[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 88f1a12a5519e56b617159d4c6568e9405a1c6e6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'targets': [
# GN version: //components/history/core/browser
'target_name': 'history_core_browser',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'export_dependent_settings': [
'sources': [
# Note: sources list duplicated in GN build.
'conditions': [
['OS=="android"', {
'sources': [
# GN version: //components/history/core/common
'target_name': 'history_core_common',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
# Note: sources list duplicated in GN build.
# GN version: //components/history/core/test
'target_name': 'history_core_test_support',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
# Note: sources list duplicated in GN build.
'conditions': [
['OS=="ios"', {
'sources!': [
'conditions': [
['OS!="ios"', {
'targets': [
# GN version: //components/history/content/browser
'target_name': 'history_content_browser',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
['OS=="ios"', {
'targets': [
# GN version: //components/history/ios/browser
'target_name': 'history_ios_browser',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'sources': [