[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3f672021b717da0d070ef56fc8a379d30cf46e33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <d3d11.h>
#include <d3d9.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Work around bug in this header by disabling the relevant warning for it.
// https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/911260/dxva2api-h-in-win8-sdk-triggers-c4201-with-w4
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4201)
#include <dxva2api.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <mfidl.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
#include "media/filters/h264_parser.h"
#include "media/gpu/gpu_video_decode_accelerator_helpers.h"
#include "media/gpu/media_gpu_export.h"
#include "media/video/video_decode_accelerator.h"
interface IMFSample;
interface IDirect3DSurface9;
namespace gfx {
class GLContext;
typedef HRESULT(WINAPI* CreateDXGIDeviceManager)(
UINT* reset_token,
IMFDXGIDeviceManager** device_manager);
namespace media {
// Provides functionality to detect H.264 stream configuration changes.
// TODO(ananta)
// Move this to a common place so that all VDA's can use this.
class H264ConfigChangeDetector {
// Detects stream configuration changes.
// Returns false on failure.
bool DetectConfig(const uint8_t* stream, unsigned int size);
bool config_changed() const { return config_changed_; }
// These fields are used to track the SPS/PPS in the H.264 bitstream and
// are eventually compared against the SPS/PPS in the bitstream to detect
// a change.
int last_sps_id_;
std::vector<uint8_t> last_sps_;
int last_pps_id_;
std::vector<uint8_t> last_pps_;
// Set to true if we detect a stream configuration change.
bool config_changed_;
// We want to indicate configuration changes only after we see IDR slices.
// This flag tracks that we potentially have a configuration change which
// we want to honor after we see an IDR slice.
bool pending_config_changed_;
std::unique_ptr<media::H264Parser> parser_;
// Class to provide a DXVA 2.0 based accelerator using the Microsoft Media
// foundation APIs via the VideoDecodeAccelerator interface.
// This class lives on a single thread and DCHECKs that it is never accessed
// from any other.
class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT DXVAVideoDecodeAccelerator
: public media::VideoDecodeAccelerator {
enum State {
kUninitialized, // un-initialized.
kNormal, // normal playing state.
kResetting, // upon received Reset(), before ResetDone()
kStopped, // upon output EOS received.
kFlushing, // upon flush request received.
kConfigChange, // stream configuration change detected.
// Does not take ownership of |client| which must outlive |*this|.
const GetGLContextCallback& get_gl_context_cb,
const MakeGLContextCurrentCallback& make_context_current_cb,
bool enable_accelerated_vpx_decode);
~DXVAVideoDecodeAccelerator() override;
// media::VideoDecodeAccelerator implementation.
bool Initialize(const Config& config, Client* client) override;
void Decode(const media::BitstreamBuffer& bitstream_buffer) override;
void AssignPictureBuffers(
const std::vector<media::PictureBuffer>& buffers) override;
void ReusePictureBuffer(int32_t picture_buffer_id) override;
void Flush() override;
void Reset() override;
void Destroy() override;
bool TryToSetupDecodeOnSeparateThread(
const base::WeakPtr<Client>& decode_client,
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& decode_task_runner)
GLenum GetSurfaceInternalFormat() const override;
static media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::SupportedProfiles
// Preload dlls required for decoding.
static void PreSandboxInitialization();
typedef void* EGLConfig;
typedef void* EGLSurface;
// Returns the minimum resolution for the |profile| passed in.
static std::pair<int, int> GetMinResolution(
const media::VideoCodecProfile profile);
// Returns the maximum resolution for the |profile| passed in.
static std::pair<int, int> GetMaxResolution(
const media::VideoCodecProfile profile);
// Returns the maximum resolution for H264 video.
static std::pair<int, int> GetMaxH264Resolution();
// Certain AMD GPU drivers like R600, R700, Evergreen and Cayman and
// some second generation Intel GPU drivers crash if we create a video
// device with a resolution higher then 1920 x 1088. This function
// checks if the GPU is in this list and if yes returns true.
static bool IsLegacyGPU(ID3D11Device* device);
// Creates and initializes an instance of the D3D device and the
// corresponding device manager. The device manager instance is eventually
// passed to the IMFTransform interface implemented by the decoder.
bool CreateD3DDevManager();
// Creates and initializes an instance of the DX11 device and the
// corresponding device manager. The device manager instance is eventually
// passed to the IMFTransform interface implemented by the decoder.
bool CreateDX11DevManager();
// Creates, initializes and sets the media codec types for the decoder.
bool InitDecoder(media::VideoCodecProfile profile);
// Validates whether the decoder supports hardware video acceleration.
bool CheckDecoderDxvaSupport();
// Returns information about the input and output streams. This includes
// alignment information, decoder support flags, minimum sample size, etc.
bool GetStreamsInfoAndBufferReqs();
// Registers the input and output media types on the decoder. This includes
// the expected input and output formats.
bool SetDecoderMediaTypes();
// Registers the input media type for the decoder.
bool SetDecoderInputMediaType();
// Registers the output media type for the decoder.
bool SetDecoderOutputMediaType(const GUID& subtype);
// Passes a command message to the decoder. This includes commands like
// start of stream, end of stream, flush, drain the decoder, etc.
bool SendMFTMessage(MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE msg, int32_t param);
// The bulk of the decoding happens here. This function handles errors,
// format changes and processes decoded output.
void DoDecode();
// Invoked when we have a valid decoded output sample. Retrieves the D3D
// surface and maintains a copy of it which is passed eventually to the
// client when we have a picture buffer to copy the surface contents to.
bool ProcessOutputSample(IMFSample* sample);
// Processes pending output samples by copying them to available picture
// slots.
void ProcessPendingSamples();
// Helper function to notify the accelerator client about the error.
void StopOnError(media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::Error error);
// Transitions the decoder to the uninitialized state. The decoder will stop
// accepting requests in this state.
void Invalidate();
// Notifies the client that the input buffer identifed by input_buffer_id has
// been processed.
void NotifyInputBufferRead(int input_buffer_id);
// Notifies the client that the decoder was flushed.
void NotifyFlushDone();
// Notifies the client that the decoder was reset.
void NotifyResetDone();
// Requests picture buffers from the client.
void RequestPictureBuffers(int width, int height);
// Notifies the client about the availability of a picture.
void NotifyPictureReady(int picture_buffer_id, int input_buffer_id);
// Sends pending input buffer processed acks to the client if we don't have
// output samples waiting to be processed.
void NotifyInputBuffersDropped();
// Decodes pending input buffers.
void DecodePendingInputBuffers();
// Helper for handling the Flush operation.
void FlushInternal();
// Helper for handling the Decode operation.
void DecodeInternal(const base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFSample>& input_sample);
// Handles mid stream resolution changes.
void HandleResolutionChanged(int width, int height);
struct DXVAPictureBuffer;
typedef std::map<int32_t, linked_ptr<DXVAPictureBuffer>> OutputBuffers;
// Tells the client to dismiss the stale picture buffers passed in.
void DismissStaleBuffers(bool force);
// Called after the client indicates we can recycle a stale picture buffer.
void DeferredDismissStaleBuffer(int32_t picture_buffer_id);
// Sets the state of the decoder. Called from the main thread and the decoder
// thread. The state is changed on the main thread.
void SetState(State state);
// Gets the state of the decoder. Can be called from the main thread and
// the decoder thread. Thread safe.
State GetState();
// Starts the thread used for decoding.
void StartDecoderThread();
// Returns if we have output samples waiting to be processed. We only
// allow one output sample to be present in the output queue at any given
// time.
bool OutputSamplesPresent();
// Copies the source surface |src_surface| to the destination |dest_surface|.
// The copying is done on the decoder thread.
void CopySurface(IDirect3DSurface9* src_surface,
IDirect3DSurface9* dest_surface,
int picture_buffer_id,
int input_buffer_id);
// This is a notification that the source surface |src_surface| was copied to
// the destination |dest_surface|. Received on the main thread.
void CopySurfaceComplete(IDirect3DSurface9* src_surface,
IDirect3DSurface9* dest_surface,
int picture_buffer_id,
int input_buffer_id);
// Copies the source texture |src_texture| to the destination |dest_texture|.
// The copying is done on the decoder thread. The |video_frame| parameter
// is the sample containing the frame to be copied.
void CopyTexture(ID3D11Texture2D* src_texture,
ID3D11Texture2D* dest_texture,
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDXGIKeyedMutex> dest_keyed_mutex,
uint64_t keyed_mutex_value,
IMFSample* video_frame,
int picture_buffer_id,
int input_buffer_id);
// Flushes the decoder device to ensure that the decoded surface is copied
// to the target surface. |iterations| helps to maintain an upper limit on
// the number of times we try to complete the flush operation.
void FlushDecoder(int iterations,
IDirect3DSurface9* src_surface,
IDirect3DSurface9* dest_surface,
int picture_buffer_id,
int input_buffer_id);
// Polls to wait for GPU commands to be finished on the picture buffer
// before reusing it.
void WaitForOutputBuffer(int32_t picture_buffer_id, int count);
// Initializes the DX11 Video format converter media types.
// Returns true on success.
bool InitializeDX11VideoFormatConverterMediaType(int width, int height);
// Returns the output video frame dimensions (width, height).
// |sample| :- This is the output sample containing the video frame.
// |width| :- The width is returned here.
// |height| :- The height is returned here.
// Returns true on success.
bool GetVideoFrameDimensions(IMFSample* sample, int* width, int* height);
// Sets the output type on the |transform| to the GUID identified by the
// the |output_type| parameter. The GUID can be MFVideoFormat_RGB32,
// MFVideoFormat_ARGB32, MFVideoFormat_NV12, etc.
// Additionally if the |width| and |height| parameters are non zero, then
// this function also sets the MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE attribute on the type.
// Returns true on success.
bool SetTransformOutputType(IMFTransform* transform,
const GUID& output_type,
int width,
int height);
// Checks if the resolution, bitrate etc of the stream changed. We do this
// by keeping track of the SPS/PPS frames and if they change we assume
// that the configuration changed.
// Returns S_OK or S_FALSE on succcess.
// The |config_changed| parameter is set to true if we detect a change in the
// stream.
HRESULT CheckConfigChanged(IMFSample* sample, bool* config_changed);
// Called when we detect a stream configuration change. We reinitialize the
// decoder here.
void ConfigChanged(const Config& config);
// To expose client callbacks from VideoDecodeAccelerator.
media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFTransform> decoder_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFTransform> video_format_converter_mft_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDirect3D9Ex> d3d9_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9Ex> d3d9_device_ex_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDirect3DDeviceManager9> device_manager_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDirect3DQuery9> query_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<ID3D11Device> d3d11_device_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFDXGIDeviceManager> d3d11_device_manager_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<ID3D10Multithread> multi_threaded_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> d3d11_device_context_;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<ID3D11Query> d3d11_query_;
// Ideally the reset token would be a stack variable which is used while
// creating the device manager. However it seems that the device manager
// holds onto the token and attempts to access it if the underlying device
// changes.
// TODO(ananta): This needs to be verified.
uint32_t dev_manager_reset_token_;
// Reset token for the DX11 device manager.
uint32_t dx11_dev_manager_reset_token_;
uint32_t dx11_dev_manager_reset_token_format_conversion_;
// The EGL config to use for decoded frames.
EGLConfig egl_config_;
// Current state of the decoder.
volatile State state_;
MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO input_stream_info_;
MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO output_stream_info_;
// Contains information about a decoded sample.
struct PendingSampleInfo {
PendingSampleInfo(int32_t buffer_id, IMFSample* sample);
PendingSampleInfo(const PendingSampleInfo& other);
int32_t input_buffer_id;
// The target picture buffer id where the frame would be copied to.
// Defaults to -1.
int picture_buffer_id;
base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFSample> output_sample;
typedef std::list<PendingSampleInfo> PendingOutputSamples;
// List of decoded output samples. Protected by |decoder_lock_|.
PendingOutputSamples pending_output_samples_;
// This map maintains the picture buffers passed the client for decoding.
// The key is the picture buffer id.
OutputBuffers output_picture_buffers_;
// After a resolution change there may be a few output buffers which have yet
// to be displayed so they cannot be dismissed immediately. We move them from
// |output_picture_buffers_| to this map so they may be dismissed once they
// become available.
OutputBuffers stale_output_picture_buffers_;
// Set to true if we requested picture slots from the client.
bool pictures_requested_;
// Counter which holds the number of input packets before a successful
// decode.
int inputs_before_decode_;
// Set to true when the drain message is sent to the decoder during a flush
// operation. Used to ensure the message is only sent once after
// |pending_input_buffers_| is drained. Protected by |decoder_lock_|.
bool sent_drain_message_;
// List of input samples waiting to be processed.
typedef std::list<base::win::ScopedComPtr<IMFSample>> PendingInputs;
PendingInputs pending_input_buffers_;
// Callback to get current GLContext.
GetGLContextCallback get_gl_context_cb_;
// Callback to set the correct gl context.
MakeGLContextCurrentCallback make_context_current_cb_;
// Which codec we are decoding with hardware acceleration.
media::VideoCodec codec_;
// Thread on which the decoder operations like passing input frames,
// getting output frames are performed. One instance of this thread
// is created per decoder instance.
base::Thread decoder_thread_;
// Task runner to be used for posting tasks to the decoder thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> decoder_thread_task_runner_;
// Task runner to be used for posting tasks to the main thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner_;
// Used to synchronize access between the decoder thread and the main thread.
base::Lock decoder_lock_;
// Disallow rebinding WeakReference ownership to a different thread by
// keeping a persistent reference. This avoids problems with the
// thread safety of reaching into this class from multiple threads to
// attain a WeakPtr.
base::WeakPtr<DXVAVideoDecodeAccelerator> weak_ptr_;
// Set to true if we are in the context of a Flush operation. Used to prevent
// multiple flush done notifications being sent out.
bool pending_flush_;
// Defaults to false. Indicates if we should use D3D or DX11 interfaces for
// H/W decoding.
bool use_dx11_;
// True if we should use DXGI keyed mutexes to synchronize between the two
// contexts.
bool use_keyed_mutex_;
// Set to true if the DX11 video format converter input media types need to
// be initialized. Defaults to true.
bool dx11_video_format_converter_media_type_needs_init_;
// Set to true if we are sharing ANGLE's device.
bool using_angle_device_;
// Enables experimental hardware acceleration for VP8/VP9 video decoding.
const bool enable_accelerated_vpx_decode_;
// The media foundation H.264 decoder has problems handling changes like
// resolution change, bitrate change etc. If we reinitialize the decoder
// when these changes occur then, the decoder works fine. The
// H264ConfigChangeDetector class provides functionality to check if the
// stream configuration changed.
std::unique_ptr<H264ConfigChangeDetector> config_change_detector_;
// Contains the initialization parameters for the video.
Config config_;
// WeakPtrFactory for posting tasks back to |this|.
base::WeakPtrFactory<DXVAVideoDecodeAccelerator> weak_this_factory_;
// Function pointer for the MFCreateDXGIDeviceManager API.
static CreateDXGIDeviceManager create_dxgi_device_manager_;
} // namespace media