[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 7187202ea1516706157f9bf4af1e517e76a39683 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "platform/testing/UnitTestHelpers.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class TimerPerfTest : public ::testing::Test {
void nopTask(TimerBase*)
void recordStartRunTime(TimerBase*)
m_runStart = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
void recordEndRunTime(TimerBase*)
m_runEnd = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
base::ThreadTicks m_runStart;
base::ThreadTicks m_runEnd;
TEST_F(TimerPerfTest, PostAndRunTimers)
const int numIterations = 10000;
Vector<std::unique_ptr<Timer<TimerPerfTest>>> timers(numIterations);
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
timers[i].reset(new Timer<TimerPerfTest>(this, &TimerPerfTest::nopTask));
Timer<TimerPerfTest> measureRunStart(this, &TimerPerfTest::recordStartRunTime);
Timer<TimerPerfTest> measureRunEnd(this, &TimerPerfTest::recordEndRunTime);
measureRunStart.startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
base::ThreadTicks postStart = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
timers[i]->startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
base::ThreadTicks postEnd = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
measureRunEnd.startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
double postingTime = (postEnd - postStart).InMicroseconds();
double postingTimeUsPerCall = postingTime / static_cast<double>(numIterations);
LOG(INFO) << "TimerBase::startOneShot cost (us/call) " << postingTimeUsPerCall << " (total " << postingTime << " us)";
LOG(INFO) << "Time to run " << numIterations << " trivial tasks (us) " << (m_runEnd - m_runStart).InMicroseconds();
TEST_F(TimerPerfTest, PostThenCancelTenThousandTimers)
const int numIterations = 10000;
Vector<std::unique_ptr<Timer<TimerPerfTest>>> timers(numIterations);
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
timers[i].reset(new Timer<TimerPerfTest>(this, &TimerPerfTest::nopTask));
Timer<TimerPerfTest> measureRunStart(this, &TimerPerfTest::recordStartRunTime);
Timer<TimerPerfTest> measureRunEnd(this, &TimerPerfTest::recordEndRunTime);
measureRunStart.startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
base::ThreadTicks postStart = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
timers[i]->startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
base::ThreadTicks postEnd = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
measureRunEnd.startOneShot(0.0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);
base::ThreadTicks cancelStart = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
base::ThreadTicks cancelEnd = base::ThreadTicks::Now();
double postingTime = (postEnd - postStart).InMicroseconds();
double postingTimeUsPerCall = postingTime / static_cast<double>(numIterations);
LOG(INFO) << "TimerBase::startOneShot cost (us/call) " << postingTimeUsPerCall << " (total " << postingTime << " us)";
double cancelTime = (cancelEnd - cancelStart).InMicroseconds();
double cancelTimeUsPerCall = cancelTime / static_cast<double>(numIterations);
LOG(INFO) << "TimerBase::stop cost (us/call) " << cancelTimeUsPerCall << " (total " << cancelTime << " us)";
LOG(INFO) << "Time to run " << numIterations << " canceled tasks (us) " << (m_runEnd - m_runStart).InMicroseconds();
} // namespace blink