[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e448a4d8939e48c32c13a60b81cf303956333601 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/gpu/media_gpu_export.h"
#include "media/gpu/v4l2_device.h"
namespace media {
// Handles image processing accelerators that expose a V4L2 memory-to-memory
// interface. The threading model of this class is the same as for other V4L2
// hardware accelerators (see V4L2VideoDecodeAccelerator) for more details.
class MEDIA_GPU_EXPORT V4L2ImageProcessor {
explicit V4L2ImageProcessor(const scoped_refptr<V4L2Device>& device);
virtual ~V4L2ImageProcessor();
// Initializes the processor to convert from |input_format| to |output_format|
// and/or scale from |input_visible_size| to |output_visible_size|.
// Request the input buffers to be of at least |input_allocated_size| and the
// output buffers to be of at least |output_allocated_size|. The number of
// input buffers and output buffers will be |num_buffers|. Provided |error_cb|
// will be called if an error occurs. Return true if the requested
// configuration is supported.
bool Initialize(media::VideoPixelFormat input_format,
media::VideoPixelFormat output_format,
v4l2_memory input_memory_type,
gfx::Size input_visible_size,
gfx::Size input_allocated_size,
gfx::Size output_visible_size,
gfx::Size output_allocated_size,
int num_buffers,
const base::Closure& error_cb);
// Returns a vector of dmabuf file descriptors, exported for V4L2 output
// buffer with |index|. The size of vector will be the number of planes of the
// buffer. Return an empty vector on failure.
std::vector<base::ScopedFD> GetDmabufsForOutputBuffer(
int output_buffer_index);
// Returns a vector of supported input formats in fourcc. This can be called
// before Initialize.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetSupportedInputFormats();
// Returns a vector of supported output formats in fourcc. This can be called
// before Initialize.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetSupportedOutputFormats();
// Gets the output allocated size and number of planes given |pixelformat|
// fourcc and visible size |size|. Return true if success. The adjusted coded
// size will be stored in |size| and the number of planes will be stored in
// |num_planes|. This can be called before Initialize.
bool TryOutputFormat(uint32_t pixelformat,
gfx::Size* size,
size_t* num_planes);
// Returns input allocated size required by the processor to be fed with.
gfx::Size input_allocated_size() const { return input_allocated_size_; }
// Returns output allocated size required by the processor.
gfx::Size output_allocated_size() const { return output_allocated_size_; }
// Callback to be used to return the index of a processed image to the
// client. After the client is done with the frame, call Process with the
// index to return the output buffer to the image processor.
typedef base::Callback<void(int output_buffer_index)> FrameReadyCB;
// Called by client to process |frame|. The resulting processed frame will be
// stored in |output_buffer_index| output buffer and notified via |cb|. The
// processor will drop all its references to |frame| after it finishes
// accessing it.
void Process(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame,
int output_buffer_index,
const FrameReadyCB& cb);
// Stop all processing and clean up. After this method returns no more
// callbacks will be invoked. Deletes |this| unconditionally, so make sure
// to drop all pointers to it!
void Destroy();
// Record for input buffers.
struct InputRecord {
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame;
bool at_device;
// Record for output buffers.
struct OutputRecord {
bool at_device;
// Job record. Jobs are processed in a FIFO order. This is separate from
// InputRecord, because an InputRecord may be returned before we dequeue
// the corresponding output buffer. The processed frame will be stored in
// |output_buffer_index| output buffer.
struct JobRecord {
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame;
int output_buffer_index;
FrameReadyCB ready_cb;
void EnqueueInput();
void EnqueueOutput(int index);
void Dequeue();
bool EnqueueInputRecord();
bool EnqueueOutputRecord(int index);
bool CreateInputBuffers();
bool CreateOutputBuffers();
void DestroyInputBuffers();
void DestroyOutputBuffers();
void NotifyError();
void NotifyErrorOnChildThread(const base::Closure& error_cb);
void DestroyTask();
void ProcessTask(std::unique_ptr<JobRecord> job_record);
void ServiceDeviceTask();
// Attempt to start/stop device_poll_thread_.
bool StartDevicePoll();
bool StopDevicePoll();
// Ran on device_poll_thread_ to wait for device events.
void DevicePollTask(bool poll_device);
// A processed frame is ready.
void FrameReady(const FrameReadyCB& cb, int output_buffer_index);
// Size and format-related members remain constant after initialization.
// The visible/allocated sizes of the input frame.
gfx::Size input_visible_size_;
gfx::Size input_allocated_size_;
// The visible/allocated sizes of the destination frame.
gfx::Size output_visible_size_;
gfx::Size output_allocated_size_;
media::VideoPixelFormat input_format_;
media::VideoPixelFormat output_format_;
v4l2_memory input_memory_type_;
uint32_t input_format_fourcc_;
uint32_t output_format_fourcc_;
size_t input_planes_count_;
size_t output_planes_count_;
// Our original calling task runner for the child thread.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> child_task_runner_;
// V4L2 device in use.
scoped_refptr<V4L2Device> device_;
// Thread to communicate with the device on.
base::Thread device_thread_;
// Thread used to poll the V4L2 for events only.
base::Thread device_poll_thread_;
// All the below members are to be accessed from device_thread_ only
// (if it's running).
std::queue<linked_ptr<JobRecord>> input_queue_;
std::queue<linked_ptr<JobRecord>> running_jobs_;
// Input queue state.
bool input_streamon_;
// Number of input buffers enqueued to the device.
int input_buffer_queued_count_;
// Input buffers ready to use; LIFO since we don't care about ordering.
std::vector<int> free_input_buffers_;
// Mapping of int index to an input buffer record.
std::vector<InputRecord> input_buffer_map_;
// Output queue state.
bool output_streamon_;
// Number of output buffers enqueued to the device.
int output_buffer_queued_count_;
// Mapping of int index to an output buffer record.
std::vector<OutputRecord> output_buffer_map_;
// The number of input or output buffers.
int num_buffers_;
// Error callback to the client.
base::Closure error_cb_;
// WeakPtr<> pointing to |this| for use in posting tasks from the device
// worker threads back to the child thread. Because the worker threads
// are members of this class, any task running on those threads is guaranteed
// that this object is still alive. As a result, tasks posted from the child
// thread to the device thread should use base::Unretained(this),
// and tasks posted the other way should use |weak_this_|.
base::WeakPtr<V4L2ImageProcessor> weak_this_;
// Weak factory for producing weak pointers on the child thread.
base::WeakPtrFactory<V4L2ImageProcessor> weak_this_factory_;
} // namespace media