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// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "crypto/crypto_export.h"
#include "crypto/signature_verifier.h"
#import <Security/Security.h>
namespace crypto {
// UnexportableSigningKey provides a hardware-backed signing oracle on platforms
// that support it. Current support is:
// Windows: RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 via TPM 1.2+ and ECDSA_SHA256 via TPM 2.0.
// macOS: ECDSA_SHA256 via the Secure Enclave.
// Tests: ECDSA_SHA256 via ScopedMockUnexportableSigningKeyForTesting.
// See also //components/unexportable_keys for a higher-level key management
// API.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT UnexportableSigningKey {
virtual ~UnexportableSigningKey();
// Algorithm returns the algorithm of the key in this object.
virtual SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm Algorithm() const = 0;
// GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo returns an SPKI that contains the public key of
// this object.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo() const = 0;
// GetWrappedKey returns a handle to the private key of this object. Usually,
// it is the private key encrypted to a key that is kept in hardware and the
// unencrypted private key never exists in the CPU's memory, hence the name.
// On Mac, this is instead a hash of the public key and the wrapped key
// material is stored in the Keychain.
// A key handle may be used with a future instance of this code to recreate
// the key so long as it's running on the same computer.
// Note: on Windows it is possible to export this wrapped key off machine, but
// it must be sealed with an AEAD first. The wrapped key may contain machine
// identifiers and other values that you wouldn't want to export. Additionally
// |UnexportableKeyProvider::FromWrappedSigningKey| should not be presented
// attacked-controlled input and the AEAD would serve to authenticate the
// wrapped key.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetWrappedKey() const = 0;
// SignSlowly returns a signature of |data|, or |nullopt| if an error occurs
// during signing.
// Note: this may take a second or more to run.
virtual std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> SignSlowly(
base::span<const uint8_t> data) = 0;
// Returns the underlying reference to a Keychain key owned by the current
// instance.
virtual SecKeyRef GetSecKeyRef() const = 0;
// UnexportableKeyProvider creates |UnexportableSigningKey|s.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT UnexportableKeyProvider {
virtual ~UnexportableKeyProvider();
// Platform-specific configuration parameters for the provider.
struct Config {
// Determines the level of user verification needed to sign with the key.
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/secaccesscontrolcreateflags?language=objc
enum class AccessControl {
// No access control. User presence is not required to access this secret.
// Either biometry or the local account password are required to access
// this secret. This is equivalent to kSecAccessControlUserPresence.
// Note that if you set this and choose not to pass an authenticated
// LAContext when signing, macOS will prompt the user for biometrics and
// the thread will block until that resolves.
// The keychain access group the key is shared with. The binary must be
// codesigned with the corresponding entitlement.
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/keychain-access-groups?language=objc
// This must be set to a non empty value when using unexportable keys on
// macOS.
std::string keychain_access_group;
// An optional application tag that will be set for all keys created by this
// provider. If non empty, this should uniquely identify a group of related
// keys, and can be used to query or delete all credentials with the same
// tag.
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/ksecattrapplicationtag?language=objc
std::string application_tag;
// The access control set for keys created by the provider.
AccessControl access_control = AccessControl::kNone;
// SelectAlgorithm returns which signature algorithm from
// |acceptable_algorithms| would be used if |acceptable_algorithms| was passed
// to |GenerateSigningKeySlowly|.
virtual std::optional<SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm> SelectAlgorithm(
base::span<const SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm>
acceptable_algorithms) = 0;
// GenerateSigningKeySlowly creates a new opaque signing key in hardware. The
// first supported value of |acceptable_algorithms| determines the type of the
// key. Returns nullptr if no supported hardware exists, if no value in
// |acceptable_algorithms| is supported, or if there was an error creating the
// key.
// Note: this may take one or two seconds to run.
virtual std::unique_ptr<UnexportableSigningKey> GenerateSigningKeySlowly(
base::span<const SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm>
acceptable_algorithms) = 0;
// FromWrappedSigningKey creates an |UnexportableSigningKey| from
// |wrapped_key|, which must have resulted from calling |GetWrappedKey| on a
// previous instance of |UnexportableSigningKey|. Returns nullptr if
// |wrapped_key| cannot be imported.
// Note: this may take up to a second.
// Note: do not call this with attacker-controlled data. The underlying
// interfaces to the secure hardware may not be robust. See |GetWrappedKey|.
virtual std::unique_ptr<UnexportableSigningKey> FromWrappedSigningKeySlowly(
base::span<const uint8_t> wrapped_key) = 0;
// Unexportable key implementations may be stateful. This is the case for
// macOS. |DeleteSigningKey| deletes all state associated with a given signing
// key on such implementations. For stateless implementations, this is a
// no-op.
// Returns true on successful deletion, false otherwise.
// This can sometimes block, and therefore must not be called from the UI
// thread.
virtual bool DeleteSigningKeySlowly(
base::span<const uint8_t> wrapped_key) = 0;
// This is an experimental API as it uses an unofficial Windows API.
// The current implementation is here to gather metrics only. It should not be
// used outside of metrics gathering without knowledge of crypto OWNERS.
// UnexportableSigningKey provides a software-backed signing oracle based in a
// specialized virtual machine on platforms that support it. Current support is:
// Windows: RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 and ECDSA_SHA256.
// These keys differs from UnexportableSigningKey in several ways:
// - They are backed not by hardware, but by a specialized limited virtual
// machine resistant to attacks.
// - The latency of operations are expected to be about 100 times less, making
// them much more practical in cases that would otherwise disrupt the user
// experience.
// - The keys are stored in the virtual machine by name, this namespace is
// shared by all applications and there is a limited number of available keys
// (~65k from testing).
// For more info see:
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/identity-protection/credential-guard/credential-guard
class CRYPTO_EXPORT VirtualUnexportableSigningKey {
virtual ~VirtualUnexportableSigningKey();
// Algorithm returns the algorithm of the key in this object.
virtual SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm Algorithm() const = 0;
// GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo returns an SPKI that contains the public key of
// this object.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetSubjectPublicKeyInfo() const = 0;
// GetKeyName may be used with a future instance of this code to recreate
// the key so long as it's running on the same computer.
// Note: All local applications can enumerate all keys on device and
// recreate them. Private keys can also be exported with the first HANDLE
// after creation.
virtual std::string GetKeyName() const = 0;
// Sign returns a signature of |data|, or |nullopt| if an error occurs
// during signing.
// Note: this is expected to be under 10ms.
virtual std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> Sign(
base::span<const uint8_t> data) = 0;
// Deletes the key from storage in the virtual machine. As the virtual machine
// has limited storage shared by all applications it is important to delete
// keys no longer in use.
virtual void DeleteKey() = 0;
// VirtualUnexportableKeyProvider creates |VirtualUnexportableSigningKey|s.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT VirtualUnexportableKeyProvider {
virtual ~VirtualUnexportableKeyProvider();
// SelectAlgorithm returns which signature algorithm from
// |acceptable_algorithms| would be used if |acceptable_algorithms| was passed
// to |GenerateSigningKeySlowly|.
virtual std::optional<SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm> SelectAlgorithm(
base::span<const SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm>
acceptable_algorithms) = 0;
// GenerateSigningKey creates a new opaque signing key in a virtual machine.
// The first supported value of |acceptable_algorithms| determines the type of
// the key. Returns nullptr if it is not supported in the operating system,
// if no value in |acceptable_algorithms| is supported, or if there was an
// error creating the key.
// As the namespace is shared between all applications care should be taken to
// use a name that will not already be used by other applications. If a new
// key is created with the same name as a current key the creation will fail.
// Do not create a key with NULL or empty string as the name.
// Note: This may take milliseconds to run.
virtual std::unique_ptr<VirtualUnexportableSigningKey> GenerateSigningKey(
base::span<const SignatureVerifier::SignatureAlgorithm>
std::string name) = 0;
// FromKeyName creates an |UnexportableSigningKey| from |name|, which is the
// name used to create the key. Returns nullptr if |name| cannot be imported.
// Note: This may take milliseconds to run.
virtual std::unique_ptr<VirtualUnexportableSigningKey> FromKeyName(
std::string name) = 0;
// GetUnexportableKeyProvider returns an |UnexportableKeyProvider|
// for the current platform, or nullptr if there isn't one. This can be called
// from any thread but, in tests, but be sequenced with
// |SetUnexportableSigningKeyProvider|.
CRYPTO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<UnexportableKeyProvider>
GetUnexportableKeyProvider(UnexportableKeyProvider::Config config);
// GetVirtualUnexportableKeyProvider_DO_NOT_USE_METRICS_ONLY returns a
// |VirtualUnexportableKeyProvider| for the current platform, or nullptr if
// there isn't one. This should currently only be used for metrics gathering.
CRYPTO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<VirtualUnexportableKeyProvider>
// `GetSoftwareUnsecureUnexportableKeyProvider()` returns a mock software
// implementation of `UnexportableKeyProvider` that can be used on platforms
// that do not have a native secure implementation.
// This should be used for development purposes only since these keys are not
// backed by hardware and are not stored securely.
CRYPTO_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<UnexportableKeyProvider>
namespace internal {
CRYPTO_EXPORT bool HasScopedUnexportableKeyProvider();
CRYPTO_EXPORT void SetUnexportableKeyProviderForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<UnexportableKeyProvider> (*func)());
} // namespace internal
} // namespace crypto