| # Names should be added to this file like so: |
| # Name or Organization <email address> |
| |
| Google Inc. |
| Seo Sanghyeon <sanxiyn@gmail.com> |
| Alex Scheele <alexscheele@gmail.com> |
| Andrew Brampton <me@bramp.net> |
| Paweł Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gmail.com> |
| Jesse Miller <jesse@jmiller.biz> |
| Szymon Piechowicz <szymonpiechowicz@o2.pl> |
| James Vega <vega.james@gmail.com> |
| Marco Rodrigues <gothicx@gmail.com> |
| Matthias Reitinger <reimarvin@gmail.com> |
| Peter Bright <drpizza@quiscalusmexicanus.org> |
| Arthur Lussos <developer0420@gmail.com> |
| Masahiro Yado <yado.masa@gmail.com> |
| Yarin Kaul <yarin.kaul@gmail.com> |
| Gaetano Mendola <mendola@gmail.com> |
| Comodo CA Limited |
| Torchmobile Inc. |
| Craig Schlenter <craig.schlenter@gmail.com> |
| Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar.ahmad@gmail.com> |
| Naoki Takano <takano.naoki@gmail.com> |
| Fabien Tassin <fta@sofaraway.org> |
| Kunal Thakar <kunalt@gmail.com> |
| Mohamed Mansour <m0.interactive@gmail.com> |
| Joshua Roesslein <jroesslein@gmail.com> |
| Yong Shin <sy3620@gmail.com> |
| Laszlo Radanyi <bekkra@gmail.com> |
| Raman Tenneti <raman.tenneti@gmail.com> |
| Kyle Nahrgang <kpn24@drexel.edu> |
| Kim Christensen <kimworking@gmail.com> |
| Paul Robinson <paulrobinson85@googlemail.com> |
| Josué Ratelle <jorat1346@gmail.com> |
| Edward Crossman <tedoc2000@gmail.com> |
| Nikita Ofitserov <himikof@gmail.com> |
| Sean Bryant <sean@cyberwang.net> |
| Robert Sesek <rsesek@bluestatic.org> |
| Janwar Dinata <j.dinata@gmail.com> |
| Will Hirsch <chromium@willhirsch.co.uk> |
| Yoav Zilberberg <yoav.zilberberg@gmail.com> |
| Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au> |
| Jacob Mandelson <jacob@mandelson.org> |
| Yuri Gorobets <yuri.gorobets@gmail.com> |
| Paul Wicks <pwicks86@gmail.com> |
| Thiago Farina <thiago.farina@gmail.com> |
| Viet-Trung Luu <viettrungluu@gmail.com> |
| Pierre-Antoine LaFayette <pierre.lafayette@gmail.com> |
| Song YeWen <ffmpeg@gmail.com> |
| Philippe Beauchamp <philippe.beauchamp@gmail.com> |
| Vedran Šajatović <vedran.sajatovic@gmail.com> |
| Randy Posynick <randy.posynick@gmail.com> |
| Bruno Calvignac <brunocalvignac@gmail.com> |
| Jaime Soriano Pastor <jsorianopastor@gmail.com> |
| Bryan Donlan <bdonlan@gmail.com> |
| Ramkumar Ramachandra <artagnon@gmail.com> |
| Dominic Jodoin <dominic.jodoin@gmail.com> |
| Kaspar Brand <googlecontrib@velox.ch> |
| Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org> |
| Kevin Lee Helpingstine <sig11@reprehensible.net> |
| Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> |
| Vernon Tang <vt@foilhead.net> |
| Alexander Sulfrian <alexander@sulfrian.net> |
| Philippe Beaudoin <philippe.beaudoin@gmail.com> |
| Mark Hahnenberg <mhahnenb@gmail.com> |
| Alex Gartrell <alexgartrell@gmail.com> |
| Leith Bade <leith@leithalweapon.geek.nz> |
| James Choi <jchoi42@pha.jhu.edu> |
| Paul Kehrer <paul.l.kehrer@gmail.com> |
| Chamal De Silva <chamal.desilva@gmail.com> |
| Jay Soffian <jaysoffian@gmail.com> |
| Brian G. Merrell <bgmerrell@gmail.com> |
| Matthew Willis <appamatto@gmail.com> |
| Novell Inc. |
| Ryan Sleevi <ryan.sleevi@gmail.com> |
| Satoshi Matsuzaki <satoshi.matsuzaki@gmail.com> |
| Benjamin Jemlich <pcgod99@gmail.com> |
| Ningxin Hu <ningxin.hu@intel.com> |
| Jared Wein <weinjared@gmail.com> |
| Mingmin Xie <melvinxie@gmail.com> |
| Michael Gilbert <floppymaster@gmail.com> |
| Giuseppe Iuculano <giuseppe@iuculano.it> |
| litl LLC |
| James Willcox <jwillcox@litl.com> |
| Shreyas VA <v.a.shreyas@gmail.com> |
| Steven Pennington <spenn@engr.uvic.ca> |
| Jorge Villatoro <jorge@tomatocannon.com> |
| Paul Nettleship <pnettleship@gmail.com> |
| David Benjamin <davidben@mit.edu> |
| Sevan Janiyan <venture37@geeklan.co.uk> |
| Peter Beverloo <peter@lvp-media.com> |
| Lauri Oherd <lauri.oherd@gmail.com> |