[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: bdf724ab1e2440fcfae05cf5fd4bf051067ee24b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/stack_container.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_flags.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_image.h"
#include "cc/paint/scoped_raster_flags.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPoint3.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkBlurImageFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkDisplacementMapEffect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkDropShadowImageFilter.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.h"
namespace viz {
class GLRenderer;
class SkiaRenderer;
class SoftwareRenderer;
} // namespace viz
namespace cc {
class ImageProvider;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintFilter : public SkRefCnt {
enum class Type : uint32_t {
// For serialization purposes, we reserve one enum to indicate that there
// was no PaintFilter, ie the filter is "null".
// Update the following if kLightingSpot is not the max anymore.
kMaxFilterType = kLightingSpot
enum class LightingType : uint32_t {
// Update the following if kSpecular is not the max anymore.
kMaxLightingType = kSpecular
using MapDirection = SkImageFilter::MapDirection;
using CropRect = SkImageFilter::CropRect;
PaintFilter(const PaintFilter&) = delete;
~PaintFilter() override;
PaintFilter& operator=(const PaintFilter&) = delete;
static std::string TypeToString(Type type);
// Returns the size required to serialize the |filter|. Note that |filter| can
// be nullptr.
static size_t GetFilterSize(const PaintFilter* filter);
Type type() const { return type_; }
SkIRect filter_bounds(const SkIRect& src,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
MapDirection direction) const {
if (!cached_sk_filter_)
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
return cached_sk_filter_->filterBounds(src, ctm, direction);
int count_inputs() const {
if (!cached_sk_filter_)
return 0;
return cached_sk_filter_->countInputs();
const CropRect* crop_rect() const {
return base::OptionalOrNullptr(crop_rect_);
bool has_discardable_images() const { return has_discardable_images_; }
ImageAnalysisState image_analysis_state() const {
return image_analysis_state_;
void set_has_animated_images(bool has_animated_images) {
image_analysis_state_ = has_animated_images
? ImageAnalysisState::kAnimatedImages
: ImageAnalysisState::kNoAnimatedImages;
virtual size_t SerializedSize() const = 0;
// Returns a snaphot of the PaintFilter with images replaced using
// |image_provider|. Note that this may return the same filter if the filter
// has no images.
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImages(ImageProvider* image_provider) const;
// Note that this operation is potentially slow. It also only compares things
// that are easy to compare. As an example, it doesn't compare equality of
// images, rather only its existence. This is meant to be used only by tests
// and fuzzers.
// TODO(vmpstr): Rename this and places that its used to something like
// EqualsForTesting.
bool operator==(const PaintFilter& other) const;
bool operator!=(const PaintFilter& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
PaintFilter(Type type,
const CropRect* crop_rect,
bool has_discardable_images);
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> GetSkFilter(const PaintFilter* paint_filter) {
return paint_filter ? paint_filter->cached_sk_filter_ : nullptr;
const sk_sp<SkImageFilter>& cached_sk_filter() const {
return cached_sk_filter_;
size_t BaseSerializedSize() const;
virtual sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const = 0;
// This should be created by each sub-class at construction time, to ensure
// that subsequent access to the filter is thread-safe.
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> cached_sk_filter_;
// For cached skia filter access in SkPaint conversions. Mostly used during
// raster.
friend class PaintFlags;
friend class viz::GLRenderer;
friend class viz::SkiaRenderer;
friend class viz::SoftwareRenderer;
const Type type_;
base::Optional<CropRect> crop_rect_;
const bool has_discardable_images_;
ImageAnalysisState image_analysis_state_ = ImageAnalysisState::kNoAnalysis;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ColorFilterPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kColorFilter;
ColorFilterPaintFilter(sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~ColorFilterPaintFilter() override;
const sk_sp<SkColorFilter>& color_filter() const { return color_filter_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const ColorFilterPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> color_filter_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT BlurPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
using TileMode = SkBlurImageFilter::TileMode;
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kBlur;
BlurPaintFilter(SkScalar sigma_x,
SkScalar sigma_y,
TileMode tile_mode,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~BlurPaintFilter() override;
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
SkScalar sigma_x() const { return sigma_x_; }
SkScalar sigma_y() const { return sigma_y_; }
TileMode tile_mode() const { return tile_mode_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const BlurPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkScalar sigma_x_;
SkScalar sigma_y_;
TileMode tile_mode_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT DropShadowPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
using ShadowMode = SkDropShadowImageFilter::ShadowMode;
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kDropShadow;
DropShadowPaintFilter(SkScalar dx,
SkScalar dy,
SkScalar sigma_x,
SkScalar sigma_y,
SkColor color,
ShadowMode shadow_mode,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~DropShadowPaintFilter() override;
SkScalar dx() const { return dx_; }
SkScalar dy() const { return dy_; }
SkScalar sigma_x() const { return sigma_x_; }
SkScalar sigma_y() const { return sigma_y_; }
SkColor color() const { return color_; }
ShadowMode shadow_mode() const { return shadow_mode_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const DropShadowPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkScalar dx_;
SkScalar dy_;
SkScalar sigma_x_;
SkScalar sigma_y_;
SkColor color_;
ShadowMode shadow_mode_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT MagnifierPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kMagnifier;
MagnifierPaintFilter(const SkRect& src_rect,
SkScalar inset,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~MagnifierPaintFilter() override;
const SkRect& src_rect() const { return src_rect_; }
SkScalar inset() const { return inset_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const MagnifierPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkRect src_rect_;
SkScalar inset_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ComposePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kCompose;
ComposePaintFilter(sk_sp<PaintFilter> outer, sk_sp<PaintFilter> inner);
~ComposePaintFilter() override;
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& outer() const { return outer_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& inner() const { return inner_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const ComposePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> outer_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> inner_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT AlphaThresholdPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kAlphaThreshold;
AlphaThresholdPaintFilter(const SkRegion& region,
SkScalar inner_min,
SkScalar outer_max,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~AlphaThresholdPaintFilter() override;
const SkRegion& region() const { return region_; }
SkScalar inner_min() const { return inner_min_; }
SkScalar outer_max() const { return outer_max_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const AlphaThresholdPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkRegion region_;
SkScalar inner_min_;
SkScalar outer_max_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT XfermodePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kXfermode;
XfermodePaintFilter(SkBlendMode blend_mode,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> background,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> foreground,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~XfermodePaintFilter() override;
SkBlendMode blend_mode() const { return blend_mode_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& background() const { return background_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& foreground() const { return foreground_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const XfermodePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkBlendMode blend_mode_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> background_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> foreground_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ArithmeticPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kArithmetic;
ArithmeticPaintFilter(float k1,
float k2,
float k3,
float k4,
bool enforce_pm_color,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> background,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> foreground,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~ArithmeticPaintFilter() override;
float k1() const { return k1_; }
float k2() const { return k2_; }
float k3() const { return k3_; }
float k4() const { return k4_; }
bool enforce_pm_color() const { return enforce_pm_color_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& background() const { return background_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& foreground() const { return foreground_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const ArithmeticPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
float k1_;
float k2_;
float k3_;
float k4_;
bool enforce_pm_color_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> background_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> foreground_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT MatrixConvolutionPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
using TileMode = SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter::TileMode;
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kMatrixConvolution;
MatrixConvolutionPaintFilter(const SkISize& kernel_size,
const SkScalar* kernel,
SkScalar gain,
SkScalar bias,
const SkIPoint& kernel_offset,
TileMode tile_mode,
bool convolve_alpha,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~MatrixConvolutionPaintFilter() override;
const SkISize& kernel_size() const { return kernel_size_; }
SkScalar kernel_at(size_t i) const { return kernel_[i]; }
SkScalar gain() const { return gain_; }
SkScalar bias() const { return bias_; }
SkIPoint kernel_offset() const { return kernel_offset_; }
TileMode tile_mode() const { return tile_mode_; }
bool convolve_alpha() const { return convolve_alpha_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const MatrixConvolutionPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkISize kernel_size_;
base::StackVector<SkScalar, 3> kernel_;
SkScalar gain_;
SkScalar bias_;
SkIPoint kernel_offset_;
TileMode tile_mode_;
bool convolve_alpha_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT DisplacementMapEffectPaintFilter final
: public PaintFilter {
using ChannelSelectorType = SkDisplacementMapEffect::ChannelSelectorType;
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kDisplacementMapEffect;
DisplacementMapEffectPaintFilter(ChannelSelectorType channel_x,
ChannelSelectorType channel_y,
SkScalar scale,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> displacement,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> color,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~DisplacementMapEffectPaintFilter() override;
ChannelSelectorType channel_x() const { return channel_x_; }
ChannelSelectorType channel_y() const { return channel_y_; }
SkScalar scale() const { return scale_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& displacement() const { return displacement_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& color() const { return color_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const DisplacementMapEffectPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
ChannelSelectorType channel_x_;
ChannelSelectorType channel_y_;
SkScalar scale_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> displacement_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> color_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT ImagePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kImage;
ImagePaintFilter(PaintImage image,
const SkRect& src_rect,
const SkRect& dst_rect,
SkFilterQuality filter_quality);
~ImagePaintFilter() override;
const PaintImage& image() const { return image_; }
const SkRect& src_rect() const { return src_rect_; }
const SkRect& dst_rect() const { return dst_rect_; }
SkFilterQuality filter_quality() const { return filter_quality_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const ImagePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
PaintImage image_;
SkRect src_rect_;
SkRect dst_rect_;
SkFilterQuality filter_quality_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT RecordPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kPaintRecord;
RecordPaintFilter(sk_sp<PaintRecord> record, const SkRect& record_bounds);
~RecordPaintFilter() override;
const sk_sp<PaintRecord>& record() const { return record_; }
SkRect record_bounds() const { return record_bounds_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const RecordPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
RecordPaintFilter(sk_sp<PaintRecord> record,
const SkRect& record_bounds,
ImageProvider* image_provider);
sk_sp<PaintRecord> record_;
SkRect record_bounds_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT MergePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kMerge;
MergePaintFilter(const sk_sp<PaintFilter>* const filters,
int count,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~MergePaintFilter() override;
size_t input_count() const { return inputs_->size(); }
const PaintFilter* input_at(size_t i) const {
DCHECK_LT(i, input_count());
return inputs_[i].get();
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const MergePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
MergePaintFilter(const sk_sp<PaintFilter>* const filters,
int count,
const CropRect* crop_rect,
ImageProvider* image_provider);
base::StackVector<sk_sp<PaintFilter>, 2> inputs_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT MorphologyPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
enum class MorphType : uint32_t { kDilate, kErode, kMaxMorphType = kErode };
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kMorphology;
MorphologyPaintFilter(MorphType morph_type,
int radius_x,
int radius_y,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~MorphologyPaintFilter() override;
MorphType morph_type() const { return morph_type_; }
int radius_x() const { return radius_x_; }
int radius_y() const { return radius_y_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const MorphologyPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
MorphType morph_type_;
int radius_x_;
int radius_y_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT OffsetPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kOffset;
OffsetPaintFilter(SkScalar dx,
SkScalar dy,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~OffsetPaintFilter() override;
SkScalar dx() const { return dx_; }
SkScalar dy() const { return dy_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const OffsetPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkScalar dx_;
SkScalar dy_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT TilePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kTile;
TilePaintFilter(const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input);
~TilePaintFilter() override;
const SkRect& src() const { return src_; }
const SkRect& dst() const { return dst_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const TilePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkRect src_;
SkRect dst_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT TurbulencePaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kTurbulence;
enum class TurbulenceType : uint32_t {
kMaxTurbulenceType = kFractalNoise
TurbulencePaintFilter(TurbulenceType turbulence_type,
SkScalar base_frequency_x,
SkScalar base_frequency_y,
int num_octaves,
SkScalar seed,
const SkISize* tile_size,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~TurbulencePaintFilter() override;
TurbulenceType turbulence_type() const { return turbulence_type_; }
SkScalar base_frequency_x() const { return base_frequency_x_; }
SkScalar base_frequency_y() const { return base_frequency_y_; }
int num_octaves() const { return num_octaves_; }
SkScalar seed() const { return seed_; }
SkISize tile_size() const { return tile_size_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const TurbulencePaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
TurbulenceType turbulence_type_;
SkScalar base_frequency_x_;
SkScalar base_frequency_y_;
int num_octaves_;
SkScalar seed_;
SkISize tile_size_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT PaintFlagsPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kPaintFlags;
explicit PaintFlagsPaintFilter(PaintFlags flags,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~PaintFlagsPaintFilter() override;
const PaintFlags& flags() const { return flags_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const PaintFlagsPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
PaintFlagsPaintFilter(PaintFlags flags,
ImageProvider* image_provider,
const CropRect* crop_rect);
PaintFlags flags_;
base::Optional<ScopedRasterFlags> raster_flags_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT MatrixPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kMatrix;
MatrixPaintFilter(const SkMatrix& matrix,
SkFilterQuality filter_quality,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input);
~MatrixPaintFilter() override;
const SkMatrix& matrix() const { return matrix_; }
SkFilterQuality filter_quality() const { return filter_quality_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const MatrixPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
SkMatrix matrix_;
SkFilterQuality filter_quality_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT LightingDistantPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kLightingDistant;
// kConstant refers to the kd (diffuse) or ks (specular) depending on the
// LightingType.
// For specular lighting type only, shininess denotes the specular exponent.
LightingDistantPaintFilter(LightingType lighting_type,
const SkPoint3& direction,
SkColor light_color,
SkScalar surface_scale,
SkScalar kconstant,
SkScalar shininess,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~LightingDistantPaintFilter() override;
LightingType lighting_type() const { return lighting_type_; }
const SkPoint3& direction() const { return direction_; }
SkColor light_color() const { return light_color_; }
SkScalar surface_scale() const { return surface_scale_; }
SkScalar kconstant() const { return kconstant_; }
SkScalar shininess() const { return shininess_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const LightingDistantPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
LightingType lighting_type_;
SkPoint3 direction_;
SkColor light_color_;
SkScalar surface_scale_;
SkScalar kconstant_;
SkScalar shininess_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT LightingPointPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kLightingPoint;
// kConstant refers to the kd (diffuse) or ks (specular) depending on the
// LightingType.
// For specular lighting type only, shininess denotes the specular exponent.
LightingPointPaintFilter(LightingType lighting_type,
const SkPoint3& location,
SkColor light_color,
SkScalar surface_scale,
SkScalar kconstant,
SkScalar shininess,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~LightingPointPaintFilter() override;
LightingType lighting_type() const { return lighting_type_; }
const SkPoint3& location() const { return location_; }
SkColor light_color() const { return light_color_; }
SkScalar surface_scale() const { return surface_scale_; }
SkScalar kconstant() const { return kconstant_; }
SkScalar shininess() const { return shininess_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const LightingPointPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
LightingType lighting_type_;
SkPoint3 location_;
SkColor light_color_;
SkScalar surface_scale_;
SkScalar kconstant_;
SkScalar shininess_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT LightingSpotPaintFilter final : public PaintFilter {
static constexpr Type kType = Type::kLightingSpot;
// kConstant refers to the kd (diffuse) or ks (specular) depending on the
// LightingType.
// For specular lighting type only, shininess denotes the specular exponent.
LightingSpotPaintFilter(LightingType lighting_type,
const SkPoint3& location,
const SkPoint3& target,
SkScalar specular_exponent,
SkScalar cutoff_angle,
SkColor light_color,
SkScalar surface_scale,
SkScalar kconstant,
SkScalar shininess,
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input,
const CropRect* crop_rect = nullptr);
~LightingSpotPaintFilter() override;
LightingType lighting_type() const { return lighting_type_; }
const SkPoint3& location() const { return location_; }
const SkPoint3& target() const { return target_; }
SkScalar specular_exponent() const { return specular_exponent_; }
SkScalar cutoff_angle() const { return cutoff_angle_; }
SkColor light_color() const { return light_color_; }
SkScalar surface_scale() const { return surface_scale_; }
SkScalar kconstant() const { return kconstant_; }
SkScalar shininess() const { return shininess_; }
const sk_sp<PaintFilter>& input() const { return input_; }
size_t SerializedSize() const override;
bool operator==(const LightingSpotPaintFilter& other) const;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> SnapshotWithImagesInternal(
ImageProvider* image_provider) const override;
LightingType lighting_type_;
SkPoint3 location_;
SkPoint3 target_;
SkScalar specular_exponent_;
SkScalar cutoff_angle_;
SkColor light_color_;
SkScalar surface_scale_;
SkScalar kconstant_;
SkScalar shininess_;
sk_sp<PaintFilter> input_;
} // namespace cc