[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 0445f8bd3e2dc64ba5131104cde0fa6fb1cabc9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
namespace functions {
namespace {
void ForwardAllValues(const FunctionCallNode* function,
Scope* source,
Scope* dest,
const std::set<std::string>& exclusion_set,
Err* err) {
Scope::MergeOptions options;
// This function needs to clobber existing for it to be useful. It will be
// called in a template to forward all values, but there will be some
// default stuff like configs set up in both scopes, so it would always
// fail if it didn't clobber.
options.clobber_existing = true;
options.skip_private_vars = true;
options.mark_dest_used = false;
options.excluded_values = exclusion_set;
source->NonRecursiveMergeTo(dest, options, function,
"source scope", err);
void ForwardValuesFromList(Scope* source,
Scope* dest,
const std::vector<Value>& list,
const std::set<std::string>& exclusion_set,
Err* err) {
for (const Value& cur : list) {
if (!cur.VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err))
if (exclusion_set.find(cur.string_value()) != exclusion_set.end())
const Value* value = source->GetValue(cur.string_value(), true);
if (value) {
// Use the storage key for the original value rather than the string in
// "cur" because "cur" is a temporary that will be deleted, and Scopes
// expect a persistent StringPiece (it won't copy). Not doing this will
// lead the scope's key to point to invalid memory after this returns.
base::StringPiece storage_key = source->GetStorageKey(cur.string_value());
if (storage_key.empty()) {
// Programmatic value, don't allow copying.
*err = Err(cur, "This value can't be forwarded.",
"The variable \"" + cur.string_value() + "\" is a built-in.");
// Don't allow clobbering existing values.
const Value* existing_value = dest->GetValue(storage_key);
if (existing_value) {
*err = Err(cur, "Clobbering existing value.",
"The current scope already defines a value \"" +
cur.string_value() + "\".\nforward_variables_from() won't clobber "
"existing values. If you want to\nmerge lists, you'll need to "
"do this explicitly.");
err->AppendSubErr(Err(*existing_value, "value being clobbered."));
// Keep the origin information from the original value. The normal
// usage is for this to be used in a template, and if there's an error,
// the user expects to see the line where they set the variable
// blamed, rather than a template call to forward_variables_from().
dest->SetValue(storage_key, *value, value->origin());
} // namespace
const char kForwardVariablesFrom[] = "forward_variables_from";
const char kForwardVariablesFrom_HelpShort[] =
"forward_variables_from: Copies variables from a different scope.";
const char kForwardVariablesFrom_Help[] =
"forward_variables_from: Copies variables from a different scope.\n"
" forward_variables_from(from_scope, variable_list_or_star,\n"
" variable_to_not_forward_list = [])\n"
" Copies the given variables from the given scope to the local scope\n"
" if they exist. This is normally used in the context of templates to\n"
" use the values of variables defined in the template invocation to\n"
" a template-defined target.\n"
" The variables in the given variable_list will be copied if they exist\n"
" in the given scope or any enclosing scope. If they do not exist,\n"
" nothing will happen and they be left undefined in the current scope.\n"
" As a special case, if the variable_list is a string with the value of\n"
" \"*\", all variables from the given scope will be copied. \"*\" only\n"
" copies variables set directly on the from_scope, not enclosing ones.\n"
" Otherwise it would duplicate all global variables.\n"
" When an explicit list of variables is supplied, if the variable exists\n"
" in the current (destination) scope already, an error will be thrown.\n"
" If \"*\" is specified, variables in the current scope will be\n"
" clobbered (the latter is important because most targets have an\n"
" implicit configs list, which means it wouldn't work at all if it\n"
" didn't clobber).\n"
" The sources assignment filter (see \"gn help "
" is never applied by this function. It's assumed than any desired\n"
" filtering was already done when sources was set on the from_scope.\n"
" If variables_to_not_forward_list is non-empty, then it must contains\n"
" a list of variable names that will not be forwarded. This is mostly\n"
" useful when variable_list_or_star has a value of \"*\".\n"
" # This is a common action template. It would invoke a script with\n"
" # some given parameters, and wants to use the various types of deps\n"
" # and the visibility from the invoker if it's defined. It also injects\n"
" # an additional dependency to all targets.\n"
" template(\"my_test\") {\n"
" action(target_name) {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, [ \"data_deps\", \"deps\",\n"
" \"public_deps\", \"visibility\" "
" # Add our test code to the dependencies.\n"
" # \"deps\" may or may not be defined at this point.\n"
" if (defined(deps)) {\n"
" deps += [ \"//tools/doom_melon\" ]\n"
" } else {\n"
" deps = [ \"//tools/doom_melon\" ]\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" # This is a template around either a target whose type depends on a\n"
" # global variable. It forwards all values from the invoker.\n"
" template(\"my_wrapper\") {\n"
" target(my_wrapper_target_type, target_name) {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, \"*\")\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" # A template that wraps another. It adds behavior based on one \n"
" # variable, and forwards all others to the nested target.\n"
" template(\"my_ios_test_app\") {\n"
" ios_test_app(target_name) {\n"
" forward_variables_from(invoker, \"*\", [\"test_bundle_name\"])\n"
" if (!defined(extra_substitutions)) {\n"
" extra_substitutions = []\n"
" }\n"
" extra_substitutions += [ \"BUNDLE_ID_TEST_NAME=$test_bundle_name\" "
" }\n"
" }\n";
// This function takes a ListNode rather than a resolved vector of values
// both avoid copying the potentially-large source scope, and so the variables
// in the source scope can be marked as used.
Value RunForwardVariablesFrom(Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function,
const ListNode* args_list,
Err* err) {
const auto& args_vector = args_list->contents();
if (args_vector.size() != 2 && args_vector.size() != 3) {
*err = Err(function, "Wrong number of arguments.",
"Expecting two or three arguments.");
return Value();
Value* value = nullptr; // Value to use, may point to result_value.
Value result_value; // Storage for the "evaluate" case.
const IdentifierNode* identifier = args_vector[0]->AsIdentifier();
if (identifier) {
// Optimize the common case where the input scope is an identifier. This
// prevents a copy of a potentially large Scope object.
value = scope->GetMutableValue(identifier->value().value(),
Scope::SEARCH_NESTED, true);
if (!value) {
*err = Err(identifier, "Undefined identifier.");
return Value();
} else {
// Non-optimized case, just evaluate the argument.
result_value = args_vector[0]->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
value = &result_value;
// Extract the source scope.
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err))
return Value();
Scope* source = value->scope_value();
// Extract the exclusion list if defined.
std::set<std::string> exclusion_set;
if (args_vector.size() == 3) {
Value exclusion_value = args_vector[2]->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (exclusion_value.type() != Value::LIST) {
*err = Err(exclusion_value, "Not a valid list of variables to exclude.",
"Expecting a list of strings.");
return Value();
for (const Value& cur : exclusion_value.list_value()) {
if (!cur.VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err))
return Value();
// Extract the list. If all_values is not set, the what_value will be a list.
Value what_value = args_vector[1]->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (what_value.type() == Value::STRING) {
if (what_value.string_value() == "*") {
ForwardAllValues(function, source, scope, exclusion_set, err);
return Value();
} else {
if (what_value.type() == Value::LIST) {
ForwardValuesFromList(source, scope, what_value.list_value(),
exclusion_set, err);
return Value();
// Not the right type of argument.
*err = Err(what_value, "Not a valid list of variables to copy.",
"Expecting either the string \"*\" or a list of strings.");
return Value();
} // namespace functions