[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a17001dd6c684491755dd19f5f38de344cc11a23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tools/gn/commands.h"
#include "tools/gn/setup.h"
#include "tools/gn/standard_out.h"
namespace commands {
namespace {
enum class DepType {
// The dependency paths are stored in a vector. Assuming the chain:
// A --[public]--> B --[private]--> C
// The stack will look like:
// [0] = A, NONE (this has no dep type since nobody depends on it)
// [1] = B, PUBLIC
// [2] = C, PRIVATE
using TargetDep = std::pair<const Target*, DepType>;
using PathVector = std::vector<TargetDep>;
// How to search.
enum class PrivateDeps { INCLUDE, EXCLUDE };
enum class DataDeps { INCLUDE, EXCLUDE };
enum class PrintWhat { ONE, ALL };
struct Options {
: print_what(PrintWhat::ONE),
with_data(false) {
PrintWhat print_what;
bool public_only;
bool with_data;
typedef std::list<PathVector> WorkQueue;
struct Stats {
Stats() : public_paths(0), other_paths(0) {
int total_paths() const { return public_paths + other_paths; }
int public_paths;
int other_paths;
// Stores targets that have a path to the destination, and whether that
// path is public, private, or data.
std::map<const Target*, DepType> found_paths;
// If the implicit_last_dep is not "none", this type indicates the
// classification of the elided last part of path.
DepType ClassifyPath(const PathVector& path, DepType implicit_last_dep) {
DepType result;
if (implicit_last_dep != DepType::NONE)
result = implicit_last_dep;
result = DepType::PUBLIC;
// Skip the 0th one since that is always NONE.
for (size_t i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
// PRIVATE overrides PUBLIC, and DATA overrides everything (the idea is
// to find the worst link in the path).
if (path[i].second == DepType::PRIVATE) {
if (result == DepType::PUBLIC)
result = DepType::PRIVATE;
} else if (path[i].second == DepType::DATA) {
result = DepType::DATA;
return result;
const char* StringForDepType(DepType type) {
switch(type) {
case DepType::PUBLIC:
return "public";
case DepType::PRIVATE:
return "private";
case DepType::DATA:
return "data";
case DepType::NONE:
return "";
// Prints the given path. If the implicit_last_dep is not "none", the last
// dependency will show an elided dependency with the given annotation.
void PrintPath(const PathVector& path, DepType implicit_last_dep) {
if (path.empty())
// Don't print toolchains unless they differ from the first target.
const Label& default_toolchain = path[0].first->label().GetToolchainLabel();
for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
// Output dependency type.
if (i == path.size() - 1) {
// Last one either gets the implicit last dep type or nothing.
if (implicit_last_dep != DepType::NONE) {
OutputString(std::string(" --> see ") +
StringForDepType(implicit_last_dep) +
" chain printed above...", DECORATION_DIM);
} else {
// Take type from the next entry.
OutputString(std::string(" --[") + StringForDepType(path[i + 1].second) +
void InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(const PathVector& path,
DepType implicit_last_dep,
Stats* stats) {
DepType type = ClassifyPath(path, implicit_last_dep);
bool inserted = false;
// Don't try to insert the 0th item in the list which is the "from" target.
// The search will be run more than once (for the different path types) and
// if the "from" target was in the list, subsequent passes could never run
// the starting point is alredy in the list of targets considered).
// One might imagine an alternate implementation where all items are counted
// here but the "from" item is erased at the beginning of each search, but
// that will mess up the metrics (the private search pass will find the
// same public paths as the previous public pass, "inserted" will be true
// here since the item wasn't found, and the public path will be
// double-counted in the stats.
for (size_t i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) {
const auto& pair = path[i];
// Don't overwrite an existing one. The algorithm works by first doing
// public, then private, then data, so anything already there is guaranteed
// at least as good as our addition.
if (stats->found_paths.find(pair.first) == stats->found_paths.end()) {
stats->found_paths.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, type));
inserted = true;
if (inserted) {
// Only count this path in the stats if any part of it was actually new.
if (type == DepType::PUBLIC)
void BreadthFirstSearch(const Target* from, const Target* to,
PrivateDeps private_deps, DataDeps data_deps,
PrintWhat print_what,
Stats* stats) {
// Seed the initial stack with just the "from" target.
PathVector initial_stack;
initial_stack.emplace_back(from, DepType::NONE);
WorkQueue work_queue;
// Track checked targets to avoid checking the same once more than once.
std::set<const Target*> visited;
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
PathVector current_path = work_queue.front();
const Target* current_target = current_path.back().first;
if (current_target == to) {
// Found a new path.
if (stats->total_paths() == 0 || print_what == PrintWhat::ALL)
PrintPath(current_path, DepType::NONE);
// Insert all nodes on the path into the found paths list. Since we're
// doing search breadth first, we know that the current path is the best
// path for all nodes on it.
InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(current_path, DepType::NONE, stats);
} else {
// Check for a path that connects to an already known-good one. Printing
// this here will mean the results aren't strictly in depth-first order
// since there could be many items on the found path this connects to.
// Doing this here will mean that the output is sorted by length of items
// printed (with the redundant parts of the path omitted) rather than
// complete path length.
const auto& found_current_target =
if (found_current_target != stats->found_paths.end()) {
if (stats->total_paths() == 0 || print_what == PrintWhat::ALL)
PrintPath(current_path, found_current_target->second);
// Insert all nodes on the path into the found paths list since we know
// everything along this path also leads to the destination.
InsertTargetsIntoFoundPaths(current_path, found_current_target->second,
// If we've already checked this one, stop. This should be after the above
// check for a known-good check, because known-good ones will always have
// been previously visited.
if (visited.find(current_target) == visited.end())
// Add public deps for this target to the queue.
for (const auto& pair : current_target->public_deps()) {
work_queue.back().push_back(TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::PUBLIC));
if (private_deps == PrivateDeps::INCLUDE) {
// Add private deps.
for (const auto& pair : current_target->private_deps()) {
TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::PRIVATE));
if (data_deps == DataDeps::INCLUDE) {
// Add data deps.
for (const auto& pair : current_target->data_deps()) {
work_queue.back().push_back(TargetDep(pair.ptr, DepType::DATA));
void DoSearch(const Target* from, const Target* to, const Options& options,
Stats* stats) {
BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::EXCLUDE, DataDeps::EXCLUDE,
options.print_what, stats);
if (!options.public_only) {
// Check private deps.
BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::INCLUDE,
DataDeps::EXCLUDE, options.print_what, stats);
if (options.with_data) {
// Check data deps.
BreadthFirstSearch(from, to, PrivateDeps::INCLUDE,
DataDeps::INCLUDE, options.print_what, stats);
} // namespace
const char kPath[] = "path";
const char kPath_HelpShort[] =
"path: Find paths between two targets.";
const char kPath_Help[] =
"gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>\n"
" Finds paths of dependencies between two targets. Each unique path\n"
" will be printed in one group, and groups will be separate by newlines.\n"
" The two targets can appear in either order (paths will be found going\n"
" in either direction).\n"
" By default, a single path will be printed. If there is a path with\n"
" only public dependencies, the shortest public path will be printed.\n"
" Otherwise, the shortest path using either public or private\n"
" dependencies will be printed. If --with-data is specified, data deps\n"
" will also be considered. If there are multiple shortest paths, an\n"
" arbitrary one will be selected.\n"
"Interesting paths\n"
" In a large project, there can be 100's of millions of unique paths\n"
" between a very high level and a common low-level target. To make the\n"
" output more useful (and terminate in a reasonable time), GN will not\n"
" revisit sub-paths previously known to lead to the target.\n"
" --all\n"
" Prints all \"interesting\" paths found rather than just the first\n"
" one. Public paths will be printed first in order of increasing\n"
" length, followed by non-public paths in order of increasing length.\n"
" --public\n"
" Considers only public paths. Can't be used with --with-data.\n"
" --with-data\n"
" Additionally follows data deps. Without this flag, only public and\n"
" private linked deps will be followed. Can't be used with --public.\n"
" gn path out/Default //base //tools/gn\n";
int RunPath(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() != 3) {
Err(Location(), "You're holding it wrong.",
"Usage: \"gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>\"")
return 1;
Setup* setup = new Setup;
if (!setup->DoSetup(args[0], false))
return 1;
if (!setup->Run())
return 1;
const Target* target1 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[1]);
if (!target1)
return 1;
const Target* target2 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[2]);
if (!target2)
return 1;
Options options;
options.print_what = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("all")
? PrintWhat::ALL : PrintWhat::ONE;
options.public_only =
options.with_data =
if (options.public_only && options.with_data) {
Err(Location(), "Can't use --public with --with-data for 'gn path'.",
"Your zealous over-use of arguments has inevitably resulted in an "
"invalid\ncombination of flags.").PrintToStdout();
return 1;
Stats stats;
DoSearch(target1, target2, options, &stats);
if (stats.total_paths() == 0) {
// If we don't find a path going "forwards", try the reverse direction.
// Deps can only go in one direction without having a cycle, which will
// have caused a run failure above.
DoSearch(target2, target1, options, &stats);
// This string is inserted in the results to annotate whether the result
// is only public or includes data deps or not.
const char* path_annotation = "";
if (options.public_only)
path_annotation = "public ";
else if (!options.with_data)
path_annotation = "non-data ";
if (stats.total_paths() == 0) {
// No results.
"No %spaths found between these two targets.\n", path_annotation),
} else if (stats.total_paths() == 1) {
// Exactly one result.
OutputString(base::StringPrintf("1 %spath found.", path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
if (stats.public_paths)
OutputString(" It is public.");
OutputString(" It is not public.");
} else {
if (options.print_what == PrintWhat::ALL) {
// Showing all paths when there are many.
OutputString(base::StringPrintf("%d \"interesting\" %spaths found.",
stats.total_paths(), path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
OutputString(base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.",
} else {
// Showing one path when there are many.
base::StringPrintf("Showing one of %d \"interesting\" %spaths.",
stats.total_paths(), path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
OutputString(base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.\n",
OutputString("Use --all to print all paths.\n");
return 0;
} // namespace commands