| # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| { |
| 'variables' : { |
| 'pyautolib_sources': [ |
| 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', |
| 'common/automation_constants.h', |
| 'common/pref_names.cc', |
| 'common/pref_names.h', |
| 'test/automation/browser_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/browser_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/tab_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/tab_proxy.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| # This target contains mocks and test utilities that don't belong in |
| # production libraries but are used by more than one test executable. |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_common', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'app/policy/cloud_policy_codegen.gyp:policy', |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/sync_proto.gyp:sync_proto_cpp', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu', |
| '../ipc/ipc.gyp:test_support_ipc', |
| '../media/media.gyp:media_test_support', |
| # 'test/test_url_request_context_getter.h' brings in this requirement. |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'renderer', |
| 'app/policy/cloud_policy_codegen.gyp:policy', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/breakpad_mac_stubs.mm', |
| 'browser/autofill/autofill_common_test.cc', |
| 'browser/autofill/autofill_common_test.h', |
| 'browser/autofill/data_driven_test.cc', |
| 'browser/autofill/data_driven_test.h', |
| 'browser/automation/mock_tab_event_observer.cc', |
| 'browser/automation/mock_tab_event_observer.h', |
| # The only thing used from browser is Browser::Type. |
| 'browser/extensions/test_extension_prefs.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/test_extension_prefs.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/test_extension_service.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/test_extension_service.h', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_appcache_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_appcache_helper.h', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_database_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_database_helper.h', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_indexed_db_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_indexed_db_helper.h', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_local_storage_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_browsing_data_local_storage_helper.h', |
| # TODO: these should live here but are currently used by |
| # production code code in libbrowser (in chrome.gyp). |
| #'browser/net/url_request_mock_http_job.cc', |
| #'browser/net/url_request_mock_http_job.h', |
| 'browser/net/url_request_mock_net_error_job.cc', |
| 'browser/net/url_request_mock_net_error_job.h', |
| 'browser/notifications/notification_test_util.cc', |
| 'browser/notifications/notification_test_util.h', |
| 'browser/prefs/pref_observer_mock.cc', |
| 'browser/prefs/pref_observer_mock.h', |
| 'browser/prefs/pref_service_mock_builder.cc', |
| 'browser/prefs/pref_service_mock_builder.h', |
| 'browser/prefs/testing_pref_store.cc', |
| 'browser/prefs/testing_pref_store.h', |
| 'browser/sessions/session_service_test_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/sessions/session_service_test_helper.h', |
| 'browser/sync/profile_sync_service_mock.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/profile_sync_service_mock.h', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/syncable_mock.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/syncable_mock.h', |
| 'browser/ui/browser.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/browser_test_helper.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/browser_test_helper.h', |
| 'browser/ui/tab_contents/test_tab_contents_wrapper.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tab_contents/test_tab_contents_wrapper.h', |
| 'common/net/test_url_fetcher_factory.cc', |
| 'common/net/test_url_fetcher_factory.h', |
| 'common/pref_store_observer_mock.cc', |
| 'common/pref_store_observer_mock.h', |
| 'renderer/mock_keyboard.cc', |
| 'renderer/mock_keyboard.h', |
| 'renderer/mock_keyboard_driver_win.cc', |
| 'renderer/mock_keyboard_driver_win.h', |
| 'renderer/mock_printer.cc', |
| 'renderer/mock_printer.h', |
| 'renderer/mock_render_process.cc', |
| 'renderer/mock_render_process.h', |
| 'renderer/mock_render_thread.cc', |
| 'renderer/mock_render_thread.h', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/mock_feature_extractor_clock.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/mock_feature_extractor_clock.h', |
| 'test/automation/autocomplete_edit_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/autocomplete_edit_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/automation_handle_tracker.cc', |
| 'test/automation/automation_handle_tracker.h', |
| 'test/automation/automation_json_requests.cc', |
| 'test/automation/automation_json_requests.h', |
| 'test/automation/automation_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/automation_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/browser_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/browser_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/dom_element_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/dom_element_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/extension_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/extension_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/javascript_execution_controller.cc', |
| 'test/automation/javascript_execution_controller.h', |
| 'test/automation/javascript_message_utils.h', |
| 'test/automation/tab_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/tab_proxy.h', |
| 'test/automation/window_proxy.cc', |
| 'test/automation/window_proxy.h', |
| 'test/bookmark_load_observer.cc', |
| 'test/bookmark_load_observer.h', |
| 'test/chrome_process_util.cc', |
| 'test/chrome_process_util.h', |
| 'test/chrome_process_util_mac.cc', |
| 'test/in_process_browser_test.cc', |
| 'test/in_process_browser_test.h', |
| 'test/model_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/model_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/profile_mock.cc', |
| 'test/profile_mock.h', |
| 'test/signaling_task.cc', |
| 'test/signaling_task.h', |
| 'test/test_browser_window.cc', |
| 'test/test_browser_window.h', |
| 'test/test_launcher_utils.cc', |
| 'test/test_launcher_utils.h', |
| 'test/test_location_bar.cc', |
| 'test/test_location_bar.h', |
| 'test/test_switches.cc', |
| 'test/test_switches.h', |
| 'test/test_url_request_context_getter.cc', |
| 'test/test_url_request_context_getter.h', |
| 'test/testing_browser_process.cc', |
| 'test/testing_browser_process.h', |
| 'test/testing_browser_process_test.h', |
| 'test/testing_pref_service.cc', |
| 'test/testing_pref_service.h', |
| 'test/testing_profile.cc', |
| 'test/testing_profile.h', |
| 'test/thread_observer_helper.h', |
| 'test/thread_test_helper.cc', |
| 'test/thread_test_helper.h', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_linux.cc', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_mac.mm', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_win.cc', |
| 'test/unit/chrome_test_suite.cc', |
| 'test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h', |
| 'test/values_test_util.cc', |
| 'test/values_test_util.h', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/arbitrator_dependency_factories_for_test.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/arbitrator_dependency_factories_for_test.h', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/mock_location_provider.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/mock_location_provider.h', |
| '../content/browser/mock_resource_context.cc', |
| '../content/browser/mock_resource_context.h', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/mock_render_process_host.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/mock_render_process_host.h', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/test_backing_store.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/test_backing_store.h', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/test_render_view_host.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/test_render_view_host.h', |
| '../content/browser/tab_contents/test_tab_contents.cc', |
| '../content/browser/tab_contents/test_tab_contents.h', |
| '../content/common/notification_observer_mock.cc', |
| '../content/common/notification_observer_mock.h', |
| '../ui/gfx/image_unittest_util.h', |
| '../ui/gfx/image_unittest_util.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_ui', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_test_base.cc', |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_test_base.h', |
| 'test/automation/proxy_launcher.cc', |
| 'test/automation/proxy_launcher.h', |
| 'test/ui/javascript_test_util.cc', |
| 'test/ui/npapi_test_helper.cc', |
| 'test/ui/npapi_test_helper.h', |
| 'test/ui/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_layout_test.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_layout_test.h', |
| 'test/ui/ui_perf_test.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_perf_test.h', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test.h', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test_suite.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test_suite.h', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome.gyp:crash_service', # run time dependency |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_sync', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'sync', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'sync', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/sync/js_test_util.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/js_test_util.h', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_directory_setter_upper.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_directory_setter_upper.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_syncapi', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'test_support_sync', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'test_support_sync', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_user_share.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_user_share.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_sync_notifier', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| 'sync_notifier', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/mock_sync_notifier_observer.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/mock_sync_notifier_observer.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support_unit', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/unit/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # Needed for the following #include chain: |
| # test/unit/run_all_unittests.cc |
| # test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h |
| # gtk/gtk.h |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'automated_ui_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'D2250C20-3A94-4FB9-AF73-11BC5B73884B', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_test_interactive_test.cc', |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_tests.cc', |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_tests.h', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', { |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Release': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'false', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'interactive_ui_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '018D4F38-6272-448F-A864-976DA09F05D0', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/sync_proto.gyp:sync_proto_cpp', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../third_party/hunspell/hunspell.gyp:hunspell', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_resources', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/libpng/libpng.gyp:libpng', |
| '../third_party/zlib/zlib.gyp:zlib', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/npapi/npapi.gyp:npapi', |
| # run time dependency |
| '../webkit/support/webkit_support.gyp:webkit_resources', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ 'ALLOW_IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST' ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/accessibility/accessibility_mac_uitest.mm', |
| 'browser/autofill/autofill_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/browser_focus_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/browser_keyevents_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/collected_cookies_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/debugger/devtools_sanity_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/instant/instant_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/notifications/notifications_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_gtk_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/find_bar_host_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_dragging_test.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/fast_shutdown_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/infobars_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/keyboard_access_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/mouseleave_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/npapi_interactive_test.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.h', |
| 'test/out_of_proc_test_runner.cc', |
| 'test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" and toolkit_views==0', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(port) |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/find_bar_host_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_dragging_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/npapi_interactive_test.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.h', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" and toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_gtk_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| # TODO(port) |
| 'test/interactive_ui/npapi_interactive_test.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['target_arch!="arm"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # run time dependency |
| '../webkit/webkit.gyp:npapi_test_plugin', |
| ], |
| }], # target_arch |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(port) |
| 'browser/debugger/devtools_sanity_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/find_bar_host_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_dragging_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip_interactive_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/npapi_interactive_test.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.cc', |
| 'test/interactive_ui/view_event_test_base.h', |
| ], |
| # See comment about the same line in chrome/chrome_tests.gypi. |
| 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']}, |
| }], # OS=="mac" |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '../third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_resources', |
| 'chrome.gyp:chrome_dll_version', |
| 'chrome.gyp:installer_util_strings', |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:sandbox', |
| '../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:iaccessible2', |
| '../third_party/isimpledom/isimpledom.gyp:isimpledom', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/aliasb.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/cell.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/col_resize.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/copy.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/row_resize.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/vertical_text.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/zoom_in.cur', |
| '../webkit/glue/resources/zoom_out.cur', |
| |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'test/data/resource.rc', |
| |
| # TODO: It would be nice to have these pulled in |
| # automatically from direct_dependent_settings in |
| # their various targets (net.gyp:net_resources, etc.), |
| # but that causes errors in other targets when |
| # resulting .res files get referenced multiple times. |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/renderer_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/net/net_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_chromium_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_resources.rc', |
| |
| 'browser/accessibility/accessibility_win_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/accessibility/browser_views_accessibility_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, # configurations |
| }], # OS=="win" |
| ], # conditions |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'ui_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '76235B67-1C27-4627-8A33-4B2E1EF93EDE', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'profile_import', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../build/temp_gyp/googleurl.gyp:googleurl', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml', |
| # run time dependencies |
| 'chrome_mesa', |
| 'default_plugin/default_plugin.gyp:default_plugin', |
| '../ppapi/ppapi.gyp:ppapi_tests', |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/WebKit.gyp:copy_TestNetscapePlugIn', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/chrome_main_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/browser_encoding_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/download/save_page_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/errorpage_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/default_plugin_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/history/multipart_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/history/redirect_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/iframe_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/images_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/locale_tests_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/media_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/metrics/metrics_service_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/prefs/pref_service_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/printing/printing_layout_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/process_singleton_linux_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/process_singleton_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/repost_form_warning_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/sanity_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/session_history_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/sessions/session_restore_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/tab_contents/view_source_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/tab_restore_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/unload_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/login/login_prompt_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tests/browser_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/find_bar_host_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/bookmarks_ui_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/ntp/new_tab_ui_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/options/options_ui_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/print_preview_ui_uitest.cc', |
| 'common/logging_chrome_uitest.cc', |
| 'renderer/external_extension_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/automation/automation_proxy_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/automation/automation_proxy_uitest.h', |
| 'test/automation/extension_proxy_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/automated_ui_tests/automated_ui_test_test.cc', |
| 'test/chrome_process_util_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/gpu/gpu_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/dom_checker_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/dromaeo_benchmark_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/history_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/layout_plugin_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/named_interface_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/npapi_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/omnibox_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ppapi_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/sandbox_uitests.cc', |
| 'test/ui/sunspider_uitest.cc', |
| 'test/ui/v8_benchmark_uitest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/appcache/appcache_ui_test.cc', |
| '../content/browser/in_process_webkit/dom_storage_uitest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host_uitest.cc', |
| '../content/worker/worker_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['target_arch!="arm"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../webkit/webkit.gyp:copy_npapi_test_plugin', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: OS != "linux" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/process_singleton_linux_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # ProcessSingletonMac doesn't do anything. |
| 'browser/process_singleton_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'security_tests', # run time dependency |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lOleAcc.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(dtu): port to windows http://crosbug.com/8515 |
| 'test/ui/named_interface_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: OS != "win" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(port): http://crbug.com/45770 |
| 'browser/printing/printing_layout_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['linux_use_tcmalloc==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['chromeos==1', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(thestig): Enable when print preview is ready for CrOS. |
| 'browser/ui/webui/print_preview_ui_uitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # chromedriver is the chromium impelmentation of the WebDriver |
| # wire protcol. A description of the WebDriver and examples can |
| # be found at: http://seleniumhq.org/docs/09_webdriver.html. |
| # The documention of the protocol implemented is at: |
| # http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol |
| 'target_name': 'chromedriver_lib', |
| 'type': '<(library)', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'common', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../build/temp_gyp/googleurl.gyp:googleurl', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../third_party/mongoose/mongoose.h', |
| '../third_party/mongoose/mongoose.c', |
| '../third_party/webdriver/atoms.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/automation.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/automation.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/cookie.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/cookie.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/dispatch.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/dispatch.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/error_codes.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/frame_path.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/frame_path.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/http_response.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/http_response.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/keycode_text_conversion.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/keycode_text_conversion_linux.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/keycode_text_conversion_mac.mm', |
| 'test/webdriver/keycode_text_conversion_win.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/keymap.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/keymap.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/session.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/session.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/session_manager.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/session_manager.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/utility_functions.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/utility_functions.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/webdriver_key_converter.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/webdriver_key_converter.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/web_element_id.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/web_element_id.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/cookie_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/cookie_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/create_session.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/create_session.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/execute_async_script_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/execute_async_script_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/execute_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/execute_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/find_element_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/find_element_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/navigate_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/navigate_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/mouse_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/mouse_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/response.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/response.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/screenshot_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/screenshot_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/session_with_id.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/session_with_id.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/set_timeout_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/set_timeout_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/source_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/source_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/speed_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/speed_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/target_locator_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/target_locator_commands.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/title_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/title_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/url_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/url_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/webdriver_command.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/webdriver_command.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/webelement_commands.h', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/webelement_commands.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" and toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['linux_use_tcmalloc==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'chromedriver', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '3F9C9B6D-BBB6-480F-B038-23BF35A432DC', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chromedriver_lib', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/webdriver/server.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lOleAcc.lib', |
| '-lws2_32.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'chromedriver_unittests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'E24B445D-96E3-4272-BB54-AACBC6D3FE7E', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chromedriver_lib', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../base/test/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/commands/set_timeout_commands_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/cookie_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/dispatch_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/frame_path_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/http_response_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/keycode_text_conversion_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/utility_functions_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/webdriver/webdriver_key_converter_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lOleAcc.lib', |
| '-lws2_32.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'nacl_security_tests', |
| 'type': 'shared_library', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'D705E8B8-4750-4F1F-BC8F-A7806872F504', |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..' |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| # mostly OS dependent files below... |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # Only the Mac version uses gtest (linking issues on other platforms). |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest' |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/commands_posix.cc', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/commands_posix.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_posix.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_mac.cc', |
| ], |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| 'DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE': '@executable_path/', |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/commands_posix.cc', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/commands_posix.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_posix.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_linux.cc', |
| ], |
| },], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.cc', |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.h', |
| '../sandbox/tests/common/controller.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_win.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_win.cc', |
| ], |
| },], |
| # Set fPIC in case it isn't set. |
| ['(OS=="linux" or OS=="openbsd" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="solaris")' |
| 'and (target_arch=="x64" or target_arch=="arm") and linux_fpic!=1', { |
| 'cflags': ['-fPIC'], |
| },], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'nacl_sandbox_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '3087FC25-2C24-44B2-8253-44065EB47ACD', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../build/temp_gyp/googleurl.gyp:googleurl', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/nacl/nacl_test.cc', |
| 'test/nacl/nacl_sandbox_test.cc' |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_nacl_win64', |
| 'nacl_security_tests', # run time dependency |
| 'nacl_security_tests64', # run time dependency |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update', |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| # run time dependency |
| '../webkit/webkit.gyp:copy_npapi_test_plugin', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lOleAcc.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'nacl_security_tests', # run time dependency |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'nacl_ui_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '43E2004F-CD62-4595-A8A6-31E9BFA1EE5E', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../build/temp_gyp/googleurl.gyp:googleurl', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/nacl/nacl_test.cc', |
| 'test/nacl/nacl_ui_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_nacl_win64', |
| 'security_tests', # run time dependency |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update', |
| # run time dependency |
| '../webkit/webkit.gyp:copy_npapi_test_plugin', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lOleAcc.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'unit_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'ECFC2BEC-9FC0-4AD9-9649-5F26793F65FC', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # unit tests should only depend on |
| # 1) everything that the chrome binaries depend on: |
| '<@(chromium_dependencies)', |
| # 2) test-specific support libraries: |
| '../gpu/gpu.gyp:gpu_unittest_utils', |
| '../jingle/jingle.gyp:jingle_glue_test_util', |
| '../media/media.gyp:media_test_support', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_sync', |
| 'test_support_syncapi', |
| 'test_support_unit', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| # 3) anything tests directly depend on |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_resources', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../third_party/bzip2/bzip2.gyp:bzip2', |
| '../third_party/cld/cld.gyp:cld', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle', |
| '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml', |
| '../ui/gfx/gl/gl.gyp:gl', |
| '../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| 'direct_dependent_settings': { |
| 'defines': [ |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/breakpad_mac_stubs.mm', |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| # All unittests in browser, common, renderer and service. |
| 'browser/about_flags_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/background_contents_service_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_test_utils.cc', |
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| 'browser/browsing_data_appcache_helper_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/language_preferences_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/login/cookie_fetcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/cryptohome_op_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/google_authenticator_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_auth_attempt_state_resolver.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_auth_response_handler.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_login_status_consumer.h', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_url_fetchers.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_user_manager.h', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/login/owner_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/ownership_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/parallel_authenticator_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/login/signed_settings_temp_storage_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/signed_settings_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/user_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/wizard_accessibility_handler_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/mock_system_access.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/name_value_pairs_parser_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/network_message_observer_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/notifications/desktop_notifications_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/offline/offline_load_page_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/plugin_selection_policy_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/chromeos/version_loader_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_mock_provider.cc', |
| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_mock_provider.h', |
| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_pattern_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_policy_provider_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_pref_provider_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/content_settings/content_settings_provider_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/content_settings/stub_settings_observer.h', |
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| 'browser/debugger/devtools_remote_listen_socket_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/debugger/devtools_remote_message_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/download/mock_download_manager.h', |
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| 'browser/extensions/extension_service_unittest.h', |
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| 'browser/metrics/metrics_response_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/metrics/metrics_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/metrics/thread_watcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_keychain_mac.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_keychain_mac.h', |
| 'browser/mock_plugin_exceptions_table_model.cc', |
| 'browser/mock_plugin_exceptions_table_model.h', |
| 'browser/net/chrome_net_log_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/net/gaia/token_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/net/gaia/token_service_unittest.h', |
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| 'browser/notifications/desktop_notifications_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/notifications/notification_exceptions_table_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/notifications/notifications_prefs_cache_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/password_manager/password_form_data.cc', |
| 'browser/password_manager/password_form_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/password_manager/password_manager_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/password_manager/password_store_mac_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/password_manager/password_store_win_unittest.cc', |
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| 'browser/policy/mock_configuration_policy_store.h', |
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| 'browser/policy/mock_device_management_service.cc', |
| 'browser/policy/mock_device_management_service.h', |
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| 'browser/sync/glue/data_type_manager_mock.h', |
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| 'browser/sync/test_profile_sync_service.h', |
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| 'browser/tabs/pinned_tab_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/tabs/pinned_tab_test_utils.cc', |
| 'browser/tabs/tab_strip_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/tabs/tab_strip_selection_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/task_manager/task_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/themes/browser_theme_pack_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/themes/theme_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/browser_list_unittest.cc', |
| # It is safe to list */cocoa/* files in the "common" file list |
| # without an explicit exclusion since gyp is smart enough to |
| # exclude them from non-Mac builds. |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/about_ipc_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/about_window_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/accelerators_cocoa_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/animatable_image_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/animatable_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_applescript_utils_unittest.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_applescript_utils_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_folder_applescript_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_item_applescript_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/background_gradient_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/background_tile_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/base_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_all_tabs_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_bridge_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_folder_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_folder_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_folder_hover_state_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_folder_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_folder_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_toolbar_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_unittest_helper.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_unittest_helper.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bubble_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_base_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_folder_target_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_menu_bridge_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_menu_cocoa_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_menu_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_model_observer_for_cocoa_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_name_folder_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_tree_browser_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/browser_frame_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_cocoa_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bubble_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/bug_report_window_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_browser_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/chrome_event_processing_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/clickhold_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/command_observer_bridge_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/confirm_quit_panel_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/collected_cookies_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/content_setting_bubble_cocoa_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/cookie_details_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/content_settings/cookie_details_view_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/download/download_item_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/download/download_shelf_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/download/download_shelf_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/download/download_util_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/draggable_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/event_utils_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/browser_actions_container_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/chevron_menu_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_install_dialog_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_installed_bubble_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/extensions/extension_popup_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/fast_resize_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_bar/find_bar_bridge_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_bar/find_bar_cocoa_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_bar/find_bar_text_field_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_bar/find_bar_text_field_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_bar/find_bar_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/find_pasteboard_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/first_run_bubble_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/floating_bar_backing_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/focus_tracker_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/framed_browser_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/fullscreen_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/gradient_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/history_menu_bridge_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/history_menu_cocoa_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/hover_image_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/html_dialog_window_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/hung_renderer_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/hyperlink_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/image_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/image_utils_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/info_bubble_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/info_bubble_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/infobars/infobar_container_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/infobars/infobar_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/infobars/infobar_gradient_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/autocomplete_text_field_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/autocomplete_text_field_editor_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/autocomplete_text_field_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/autocomplete_text_field_unittest_helper.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/ev_bubble_decoration_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/image_decoration_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/instant_opt_in_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/instant_opt_in_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/keyword_hint_decoration_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/omnibox_popup_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/location_bar/selected_keyword_decoration_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/menu_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/menu_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/notifications/balloon_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/nsimage_cache_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/nsmenuitem_additions_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/objc_method_swizzle_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/omnibox/omnibox_view_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/page_info_bubble_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/profile_menu_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/rwhvm_editcommand_helper_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/status_bubble_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/status_icons/status_icon_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/styled_text_field_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/styled_text_field_test_helper.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/styled_text_field_test_helper.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/styled_text_field_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/previewable_contents_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/sad_tab_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/sad_tab_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tab_contents/web_drop_target_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tab_view_picker_table_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/table_model_array_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/table_row_nsimage_cache_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabpose_window_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/side_tab_strip_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_strip_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_strip_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/throbber_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/task_manager_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/test_event_utils.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/test_event_utils.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/toolbar/reload_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/toolbar/toolbar_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/toolbar/toolbar_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/toolbar/toolbar_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/tracking_area_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/translate/translate_infobar_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/vertical_gradient_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/view_resizer_pong.h', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/view_resizer_pong.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/window_size_autosaver_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/wrench_menu/menu_tracked_button_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/wrench_menu/menu_tracked_root_view_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/wrench_menu/wrench_menu_button_cell_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/wrench_menu/wrench_menu_controller_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/content_settings/content_setting_bubble_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/content_settings/content_setting_image_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/find_bar/find_backend_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_utils_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_chrome_shrinkable_hbox_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_expanded_container_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_theme_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/reload_button_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/status_icons/status_tray_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/tabs/tab_renderer_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/login/login_prompt_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/panels/panel_browser_window_cocoa_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/search_engines/keyword_editor_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/shell_dialogs_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tabs/dock_info_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tabs/tab_menu_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tests/ui_gfx_image_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tests/ui_gfx_image_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/title_prefix_matcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/toolbar/back_forward_menu_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/toolbar/encoding_menu_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/toolbar/wrench_menu_model_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/accessibility_event_router_views_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_context_menu_test.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bubble/border_contents_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/extensions/browser_action_drag_data_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/generic_info_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/reload_button_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/shell_dialogs_win_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/status_icons/status_tray_win_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/chromeos/enterprise_enrollment_ui_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/html_dialog_tab_contents_delegate_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/ntp/shown_sections_handler_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/options/language_options_handler_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/print_preview_ui_html_source_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/sync_internals_ui_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/theme_source_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/web_ui_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/window_sizer_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/window_snapshot/window_snapshot_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'browser/user_style_sheet_watcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/visitedlink/visitedlink_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/web_applications/web_app_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/web_resource/promo_resource_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/autofill_table_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/keyword_table_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/logins_table_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/token_service_table_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/web_apps_table_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/web_data_service_test_util.h', |
| 'browser/webdata/web_data_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/webdata/web_database_migration_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/attributed_string_coder_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'common/bzip2_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/child_process_logging_mac_unittest.mm', |
| 'common/chrome_paths_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/common_param_traits_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/content_settings_helper_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/deprecated/event_sys_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_action_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_extent_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_file_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_icon_set_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_l10n_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_localization_peer_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_manifests_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_message_bundle_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_resource_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_set_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/extension_unpacker_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/update_manifest_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/url_pattern_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/extensions/user_script_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/guid_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/important_file_writer_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/json_pref_store_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/json_schema_validator_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/json_schema_validator_unittest_base.cc', |
| 'common/json_schema_validator_unittest_base.h', |
| 'common/json_value_serializer_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/multi_process_lock_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/net/gaia/gaia_auth_fetcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/net/gaia/gaia_auth_fetcher_unittest.h', |
| 'common/net/gaia/gaia_authenticator_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/net/gaia/gaia_oauth_client_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/net/gaia/google_service_auth_error_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/net/url_fetcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/random_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/service_process_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/switch_utils_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/thumbnail_score_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/time_format_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/web_apps_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/worker_thread_ticker_unittest.cc', |
| 'common/zip_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/extensions/extension_api_json_validity_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/extensions/json_schema_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/net/predictor_queue_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/net/renderer_predictor_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/renderer_about_handler_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/features_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_term_feature_extractor_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_url_feature_extractor_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/scorer_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_provider_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_worditerator_unittest.cc', |
| 'service/cloud_print/cloud_print_helpers_unittest.cc', |
| 'service/cloud_print/cloud_print_url_fetcher_unittest.cc', |
| 'service/service_process_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/browser_with_test_window_test.cc', |
| 'test/browser_with_test_window_test.h', |
| 'test/data/resource.rc', |
| 'test/file_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/file_test_utils.h', |
| 'test/menu_model_test.cc', |
| 'test/menu_model_test.h', |
| 'test/render_view_test.cc', |
| 'test/render_view_test.h', |
| 'test/sync/test_http_bridge_factory.cc', |
| 'test/sync/test_http_bridge_factory.h', |
| 'test/test_notification_tracker.cc', |
| 'test/test_notification_tracker.h', |
| 'test/v8_unit_test.cc', |
| 'test/v8_unit_test.h', |
| 'tools/convert_dict/convert_dict_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/appcache/chrome_appcache_service_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/browser_thread_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/child_process_security_policy_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/device_orientation/provider_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/device_data_provider_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/fake_access_token_store.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/fake_access_token_store.h', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/gateway_data_provider_common_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/geolocation_provider_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/gps_location_provider_unittest_linux.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/location_arbitrator_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/network_location_provider_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_common_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_unittest_chromeos.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_unittest_win.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/win7_location_api_unittest_win.cc', |
| '../content/browser/geolocation/win7_location_provider_unittest_win.cc', |
| '../content/browser/gpu_blacklist_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/host_zoom_map_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/in_process_webkit/webkit_context_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/in_process_webkit/webkit_thread_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/plugin_service_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/audio_renderer_host_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/resource_queue_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/site_instance_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/speech/endpointer/endpointer_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/speech/speech_recognition_request_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/speech/speech_recognizer_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/tab_contents/render_view_host_manager_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/font_descriptor_mac_unittest.mm', |
| '../content/common/gpu/gpu_feature_flags_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/gpu/gpu_info_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/gpu/gpu_video_decoder_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/notification_service_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/process_watcher_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/property_bag_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/resource_dispatcher_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/common/sandbox_mac_diraccess_unittest.mm', |
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| '../content/common/sandbox_mac_unittest_helper.h', |
| '../content/common/sandbox_mac_unittest_helper.mm', |
| '../content/common/sandbox_mac_system_access_unittest.mm', |
| '../content/gpu/gpu_idirect3d9_mock_win.cc', |
| '../content/gpu/gpu_idirect3d9_mock_win.h', |
| '../content/gpu/gpu_info_collector_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/gpu/gpu_info_collector_unittest_win.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/active_notification_tracker_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/audio_message_filter_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/gpu_video_decoder_host_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/media/audio_renderer_impl_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/paint_aggregator_unittest.cc', |
| '../testing/gtest_mac_unittest.mm', |
| '../third_party/cld/encodings/compact_lang_det/compact_lang_det_unittest_small.cc', |
| '../webkit/fileapi/file_system_dir_url_request_job_unittest.cc', |
| '../webkit/fileapi/file_system_operation_write_unittest.cc', |
| '../webkit/fileapi/file_system_url_request_job_unittest.cc', |
| '../webkit/fileapi/file_writer_delegate_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
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| ['p2p_apis==1', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/p2p/socket_host_test_utils.h', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/p2p/socket_host_tcp_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/p2p/socket_host_tcp_server_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/p2p/socket_host_udp_unittest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/p2p/p2p_transport_impl_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['touchui==0', { |
| 'sources/': [ |
| ['exclude', '^browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login/'], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['chromeos==1', { |
| 'sources/': [ |
| # TODO(thestig) Enable PrintPreviewUIHTMLSource tests on CrOS when |
| # print preview is enabled on CrOS. |
| ['exclude', 'browser/notifications/desktop_notifications_unittest.cc'], |
| ['exclude', 'browser/ui/webui/print_preview_ui_html_source_unittest.cc'], |
| ], |
| }, { # else: chromeos == 0 |
| 'sources/': [ |
| ['exclude', '^browser/chromeos/'], |
| ['exclude', '^browser/policy/device_policy_cache_unittest.cc'], |
| ['exclude', '^browser/policy/enterprise_install_attributes_unittest.cc' ], |
| ['exclude', '^browser/ui/webui/chromeos/login'], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['selinux==0', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:*', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_chrome_shrinkable_hbox_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_expanded_container_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/gtk_theme_service_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/options/cookies_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/options/languages_page_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/reload_button_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/status_icons/status_tray_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/printing/print_job_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: OS != "linux" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/tabs/tab_renderer_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/renderer_host/gtk_key_bindings_handler_unittest.cc', |
| '../views/focus/accelerator_handler_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['linux_use_tcmalloc==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # The test fetches resources which means Mac need the app bundle to |
| # exist on disk so it can pull from it. |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| '../third_party/ocmock/ocmock.gyp:ocmock', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '../third_party/GTM', |
| '../third_party/GTM/AppKit', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # Blocked on bookmark manager. |
| 'browser/bookmarks/bookmark_context_menu_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tabs/dock_info_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/tests/ui_gfx_image_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/reload_button_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/password_manager/password_store_default_unittest.cc', |
| 'tools/convert_dict/convert_dict_unittest.cc', |
| '../third_party/hunspell/google/hunspell_tests.cc', |
| ], |
| # TODO(mark): We really want this for all non-static library targets, |
| # but when we tried to pull it up to the common.gypi level, it broke |
| # other things like the ui, startup, and page_cycler tests. *shrug* |
| 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']}, |
| |
| # libwebcore.a is so large that ld may not have a sufficiently large |
| # "hole" in its address space into which it can be mmaped by the |
| # time it reaches this library. As of May 10, 2010, libwebcore.a is |
| # about 1GB in some builds. In the Mac OS X 10.5 toolchain, using |
| # Xcode 3.1, ld is only a 32-bit executable, and address space |
| # exhaustion is the result, with ld failing and producing |
| # the message: |
| # ld: in .../libwebcore.a, can't map file, errno=12 |
| # |
| # As a workaround, ensure that libwebcore.a appears to ld first when |
| # linking unit_tests. This allows the library to be mmapped when |
| # ld's address space is "wide open." Other libraries are small |
| # enough that they'll be able to "squeeze" into the remaining holes. |
| # The Mac linker isn't so sensitive that moving this library to the |
| # front of the list will cause problems. |
| # |
| # Enough pluses to make get this target prepended to the target's |
| # list of dependencies. |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| }, { # OS != "mac" |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'convert_dict_lib', |
| '../third_party/hunspell/hunspell.gyp:hunspell', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/spellchecker_platform_engine_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_dll_version', |
| 'installer_util_strings', |
| '../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:iaccessible2', |
| '../third_party/isimpledom/isimpledom.gyp:isimpledom', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| # TODO: It would be nice to have these pulled in |
| # automatically from direct_dependent_settings in |
| # their various targets (net.gyp:net_resources, etc.), |
| # but that causes errors in other targets when |
| # resulting .res files get referenced multiple times. |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/renderer_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/net/net_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_chromium_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_resources.rc', |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lcomsupp.lib', |
| '-loleacc.lib', |
| '-lrpcrt4.lib', |
| '-lurlmon.lib', |
| '-lwinmm.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| # Forcing incremental build off to try to avoid incremental |
| # linking errors on 64-bit bots too. http://crbug.com/52555 |
| 'LinkIncremental': '1', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, { # else: OS != "win" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/bookmarks/bookmark_codec_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/bookmarks/bookmark_node_data_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/chrome_plugin_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_process_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/login_prompt_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/rlz/rlz_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/search_engines/template_url_scraper_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/extensions/browser_action_drag_data_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/find_bar_host_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/generic_info_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/keyword_editor_view_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/data/resource.rc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/tabs/tab_renderer_gtk_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: toolkit_views == 0 |
| 'sources/': [ |
| ['exclude', '^browser/ui/views/'], |
| ['exclude', '^../views/'], |
| ['exclude', '^browser/extensions/key_identifier_conversion_views_unittest.cc'], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['use_openssl==1', { |
| 'sources/': [ |
| # OpenSSL build does not support firefox importer. See |
| # http://crbug.com/64926 |
| ['exclude', '^browser/importer/'], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # Executable that runs each browser test in a new process. |
| 'target_name': 'browser_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'D7589D0D-304E-4589-85A4-153B7D84B07F', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/sync_proto.gyp:sync_proto_cpp', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'profile_import', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/cld/cld.gyp:cld', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', |
| # Runtime dependencies |
| 'chrome_mesa', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ 'ALLOW_IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST' ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/breakpad_mac_stubs.mm', |
| 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_version.rc.version', |
| 'browser/accessibility/renderer_accessibility_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/autofill/form_structure_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/automation/automation_tab_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/browser_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/browsing_data_database_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/browsing_data_helper_browsertest.h', |
| 'browser/browsing_data_indexed_db_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/browsing_data_local_storage_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/cros_in_process_browser_test.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/cros_in_process_browser_test.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/cros_mock.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/cros_mock.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_cros_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_cryptohome_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_keyboard_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_input_method_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_mount_library.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_mount_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_network_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_power_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_speech_synthesis_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/cros/mock_touchpad_library.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/enterprise_enrollment_screen_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/existing_user_controller_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/login_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/mock_authenticator.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/network_screen_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/screen_locker_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/screen_locker_tester.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/screen_locker_tester.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/update_screen_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/wizard_in_process_browser_test.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/login/wizard_in_process_browser_test.h', |
| 'browser/chromeos/network_state_notifier_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/notifications/notification_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/panels/panel_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/status/clock_menu_button_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/status/input_method_menu_button_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/status/power_menu_button_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/tab_closeable_state_watcher_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/chromeos/update_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/crash_recovery_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/download/download_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/download/save_page_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/alert_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/all_urls_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/app_background_page_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/app_process_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/autoupdate_interceptor.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/autoupdate_interceptor.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_gtk.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_mac.mm', |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_views.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/chrome_app_api_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/content_script_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/content_security_policy_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/convert_web_app_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/cross_origin_xhr_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/crx_installer_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/events_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_devtools_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_devtools_browsertest.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_devtools_browsertests.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/execute_script_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_apitest.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_bookmark_manager_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_browsertests_misc.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_clipboard_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_content_settings_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_context_menu_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_context_menu_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_cookies_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_cookies_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_crash_recovery_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_debugger_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_fileapi_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_gallery_install_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_geolocation_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_get_views_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_history_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_i18n_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_icon_source_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_idle_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_incognito_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_info_private_apitest_chromeos.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_infobar_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_input_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_install_ui_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_javascript_url_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_local_filesystem_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_management_api_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_management_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_management_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_messages_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_messages_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_metrics_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_module_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_omnibox_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_override_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_processes_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_proxy_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_resource_request_policy_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_rlz_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_sidebar_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_startup_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_storage_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_tabs_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_test_message_listener.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_test_message_listener.h', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_toolbar_model_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_tts_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_webglbackground_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_webnavigation_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_webrequest_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_websocket_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_webstore_private_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_webstore_private_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/isolated_app_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/notifications_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/page_action_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/permissions_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/stubs_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/extensions/window_open_apitest.cc', |
| 'browser/first_run/first_run_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/geolocation/access_token_store_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/geolocation/geolocation_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/view_id_util_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/history/history_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/idbbindingutilities_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/net/cookie_policy_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/net/ftp_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/plugin_data_remover_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/policy/device_management_backend_mock.cc', |
| 'browser/policy/device_management_backend_mock.h', |
| 'browser/policy/device_management_service_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/popup_blocker_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/prerender/prerender_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/printing/print_dialog_cloud_uitest.cc', |
| 'browser/renderer_host/web_cache_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_blocking_page_test.cc', |
| 'browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_service_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/service/service_process_control_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/sessions/session_restore_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/speech/speech_input_bubble_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ssl/ssl_browser_tests.cc', |
| 'browser/task_manager/task_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/translate/translate_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/browser_init_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/browser_navigator_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/browser_navigator_browsertest.h', |
| 'browser/ui/browser_navigator_browsertest_chromeos.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/view_id_util_browsertest.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/browsercrapplication+applescript_test.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/window_applescript_test.mm', |
| 'browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar_host_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/login/login_prompt_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/panels/panel_browser_window_gtk_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/panels/panel_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/browser_actions_container_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/dom_view_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/html_dialog_view_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/chrome_url_data_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/mediaplayer_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/ntp/most_visited_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/webui/settings_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/autofill/autofill_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/autofill/form_autocomplete_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/autofill/form_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/autofill/password_autofill_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'renderer/content_settings_observer_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/page_click_tracker_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/print_web_view_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/malware_dom_details_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_classifier_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_classifier_delegate_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_dom_feature_extractor_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_thumbnailer_browsertest.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/render_view_fake_resources_test.cc', |
| 'renderer/safe_browsing/render_view_fake_resources_test.h', |
| 'renderer/translate_helper_browsertest.cc', |
| 'test/automation/dom_automation_browsertest.cc', |
| 'test/gpu/gpu_browsertest.cc', |
| 'test/out_of_proc_test_runner.cc', |
| 'test/render_view_test.cc', |
| 'test/render_view_test.h', |
| # TODO(craig): Rename this and run from base_unittests when the test |
| # is safe to run there. See http://crbug.com/78722 for details. |
| '../base/files/file_path_watcher_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/child_process_security_policy_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/device_orientation/device_orientation_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/in_process_webkit/dom_storage_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/in_process_webkit/indexed_db_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/plugin_service_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/speech/speech_input_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_bidi_checker_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_bidi_checker_browsertest.h', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_browsertest.h', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_test_handler.cc', |
| '../content/browser/webui/web_ui_test_handler.h', |
| '../content/renderer/render_view_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/render_view_browsertest_mac.mm', |
| '../content/renderer/render_widget_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/render_widget_browsertest.h', |
| '../content/renderer/v8_value_converter_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['chromeos==0', { |
| 'sources/': [ |
| ['exclude', '^browser/chromeos'], |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/ui/webui/mediaplayer_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { #else: OS == "chromeos" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/service/service_process_control_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==0', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_input_apitest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['internal_pdf', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/plugin/pdf_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS!="linux" or toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_gtk.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/gtk/view_id_util_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/panels/panel_browser_window_gtk_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/net/net_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/renderer_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_chromium_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_resources.rc', |
| # TODO(alekseys): port sidebar to linux/mac. |
| 'browser/sidebar/sidebar_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_dll_version', |
| 'installer_util_strings', |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:sandbox', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| } |
| }, { # else: OS != "win" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_version.rc.version', |
| 'browser/extensions/extension_rlz_apitest.cc', |
| # http://crbug.com/15101 These tests fail on Linux and Mac. |
| 'browser/renderer_host/web_cache_manager_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/browser/child_process_security_policy_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| # TODO(estade): port to win/mac. |
| 'browser/ui/webui/constrained_html_ui_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '../third_party/GTM', |
| ], |
| # TODO(mark): We really want this for all non-static library |
| # targets, but when we tried to pull it up to the common.gypi |
| # level, it broke other things like the ui, startup, and |
| # page_cycler tests. *shrug* |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| '-Wl,-ObjC', |
| ], |
| }, |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/spellcheck_message_filter_browsertest.cc', |
| '../content/renderer/external_popup_menu_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: OS != "mac" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_mac.mm', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['linux_use_tcmalloc==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(estade): port to linux/views. |
| 'browser/ui/webui/constrained_html_ui_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }, { # else: toolkit_views == 0 |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/extensions/browser_action_test_util_views.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/browser_actions_container_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/dom_view_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/ui/views/html_dialog_view_browsertest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['target_arch!="arm"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # run time dependency |
| '../webkit/webkit.gyp:copy_npapi_test_plugin', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], # conditions |
| }, # target browser_tests |
| { |
| # Executable that runs safebrowsing test in a new process. |
| 'target_name': 'safe_browsing_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'BBF2BC2F-7CD8-463E-BE88-CB81AAD92BFE', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_resources', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| # This is the safebrowsing test server. |
| '../third_party/safe_browsing/safe_browsing.gyp:safe_browsing', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ 'ALLOW_IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST' ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'browser/safe_browsing/safe_browsing_test.cc', |
| 'test/out_of_proc_test_runner.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_dll_version', |
| 'installer_util_strings', |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:sandbox', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/net/net_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/renderer_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_chromium_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_resources.rc', |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap on Mac. |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| # These flags are needed to run the test on Mac. |
| # Search for comments about "xcode_settings" elsewhere in this file. |
| 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']}, |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, # target safe_browsing_tests |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'startup_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'D3E6C0FD-54C7-4FF2-9AE1-72F2DAFD820C', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/startup/feature_startup_test.cc', |
| 'test/startup/shutdown_test.cc', |
| 'test/startup/startup_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', { |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Release': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'false', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['linux_use_tcmalloc==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # To run the tests from page_load_test.cc on Linux, we need to: |
| # |
| # a) Build with Breakpad (GYP_DEFINES="linux_chromium_breakpad=1") |
| # b) Run with CHROME_HEADLESS=1 to generate crash dumps. |
| # c) Strip the binary if it's a debug build. (binary may be over 2GB) |
| 'target_name': 'reliability_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '8A3E1774-1DE9-445C-982D-3EE37C8A752A', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/WebKit.gyp:webkit', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/reliability/page_load_test.cc', |
| 'test/reliability/page_load_test.h', |
| 'test/reliability/reliability_test_suite.h', |
| 'test/reliability/run_all_unittests.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', { |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Release': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'false', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="win" and win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| ], |
| },], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'page_cycler_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'C9E0BD1D-B175-4A91-8380-3FDC81FAB9D7', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/page_cycler/page_cycler_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', { |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Release': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCCLCompilerTool': { |
| 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'false', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| },], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'tab_switching_test', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'A34770EA-A574-43E8-9327-F79C04770E98', |
| 'run_as': { |
| 'action': ['$(TargetPath)', '--gtest_print_time'], |
| }, |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/tab_switching/tab_switching_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win" and win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| },], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'memory_test', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'A5F831FD-9B9C-4FEF-9FBA-554817B734CE', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/memory_test/memory_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'url_fetch_test', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '7EFD0C91-198E-4043-9E71-4A4C7879B929', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/url_fetch_test/url_fetch_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], # OS="win" |
| ], # conditions |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'sync_unit_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(protoc_out_dir)/chrome/browser/sync/protocol/test.pb.cc', |
| 'app/breakpad_mac_stubs.mm', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/apply_updates_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/clear_data_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/cleanup_disabled_types_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/download_updates_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/mock_model_safe_workers.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/mock_model_safe_workers.h', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/process_commit_response_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncapi_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncer_proto_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncer_thread_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncer_thread_whitebox_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncer_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncproto_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/syncapi_mock.h', |
| 'browser/sync/engine/verify_updates_command_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/js_arg_list_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/js_event_handler_list_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/js_sync_manager_observer_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/cache_invalidation_packet_handler_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/chrome_invalidation_client_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/chrome_system_resources_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/invalidation_notifier_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/non_blocking_invalidation_notifier_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/notifier/registration_manager_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/profile_sync_factory_mock.h', |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/proto_enum_conversions_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/proto_value_conversions_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/ordered_commit_set_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/session_state_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/status_controller_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/sync_session_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/test_util.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/sessions/test_util.h', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/directory_backing_store_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/model_type_payload_map_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/model_type_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/nigori_util_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/syncable_enum_conversions_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/syncable_id_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/syncable/syncable_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/util/data_encryption_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/util/extensions_activity_monitor_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/util/protobuf_unittest.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/util/user_settings_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/file_test_utils.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/mock_connection_manager.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/mock_connection_manager.h', |
| 'test/sync/engine/mock_gaia_authenticator.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/mock_gaia_authenticator.h', |
| 'test/sync/engine/mock_gaia_authenticator_unittest.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/syncer_command_test.h', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_id_factory.h', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_syncable_utils.cc', |
| 'test/sync/engine/test_syncable_utils.h', |
| 'test/sync/sessions/test_scoped_session_event_listener.h', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '<(protoc_out_dir)', |
| ], |
| 'defines' : [ |
| '_USE_32BIT_TIME_T', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/sync_proto.gyp:sync_proto_cpp', |
| 'common', |
| 'debugger', |
| '../jingle/jingle.gyp:notifier_test_util', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/bzip2/bzip2.gyp:bzip2', |
| '../third_party/libjingle/libjingle.gyp:libjingle', |
| 'profile_import', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'sync_notifier', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_sync', |
| 'test_support_syncapi', |
| 'test_support_sync_notifier', |
| 'test_support_unit', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lcrypt32.lib', |
| '-lws2_32.lib', |
| '-lsecur32.lib', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, { # else: OS != "win" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'browser/sync/util/data_encryption_unittest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| 'packed_resources' |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'helper_app' |
| ], |
| },{ # OS!="mac" |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'packed_extra_resources', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux" and chromeos==1', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(grit_out_dir)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'sync_integration_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'browser/sync/protocol/sync_proto.gyp:sync_proto_cpp', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'common', |
| 'profile_import', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../printing/printing.gyp:printing', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| '../third_party/npapi/npapi.gyp:npapi', |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/WebKit.gyp:webkit', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '<(protoc_out_dir)', |
| ], |
| # TODO(phajdan.jr): Only temporary, to make transition easier. |
| 'defines': [ 'ALLOW_IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST' ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/chrome_command_ids.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_version.rc.version', |
| 'browser/password_manager/password_form_data.cc', |
| 'browser/sessions/session_backend.cc', |
| 'browser/sync/glue/session_model_associator.cc', |
| 'test/out_of_proc_test_runner.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/bookmark_model_verifier.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/bookmark_model_verifier.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_apps_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_apps_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_autofill_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_autofill_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_bookmarks_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_bookmarks_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_extensions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_extensions_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_passwords_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_passwords_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_preferences_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sessions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sessions_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_themes_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_themes_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sync_extension_helper.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sync_extension_helper.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/live_sync_test.h', |
| 'test/live_sync/many_client_live_bookmarks_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/many_client_live_passwords_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/many_client_live_preferences_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/migration_errors_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/multiple_client_live_bookmarks_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/multiple_client_live_passwords_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/multiple_client_live_preferences_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/multiple_client_live_sessions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_apps_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_bookmarks_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_extensions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_passwords_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_preferences_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_sessions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/single_client_live_themes_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_apps_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_autofill_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_bookmarks_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_extensions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_preferences_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_passwords_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_sessions_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/live_sync/two_client_live_themes_sync_test.cc', |
| 'test/test_notification_tracker.cc', |
| 'test/test_notification_tracker.h', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_linux.cc', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_mac.mm', |
| 'test/ui_test_utils_win.cc', |
| 'test/data/resource.rc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| # The sync_integration_tests do not run on mac without this flag. |
| # Search for comments about "xcode_settings" elsewhere in this file. |
| 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']}, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_dll_version', |
| 'installer_util_strings', |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:sandbox', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, { # else: OS != "win" |
| 'sources!': [ |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_version.rc.version', |
| 'test/data/resource.rc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # Executable that contains all the tests to be run on the GPU bots. |
| 'target_name': 'gpu_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '3D3BB86C-F284-4911-BAEB-12C6EFA09A01', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n', |
| '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc', |
| # Runtime dependencies |
| 'chrome_mesa', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'defines': [ 'ALLOW_IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST' ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/gpu_pixel_browsertest.cc', |
| 'browser/gpu_crash_browsertest.cc', |
| 'test/out_of_proc_test_runner.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_dll_version', |
| 'installer_util_strings', |
| '../sandbox/sandbox.gyp:sandbox', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'app/chrome_dll.rc', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_resource.h', |
| 'app/chrome_dll_version.rc.version', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app/app_resources/app_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/autofill_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/browser_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/common_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/renderer_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/theme_resources_standard.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_dll_version/chrome_dll_version.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/net/net_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_chromium_resources.rc', |
| '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/webkit_resources.rc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| # See comments about "xcode_settings" elsewhere in this file. |
| 'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-Wl,-ObjC']}, |
| }], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| # Executable that contains tests that specifically test gpu video decoding |
| # features. Excludes for example command buffer implementation. |
| 'target_name': 'gpu_video_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../ipc/ipc.gyp:test_support_ipc', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/content/gpu/gpu_video_decode_accelerator.cc', |
| '<(DEPTH)/content/gpu/gpu_video_decode_accelerator.h', |
| '<(DEPTH)/content/gpu/gpu_video_decode_accelerator_tester.cc', |
| '<(DEPTH)/media/video/picture.cc', |
| '<(DEPTH)/media/video/picture.h', |
| '<(DEPTH)/media/video/video_decode_accelerator.cc', |
| '<(DEPTH)/media/video/video_decode_accelerator.h', |
| '<(DEPTH)/ui/gfx/size.cc', |
| '<(DEPTH)/ui/gfx/size.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'plugin_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'A1CAA831-C507-4B2E-87F3-AEC63C9907F9', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../third_party/libxslt/libxslt.gyp:libxslt', |
| '../third_party/npapi/npapi.gyp:npapi', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/plugin/plugin_test.cpp', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'security_tests', # run time dependency |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| },], |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS!="mac"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'perf_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '9055E088-25C6-47FD-87D5-D9DD9FD75C9F', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'browser', |
| 'common', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_base', |
| '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base', |
| '../base/base.gyp:test_support_perf', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| '../webkit/support/webkit_support.gyp:glue', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'browser/safe_browsing/filter_false_positive_perftest.cc', |
| 'browser/visitedlink/visitedlink_perftest.cc', |
| 'common/json_value_serializer_perftest.cc', |
| 'test/perf/perftests.cc', |
| 'test/perf/url_parse_perftest.cc', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck', |
| ], |
| 'sources!': [ |
| # TODO(port): |
| 'browser/safe_browsing/filter_false_positive_perftest.cc', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['toolkit_views==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../views/views.gyp:views', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
| },], # OS!="mac" |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'generate_profile', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': '2E969AE9-7B12-4EDB-8E8B-48C7AE7BE357', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'browser', |
| 'renderer', |
| 'syncapi', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'tools/profiles/generate_profile.cc', |
| 'tools/profiles/thumbnail-inl.h', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'security_tests', |
| 'type': 'shared_library', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'E750512D-FC7C-4C98-BF04-0A0DAF882055', |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/security_tests/ipc_security_tests.cc', |
| 'test/security_tests/ipc_security_tests.h', |
| 'test/security_tests/security_tests.cc', |
| '../content/common/injection_test_dll.h', |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.cc', |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| # Extra 64-bit DLL for windows |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'nacl_security_tests64', |
| 'type': 'shared_library', |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Common_Base': { |
| 'msvs_target_platform': 'x64', |
| }, |
| }, |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..' |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.cc', |
| '../sandbox/tests/validation_tests/commands.h', |
| '../sandbox/tests/common/controller.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_win.h', |
| 'test/nacl_security_tests/nacl_security_tests_win.cc', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'selenium_tests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'msvs_guid': 'E3749617-BA3D-4230-B54C-B758E56D9FA5', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'test_support_ui', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/selenium/selenium_test.cc', |
| ], |
| 'configurations': { |
| 'Debug_Base': { |
| 'msvs_settings': { |
| 'VCLinkerTool': { |
| 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)', |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| }, |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win" and win_use_allocator_shim==1', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(allocator_target)', |
| ], |
| },], |
| ], |
| }, |
| ]}, # 'targets' |
| ], # OS=="win" |
| # If you change this condition, make sure you also change it in all.gyp |
| # for the chromium_builder_qa target. |
| ['OS=="mac" or OS=="win" or (OS=="linux" and target_arch==python_arch)', { |
| 'targets': [ |
| { |
| # Documentation: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/testing/pyauto |
| 'target_name': 'pyautolib', |
| 'type': 'shared_library', |
| 'product_prefix': '_', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'chrome', |
| 'debugger', |
| 'syncapi', |
| 'test_support_common', |
| 'chrome_resources', |
| 'chrome_strings', |
| 'theme_resources', |
| 'theme_resources_standard', |
| '../skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'export_dependent_settings': [ |
| 'test_support_common', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| ], |
| 'cflags': [ |
| '-Wno-uninitialized', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'test/automation/proxy_launcher.cc', |
| 'test/automation/proxy_launcher.h', |
| 'test/pyautolib/pyautolib.cc', |
| 'test/pyautolib/pyautolib.h', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test.h', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test_suite.cc', |
| 'test/ui/ui_test_suite.h', |
| '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/pyautolib_wrap.cc', |
| '<@(pyautolib_sources)', |
| ], |
| 'xcode_settings': { |
| # Need a shared object named _pyautolib.so (not libpyautolib.dylib |
| # that xcode would generate) |
| # Change when gyp can support a platform-neutral way for this |
| # (http://code.google.com/p/gyp/issues/detail?id=135) |
| # When generated, pyautolib_wrap.cc includes some swig support |
| # files which, as of swig 1.3.31 that comes with 10.5 and 10.6, |
| # may not compile cleanly at -Wall. |
| 'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS': 'NO', # -Wno-error |
| }, |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '<(sysroot)/usr/include/python<(python_ver)', |
| ], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk', |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '-lpython<(python_ver)', |
| ], |
| }, |
| 'actions': [ |
| { |
| # _pyautolib.so gets created in lib.target dir. |
| # Create a symlink from the product dir. |
| 'action_name': 'create_symlink', |
| 'inputs': [ |
| ], |
| 'outputs': [ |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/_pyautolib.so', |
| ], |
| 'action': [ 'ln', |
| '-sf', |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.target/_pyautolib.so', |
| '<@(_outputs)', |
| ], |
| 'message': 'Creating symlink: ' |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib.target/_pyautolib.so', |
| }], # actions |
| }], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| # See the comment in this section of the unit_tests target for an |
| # explanation (crbug.com/43791 - libwebcore.a is too large to |
| # mmap). |
| 'dependencies+++': [ |
| '../third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp:webcore', |
| ], |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/python2.5', |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/libpython2.5.dylib', |
| ], |
| } |
| }], |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'product_extension': 'pyd', |
| 'include_dirs': [ |
| '..', |
| '../third_party/python_26/include', |
| ], |
| 'link_settings': { |
| 'libraries': [ |
| '../third_party/python_26/libs/python26.lib', |
| ], |
| } |
| }], |
| ], |
| 'actions': [ |
| { |
| 'action_name': 'pyautolib_swig', |
| 'inputs': [ |
| 'test/pyautolib/argc_argv.i', |
| 'test/pyautolib/pyautolib.i', |
| '<@(pyautolib_sources)', |
| ], |
| 'outputs': [ |
| '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/pyautolib_wrap.cc', |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/pyautolib.py', |
| ], |
| 'action': [ 'python', |
| '../tools/swig/swig.py', |
| '-I..', |
| '-python', |
| '-c++', |
| '-outdir', |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)', |
| '-o', |
| '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/pyautolib_wrap.cc', |
| 'test/pyautolib/pyautolib.i', |
| ], |
| 'message': 'Generating swig wrappers for pyautolib.', |
| }, |
| ], # actions |
| }, # target 'pyautolib' |
| ] # targets |
| }], |
| # To enable the coverage targets, do |
| # GYP_DEFINES='coverage=1' gclient sync |
| # To match the coverage buildbot more closely, do this: |
| # GYP_DEFINES='coverage=1 enable_svg=0 fastbuild=1' gclient sync |
| # (and, on MacOS, be sure to switch your SDK from "Base SDK" to "Mac OS X |
| # 10.6") |
| # (but on Windows, don't set the fastbuild=1 because it removes the PDB |
| # generation which is necessary for code coverage.) |
| ['coverage!=0', |
| { 'targets': [ |
| { |
| ### Coverage BUILD AND RUN. |
| ### Not named coverage_build_and_run for historical reasons. |
| 'target_name': 'coverage', |
| 'dependencies': [ 'coverage_build', 'coverage_run' ], |
| # do NOT place this in the 'all' list; most won't want it. |
| # In gyp, booleans are 0/1 not True/False. |
| 'suppress_wildcard': 1, |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'actions': [ |
| { |
| 'message': 'Coverage is now complete.', |
| # MSVS must have an input file and an output file. |
| 'inputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage.info' ], |
| 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage-build-and-run.stamp' ], |
| 'action_name': 'coverage', |
| # Wish gyp had some basic builtin commands (e.g. 'touch'). |
| 'action': [ 'python', '-c', |
| 'import os; ' \ |
| 'open(' \ |
| '\'<(PRODUCT_DIR)\' + os.path.sep + ' \ |
| '\'coverage-build-and-run.stamp\'' \ |
| ', \'w\').close()' ], |
| # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build. |
| # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons). |
| 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, |
| }, |
| ], # 'actions' |
| }, |
| ### Coverage BUILD. Compile only; does not run the bundles. |
| ### Intended as the build phase for our coverage bots. |
| ### |
| ### Builds unit test bundles needed for coverage. |
| ### Outputs this list of bundles into coverage_bundles.py. |
| ### |
| ### If you want to both build and run coverage from your IDE, |
| ### use the 'coverage' target. |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'coverage_build', |
| # do NOT place this in the 'all' list; most won't want it. |
| # In gyp, booleans are 0/1 not True/False. |
| 'suppress_wildcard': 1, |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'automated_ui_tests', |
| '../app/app.gyp:app_unittests', |
| '../base/base.gyp:base_unittests', |
| # browser_tests's use of subprocesses chokes gcov on 10.6? |
| # Disabling for now (enabled on linux/windows below). |
| # 'browser_tests', |
| '../ipc/ipc.gyp:ipc_tests', |
| '../media/media.gyp:media_unittests', |
| 'nacl_sandbox_tests', |
| 'nacl_ui_tests', |
| '../net/net.gyp:net_unittests', |
| '../printing/printing.gyp:printing_unittests', |
| '../remoting/remoting.gyp:remoting_unittests', |
| # ui_tests seem unhappy on both Mac and Win when run under |
| # coverage (all tests fail, often with a |
| # "server_->WaitForInitialLoads()"). TODO(jrg): |
| # investigate why. |
| # 'ui_tests', |
| 'unit_tests', |
| ], # 'dependencies' |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['OS=="win"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # Courgette has not been ported from Windows. |
| # Note build/win/chrome_win.croc uniquely has the |
| # courgette source directory in an include path. |
| '../courgette/courgette.gyp:courgette_unittests', |
| 'browser_tests', |
| ]}], |
| ['OS=="linux"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # Reason for disabling UI tests on non-Linux above. |
| 'ui_tests', |
| # Win bot needs to be turned into an interactive bot. |
| 'interactive_ui_tests', |
| 'browser_tests', |
| ]}], |
| ['OS=="mac"', { |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| # Placeholder; empty for now. |
| ]}], |
| ], # 'conditions' |
| 'actions': [ |
| { |
| # 'message' for Linux/scons in particular. Scons |
| # requires the 'coverage' target be run from within |
| # src/chrome. |
| 'message': 'Compiling coverage bundles.', |
| # MSVS must have an input file and an output file. |
| # |
| # TODO(jrg): |
| # Technically I want inputs to be the list of |
| # executables created in <@(_dependencies) but use of |
| # that variable lists the dep by dep name, not their |
| # output executable name. |
| # Is there a better way to force this action to run, always? |
| # |
| # If a test bundle is added to this coverage_build target it |
| # necessarily means this file (chrome_tests.gypi) is changed, |
| # so the action is run (coverage_bundles.py is generated). |
| # Exceptions to that rule are theoretically possible |
| # (e.g. re-gyp with a GYP_DEFINES set). |
| # Else it's the same list of bundles as last time. They are |
| # built (since on the deps list) but the action may not run. |
| # For now, things work, but it's less than ideal. |
| 'inputs': [ 'chrome_tests.gypi' ], |
| 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage_bundles.py' ], |
| 'action_name': 'coverage_build', |
| 'action': [ 'python', '-c', |
| 'import os; ' |
| 'f = open(' \ |
| '\'<(PRODUCT_DIR)\' + os.path.sep + ' \ |
| '\'coverage_bundles.py\'' \ |
| ', \'w\'); ' \ |
| 'deplist = \'' \ |
| '<@(_dependencies)' \ |
| '\'.split(\' \'); ' \ |
| 'f.write(str(deplist)); ' \ |
| 'f.close()'], |
| # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build. |
| # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons). |
| 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, |
| }, |
| ], # 'actions' |
| }, |
| ### Coverage RUN. Does not compile the bundles. Mirrors the |
| ### run_coverage_bundles buildbot phase. If you update this |
| ### command update the mirror in |
| ### $BUILDBOT/scripts/master/factory/chromium_commands.py. |
| ### If you want both build and run, use the 'coverage' target. |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'coverage_run', |
| # do NOT place this in the 'all' list; most won't want it. |
| # In gyp, booleans are 0/1 not True/False. |
| 'suppress_wildcard': 1, |
| 'type': 'none', |
| 'actions': [ |
| { |
| # 'message' for Linux/scons in particular. Scons |
| # requires the 'coverage' target be run from within |
| # src/chrome. |
| 'message': 'Running the coverage script. NOT building anything.', |
| # MSVS must have an input file and an output file. |
| 'inputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage_bundles.py' ], |
| 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage.info' ], |
| 'action_name': 'coverage_run', |
| 'action': [ 'python', |
| '../tools/code_coverage/coverage_posix.py', |
| '--directory', |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)', |
| '--src_root', |
| '..', |
| '--bundles', |
| '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/coverage_bundles.py'], |
| # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build. |
| # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons). |
| 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, |
| }, |
| ], # 'actions' |
| }, |
| ] |
| }], # 'coverage!=0' |
| ], # 'conditions' |
| } |
| |
| # Local Variables: |
| # tab-width:2 |
| # indent-tabs-mode:nil |
| # End: |
| # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: |