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// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "chrome/common/page_transition_types.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
class Browser;
class DockInfo;
class GURL;
class NavigationController;
class Profile;
class SiteInstance;
class TabContents;
class TabStripModelOrderController;
class TabStripModel;
// TabStripModelObserver
// Objects implement this interface when they wish to be notified of changes
// to the TabStripModel.
// Two major implementers are the TabStrip, which uses notifications sent
// via this interface to update the presentation of the strip, and the Browser
// object, which updates bookkeeping and shows/hides individual TabContentses.
// Register your TabStripModelObserver with the TabStripModel using its
// Add/RemoveObserver methods.
class TabStripModelObserver {
// Enumeration of the possible values supplied to TabChangedAt.
enum TabChangeType {
// Only the loading state changed.
// Only the title changed and page isn't loading.
// Change not characterized by LOADING_ONLY or TITLE_NOT_LOADING.
// A new TabContents was inserted into the TabStripModel at the specified
// index. |foreground| is whether or not it was opened in the foreground
// (selected).
virtual void TabInsertedAt(TabContents* contents,
int index,
bool foreground);
// The specified TabContents at |index| is being closed (and eventually
// destroyed).
virtual void TabClosingAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
// The specified TabContents at |index| is being detached, perhaps to be
// inserted in another TabStripModel. The implementer should take whatever
// action is necessary to deal with the TabContents no longer being present.
virtual void TabDetachedAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
// The selected TabContents is about to change from |old_contents| at |index|.
// This gives observers a chance to prepare for an impending switch before it
// happens.
virtual void TabDeselectedAt(TabContents* contents, int index);
// The selected TabContents changed from |old_contents| to |new_contents| at
// |index|. |user_gesture| specifies whether or not this was done by a user
// input event (e.g. clicking on a tab, keystroke) or as a side-effect of
// some other function.
virtual void TabSelectedAt(TabContents* old_contents,
TabContents* new_contents,
int index,
bool user_gesture);
// The specified TabContents at |from_index| was moved to |to_index|.
virtual void TabMoved(TabContents* contents,
int from_index,
int to_index);
// The specified TabContents at |index| changed in some way. |contents| may
// be an entirely different object and the old value is no longer available
// by the time this message is delivered.
// See TabChangeType for a description of |change_type|.
virtual void TabChangedAt(TabContents* contents, int index,
TabChangeType change_type);
// The tab contents was replaced at the specified index. This is invoked when
// a tab becomes phantom. See description of phantom tabs in class description
// of TabStripModel for details.
virtual void TabReplacedAt(TabContents* old_contents,
TabContents* new_contents, int index);
// Invoked when the pinned state of a tab changes. This is not invoked if the
// tab ends up moving as a result of the mini state changing.
// See note in TabMiniStateChanged as to how this relates to
// TabMiniStateChanged.
virtual void TabPinnedStateChanged(TabContents* contents, int index);
// Invoked if the mini state of a tab changes. This is not invoked if the
// tab ends up moving as a result of the mini state changing.
// NOTE: this is sent when the pinned state of a non-app tab changes and is
// sent in addition to TabPinnedStateChanged. UI code typically need not care
// about TabPinnedStateChanged, but instead this.
virtual void TabMiniStateChanged(TabContents* contents, int index);
// Invoked when the blocked state of a tab changes.
// NOTE: This is invoked when a tab becomes blocked/unblocked by a tab modal
// window.
virtual void TabBlockedStateChanged(TabContents* contents, int index);
// The TabStripModel now no longer has any phantom tabs. The implementer may
// use this as a trigger to try and close the window containing the
// TabStripModel, for example...
virtual void TabStripEmpty();
// Sent when the tabstrip model is about to be deleted and any reference held
// must be dropped.
virtual void TabStripModelDeleted();
// TabStripModelDelegate
// A delegate interface that the TabStripModel uses to perform work that it
// can't do itself, such as obtain a container HWND for creating new
// TabContents, creating new TabStripModels for detached tabs, etc.
// This interface is typically implemented by the controller that instantiates
// the TabStripModel (in our case the Browser object).
class TabStripModelDelegate {
// Adds what the delegate considers to be a blank tab to the model.
virtual TabContents* AddBlankTab(bool foreground) = 0;
virtual TabContents* AddBlankTabAt(int index, bool foreground) = 0;
// Asks for a new TabStripModel to be created and the given tab contents to
// be added to it. Its size and position are reflected in |window_bounds|.
// If |dock_info|'s type is other than NONE, the newly created window should
// be docked as identified by |dock_info|. Returns the Browser object
// representing the newly created window and tab strip. This does not
// show the window, it's up to the caller to do so.
virtual Browser* CreateNewStripWithContents(TabContents* contents,
const gfx::Rect& window_bounds,
const DockInfo& dock_info) = 0;
// Creates a new Browser object and window containing the specified
// |contents|, and continues a drag operation that began within the source
// window's tab strip. |window_bounds| are the bounds of the source window in
// screen coordinates, used to place the new window, and |tab_bounds| are the
// bounds of the dragged Tab view in the source window, in screen coordinates,
// used to place the new Tab in the new window.
virtual void ContinueDraggingDetachedTab(TabContents* contents,
const gfx::Rect& window_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& tab_bounds) = 0;
enum {
// Determines what drag actions are possible for the specified strip.
virtual int GetDragActions() const = 0;
// Creates an appropriate TabContents for the given URL. This is handled by
// the delegate since the TabContents may require special circumstances to
// exist for it to be constructed (e.g. a parent HWND).
// If |defer_load| is true, the navigation controller doesn't load the url.
// If |instance| is not null, its process is used to render the tab.
virtual TabContents* CreateTabContentsForURL(
const GURL& url,
const GURL& referrer,
Profile* profile,
PageTransition::Type transition,
bool defer_load,
SiteInstance* instance) const = 0;
// Returns whether some contents can be duplicated.
virtual bool CanDuplicateContentsAt(int index) = 0;
// Duplicates the contents at the provided index and places it into its own
// window.
virtual void DuplicateContentsAt(int index) = 0;
// Called when a drag session has completed and the frame that initiated the
// the session should be closed.
virtual void CloseFrameAfterDragSession() = 0;
// Creates an entry in the historical tab database for the specified
// TabContents.
virtual void CreateHistoricalTab(TabContents* contents) = 0;
// Runs any unload listeners associated with the specified TabContents before
// it is closed. If there are unload listeners that need to be run, this
// function returns true and the TabStripModel will wait before closing the
// TabContents. If it returns false, there are no unload listeners and the
// TabStripModel can close the TabContents immediately.
virtual bool RunUnloadListenerBeforeClosing(TabContents* contents) = 0;
// Returns true if a tab can be restored.
virtual bool CanRestoreTab() = 0;
// Restores the last closed tab if CanRestoreTab would return true.
virtual void RestoreTab() = 0;
// Returns whether some contents can be closed.
virtual bool CanCloseContentsAt(int index) = 0;
// Returns true if we should allow "bookmark all tabs" in this window; this is
// true when there is more than one bookmarkable tab open.
virtual bool CanBookmarkAllTabs() const = 0;
// Creates a bookmark folder containing a bookmark for all open tabs.
virtual void BookmarkAllTabs() = 0;
// Returns true if any of the tabs can be closed.
virtual bool CanCloseTab() const;
// Returns true if the vertical tabstrip presentation should be used.
virtual bool UseVerticalTabs() const = 0;
// Toggles the use of the vertical tabstrip.
virtual void ToggleUseVerticalTabs() = 0;
// Set the visiblity of the toolbar.
virtual void SetToolbarVisibility(bool value) = 0;
// TabStripModel
// A model & low level controller of a Browser Window tabstrip. Holds a vector
// of TabContents, and provides an API for adding, removing and shuffling
// them, as well as a higher level API for doing specific Browser-related
// tasks like adding new Tabs from just a URL, etc.
// Each tab may be any one of the following states:
// . Mini-tab. Mini tabs are locked to the left side of the tab strip and
// rendered differently (small tabs with only a favicon). The model makes
// sure all mini-tabs are at the beginning of the tab strip. For example,
// if a non-mini tab is added it is forced to be with non-mini tabs. Requests
// to move tabs outside the range of the tab type are ignored. For example,
// a request to move a mini-tab after non-mini-tabs is ignored.
// You'll notice there is no explcit api for making a tab a mini-tab, rather
// there are two tab types that are implicitly mini-tabs:
// . App. Corresponds to an extension that wants an app tab. App tabs are
// identified by TabContents::is_app().
// . Pinned. Any tab can be pinned. A pinned tab is made phantom when closed.
// Non-app tabs whose pinned state is changed are moved to be with other
// mini-tabs or non-mini tabs.
// . Phantom. Only pinned tabs may be made phantom. When a tab that can be made
// phantom is closed the renderer is shutdown, a new
// TabContents/NavigationController is created that has not yet loaded the
// renderer and observers are notified via the TabReplacedAt method. When a
// phantom tab is selected the renderer is loaded and the tab is no longer
// phantom.
// Phantom tabs do not prevent the tabstrip from closing, for example if the
// tabstrip has one phantom and one non-phantom tab and the non-phantom tab is
// closed, then the tabstrip/browser are closed.
// A TabStripModel has one delegate that it relies on to perform certain tasks
// like creating new TabStripModels (probably hosted in Browser windows) when
// required. See TabStripDelegate above for more information.
// A TabStripModel also has N observers (see TabStripModelObserver above),
// which can be registered via Add/RemoveObserver. An Observer is notified of
// tab creations, removals, moves, and other interesting events. The
// TabStrip implements this interface to know when to create new tabs in
// the View, and the Browser object likewise implements to be able to update
// its bookkeeping when such events happen.
class TabStripModel : public NotificationObserver {
// Policy for how new tabs are inserted.
enum InsertionPolicy {
// Newly created tabs are created after the selection. This is the default.
// Newly created tabs are inserted before the selection.
// Used to specify what should happen when the tab is closed.
enum CloseTypes {
// Indicates the tab was closed by the user. If true,
// TabContents::set_closed_by_user_gesture(true) is invoked.
// If true the history is recorded so that the tab can be reopened later.
// You almost always want to set this.
// Constants used when adding tabs.
enum AddTabTypes {
// Used to indicate nothing special should happen to the newly inserted
// tab.
// The tab should be selected.
ADD_SELECTED = 1 << 0,
// The tab should be pinned.
ADD_PINNED = 1 << 1,
// If not set the insertion index of the TabContents is left up to the Order
// Controller associated, so the final insertion index may differ from the
// specified index. Otherwise the index supplied is used.
// If set the newly inserted tab inherits the group of the currently
// selected tab. If not set the tab may still inherit the group under
// certain situations.
// If set the newly inserted tab's opener is set to the currently selected
// tab. If not set the tab may still inherit the group/opener under certain
// situations.
// NOTE: this is ignored if ADD_INHERIT_GROUP is set.
static const int kNoTab = -1;
// Construct a TabStripModel with a delegate to help it do certain things
// (See TabStripModelDelegate documentation). |delegate| cannot be NULL.
TabStripModel(TabStripModelDelegate* delegate, Profile* profile);
virtual ~TabStripModel();
// Retrieves the TabStripModelDelegate associated with this TabStripModel.
TabStripModelDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// Add and remove observers to changes within this TabStripModel.
void AddObserver(TabStripModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(TabStripModelObserver* observer);
// Retrieve the number of TabContentses/emptiness of the TabStripModel.
int count() const { return static_cast<int>(contents_data_.size()); }
bool empty() const { return contents_data_.empty(); }
// Returns true if there are any non-phantom tabs. When there are no
// non-phantom tabs the delegate is notified by way of TabStripEmpty and the
// browser closes.
bool HasNonPhantomTabs() const;
// Retrieve the Profile associated with this TabStripModel.
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Retrieve the index of the currently selected TabContents.
int selected_index() const { return selected_index_; }
// Returns true if the tabstrip is currently closing all open tabs (via a
// call to CloseAllTabs). As tabs close, the selection in the tabstrip
// changes which notifies observers, which can use this as an optimization to
// avoid doing meaningless or unhelpful work.
bool closing_all() const { return closing_all_; }
// Access the order controller. Exposed only for unit tests.
TabStripModelOrderController* order_controller() const {
return order_controller_;
// Sets the insertion policy. Default is INSERT_AFTER.
void SetInsertionPolicy(InsertionPolicy policy);
InsertionPolicy insertion_policy() const;
// Returns true if |observer| is in the list of observers. This is intended
// for debugging.
bool HasObserver(TabStripModelObserver* observer);
// Basic API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Determines if the specified index is contained within the TabStripModel.
bool ContainsIndex(int index) const;
// Adds the specified TabContents in the default location. Tabs opened in the
// foreground inherit the group of the previously selected tab.
void AppendTabContents(TabContents* contents, bool foreground);
// Adds the specified TabContents at the specified location. |add_types| is a
// bitmask of AddTypes; see it for details.
// All append/insert methods end up in this method.
// NOTE: adding a tab using this method does NOT query the order controller,
// as such the ADD_FORCE_INDEX AddType is meaningless here. The only time the
// |index| is changed is if using the index would result in breaking the
// constraint that all mini-tabs occur before non-mini-tabs.
// See also AddTabContents.
void InsertTabContentsAt(int index,
TabContents* contents,
int add_types);
// Closes the TabContents at the specified index. This causes the TabContents
// to be destroyed, but it may not happen immediately (e.g. if it's a
// TabContents). |close_types| is a bitmask of CloseTypes.
// Returns true if the TabContents was closed immediately, false if it was not
// closed (we may be waiting for a response from an onunload handler, or
// waiting for the user to confirm closure).
bool CloseTabContentsAt(int index, uint32 close_types);
// Replaces the entire state of a the tab at index by switching in a
// different NavigationController. This is used through the recently
// closed tabs list, which needs to replace a tab's current state
// and history with another set of contents and history.
// The old NavigationController is deallocated and this object takes
// ownership of the passed in controller.
void ReplaceNavigationControllerAt(int index,
NavigationController* controller);
// Detaches the TabContents at the specified index from this strip. The
// TabContents is not destroyed, just removed from display. The caller is
// responsible for doing something with it (e.g. stuffing it into another
// strip).
TabContents* DetachTabContentsAt(int index);
// Select the TabContents at the specified index. |user_gesture| is true if
// the user actually clicked on the tab or navigated to it using a keyboard
// command, false if the tab was selected as a by-product of some other
// action.
void SelectTabContentsAt(int index, bool user_gesture);
// Move the TabContents at the specified index to another index. This method
// does NOT send Detached/Attached notifications, rather it moves the
// TabContents inline and sends a Moved notification instead.
// If |select_after_move| is false, whatever tab was selected before the move
// will still be selected, but it's index may have incremented or decremented
// one slot.
// NOTE: this does nothing if the move would result in app tabs and non-app
// tabs mixing.
void MoveTabContentsAt(int index, int to_position, bool select_after_move);
// Returns the currently selected TabContents, or NULL if there is none.
TabContents* GetSelectedTabContents() const;
// Returns the TabContents at the specified index, or NULL if there is none.
TabContents* GetTabContentsAt(int index) const;
// Returns the index of the specified TabContents, or TabContents::kNoTab if
// the TabContents is not in this TabStripModel.
int GetIndexOfTabContents(const TabContents* contents) const;
// Returns the index of the specified NavigationController, or -1 if it is
// not in this TabStripModel.
int GetIndexOfController(const NavigationController* controller) const;
// Notify any observers that the TabContents at the specified index has
// changed in some way. See TabChangeType for details of |change_type|.
void UpdateTabContentsStateAt(
int index,
TabStripModelObserver::TabChangeType change_type);
// Make sure there is an auto-generated New Tab tab in the TabStripModel.
// If |force_create| is true, the New Tab will be created even if the
// preference is set to false (used by startup).
void EnsureNewTabVisible(bool force_create);
// Close all tabs at once. Code can use closing_all() above to defer
// operations that might otherwise by invoked by the flurry of detach/select
// notifications this method causes.
void CloseAllTabs();
// Returns true if there are any TabContents that are currently loading.
bool TabsAreLoading() const;
// Returns the controller controller that opened the TabContents at |index|.
NavigationController* GetOpenerOfTabContentsAt(int index);
// Returns the index of the next TabContents in the sequence of TabContentses
// spawned by the specified NavigationController after |start_index|.
// If |use_group| is true, the group property of the tab is used instead of
// the opener to find the next tab. Under some circumstances the group
// relationship may exist but the opener may not.
// NOTE: this skips phantom tabs.
int GetIndexOfNextTabContentsOpenedBy(const NavigationController* opener,
int start_index,
bool use_group) const;
// Returns the index of the first TabContents in the model opened by the
// specified opener.
// NOTE: this skips phantom tabs.
int GetIndexOfFirstTabContentsOpenedBy(const NavigationController* opener,
int start_index) const;
// Returns the index of the last TabContents in the model opened by the
// specified opener, starting at |start_index|.
// NOTE: this skips phantom tabs.
int GetIndexOfLastTabContentsOpenedBy(const NavigationController* opener,
int start_index) const;
// Called by the Browser when a navigation is about to occur in the specified
// TabContents. Depending on the tab, and the transition type of the
// navigation, the TabStripModel may adjust its selection and grouping
// behavior.
void TabNavigating(TabContents* contents, PageTransition::Type transition);
// Forget all Opener relationships that are stored (but _not_ group
// relationships!) This is to reduce unpredictable tab switching behavior
// in complex session states. The exact circumstances under which this method
// is called are left up to the implementation of the selected
// TabStripModelOrderController.
void ForgetAllOpeners();
// Forgets the group affiliation of the specified TabContents. This should be
// called when a TabContents that is part of a logical group of tabs is
// moved to a new logical context by the user (e.g. by typing a new URL or
// selecting a bookmark). This also forgets the opener, which is considered
// a weaker relationship than group.
void ForgetGroup(TabContents* contents);
// Returns true if the group/opener relationships present for |contents|
// should be reset when _any_ selection change occurs in the model.
bool ShouldResetGroupOnSelect(TabContents* contents) const;
// Changes the blocked state of the tab at |index|.
void SetTabBlocked(int index, bool blocked);
// Changes the pinned state of the tab at |index|. See description above
// class for details on this.
void SetTabPinned(int index, bool pinned);
// Returns true if the tab at |index| is pinned.
// See description above class for details on pinned tabs.
bool IsTabPinned(int index) const;
// Is the tab a mini-tab?
// See description above class for details on this.
bool IsMiniTab(int index) const;
// Is the tab at |index| an app?
// See description above class for details on app tabs.
bool IsAppTab(int index) const;
// Returns true if the toolbar is visible for the tab at |index|.
bool IsToolbarVisible(int index) const;
// Returns true if the tab is a phantom tab. A phantom tab is one where the
// renderer has not been loaded.
// See description above class for details on phantom tabs.
bool IsPhantomTab(int index) const;
// Returns true if the tab at |index| is blocked by a tab modal dialog.
bool IsTabBlocked(int index) const;
// Returns the index of the first tab that is not a mini-tab. This returns
// |count()| if all of the tabs are mini-tabs, and 0 if none of the tabs are
// mini-tabs.
int IndexOfFirstNonMiniTab() const;
// Returns a valid index for inserting a new tab into this model. |index| is
// the proposed index and |mini_tab| is true if inserting a tab will become
// mini (pinned or app). If |mini_tab| is true, the returned index is between
// 0 and IndexOfFirstNonMiniTab. If |mini_tab| is false, the returned index
// is between IndexOfFirstNonMiniTab and count().
int ConstrainInsertionIndex(int index, bool mini_tab);
// Returns the index of the first tab that is not a phantom tab. This returns
// kNoTab if all of the tabs are phantom tabs.
int IndexOfFirstNonPhantomTab() const;
// Returns the number of non phantom tabs in the TabStripModel.
int GetNonPhantomTabCount() const;
// Command level API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Adds a TabContents at the best position in the TabStripModel given the
// specified insertion index, transition, etc. |add_types| is a bitmask of
// AddTypes; see it for details. This method ends up calling into
// InsertTabContentsAt to do the actual inertion.
void AddTabContents(TabContents* contents,
int index,
PageTransition::Type transition,
int add_types);
// Closes the selected TabContents.
void CloseSelectedTab();
// Select adjacent tabs
void SelectNextTab();
void SelectPreviousTab();
// Selects the last tab in the tab strip.
void SelectLastTab();
// Swap adjacent tabs.
void MoveTabNext();
void MoveTabPrevious();
// View API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The specified contents should be opened in a new tabstrip. Returns the
// Browser that holds it.
Browser* TearOffTabContents(TabContents* detached_contents,
const gfx::Rect& window_bounds,
const DockInfo& dock_info);
// Context menu functions.
enum ContextMenuCommand {
CommandFirst = 0,
// Returns true if the specified command is enabled.
bool IsContextMenuCommandEnabled(int context_index,
ContextMenuCommand command_id) const;
// Returns true if the specified command is checked.
bool IsContextMenuCommandChecked(int context_index,
ContextMenuCommand command_id) const;
// Performs the action associated with the specified command for the given
// TabStripModel index |context_index|.
void ExecuteContextMenuCommand(int context_index,
ContextMenuCommand command_id);
// Returns a vector of indices of the tabs that will close when executing the
// command |id| for the tab at |index|. The returned indices are sorted in
// descending order.
std::vector<int> GetIndicesClosedByCommand(int index,
ContextMenuCommand id) const;
// Overridden from notificationObserver:
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
// We cannot be constructed without a delegate.
// Returns true if the specified TabContents is a New Tab at the end of the
// TabStrip. We check for this because opener relationships are _not_
// forgotten for the New Tab page opened as a result of a New Tab gesture
// (e.g. Ctrl+T, etc) since the user may open a tab transiently to look up
// something related to their current activity.
bool IsNewTabAtEndOfTabStrip(TabContents* contents) const;
// Closes the TabContents at the specified indices. This causes the
// TabContents to be destroyed, but it may not happen immediately. If the
// page in question has an unload event the TabContents will not be destroyed
// until after the event has completed, which will then call back into this
// method.
// Returns true if the TabContents were closed immediately, false if we are
// waiting for the result of an onunload handler.
bool InternalCloseTabs(const std::vector<int>& indices, uint32 close_types);
// Invoked from InternalCloseTabs and when an extension is removed for an app
// tab. Notifies observers of TabClosingAt and deletes |contents|. If
// |create_historical_tabs| is true, CreateHistoricalTab is invoked on the
// delegate.
// The boolean parameter create_historical_tab controls whether to
// record these tabs and their history for reopening recently closed
// tabs.
void InternalCloseTab(TabContents* contents,
int index,
bool create_historical_tabs);
TabContents* GetContentsAt(int index) const;
// The actual implementation of SelectTabContentsAt. Takes the previously
// selected contents in |old_contents|, which may actually not be in
// |contents_| anymore because it may have been removed by a call to say
// DetachTabContentsAt...
void ChangeSelectedContentsFrom(
TabContents* old_contents, int to_index, bool user_gesture);
// Returns the number of New Tab tabs in the TabStripModel.
int GetNewTabCount() const;
// Selects either the next tab (|foward| is true), or the previous tab
// (|forward| is false).
void SelectRelativeTab(bool forward);
// Returns the first non-phantom tab starting at |index|, skipping the tab at
// |ignore_index|.
int IndexOfNextNonPhantomTab(int index, int ignore_index);
// Returns true if the tab at the specified index should be made phantom when
// the tab is closing.
bool ShouldMakePhantomOnClose(int index);
// Makes the tab a phantom tab.
void MakePhantom(int index);
// Does the work of MoveTabContentsAt. This has no checks to make sure the
// position is valid, those are done in MoveTabContentsAt.
void MoveTabContentsAtImpl(int index,
int to_position,
bool select_after_move);
// Returns true if the tab represented by the specified data has an opener
// that matches the specified one. If |use_group| is true, then this will
// fall back to check the group relationship as well.
struct TabContentsData;
static bool OpenerMatches(const TabContentsData* data,
const NavigationController* opener,
bool use_group);
// Our delegate.
TabStripModelDelegate* delegate_;
// A hunk of data representing a TabContents and (optionally) the
// NavigationController that spawned it. This memory only sticks around while
// the TabContents is in the current TabStripModel, unless otherwise
// specified in code.
struct TabContentsData {
explicit TabContentsData(TabContents* a_contents)
: contents(a_contents),
blocked(false) {
// Create a relationship between this TabContents and other TabContentses.
// Used to identify which TabContents to select next after one is closed.
void SetGroup(NavigationController* a_group) {
group = a_group;
opener = a_group;
// Forget the opener relationship so that when this TabContents is closed
// unpredictable re-selection does not occur.
void ForgetOpener() {
opener = NULL;
TabContents* contents;
// We use NavigationControllers here since they more closely model the
// "identity" of a Tab, TabContents can change depending on the URL loaded
// in the Tab.
// The group is used to model a set of tabs spawned from a single parent
// tab. This value is preserved for a given tab as long as the tab remains
// navigated to the link it was initially opened at or some navigation from
// that page (i.e. if the user types or visits a bookmark or some other
// navigation within that tab, the group relationship is lost). This
// property can safely be used to implement features that depend on a
// logical group of related tabs.
NavigationController* group;
// The owner models the same relationship as group, except it is more
// easily discarded, e.g. when the user switches to a tab not part of the
// same group. This property is used to determine what tab to select next
// when one is closed.
NavigationController* opener;
// True if our group should be reset the moment selection moves away from
// this Tab. This is the case for tabs opened in the foreground at the end
// of the TabStrip while viewing another Tab. If these tabs are closed
// before selection moves elsewhere, their opener is selected. But if
// selection shifts to _any_ tab (including their opener), the group
// relationship is reset to avoid confusing close sequencing.
bool reset_group_on_select;
// Is the tab pinned?
bool pinned;
// Is the tab interaction blocked by a modal dialog?
bool blocked;
// The TabContents data currently hosted within this TabStripModel.
typedef std::vector<TabContentsData*> TabContentsDataVector;
TabContentsDataVector contents_data_;
// The index of the TabContents in |contents_| that is currently selected.
int selected_index_;
// A profile associated with this TabStripModel, used when creating new Tabs.
Profile* profile_;
// True if all tabs are currently being closed via CloseAllTabs.
bool closing_all_;
// An object that determines where new Tabs should be inserted and where
// selection should move when a Tab is closed.
TabStripModelOrderController* order_controller_;
// Our observers.
typedef ObserverList<TabStripModelObserver> TabStripModelObservers;
TabStripModelObservers observers_;
// A scoped container for notification registries.
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;