[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ef0b275a8f166d8223bbff5ce700b1488d1013e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/site_info.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/origin_agent_cluster_isolation_state.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/url_data_manager_backend.h"
#include "content/common/features.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/site_isolation_policy.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition_config.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_exposed_isolation_level.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_features.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/features.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
using WebUIDomains = std::vector<std::string>;
// Parses the TLD and any lower level domains for WebUI URLs of the form
// chrome://foo.bar/. Domains are returned in the same order they appear in the
// host.
WebUIDomains GetWebUIDomains(const GURL& url) {
return base::SplitString(url.host_piece(), ".", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE,
// Checks if the `url` is a special case WebUI URL of the form
// chrome://foo.bar/. Such URLs will employ LockURLs based on their TLD (ie
// chome://bar/). This will allow WebUI URLs of the above form with common TLDs
// to share a process whilst maintaining independent SiteURLs to allow for
// WebUIType differentiation.
bool IsWebUIAndUsesTLDForProcessLockURL(const GURL& url) {
if (!base::Contains(URLDataManagerBackend::GetWebUISchemes(), url.scheme()))
return false;
WebUIDomains domains = GetWebUIDomains(url);
// This only applies to WebUI urls with two or more non-empty domains.
return domains.size() >= 2 &&
base::ranges::all_of(domains, [](const std::string& domain) {
return !domain.empty();
// For WebUI URLs of the form chrome://foo.bar/ creates the appropriate process
// lock URL. See comment for `IsWebUIAndUsesTLDForProcessLockURL()`.
GURL GetProcessLockForWebUIURL(const GURL& url) {
WebUIDomains host_domains = GetWebUIDomains(url);
return GURL(url.scheme() + url::kStandardSchemeSeparator +
// URL used for the site URL and lock URL in error page SiteInfo objects.
GURL GetErrorPageSiteAndLockURL() {
return GURL(kUnreachableWebDataURL);
GURL SchemeAndHostToSite(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& host) {
return GURL(scheme + url::kStandardSchemeSeparator + host);
// Figure out which origin to use for computing site and process lock URLs for
// `url`. In most cases, this should just be `url`'s origin. However, there are
// some exceptions where an alternate origin must be used.
// - data: URLs: The tentative origin to commit, stored in `overridden_origin`
// should be used. We store the value there because it's an opaque origin
// and this lets us use the same nonce throughout the navigation.
// - LoadDataWithBaseURL: The origin of the base URL should be used, rather
// than the data URL.
// - about:blank: The initiator's origin should be inherited.
// In all these cases, we should use the alternate origin which will be passed
// through `overridden_origin`, ensuring to use its precursor in the about:blank
// case if the origin is opaque to still compute a meaningful site URL.
url::Origin GetPossiblyOverriddenOriginFromUrl(
const GURL& url,
std::optional<url::Origin> overridden_origin) {
bool scheme_allows_origin_override =
url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme) || url.IsAboutBlank();
if (overridden_origin.has_value() && scheme_allows_origin_override) {
auto precursor = overridden_origin->GetTupleOrPrecursorTupleIfOpaque();
if (url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme) &&
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kDataUrlsHaveStableNonce)) {
// data: URLs have an overridden origin so they can have the same nonce
// over the course of a navigation.
// This is checked first, since we don't want to use the precursor for
// data: URLs. For regular data: URLs, we should use the overridden_origin
// value, not the precursor. In the LoadDataWithBaseURL case, the base URL
// which is a real, non-opaque origin is used, and should also not use the
// precursor. We don't expect LoadDataWithBaseURL to have an opaque origin
// with a precursor in any case. If there is no base URL, then it should
// be treated as a regular data: URL.
return overridden_origin.value();
} else if (precursor.IsValid()) {
// The precursor should only be used in the about:blank case.
return url::Origin::CreateFromNormalizedTuple(
precursor.scheme(), precursor.host(), precursor.port());
} else {
return url::Origin::Resolve(url, overridden_origin.value());
} else {
return url::Origin::Create(url);
} // namespace
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateForErrorPage(
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
bool is_guest,
bool is_fenced,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
WebExposedIsolationLevel web_exposed_isolation_level) {
return SiteInfo(GetErrorPageSiteAndLockURL() /* site_url */,
GetErrorPageSiteAndLockURL() /* process_lock_url */,
false /* requires_origin_keyed_process */,
false /* requires_origin_keyed_process_by_default */,
false /* is_sandboxed */, UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId,
storage_partition_config, web_exposed_isolation_info,
web_exposed_isolation_level, is_guest,
false /* does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop */,
false /* is_jit_disabled */, false /* is_pdf */, is_fenced);
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateForDefaultSiteInstance(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info) {
// Get default JIT policy for this browser_context by passing in an empty
// site_url.
BrowserContext* browser_context =
bool is_jit_disabled = GetContentClient()->browser()->IsJitDisabledForSite(
browser_context, GURL());
WebExposedIsolationLevel web_exposed_isolation_level =
return SiteInfo(
/*is_sandboxed=*/false, UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId,
storage_partition_config, web_exposed_isolation_info,
web_exposed_isolation_level, isolation_context.is_guest(),
/*does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop=*/false, is_jit_disabled,
/*is_pdf=*/false, isolation_context.is_fenced());
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateForGuest(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const StoragePartitionConfig& partition_config) {
// Guests use regular site and lock URLs, and their StoragePartition
// information is maintained in a separate SiteInfo field. Since this
// function is called when a guest SiteInstance is first created (prior to
// any navigations), there is no URL at this point to compute proper site and
// lock URLs, so leave them empty for now. Future navigations (if any) in
// the guest will follow the normal process selection paths and use
// SiteInstances with real site and lock URLs.
return SiteInfo(
/*site_url=*/GURL(), /*process_lock_url=*/GURL(),
/*is_sandboxed=*/false, UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId,
partition_config, WebExposedIsolationInfo::CreateNonIsolated(),
/*is_jit_disabled=*/false, /*is_pdf=*/false, /*is_fenced=*/false);
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::Create(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info) {
// The call to GetSiteForURL() below is only allowed on the UI thread, due to
// its possible use of effective urls.
return CreateInternal(isolation_context, url_info,
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateOnIOThread(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info) {
return CreateInternal(isolation_context, url_info,
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateInternal(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info,
bool compute_site_url) {
DCHECK(url_info.is_sandboxed ||
url_info.unique_sandbox_id == UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId);
GURL lock_url = DetermineProcessLockURL(isolation_context, url_info);
GURL site_url = lock_url;
// PDF content should live in JIT-less processes because it is inherently less
// trusted.
bool is_jitless = url_info.is_pdf;
std::optional<StoragePartitionConfig> storage_partition_config =
if (compute_site_url) {
site_url = GetSiteForURLInternal(isolation_context, url_info,
true /* should_use_effective_urls */);
BrowserContext* browser_context =
is_jitless =
is_jitless || GetContentClient()->browser()->IsJitDisabledForSite(
browser_context, lock_url);
if (!storage_partition_config.has_value()) {
storage_partition_config =
GetStoragePartitionConfigForUrl(browser_context, site_url);
WebExposedIsolationInfo web_exposed_isolation_info =
WebExposedIsolationLevel web_exposed_isolation_level =
ComputeWebExposedIsolationLevel(web_exposed_isolation_info, url_info);
if (url_info.url.SchemeIs(kChromeErrorScheme)) {
return CreateForErrorPage(storage_partition_config.value(),
// We should only set |requires_origin_keyed_process| if we are actually
// creating separate SiteInstances for OAC isolation. When we use site-keyed
// processes for OAC, we don't do that at present.
// TODO(wjmaclean): Once SiteInstanceGroups are fully implemented, we should
// be able to give all OAC origins their own SiteInstance.
// https://crbug.com/1195535
OriginAgentClusterIsolationState requested_isolation_state =
if (!url_info.requests_default_origin_agent_cluster_isolation()) {
// In this case, url_info is not using OAC by default, so we only need to
// check the by_header() functions to determine the isolation state.
// (RequestsOriginKeyedProcess(isolation_context) only behaves differently
// in the non-header / by-default case.)
requested_isolation_state =
? OriginAgentClusterIsolationState::CreateForOriginAgentCluster(
: OriginAgentClusterIsolationState::CreateNonIsolated();
// An origin-keyed process can only be used for origin-keyed agent clusters.
CHECK(!requested_isolation_state.requires_origin_keyed_process() ||
bool requires_origin_keyed_process = false;
if (SiteIsolationPolicy::IsProcessIsolationForOriginAgentClusterEnabled()) {
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
url::Origin origin =
GetPossiblyOverriddenOriginFromUrl(url_info.url, url_info.origin);
requires_origin_keyed_process =
->DetermineOriginAgentClusterIsolation(isolation_context, origin,
// If after the call to `DetermineOriginAgentClusterIsolation` the returned
// isolation state has `requires_origin_keyed_process() == true`, and if the
// requested `url_info` was for default isolation, then we know that
// `requires_origin_keyed_process` is true by default; we track that in
// `requires_origin_keyed_process_by_default` so that later we know not to
// add the isolation state to the per-BrowsingInstance tracking.
bool requires_origin_keyed_process_by_default =
requires_origin_keyed_process &&
// If there is a COOP isolation request, propagate it to SiteInfo.
// This will be used later when determining a suitable SiteInstance
// and BrowsingInstance for this SiteInfo.
bool does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop =
// Note: Well-formed UrlInfos can arrive here with null
// WebExposedIsolationInfo. One example is, going through the process model
// prior to having received response headers that determine the final
// WebExposedIsolationInfo, and creating a new speculative SiteInstance. In
// these cases we consider the SiteInfo to be non-isolated.
// Sometimes SiteInfos are built from UrlInfos for the purpose of using
// SiteInfo comparisons. Sometimes we only want to compare some attributes and
// do not care about WebExposedIsolationInfo. These cases should not rely on
// the default WebExposedIsolationInfo value. Callers should specify why it is
// appropriate to disregard WebExposedIsolationInfo and override it manually
// to what they expect the other value to be.
return SiteInfo(site_url, lock_url, requires_origin_keyed_process,
url_info.is_sandboxed, url_info.unique_sandbox_id,
storage_partition_config.value(), web_exposed_isolation_info,
web_exposed_isolation_level, isolation_context.is_guest(),
does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop, is_jitless,
url_info.is_pdf, isolation_context.is_fenced());
// static
SiteInfo SiteInfo::CreateForTesting(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& url) {
return Create(isolation_context, UrlInfo::CreateForTesting(url));
SiteInfo::SiteInfo(const GURL& site_url,
const GURL& process_lock_url,
bool requires_origin_keyed_process,
bool requires_origin_keyed_process_by_default,
bool is_sandboxed,
int unique_sandbox_id,
const StoragePartitionConfig storage_partition_config,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
WebExposedIsolationLevel web_exposed_isolation_level,
bool is_guest,
bool does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop,
bool is_jit_disabled,
bool is_pdf,
bool is_fenced)
: site_url_(site_url),
is_fenced_(is_fenced) {
DCHECK(is_sandboxed_ ||
unique_sandbox_id_ == UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId);
DCHECK(!requires_origin_keyed_process_by_default_ ||
SiteInfo::SiteInfo(const SiteInfo& rhs) = default;
SiteInfo::~SiteInfo() = default;
SiteInfo::SiteInfo(BrowserContext* browser_context)
: SiteInfo(
/*is_sandboxed*/ false,
/*is_fenced=*/false) {}
// static
auto SiteInfo::MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(const SiteInfo& site_info) {
// Note: `does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_` is intentionally
// excluded here, as a difference solely in that field should not cause a
// different SiteInstance to be created. A document that has been
// site-isolated due to COOP should still share a SiteInstance with other
// same-site frames in the BrowsingInstance, even if those frames lack the
// COOP isolation request.
return std::tie(
// Here we only compare |requires_origin_keyed_process_| since
// we currently don't create SiteInfos where
// |is_origin_agent_cluster_| differs from
// |requires_origin_keyed_process_|. In fact, we don't even
// have |is_origin_agent_cluster| in SiteInfo at this time,
// but that could change.
// TODO(wjmaclean): Update this if we ever start to create
// separate SiteInfos for same-process OriginAgentCluster.
site_info.requires_origin_keyed_process_, site_info.is_sandboxed_,
site_info.unique_sandbox_id_, site_info.storage_partition_config_,
site_info.web_exposed_isolation_level_, site_info.is_guest_,
site_info.is_jit_disabled_, site_info.is_pdf_, site_info.is_fenced_);
SiteInfo SiteInfo::GetNonOriginKeyedEquivalentForMetrics(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const {
SiteInfo non_oac_site_info(*this);
if (requires_origin_keyed_process()) {
non_oac_site_info.requires_origin_keyed_process_ = false;
// TODO(wjmaclean): It would probably be better if we just changed
// SiteInstanceImpl::original_url_ to be SiteInfo::original_url_info_ and
// use that to recreate the SiteInfo with origin keying turned off. But
// that's a largish refactor in its own, since it would require making all
// SiteInfo creation go through SiteInfo::CreateInternal.
// We'll do the following for now and do the refactor separately.
// The code below creates a simple non-origin-keyed equivalent for this
// SiteInfo by (1) Converting the process lock to its equivalent by either
// seeing if it has a command-line isolated-origin it should use, and if not
// then just using GetSiteForOrigin to convert it, and (2) doing the same
// for the SiteUrl, but only if the SiteUrl and ProcessLockUrl match
// prior to the conversion, otherwise leave the SiteUrl as is.
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
url::Origin result_origin;
// We need to make the following call with a 'null' IsolationContext,
// otherwise the OAC history will just opt us back into an origin-keyed
// SiteInfo.
if (policy->GetMatchingProcessIsolatedOrigin(
false /* origin_requests_isolation */, &result_origin)) {
non_oac_site_info.process_lock_url_ = result_origin.GetURL();
} else {
non_oac_site_info.process_lock_url_ =
// Only convert the site_url_ if it matches the process_lock_url_, otherwise
// leave it alone. This will only matter for hosted apps, and we only expect
// them to differ if an effective URL is defined.
if (site_url_ == process_lock_url_)
non_oac_site_info.site_url_ = non_oac_site_info.process_lock_url_;
return non_oac_site_info;
SiteInfo& SiteInfo::operator=(const SiteInfo& rhs) = default;
bool SiteInfo::IsSamePrincipalWith(const SiteInfo& other) const {
return MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(*this) == MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(other);
bool SiteInfo::IsExactMatch(const SiteInfo& other) const {
bool is_match =
site_url_ == other.site_url_ &&
process_lock_url_ == other.process_lock_url_ &&
requires_origin_keyed_process_ == other.requires_origin_keyed_process_ &&
is_sandboxed_ == other.is_sandboxed_ &&
unique_sandbox_id_ == other.unique_sandbox_id_ &&
storage_partition_config_ == other.storage_partition_config_ &&
web_exposed_isolation_info_ == other.web_exposed_isolation_info_ &&
web_exposed_isolation_level_ == other.web_exposed_isolation_level_ &&
is_guest_ == other.is_guest_ &&
does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_ ==
other.does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_ &&
is_jit_disabled_ == other.is_jit_disabled_ && is_pdf_ == other.is_pdf_ &&
is_fenced_ == other.is_fenced_;
if (is_match) {
// If all the fields match, then the "same principal" subset must also
// match. This is used to ensure these 2 methods stay in sync and all fields
// used by IsSamePrincipalWith() are used by this function.
return is_match;
auto SiteInfo::MakeProcessLockComparisonKey() const {
// As we add additional features to SiteInfo, we'll expand this comparison.
// Note that this should *not* compare site_url() values from the SiteInfo,
// since those include effective URLs which may differ even if the actual
// document origins match. We use process_lock_url() comparisons to account
// for this.
// TODO(wjmaclean, alexmos): Figure out why including `is_jit_disabled_` here
// leads to crashes in https://crbug.com/1279453.
return std::tie(process_lock_url_, requires_origin_keyed_process_,
is_sandboxed_, unique_sandbox_id_, is_pdf_, is_guest_,
web_exposed_isolation_info_, web_exposed_isolation_level_,
storage_partition_config_, is_fenced_);
int SiteInfo::ProcessLockCompareTo(const SiteInfo& other) const {
auto a = MakeProcessLockComparisonKey();
auto b = other.MakeProcessLockComparisonKey();
if (a < b)
return -1;
if (b < a)
return 1;
return 0;
bool SiteInfo::operator==(const SiteInfo& other) const {
return IsSamePrincipalWith(other);
bool SiteInfo::operator!=(const SiteInfo& other) const {
return !IsSamePrincipalWith(other);
bool SiteInfo::operator<(const SiteInfo& other) const {
return MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(*this) < MakeSecurityPrincipalKey(other);
std::string SiteInfo::GetDebugString() const {
std::string debug_string =
site_url_.is_empty() ? "empty site" : site_url_.possibly_invalid_spec();
if (process_lock_url_.is_empty())
debug_string += ", empty lock";
else if (process_lock_url_ != site_url_)
debug_string += ", locked to " + process_lock_url_.possibly_invalid_spec();
if (requires_origin_keyed_process_)
debug_string += ", origin-keyed";
if (is_sandboxed_) {
debug_string += ", sandboxed";
if (unique_sandbox_id_ != UrlInfo::kInvalidUniqueSandboxId)
debug_string += base::StringPrintf(" (id=%d)", unique_sandbox_id_);
if (web_exposed_isolation_info_.is_isolated()) {
debug_string += ", cross-origin isolated";
if (web_exposed_isolation_info_.is_isolated_application())
debug_string += " application";
debug_string += ", coi-origin='" +
web_exposed_isolation_info_.origin().GetDebugString() + "'";
if (web_exposed_isolation_info_.is_isolated_application() &&
web_exposed_isolation_level_ <
WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolatedApplication) {
debug_string += ", application isolation not inherited";
if (is_guest_)
debug_string += ", guest";
if (does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_)
debug_string += ", requests coop isolation";
if (is_jit_disabled_)
debug_string += ", jitless";
if (is_pdf_)
debug_string += ", pdf";
if (!storage_partition_config_.is_default()) {
debug_string +=
", partition=" + storage_partition_config_.partition_domain() + "." +
if (storage_partition_config_.in_memory())
debug_string += ", in-memory";
if (is_fenced_)
debug_string += ", is_fenced";
return debug_string;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SiteInfo& site_info) {
return out << site_info.GetDebugString();
bool SiteInfo::RequiresDedicatedProcess(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const {
// If --site-per-process is enabled, site isolation is enabled everywhere.
if (SiteIsolationPolicy::UseDedicatedProcessesForAllSites())
return true;
// If there is a COOP header request to require a dedicated process for this
// SiteInfo, honor it. Note that we have already checked other eligibility
// criteria such as memory thresholds prior to setting this bit on SiteInfo.
if (does_site_request_dedicated_process_for_coop_)
return true;
// Always require a dedicated process for isolated origins.
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
if (policy->IsIsolatedOrigin(isolation_context,
requires_origin_keyed_process_)) {
return true;
// Require a dedicated process for all sandboxed frames. Note: If this
// SiteInstance is a sandboxed child of a sandboxed parent, then the logic in
// RenderFrameHostManager::CanUseSourceSiteInstance will assign the child to
// the parent's SiteInstance, so we don't need to worry about the parent's
// sandbox status here.
if (is_sandboxed_)
return true;
// Error pages in main frames do require isolation, however since this is
// missing the context whether this is for a main frame or not, that part
// is enforced in RenderFrameHostManager.
if (is_error_page())
return true;
// Isolate PDF content.
if (is_pdf_)
return true;
// Isolate WebUI pages from one another and from other kinds of schemes.
for (const auto& webui_scheme : URLDataManagerBackend::GetWebUISchemes()) {
if (site_url_.SchemeIs(webui_scheme))
return true;
// Let the content embedder enable site isolation for specific URLs. Use the
// canonical site url for this check, so that schemes with nested origins
// (blob and filesystem) work properly.
if (GetContentClient()->browser()->DoesSiteRequireDedicatedProcess(
site_url_)) {
return true;
return false;
bool SiteInfo::ShouldLockProcessToSite(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context) const {
BrowserContext* browser_context =
// Don't lock to origin in --single-process mode, since this mode puts
// cross-site pages into the same process. Note that this also covers the
// single-process mode in Android Webview.
if (RenderProcessHost::run_renderer_in_process())
return false;
if (!RequiresDedicatedProcess(isolation_context))
return false;
// Most WebUI processes should be locked on all platforms. The only exception
// is NTP, handled via the separate callout to the embedder.
const auto& webui_schemes = URLDataManagerBackend::GetWebUISchemes();
if (base::Contains(webui_schemes, site_url_.scheme())) {
return GetContentClient()->browser()->DoesWebUIUrlRequireProcessLock(
// Allow the embedder to prevent process locking so that multiple sites
// can share a process.
if (!GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldLockProcessToSite(browser_context,
site_url_)) {
return false;
return true;
bool SiteInfo::ShouldUseProcessPerSite(BrowserContext* browser_context) const {
// Returns true if we should use the process-per-site model. This will be
// the case if the --process-per-site switch is specified, or in
// process-per-site-instance for particular sites (e.g., NTP). Note that
// --single-process is handled in ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost.
const base::CommandLine& command_line =
if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kProcessPerSite))
return true;
// Error pages should use process-per-site model, as it is useful to
// consolidate them to minimize resource usage and there is no security
// drawback to combining them all in the same process.
if (is_error_page())
return true;
// Otherwise let the content client decide, defaulting to false.
return GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldUseProcessPerSite(browser_context,
// static
StoragePartitionConfig SiteInfo::GetStoragePartitionConfigForUrl(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& site_or_regular_url) {
if (site_or_regular_url.is_empty()) {
return StoragePartitionConfig::CreateDefault(browser_context);
return GetContentClient()->browser()->GetStoragePartitionConfigForSite(
browser_context, site_or_regular_url);
void SiteInfo::WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) const {
auto dict = std::move(context).WriteDictionary();
dict.Add("site_url", site_url());
dict.Add("process_lock_url", process_lock_url());
dict.Add("requires_origin_keyed_process", requires_origin_keyed_process_);
dict.Add("is_sandboxed", is_sandboxed_);
dict.Add("is_guest", is_guest_);
dict.Add("is_fenced", is_fenced_);
bool SiteInfo::is_error_page() const {
return site_url_ == GetErrorPageSiteAndLockURL();
// static
GURL SiteInfo::DetermineProcessLockURL(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& url_info) {
// For WebUI URLs of the form chrome://foo.bar/ compute the LockURL based on
// the TLD (ie chrome://bar/). This allows WebUI to continue to differentiate
// WebUIType via SiteURL while allowing WebUI with a shared TLD to share a
// RenderProcessHost.
// TODO(tluk): Remove this and replace it with SiteInstance groups once the
// support lands.
if (IsWebUIAndUsesTLDForProcessLockURL(url_info.url))
return GetProcessLockForWebUIURL(url_info.url);
// For the process lock URL, convert |url| to a site without resolving |url|
// to an effective URL.
return GetSiteForURLInternal(isolation_context, url_info,
false /* should_use_effective_urls */);
// static
GURL SiteInfo::GetSiteForURLInternal(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const UrlInfo& real_url_info,
bool should_use_effective_urls) {
const GURL& real_url = real_url_info.url;
// Explicitly map all chrome-error: URLs to a single URL so that they all
// end up in a dedicated error process.
if (real_url.SchemeIs(kChromeErrorScheme))
return GetErrorPageSiteAndLockURL();
if (should_use_effective_urls)
GURL url = should_use_effective_urls
? SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(
: real_url;
url::Origin origin =
GetPossiblyOverriddenOriginFromUrl(url, real_url_info.origin);
// If the url has a host, then determine the site. Skip file URLs to avoid a
// situation where site URL of file://localhost/ would mismatch Blink's origin
// (which ignores the hostname in this case - see https://crbug.com/776160).
GURL site_url;
if (!origin.host().empty() && origin.scheme() != url::kFileScheme) {
// For Strict Origin Isolation, use the full origin instead of site for all
// HTTP/HTTPS URLs. Note that the HTTP/HTTPS restriction guarantees that
// we won't hit this for hosted app effective URLs (see
// https://crbug.com/961386).
if (SiteIsolationPolicy::IsStrictOriginIsolationEnabled() &&
origin.GetURL().SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) {
return origin.GetURL();
// For isolated sandboxed iframes in per-origin mode we also just return the
// origin, as we should be using the full origin for the SiteInstance, but
// we don't need to track the origin like we do for OriginAgentCluster.
if (real_url_info.is_sandboxed &&
blink::features::kIsolateSandboxedIframesGroupingParam.Get() ==
blink::features::IsolateSandboxedIframesGrouping::kPerOrigin) {
return origin.GetURL();
site_url = GetSiteForOrigin(origin);
// Isolated origins should use the full origin as their site URL. A
// subdomain of an isolated origin should also use that isolated origin's
// site URL. It is important to check |origin| (based on |url|) rather than
// |real_url| here, since some effective URLs (such as for NTP) need to be
// resolved prior to the isolated origin lookup.
auto* policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance();
url::Origin isolated_origin;
if (policy->GetMatchingProcessIsolatedOrigin(
isolation_context, origin,
site_url, &isolated_origin)) {
return isolated_origin.GetURL();
} else {
// If there is no host but there is a scheme, return the scheme.
// This is useful for cases like file URLs.
if (!origin.opaque()) {
// Prefer to use the scheme of |origin| rather than |url|, to correctly
// cover blob:file: and filesystem:file: URIs (see also
// https://crbug.com/697111).
site_url = GURL(origin.scheme() + ":");
} else if (url.has_scheme()) {
if (url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme) &&
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kDataUrlsHaveOriginAsUrl)) {
// We get here for browser-initiated navigations to data URLs.
// We use the serialized opaque origin as the body of the data: URL to
// avoid storing the entire data: URL multiple times, and to use the
// origin's nonce to distinguish between instances of the same URL. This
// means each browser-initiated data: URL will get its own process.
site_url = GetOriginBasedSiteURLForDataURL(origin);
} else if (url.SchemeIsBlob() || url.SchemeIs(url::kDataScheme)) {
// In some cases, it is not safe to use just the scheme as a site URL,
// as that might allow two URLs created by different sites to share a
// process. See https://crbug.com/863623 and https://crbug.com/863069.
// TODO(alexmos,creis): This should eventually be expanded to certain
// other schemes, such as file:.
// We get here for blob URLs of form blob:null/guid. Use the full URL
// with the guid in that case, which isolates all blob URLs with unique
// origins from each other. We also get here for browser-initiated
// navigations to data URLs, which have a unique origin and should only
// share a process when they are identical. Remove hash from the URL in
// either case, since same-document navigations shouldn't use a
// different site URL.
if (url.has_ref()) {
GURL::Replacements replacements;
url = url.ReplaceComponents(replacements);
site_url = url;
} else {
site_url = GURL(url.scheme() + ":");
} else {
// Otherwise the URL should be invalid; return an empty site.
DCHECK(!url.is_valid()) << url;
return GURL();
return site_url;
// static
GURL SiteInfo::GetSiteForOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
// Only keep the scheme and registered domain of |origin|.
std::string domain = net::registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry(
origin, net::registry_controlled_domains::INCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES);
return SchemeAndHostToSite(origin.scheme(),
domain.empty() ? origin.host() : domain);
// static
WebExposedIsolationLevel SiteInfo::ComputeWebExposedIsolationLevel(
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
const UrlInfo& url_info) {
if (!web_exposed_isolation_info.is_isolated()) {
return WebExposedIsolationLevel::kNotIsolated;
if (!web_exposed_isolation_info.is_isolated_application()) {
return WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolated;
// The "application isolation" level cannot be delegated to processes locked
// to other origins. Sandboxed frames are always considered cross-origin.
if (url_info.is_sandboxed) {
return WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolated;
url::Origin origin =
GetPossiblyOverriddenOriginFromUrl(url_info.url, url_info.origin);
return web_exposed_isolation_info.origin() == origin
? WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolatedApplication
: WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolated;
// static
WebExposedIsolationLevel SiteInfo::ComputeWebExposedIsolationLevelForEmptySite(
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info) {
return web_exposed_isolation_info.is_isolated()
? WebExposedIsolationLevel::kIsolated
: WebExposedIsolationLevel::kNotIsolated;
// static
GURL SiteInfo::GetOriginBasedSiteURLForDataURL(const url::Origin& origin) {
return GURL(url::kDataScheme + std::string(":") +
} // namespace content