[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8e07683c33030a0eec7b94dda67bebe6d2294442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace cc {
template <typename T>
struct CC_EXPORT TreeNode {
TreeNode() : id(-1), parent_id(-1), data() {}
int id;
int parent_id;
T data;
struct CC_EXPORT TransformNodeData {
gfx::Transform to_parent;
gfx::Transform from_parent;
gfx::Transform to_screen;
gfx::Transform from_screen;
int target_id;
bool is_invertible;
bool ancestors_are_invertible;
bool is_animated;
bool to_screen_is_animated;
bool flattens;
void set_to_parent(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
to_parent = transform;
is_invertible = to_parent.GetInverse(&from_parent);
typedef TreeNode<TransformNodeData> TransformNode;
struct CC_EXPORT ClipNodeData {
gfx::RectF clip;
gfx::RectF combined_clip;
int transform_id;
int target_id;
typedef TreeNode<ClipNodeData> ClipNode;
template <typename T>
class CC_EXPORT PropertyTree {
virtual ~PropertyTree();
int Insert(const T& tree_node, int parent_id);
T* Node(int i) { return i > -1 ? &nodes_[i] : nullptr; }
const T* Node(int i) const { return i > -1 ? &nodes_[i] : nullptr; }
T* parent(const T* t) {
return t->parent_id > -1 ? Node(t->parent_id) : nullptr;
const T* parent(const T* t) const {
return t->parent_id > -1 ? Node(t->parent_id) : nullptr;
T* back() { return size() ? &nodes_[nodes_.size() - 1] : nullptr; }
const T* back() const {
return size() ? &nodes_[nodes_.size() - 1] : nullptr;
void clear() { nodes_.clear(); }
size_t size() const { return nodes_.size(); }
// Copy and assign are permitted. This is how we do tree sync.
std::vector<T> nodes_;
class CC_EXPORT TransformTree final : public PropertyTree<TransformNode> {
// Computes the change of basis transform from node |source_id| to |dest_id|.
// The function returns false iff the inverse of a singular transform was
// used (and the result should, therefore, not be trusted).
bool ComputeTransform(int source_id,
int dest_id,
gfx::Transform* transform) const;
// Returns true iff the nodes indexed by |source_id| and |dest_id| are 2D axis
// aligned with respect to one another.
bool Are2DAxisAligned(int source_id, int dest_id) const;
// This recomputes the screen space transform (and its inverse) for the node
// at |id|.
void UpdateScreenSpaceTransform(int id);
// Returns true iff the node at |desc_id| is a descendant of the node at
// |anc_id|.
bool IsDescendant(int desc_id, int anc_id) const;
// Returns the index of the lowest common ancestor of the nodes |a| and |b|.
int LowestCommonAncestor(int a, int b) const;
// Computes the combined transform between |source_id| and |dest_id| and
// returns false if the inverse of a singular transform was used. These two
// nodes must be on the same ancestor chain.
bool CombineTransformsBetween(int source_id,
int dest_id,
gfx::Transform* transform) const;
// Computes the combined inverse transform between |source_id| and |dest_id|
// and returns false if the inverse of a singular transform was used. These
// two nodes must be on the same ancestor chain.
bool CombineInversesBetween(int source_id,
int dest_id,
gfx::Transform* transform) const;
class CC_EXPORT ClipTree final : public PropertyTree<ClipNode> {};
} // namespace cc