[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6a0da75f1271475414295bfcf3d914a8269778b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/unified_desktop_utils.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/containers/stack.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
// Defines a row and column indices of a cell in the layout matrix.
struct Cell {
int row;
int column;
Cell(int r, int c) : row(r), column(c) {}
// Validates that the display placements defines a graph where there is a path
// from each display to the primary display (root) and there are no cycles or
// unparented displays.
using DisplayChildToParentMap = std::map<int64_t, int64_t>;
bool ValidateDisplayGraph(const DisplayChildToParentMap& child_to_parent,
int64_t primary_id) {
for (const auto& iter : child_to_parent) {
int64_t current_id = iter.first;
if (current_id == primary_id) {
// The primary display should not have a parent, and shouldn't exist in
// the map as a key. That's a potential cycle.
LOG(ERROR) << "Primary display must not have a parent.";
return false;
std::set<int64_t> visited_ids;
while (current_id != primary_id) {
if (!visited_ids.emplace(current_id).second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "A cycle exists at display ID: " << current_id;
return false;
const auto parent_iter = child_to_parent.find(current_id);
if (parent_iter == child_to_parent.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Display ID: " << current_id << " has no parent.";
return false;
current_id = parent_iter->second;
return true;
// Builds and returns the Unified Desktop layout matrix given the display
// |layout|. This function must only be called on an already-validated |layout|.
// Returns an empty matrix if an error occurs.
UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix BuildDisplayMatrix(const DisplayLayout& layout) {
// Maps a display ID to its Cell position in the matrix.
std::map<int64_t, Cell> displays_cells;
// The root primary display is at (0, 0).
displays_cells.emplace(layout.primary_id, Cell(0, 0));
// After we finish building the Cells, we might have some displays
// positioned at negative cell coordinates (relative to the root primary
// display). We need to normalize our Cells so that the least row and column
// indices are zeros.
// Calculate the min/max row and column indices.
int max_row = 0;
int max_column = 0;
int min_row = 0;
int min_column = 0;
// Calculate the Cell positions of all displays in the placement list.
for (const auto& placement : layout.placement_list) {
int64_t current_display_id = placement.display_id;
base::stack<DisplayPlacement> unhandled_displays;
while (displays_cells.count(current_display_id) == 0) {
auto placement_iter = std::find_if(
layout.placement_list.begin(), layout.placement_list.end(),
[current_display_id](const DisplayPlacement& p) {
return p.display_id == current_display_id;
DCHECK(placement_iter != layout.placement_list.end());
current_display_id = placement_iter->parent_display_id;
// For each unhandled display, find its parent's cell, and use it to deduce
// its own cell.
while (!unhandled_displays.empty()) {
const DisplayPlacement current_placement = unhandled_displays.top();
const Cell& parent_cell =
std::map<int64_t, Cell>::iterator new_cell_itr;
switch (current_placement.position) {
case DisplayPlacement::TOP:
// Top of its parent. Go up a row (row - 1).
new_cell_itr =
Cell(parent_cell.row - 1, parent_cell.column))
case DisplayPlacement::RIGHT:
// Right of its parent. Go right a column (column + 1).
new_cell_itr =
Cell(parent_cell.row, parent_cell.column + 1))
case DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM:
// Bottom of its parent. Go down a row (row + 1).
new_cell_itr =
Cell(parent_cell.row + 1, parent_cell.column))
case DisplayPlacement::LEFT:
// Left of its parent. Go left a column (column - 1).
new_cell_itr =
Cell(parent_cell.row, parent_cell.column - 1))
const Cell& cell = new_cell_itr->second;
max_row = std::max(max_row, cell.row);
max_column = std::max(max_column, cell.column);
min_row = std::min(min_row, cell.row);
min_column = std::min(min_column, cell.column);
// Now build the matrix.
UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix matrix;
const size_t num_rows = max_row - min_row + 1;
const size_t num_columns = max_column - min_column + 1;
if (displays_cells.size() != num_rows * num_columns) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unified Desktop layout matrix has wrong dimentions";
// Return an empty matrix, ValidateMatrix() will catch it as invalid.
return matrix;
for (auto& matrix_row : matrix)
matrix_row.resize(num_columns, display::kInvalidDisplayId);
for (const auto& iter : displays_cells) {
const Cell& cell = iter.second;
const int row_index = cell.row - min_row;
const int column_index = cell.column - min_column;
matrix[row_index][column_index] = iter.first;
return matrix;
} // namespace
bool ValidateMatrix(const UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix& matrix) {
if (matrix.empty())
return false;
const size_t column_count = matrix[0].size();
if (column_count == 0)
return false;
for (const auto& row : matrix) {
if (row.size() != column_count) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong matrix dimensions. Unequal rows sizes.";
return false;
// No holes or repeated IDs are allowed.
for (const auto& id : row) {
if (id == display::kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unified Desktop layout matrix has an empty cell in it.";
return false;
return true;
bool BuildUnifiedDesktopMatrix(const DisplayIdList& ids_list,
const DisplayLayout& layout,
UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix* out_matrix) {
// The primary display should be in the IDs list.
if (!base::ContainsValue(ids_list, layout.primary_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The primary ID: " << layout.primary_id
<< " is not in the IDs list.";
return false;
// Each ID in |ids_list| must have a placement in the layout except the
// primary display.
for (const auto& id : ids_list) {
if (id == layout.primary_id)
const auto iter =
std::find_if(layout.placement_list.begin(), layout.placement_list.end(),
[id](const DisplayPlacement& placement) {
return placement.display_id == id;
if (iter == layout.placement_list.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Display with ID: " << id << " has no placement.";
return false;
if (layout.placement_list.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Placement list is empty.";
return false;
// This map is used to validate that each display has no more than one child
// on eithr of its sides.
std::map<int64_t, std::set<DisplayPlacement::Position>> displays_filled_sides;
// This map is used to validate that all displays has a path to the primary
// (root) display with no cycles.
DisplayChildToParentMap child_to_parent;
bool has_primary_as_parent = false;
for (const auto& placement : layout.placement_list) {
// Unified mode placements are not allowed to have offsets.
if (placement.offset != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unified mode placements are not allowed to have offsets.";
return false;
if (placement.display_id == kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id is not initialized";
return false;
if (placement.parent_display_id == kInvalidDisplayId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "parent_display_id is not initialized";
return false;
if (placement.display_id == placement.parent_display_id) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id must not be the same as parent_display_id";
return false;
if (!base::ContainsValue(ids_list, placement.display_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "display_id: " << placement.display_id
<< " is not in the id list: " << placement.ToString();
return false;
if (!base::ContainsValue(ids_list, placement.parent_display_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "parent_display_id: " << placement.parent_display_id
<< " is not in the id list: " << placement.ToString();
return false;
if (!displays_filled_sides[placement.parent_display_id]
.second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Parent display with ID: " << placement.parent_display_id
<< " has more than one display on the same side: "
<< placement.position;
return false;
if (!child_to_parent
.emplace(placement.display_id, placement.parent_display_id)
.second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Display ID: " << placement.display_id << " appears more "
<< "than once in the placement list.";
return false;
has_primary_as_parent |= layout.primary_id == placement.parent_display_id;
if (!has_primary_as_parent) {
LOG(ERROR) << "At least, one placement must have the primary as a parent.";
return false;
if (!ValidateDisplayGraph(child_to_parent, layout.primary_id))
return false;
UnifiedDesktopLayoutMatrix matrix = BuildDisplayMatrix(layout);
if (!ValidateMatrix(matrix))
return false;
*out_matrix = matrix;
return true;
} // namespace display