[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ca4182cf27dd9145f6db1ba8348fbd1cd07666b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition_config.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace content {
// Test that the Less comparison function is implemented properly to uniquely
// identify storage partitions used as keys in a std::map.
TEST(StoragePartitionConfigTest, OperatorLess) {
StoragePartitionConfig c1(std::string(), std::string(), false);
StoragePartitionConfig c2(std::string(), std::string(), false);
StoragePartitionConfig c3(std::string(), std::string(), true);
StoragePartitionConfig c4("a", std::string(), true);
StoragePartitionConfig c5("b", std::string(), true);
StoragePartitionConfig c6(std::string(), "abc", false);
StoragePartitionConfig c7(std::string(), "abc", true);
StoragePartitionConfig c8("a", "abc", false);
StoragePartitionConfig c9("a", "abc", true);
// Let's ensure basic comparison works.
EXPECT_TRUE(c1 < c3);
EXPECT_TRUE(c1 < c4);
EXPECT_TRUE(c3 < c4);
EXPECT_TRUE(c4 < c5);
EXPECT_TRUE(c4 < c8);
EXPECT_TRUE(c6 < c4);
EXPECT_TRUE(c6 < c7);
EXPECT_TRUE(c8 < c9);
// Now, ensure antisymmetry for each pair we've tested.
EXPECT_FALSE(c3 < c1);
EXPECT_FALSE(c4 < c1);
EXPECT_FALSE(c4 < c3);
EXPECT_FALSE(c5 < c4);
EXPECT_FALSE(c8 < c4);
EXPECT_FALSE(c4 < c6);
EXPECT_FALSE(c7 < c6);
EXPECT_FALSE(c9 < c8);
// Check for irreflexivity.
EXPECT_FALSE(c1 < c1);
EXPECT_TRUE(c8 == c8);
EXPECT_FALSE(c8 != c8);
// Check for transitivity.
EXPECT_TRUE(c1 < c4);
// Let's enforce that two identical elements obey strict weak ordering.
EXPECT_TRUE(!(c1 < c2) && !(c2 < c1));
} // namespace content