[go: nahoru, domu]

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Unit test that checks some of util functions.
import os
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
import unittest
from grit import util
class UtilUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
''' Tests functions from util
def testNewClassInstance(self):
# Test short class name with no fully qualified package name
# Should fail, it is not supported by the function now (as documented)
cls = util.NewClassInstance('grit.util.TestClassToLoad',
self.failUnless(cls == None)
# Test non existent class name
cls = util.NewClassInstance('grit.util_unittest.NotExistingClass',
self.failUnless(cls == None)
# Test valid class name and valid base class
cls = util.NewClassInstance('grit.util_unittest.TestClassToLoad',
self.failUnless(isinstance(cls, TestBaseClassToLoad))
# Test valid class name with wrong hierarchy
cls = util.NewClassInstance('grit.util_unittest.TestClassNoBase',
self.failUnless(cls == None)
def testCanonicalLanguage(self):
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('en') == 'en')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('pt_br') == 'pt-BR')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('pt-br') == 'pt-BR')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('pt-BR') == 'pt-BR')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('pt/br') == 'pt-BR')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('pt/BR') == 'pt-BR')
self.failUnless(util.CanonicalLanguage('no_no_bokmal') == 'no-NO-BOKMAL')
def testUnescapeHtml(self):
self.failUnless(util.UnescapeHtml('ϲ') == unichr(1010))
self.failUnless(util.UnescapeHtml('ꯍ') == unichr(43981))
def testRelativePath(self):
""" Verify that MakeRelativePath works in some tricky cases."""
def TestRelativePathCombinations(base_path, other_path, expected_result):
""" Verify that the relative path function works for
the given paths regardless of whether or not they end with
a trailing slash."""
for path1 in [base_path, base_path + os.path.sep]:
for path2 in [other_path, other_path + os.path.sep]:
result = util.MakeRelativePath(path1, path2)
self.failUnless(result == expected_result)
# set-up variables
root_dir = 'c:%sa' % os.path.sep
result1 = '..%sabc' % os.path.sep
path1 = root_dir + 'bc'
result2 = 'bc'
path2 = '%s%s%s' % (root_dir, os.path.sep, result2)
# run the tests
TestRelativePathCombinations(root_dir, path1, result1)
TestRelativePathCombinations(root_dir, path2, result2)
def testReadFile(self):
def Test(data, encoding, expected_result):
with open('testfile', 'wb') as f:
if util.ReadFile('testfile', encoding) != expected_result:
print (util.ReadFile('testfile', encoding), expected_result)
self.failUnless(util.ReadFile('testfile', encoding) == expected_result)
test_std_newline = '\xEF\xBB\xBFabc\ndef' # EF BB BF is UTF-8 BOM
newlines = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']
with util.TempDir({}) as tmp_dir:
with tmp_dir.AsCurrentDir():
for newline in newlines:
test = test_std_newline.replace('\n', newline)
Test(test, util.BINARY, test)
# RAW_TEXT uses universal newline mode
Test(test, util.RAW_TEXT, test_std_newline)
# utf-8 doesn't strip BOM
Test(test, 'utf-8', test_std_newline.decode('utf-8'))
# utf-8-sig strips BOM
Test(test, 'utf-8-sig', test_std_newline.decode('utf-8')[1:])
# test another encoding
Test(test, 'cp1252', test_std_newline.decode('cp1252'))
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, Test, '\x80', 'utf-8', None)
class TestBaseClassToLoad(object):
class TestClassToLoad(TestBaseClassToLoad):
class TestClassNoBase(object):
if __name__ == '__main__':