[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6a1beb6f1dcc29ea88665e1a536057f0e2155451 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_info.h"
#include "media/video/video_decode_accelerator.h"
namespace gfx {
class GLContext;
namespace gl {
class GLImage;
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Decoder;
namespace media {
class GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactoryImpl;
namespace content {
// This factory allows creation of VideoDecodeAccelerator implementations,
// providing the most applicable VDA for current platform and given
// configuration. To be used in GPU process only.
class CONTENT_EXPORT GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory {
virtual ~GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory();
// Return current GLContext.
using GetGLContextCallback = base::Callback<gfx::GLContext*(void)>;
// Make the applicable GL context current. To be called by VDAs before
// executing any GL calls. Return true on success, false otherwise.
using MakeGLContextCurrentCallback = base::Callback<bool(void)>;
// Bind |image| to |client_texture_id| given |texture_target|. If
// |can_bind_to_sampler| is true, then the image may be used as a sampler
// directly, otherwise a copy to a staging buffer is required.
// Return true on success, false otherwise.
using BindGLImageCallback =
base::Callback<bool(uint32_t client_texture_id,
uint32_t texture_target,
const scoped_refptr<gl::GLImage>& image,
bool can_bind_to_sampler)>;
// Return a WeakPtr to a GLES2Decoder, if one is available.
using GetGLES2DecoderCallback =
// Create a factory capable of producing VDA instances for current platform.
static std::unique_ptr<GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory> Create(
const GetGLContextCallback& get_gl_context_cb,
const MakeGLContextCurrentCallback& make_context_current_cb,
const BindGLImageCallback& bind_image_cb);
static std::unique_ptr<GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory>
const GetGLContextCallback& get_gl_context_cb,
const MakeGLContextCurrentCallback& make_context_current_cb,
const BindGLImageCallback& bind_image_cb,
const GetGLES2DecoderCallback& get_gles2_decoder_cb);
// Create a factory capable of producing VDA instances for current platform
// with no GL support.
// A factory created with this method will only be able to produce VDAs with
// no ability to call GL functions/access GL state. This also implies no
// ability to decode into textures provided by the client.
static std::unique_ptr<GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory> CreateWithNoGL();
// Return decoder capabilities supported on the current platform.
static gpu::VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapabilities GetDecoderCapabilities();
// Create a VDA for the current platform for |client| with the given |config|
// and for given |gpu_preferences|. Return nullptr on failure.
virtual std::unique_ptr<media::VideoDecodeAccelerator> CreateVDA(
media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client,
const media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::Config& config);
// TODO(posciak): This is temporary and will not be needed once
// media::GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactoryImpl implements
// GpuVideoDecodeAcceleratorFactory, see crbug.com/597150 and related.
} // namespace content