its contents flipped along the
// Y axis. Being single-sided applies transitively to the subtree of this
// layer. If it is hidden because of its back face being visible, then its
// subtree will be too (even if a subtree layer's front face would have been
// visible).
// Note that should_check_backface_visibility() is the final computed value
// for back face visibility, which is only for internal use.
void SetDoubleSided(bool double_sided);
bool double_sided() const { return inputs_.double_sided; }
// Set or get if SetDoubleSided() for this layer should be ignored and
// inherited directly from this layer's parent instead. Used to attach this
// layer's backface visibility to the value of its parent.
// Note that should_check_backface_visibility() is the final computed value
// for back face visibility, which is only for internal use.
void SetUseParentBackfaceVisibility(bool use);
bool use_parent_backface_visibility() const {
return inputs_.use_parent_backface_visibility;
// Set or get if the subtree of this layer is composited in 3d-space, or if
// the layers are flattened into the plane of this layer. This supports the
// transform-style CSS property.
void SetShouldFlattenTransform(bool flatten);
bool should_flatten_transform() const {
return inputs_.should_flatten_transform;
// Set or get a 3d sorting context for this layer, where adjacent layers (in a
// pre-order traversal) with the same id are sorted as a group and may occlude
// each other based on their z-position, including intersecting each other and
// each occluding the other layer partially. Layers in different sorting
// contexts will be composited and occlude in tree order (children occlude
// ancestors and earlier siblings in the children list). If the |id| is 0,
// then the layer is not part of any sorting context, and is always composited
// in tree order.
void Set3dSortingContextId(int id);
int sorting_context_id() const { return inputs_.sorting_context_id; }
// When true the layer may contribute to the compositor's output. When false,
// it does not. This property does not apply to children of the layer, they
// may contribute while this layer does not. The layer itself will determine
// if it has content to contribute, but when false, this prevents it from
// doing so.
void SetIsDrawable(bool is_drawable);
// Is true if the layer will contribute content to the compositor's output.
// Will be false if SetIsDrawable(false) is called. But will also be false if
// the layer itself has no content to contribute, even though the layer was
// given SetIsDrawable(true).
bool DrawsContent() const;
// Returns the number of layers in this layers subtree (excluding itself) for
// which DrawsContent() is true.
int NumDescendantsThatDrawContent() const;
// Set or get if this layer and its subtree should be part of the compositor's
// output to the screen. When set to true, the layer's subtree does not appear
// to the user, but still remains part of the tree with all its normal drawing
// properties. This can be used to execute a CopyOutputRequest on this layer
// or another in its subtree, since the layers are still able to be drawn by
// the compositor, while not being composed into the result shown to the user.
void SetHideLayerAndSubtree(bool hide);
bool hide_layer_and_subtree() const { return inputs_.hide_layer_and_subtree; }
// The index of this layer's node in the various property trees. These are
// only valid after a main frame, when Update() is called on the layer, and
// remain valid and in in the same state until the next main frame, or until
// the layer is removed from its LayerTreeHost. Otherwise kInvalidNodeId is
// returned.
int transform_tree_index() const;
int clip_tree_index() const;
int effect_tree_index() const;
int scroll_tree_index() const;
// While all layers have an index into the transform tree, this value
// indicates whether the transform tree node was created for this layer.
void SetHasTransformNode(bool val) { has_transform_node_ = val; }
bool has_transform_node() { return has_transform_node_; }
// This value indicates whether a clip node was created for |this| layer.
void SetHasClipNode(bool val) { has_clip_node_ = val; }
// Sets that the content shown in this layer may be a video. This may be used
// by the system compositor to distinguish between animations updating the
// screen and video, which the user would be watching. This allows
// optimizations like turning off the display when video is not playing,
// without interfering with video playback.
void SetMayContainVideo(bool yes);
// Stable identifier for clients. See comment in cc/trees/element_id.h.
void SetElementId(ElementId id);
ElementId element_id() const { return inputs_.element_id; }
// Sets or gets a hint that the transform on this layer (including its
// position) may be changed often in the future. The layer may change its
// strategy for generating content as a result. PictureLayers will not attempt
// to raster crisply as the transform changes, allowing the client to trade
// off crisp content at each scale for a smoother visual and cheaper
// animation.
void SetHasWillChangeTransformHint(bool has_will_change);
bool has_will_change_transform_hint() const {
return inputs_.has_will_change_transform_hint;
// Sets or gets if trilinear filtering should be used to scaling the contents
// of this layer and its subtree. When set the layer and its subtree will be
// composited together as a single unit, mip maps will be generated of the
// subtree together, and trilinear filtering applied when supported, if
// scaling during composite of the content from this layer and its subtree
// into the target.
void SetTrilinearFiltering(bool trilinear_filtering);
bool trilinear_filtering() const { return inputs_.trilinear_filtering; }
// Called on the scroll layer to trigger showing the overlay scrollbars.
void ShowScrollbars() { needs_show_scrollbars_ = true; }
// Captures text content within the given |rect| and returns the associated
// NodeHolder in content.
virtual void CaptureContent(const gfx::Rect& rect,
std::vector<NodeHolder>* content);
// For tracing. Gets a recorded rasterization of this layer's contents that
// can be displayed inside representations of this layer. May return null, in
// which case the layer won't be shown with any content in the tracing
// display.
virtual sk_sp<SkPicture> GetPicture() const;
// For tracing. Calls out to the LayerClient to get tracing data that will
// be attached to this layer's tracing outputs under the 'debug_info' key.
void UpdateDebugInfo();
// For telemetry testing. Runs a given test behaviour implemented in
// |benchmark| for this layer. The base class does nothing as benchmarks
// only exist for subclass layer types. For each subclass that the
// MicroBenchmark supports, the class should override this method and run the
// |benchmark| against this layer.
virtual void RunMicroBenchmark(MicroBenchmark* benchmark);
// Internal method to create the compositor thread type for this Layer.
// Subclasses should override this method if they want to return their own
// subclass of LayerImpl instead.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LayerImpl> CreateLayerImpl(LayerTreeImpl* tree_impl);
// Internal method to copy all state from this Layer to the compositor thread.
// Should be overridden by any subclass that has additional state, to copy
// that state as well. The |layer| passed in will be of the type created by
// CreateLayerImpl(), so can be safely down-casted if the subclass uses a
// different type for the compositor thread.
virtual void PushPropertiesTo(LayerImpl* layer);
// Internal method to be overridden by Layer subclasses that need to do work
// during a main frame. The method should compute any state that will need to
// propogated to the compositor thread for the next commit, and return true
// if there is anything new to commit. If all layers return false, the commit
// may be aborted.
virtual bool Update();
// Internal method to be overriden by Layer subclasses that override Update()
// and require rasterization. After Update() is called, this is immediately
// called, and should return whether the layer will require rasterization of
// paths that will be difficult/slow to raster. Only layers that do
// rasterization via TileManager need to override this, other layers that have
// content generated in other ways may leave it as the default.
virtual bool HasSlowPaths() const;
// Internal method to be overriden by Layer subclasses that override Update()
// and require rasterization. After Update() is called, this is immediately
// called, and should return whether the layer will require rasterization of a
// drawing operation that must not be anti-aliased. In this case using MSAA to
// antialias the entire layer's content would produce an incorrect result.
// This result is considered sticky, once a layer returns true, so false
// positives should be avoided. Only layers that do rasterization via
// TileManager need to override this, other layers that have content generated
// in other ways may leave it as the default.
virtual bool HasNonAAPaint() const;
// Internal to property tree construction. This allows a layer to request that
// its transform should be snapped such that the layer aligns with the pixel
// grid in its rendering target. This ensures that the layer is not fuzzy
// (unless it is being scaled). Layers may override this to return true, by
// default layers are not snapped.
virtual bool IsSnappedToPixelGridInTarget();
// Internal method that is called when a Layer is attached to a LayerTreeHost.
// This would happen when
// a) the Layer is added to an existing Layer tree that is attached to a
// LayerTreeHost.
// b) the Layer is made the root layer of a LayerTreeHost.
// c) the Layer is part of a Layer tree, and an ancestor is attached to a
// LayerTreeHost via a) or b).
// The |host| is the new LayerTreeHost which the Layer is now attached to.
// Subclasses may override this if they have data or resources which are
// specific to a LayerTreeHost that should be updated or reset. After this
// returns the Layer will hold a pointer to the new LayerTreeHost.
virtual void SetLayerTreeHost(LayerTreeHost* host);
// Internal method to mark this layer as needing to push its state to the
// compositor thread during the next commit. The PushPropertiesTo() method
// will be called for this layer during the next commit only if this method
// was called before it.
void SetNeedsPushProperties();
// Internal method to call the LayerClient, if there is one, to inform it when
// overlay scrollbars have been completely hidden (due to lack of scrolling by
// the user).
void SetScrollbarsHiddenFromImplSide(bool hidden);
// Internal to property tree construction. A generation number for the
// property trees, to verify the layer's indices are pointers into the trees
// currently held by the LayerTreeHost. The number is updated when property
// trees are built from the Layer tree.
void set_property_tree_sequence_number(int sequence_number) {
property_tree_sequence_number_ = sequence_number;
int property_tree_sequence_number() const {
return property_tree_sequence_number_;
// Internal to property tree construction. Sets the index for this Layer's
// node in each property tree.
void SetTransformTreeIndex(int index);
void SetClipTreeIndex(int index);
void SetEffectTreeIndex(int index);
void SetScrollTreeIndex(int index);
// The position of this layer after transforming by the layer's transform
// node. When property trees are built by cc (when IsUsingLayerLists is false)
// this is set by property_tree_builder.cc.
void SetOffsetToTransformParent(gfx::Vector2dF offset);
gfx::Vector2dF offset_to_transform_parent() const {
return offset_to_transform_parent_;
// Internal to property tree construction. Indicates that a property changed
// on this layer that may affect the position or content of all layers in this
// layer's subtree, including itself. This causes the layer's subtree to be
// considered damaged and re-displayed to the user.
void SetSubtreePropertyChanged();
bool subtree_property_changed() const { return subtree_property_changed_; }
// Internal to property tree construction. Returns ElementListType::ACTIVE
// as main thread layers do not have a pending/active tree split, and
// animations should run normally on the main thread layer tree.
ElementListType GetElementTypeForAnimation() const;
// Internal to property tree construction. Whether this layer may animate its
// opacity on the compositor thread. Layer subclasses may override this to
// report true. If true, assumptions about opacity can not be made on the main
// thread.
virtual bool OpacityCanAnimateOnImplThread() const;
// Internal to property tree construction. Set to true if this layer or any
// layer below it in the tree has a CopyOutputRequest pending commit.
void SetSubtreeHasCopyRequest(bool subtree_has_copy_request);
// Internal to property tree construction. Returns true if this layer or any
// layer below it in the tree has a CopyOutputRequest pending commit.
bool SubtreeHasCopyRequest() const;
// Internal to property tree construction. Removes all CopyOutputRequests from
// this layer, moving them into |requests|.
void TakeCopyRequests(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputRequest>>* requests);
// Internal to property tree construction. Set if the layer should not be
// shown when its back face is visible to the user. This is a derived value
// from SetDoubleSided() and SetUseParentBackfaceVisibility().
void SetShouldCheckBackfaceVisibility(bool should_check_backface_visibility);
bool should_check_backface_visibility() const {
return should_check_backface_visibility_;
// Internal to property tree construction. The value here derives from
// should_flatten_transform() along with other state, and is for internal use
// in order to flatten the layer's ScreenSpaceTransform() in cases where the
// property tree did not handle it.
void SetShouldFlattenScreenSpaceTransformFromPropertyTree(bool should);
bool should_flatten_screen_space_transform_from_property_tree() const {
return should_flatten_screen_space_transform_from_property_tree_;
// For debugging, containing information about the associated DOM, etc.
std::string DebugName() const;
std::string ToString() const;
// Called when a property has been modified in a way that the layer knows
// immediately that a commit is required. This implies SetNeedsPushProperties
// to push that property.
// This is public, so that it can be called directly when needed, for example
// in PropertyTreeManager when handling scroll offsets.
void SetNeedsCommit();
// The following data are for profiling and debugging. They will be displayed
// e.g. in the Layers panel of DevTools.
// The compositing reasons of the layer. The values are defined in
// third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/compositing_reasons.h.
void set_compositing_reasons(uint64_t compositing_reasons) {
compositing_reasons_ = compositing_reasons;
uint64_t compositing_reasons() const { return compositing_reasons_; }
// The id of the DOM node that owns this layer.
void set_owner_node_id(int node_id) { owner_node_id_ = node_id; }
int owner_node_id() const { return owner_node_id_; }
// How many times this layer has been repainted.
int paint_count() const { return paint_count_; }
// End of data for profiling and debugging.
friend class LayerImpl;
friend class TreeSynchronizer;
virtual ~Layer();
// These SetNeeds functions are in order of severity of update:
// See SetNeedsCommit() above - it belongs here in the order of severity.
// Called when there's been a change in layer structure. Implies
// SetNeedsCommit and property tree rebuld, but not SetNeedsPushProperties
// (the full tree is synced over).
void SetNeedsFullTreeSync();
// Called when the next commit should wait until the pending tree is activated
// before finishing the commit and unblocking the main thread. Used to ensure
// unused resources on the impl thread are returned before commit completes.
void SetNextCommitWaitsForActivation();
// Will recalculate whether the layer draws content and set draws_content_
// appropriately.
void UpdateDrawsContent(bool has_drawable_content);
// May be overridden by subclasses if they have optional content, to return
// false if there is no content to be displayed. If they do have content, then
// they should return the value from this base class method.
virtual bool HasDrawableContent() const;
// Called when the layer's number of drawable descendants changes.
void AddDrawableDescendants(int num);
// For debugging. Returns false if the LayerTreeHost this layer is attached to
// is in the process of updating layers for a BeginMainFrame. Layer properties
// should be changed by the client before the BeginMainFrame, and should not
// be changed while the frame is being generated for commit.
bool IsPropertyChangeAllowed() const;
// When true, the layer is about to perform an update. Any commit requests
// will be handled implicitly after the update completes.
bool ignore_set_needs_commit_;
int paint_count_;
friend class base::RefCounted<Layer>;
friend class LayerTreeHostCommon;
friend class LayerTreeHost;
// Interactions with attached animations.
void OnFilterAnimated(const FilterOperations& filters);
void OnBackdropFilterAnimated(const FilterOperations& backdrop_filters);
void OnOpacityAnimated(float opacity);
void OnTransformAnimated(const gfx::Transform& transform);
void AddClipChild(Layer* child);
void RemoveClipChild(Layer* child);
void SetParent(Layer* layer);
bool DescendantIsFixedToContainerLayer() const;
// This should only be called from RemoveFromParent().
void RemoveChildOrDependent(Layer* child);
// If this layer has a clip parent, it removes |this| from its list of clip
// children.
void RemoveFromClipTree();
// When we detach or attach layer to new LayerTreeHost, all property trees'
// indices becomes invalid.
void InvalidatePropertyTreesIndices();
// This is set whenever a property changed on layer that affects whether this
// layer should own a property tree node or not.
void SetPropertyTreesNeedRebuild();
// Fast-path for |SetScrollOffset| and |SetScrollOffsetFromImplSide| to
// directly update scroll offset values in the property tree without needing a
// full property tree update. If property trees do not exist yet, ensures
// they are marked as needing to be rebuilt.
void UpdateScrollOffset(const gfx::ScrollOffset&);
// Encapsulates all data, callbacks or interfaces received from the embedder.
struct Inputs {
explicit Inputs(int layer_id);
int layer_id;
LayerList children;
gfx::Rect update_rect;
gfx::Size bounds;
bool masks_to_bounds;
gfx::Rect clip_rect;
scoped_refptr<PictureLayer> mask_layer;
float opacity;
SkBlendMode blend_mode;
bool is_root_for_isolated_group : 1;
// Hit testing depends on this bit.
bool hit_testable : 1;
bool contents_opaque : 1;
gfx::PointF position;
gfx::Transform transform;
gfx::Point3F transform_origin;
bool is_drawable : 1;
bool double_sided : 1;
bool should_flatten_transform : 1;
// Layers that share a sorting context id will be sorted together in 3d
// space. 0 is a special value that means this layer will not be sorted
// and will be drawn in paint order.
int sorting_context_id;
bool use_parent_backface_visibility : 1;
SkColor background_color;
FilterOperations filters;
FilterOperations backdrop_filters;
base::Optional<gfx::RRectF> backdrop_filter_bounds;
gfx::PointF filters_origin;
float backdrop_filter_quality;
// Corner clip radius for the 4 corners of the layer in the following order:
// top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left
gfx::RoundedCornersF corner_radii;
// If set, disables this layer's rounded corner from triggering a render
// surface on itself if possible.
bool is_fast_rounded_corner : 1;
gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset;
// Size of the scroll container that this layer scrolls in.
gfx::Size scroll_container_bounds;
// Indicates that this layer will need a scroll property node and that this
// layer's bounds correspond to the scroll node's bounds (both |bounds| and
// |scroll_container_bounds|).
bool scrollable : 1;
// Indicates that this layer is a scrollbar.
bool is_scrollbar : 1;
bool user_scrollable_horizontal : 1;
bool user_scrollable_vertical : 1;
uint32_t main_thread_scrolling_reasons;
Region non_fast_scrollable_region;
TouchActionRegion touch_action_region;
// When set, position: fixed children of this layer will be affected by URL
// bar movement. bottom-fixed element will be pushed down as the URL bar
// hides (and the viewport expands) so that the element stays fixed to the
// viewport bottom. This will always be set on the outer viewport scroll
// layer. In the case of a non-default rootScroller, all iframes in the
// rootScroller ancestor chain will also have it set on their scroll
// layers.
// TODO(pdr): These values are only used by blink and only when blink does
// not generate property trees. Remove these values when
// BlinkGenPropertyTrees ships.
bool is_resized_by_browser_controls : 1;
bool is_container_for_fixed_position_layers : 1;
LayerPositionConstraint position_constraint;
LayerStickyPositionConstraint sticky_position_constraint;
ElementId element_id;
Layer* scroll_parent;
Layer* clip_parent;
bool has_will_change_transform_hint : 1;
bool trilinear_filtering : 1;
bool hide_layer_and_subtree : 1;
// The following elements can not and are not serialized.
base::WeakPtr<LayerClient> client;
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> debug_info;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const gfx::ScrollOffset&, const ElementId&)>
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputRequest>> copy_requests;
OverscrollBehavior overscroll_behavior;
base::Optional<SnapContainerData> snap_container_data;
Layer* parent_;
// Layer instances have a weak pointer to their LayerTreeHost.
// This pointer value is nil when a Layer is not in a tree and is
// updated via SetLayerTreeHost() if a layer moves between trees.
LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host_;
Inputs inputs_;
int num_descendants_that_draw_content_;
int transform_tree_index_;
int effect_tree_index_;
int clip_tree_index_;
int scroll_tree_index_;
int property_tree_sequence_number_;
gfx::Vector2dF offset_to_transform_parent_;
bool should_flatten_screen_space_transform_from_property_tree_ : 1;
bool draws_content_ : 1;
bool should_check_backface_visibility_ : 1;
// Force use of and cache render surface.
bool cache_render_surface_ : 1;
bool force_render_surface_for_testing_ : 1;
bool subtree_property_changed_ : 1;
bool may_contain_video_ : 1;
bool needs_show_scrollbars_ : 1;
bool has_transform_node_ : 1;
bool has_clip_node_ : 1;
// This value is valid only when LayerTreeHost::has_copy_request() is true
bool subtree_has_copy_request_ : 1;
SkColor safe_opaque_background_color_;
uint64_t compositing_reasons_;
int owner_node_id_;
std::unique_ptr<std::set<Layer*>> clip_children_;
} // namespace cc
#endif // CC_LAYERS_LAYER_H_