[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 14df89e14d25e0482c06eb91b9c9ad93edc2e19d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Collection of all components. You wouldn't link to this, but this is rather
# to reference the files so they can be compiled by the build system.
group("all_components") {
visibility = "//:*" # Only for the root targets to bring in.
deps = [
if (!is_win && !is_mac) {
deps -= [ "//components/wifi" ]
if (!is_chromeos) {
deps -= [ "//components/pairing" ]
if (is_ios) {
deps -= [ "//components/keyed_service/content" ]
if (is_android) {
deps -= [
"//components/autocomplete", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/autofill/content/browser", # Blocked on content/blink.
"//components/autofill/content/common", # Blocked on content.
"//components/autofill/content/renderer", # Blocked on content/blink.
"//components/captive_portal", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/cloud_devices/common", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/cdm/browser", # Blocked on content.
"//components/cdm/common", # Blocked on content.
"//components/cdm/renderer", # Blocked on content.
"//components/data_reduction_proxy/browser", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/data_reduction_proxy/common", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/dom_distiller/core", # Blocked on content.
"//components/domain_reliability", # Blocked on content.
"//components/favicon_base", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/favicon/core", # Blocked on keyed service.
"//components/feedback", # Blocked on content.
"//components/gcm_driver", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/google/core/browser", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/history/core/browser", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/history/core/common", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/history/core/test", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/infobars/core", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/infobars/test:test_support", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/invalidation", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/json_schema", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/keyed_service/content", # Blocked on content.
"//components/navigation_interception", # Blocked on content.
"//components/password_manager/content/browser", # Blocked on content.
"//components/password_manager/core/browser", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/password_manager/core/common", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/plugins/renderer", # Blocked on blink.
"//components/policy", # Blocked on content (indirectly via autofill).
"//components/precache/content", # Blocked on content.
"//components/precache/core", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/rappor", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/search_engines", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/search_provider_logos", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/sessions", # Blocked on content.
"//components/signin/core/browser", # Should work, needs checking.
"//components/translate/content/browser", # Blocked on content.
"//components/translate/content/common", # Blocked on content.
"//components/translate/content/renderer", # Blocked on content.
"//components/usb_service", # Blocked on content.
"//components/user_prefs", # Blocked on content.
"//components/visitedlink/browser", # Blocked on content.
"//components/visitedlink/common", # Blocked on content.
"//components/visitedlink/renderer", # Blocked on blink
"//components/web_modal", # Blocked on content.
if (!is_ios && !is_android) {
deps += [
# TODO(GYP) enable when it links.
if (false) {
# To add a unit test to this target, make a "unit_test" source_set in your
# component (it's important to use a source_set instead of a static library or
# no tests will run) and add a reference here. You can add more than one unit
# test target if convenient.
test("components_unittests") {
sources = [
# Add only ":unit_tests" dependencies here. If your tests have dependencies
# (this would at least include the component itself), they should be on the
# test source set and not here.
deps = [
# TODO(GYP) need this target.
# Precache tests need these defines.
#configs += [ "//components/precache/core:precache_config" ]