[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 22303651d616b2f7393e05175ee1b36ec4a451dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/variations/processed_study.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "components/variations/proto/study.pb.h"
#include "entropy_provider.h"
#include "variations_layers.h"
namespace variations {
namespace {
void LogInvalidReason(InvalidStudyReason reason) {
base::UmaHistogramEnumeration("Variations.InvalidStudyReason", reason);
// TODO(crbug/946593): Use base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName
// once WebRTC trials with "," in group names are removed.
bool IsValidExperimentName(const std::string& name) {
return base::IsStringASCII(name) &&
name.find_first_of("<*") == std::string::npos;
// Validates the sanity of |study| and computes the total probability and
// whether all assignments are to a single group.
bool ValidateStudyAndComputeTotalProbability(
const Study& study,
base::FieldTrial::Probability* total_probability,
bool* all_assignments_to_one_group) {
if (study.name().empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "study with missing study name";
return false;
if (!base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName(study.name())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " is an invalid experiment name";
return false;
if (study.filter().has_min_version() &&
!base::Version::IsValidWildcardString(study.filter().min_version())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name()
<< " has invalid min version: " << study.filter().min_version();
return false;
if (study.filter().has_max_version() &&
!base::Version::IsValidWildcardString(study.filter().max_version())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name()
<< " has invalid max version: " << study.filter().max_version();
return false;
if (study.filter().has_min_os_version() &&
!base::Version::IsValidWildcardString(study.filter().min_os_version())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has invalid min os version: "
<< study.filter().min_os_version();
return false;
if (study.filter().has_max_os_version() &&
!base::Version::IsValidWildcardString(study.filter().max_os_version())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has invalid max os version: "
<< study.filter().max_os_version();
return false;
// Validate experiment names
std::set<std::string> experiment_names;
for (const auto& experiment : study.experiment()) {
if (experiment.name().empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " is missing an experiment name";
return false;
if (!IsValidExperimentName(experiment.name())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a invalid experiment name "
<< experiment.name();
return false;
if (!experiment_names.insert(experiment.name()).second) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a repeated experiment name "
<< experiment.name();
return false;
// Specifying a default experiment is optional, so finding it in the
// experiment list is only required when it is specified.
if (!study.default_experiment_name().empty() &&
!base::Contains(experiment_names, study.default_experiment_name())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " is missing default experiment ("
<< study.default_experiment_name() << ") in its experiment list";
// The default group was not found in the list of groups. This study is
// not valid.
return false;
for (const auto& experiment : study.experiment()) {
if (!experiment.has_feature_association())
for (const auto& feature :
experiment.feature_association().enable_feature()) {
if (!base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName(feature)) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a feature experiment name "
<< feature;
return false;
for (const auto& feature :
experiment.feature_association().disable_feature()) {
if (!base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName(feature)) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a feature experiment name "
<< feature;
return false;
if (!base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName(
experiment.feature_association().forcing_feature_on())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a feature experiment name "
<< experiment.feature_association().forcing_feature_on();
return false;
if (!base::FeatureList::IsValidFeatureOrFieldTrialName(
experiment.feature_association().forcing_feature_off())) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has a feature experiment name "
<< experiment.feature_association().forcing_feature_off();
return false;
for (const auto& experiment : study.experiment()) {
const auto& flag = experiment.forcing_flag();
// Forcing flags are passed to CommandLine::HasSwitch. It should be safe to
// pass invalid flags to that, but we do validation to prevent triggering
// the DCHECK there.
if (base::ToLowerASCII(flag) != flag) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has an invalid forcing flag " << flag;
return false;
base::FieldTrial::Probability divisor = 0;
bool multiple_assigned_groups = false;
for (const auto& experiment : study.experiment()) {
if (experiment.has_google_web_experiment_id() &&
experiment.has_google_web_trigger_experiment_id()) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has experiment (" << experiment.name()
<< ") with a google_web_experiment_id and a "
<< "web_trigger_experiment_id.";
return false;
if (!experiment.has_forcing_flag() && experiment.probability_weight() > 0) {
// If |divisor| is not 0, there was at least one prior non-zero group.
if (divisor != 0)
multiple_assigned_groups = true;
if (experiment.probability_weight() >
std::numeric_limits<base::FieldTrial::Probability>::max()) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << " has an experiment (" << experiment.name()
<< ") with a probability weight of "
<< experiment.probability_weight()
<< " that exceeds the maximum supported value";
return false;
if (divisor + experiment.probability_weight() >
std::numeric_limits<base::FieldTrial::Probability>::max()) {
DVLOG(1) << study.name() << "'s total probability weight exceeds the "
<< "maximum supported value";
return false;
divisor += experiment.probability_weight();
*total_probability = divisor;
*all_assignments_to_one_group = !multiple_assigned_groups;
return true;
} // namespace
// static
const char ProcessedStudy::kGenericDefaultExperimentName[] =
ProcessedStudy::ProcessedStudy() {}
ProcessedStudy::ProcessedStudy(const ProcessedStudy& other) = default;
ProcessedStudy::~ProcessedStudy() = default;
bool ProcessedStudy::Init(const Study* study) {
base::FieldTrial::Probability total_probability = 0;
bool all_assignments_to_one_group = false;
std::vector<std::string> associated_features;
if (!ValidateStudyAndComputeTotalProbability(*study, &total_probability,
&all_assignments_to_one_group)) {
return false;
study_ = study;
total_probability_ = total_probability;
all_assignments_to_one_group_ = all_assignments_to_one_group;
return true;
bool ProcessedStudy::AllowsHighEntropy() const {
// This should be kept in sync with the server-side layer validation
// code: go/chrome-variations-layer-validation
for (const auto& experiment : study_->experiment()) {
if (experiment.has_google_web_experiment_id() ||
experiment.has_google_web_trigger_experiment_id() ||
experiment.has_chrome_sync_experiment_id()) {
return false;
return true;
const base::FieldTrial::EntropyProvider&
const EntropyProviders& entropy_providers,
const VariationsLayers& layers) const {
if (!study_->has_consistency() ||
study_->consistency() != Study_Consistency_PERMANENT ||
// If all assignments are to a single group, no need to enable one time
// randomization (which is more expensive to compute), since the result
// will be the same.
all_assignments_to_one_group_) {
return entropy_providers.session_entropy();
if (entropy_providers.default_entropy_is_high_entropy() &&
AllowsHighEntropy()) {
// We can use the high entropy source to randomize this study, which will
// be uniform even if the study is conditioned on layer membership.
return entropy_providers.default_entropy();
if (study_->has_layer())
return layers.GetRemainderEntropy(study_->layer().layer_id());
return entropy_providers.low_entropy();
int ProcessedStudy::GetExperimentIndexByName(const std::string& name) const {
for (int i = 0; i < study_->experiment_size(); ++i) {
if (study_->experiment(i).name() == name)
return i;
return -1;
const base::StringPiece ProcessedStudy::GetDefaultExperimentName() const {
if (study_->default_experiment_name().empty())
return kGenericDefaultExperimentName;
return study_->default_experiment_name();
} // namespace variations