[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 1600d85d89381d8ad5dd7dc6afca23451f25025d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'settings-secure-dns' is a setting that allows the secure DNS
* mode and secure DNS resolvers to be configured.
* The underlying secure DNS prefs are not read directly since the setting is
* meant to represent the current state of the host resolver, which depends not
* only on the prefs but also a few other factors (e.g. whether we've detected a
* managed environment, whether we've detected parental controls, etc). Instead,
* the setting listens for secure-dns-setting-changed events, which are sent
* by PrivacyPageBrowserProxy and describe the new host resolver configuration.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_shared_style.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_shared_vars.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/md_select.css.js';
import 'chrome://resources/cr_components/settings_prefs/prefs.js';
import '../controls/settings_toggle_button.js';
import './secure_dns_input.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cros_color_overrides.css.js';
import './secure_dns_dialog.js';
import {PrivacyPageBrowserProxy, PrivacyPageBrowserProxyImpl, ResolverOption, SecureDnsMode, SecureDnsSetting, SecureDnsUiManagementMode} from '/shared/settings/privacy_page/privacy_page_browser_proxy.js';
import {PrefsMixin} from 'chrome://resources/cr_components/settings_prefs/prefs_mixin.js';
import {I18nMixin} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {WebUiListenerMixin} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/web_ui_listener_mixin.js';
import {assert, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.js';
import {sanitizeInnerHtml} from 'chrome://resources/js/parse_html_subset.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {SettingsToggleButtonElement} from '../controls/settings_toggle_button.js';
import {getTemplate} from './secure_dns.html.js';
import {SecureDnsInputElement} from './secure_dns_input.js';
export interface SettingsSecureDnsElement {
$: {
privacyPolicy: HTMLElement,
secureDnsInput: SecureDnsInputElement,
secureDnsInputContainer: HTMLElement,
resolverSelect: HTMLSelectElement,
const SettingsSecureDnsElementBase =
* Enum for the categories of options in the secure DNS resolver select
* menu.
export enum SecureDnsResolverType {
AUTOMATIC = 'automatic',
BUILT_IN = 'built-in',
CUSTOM = 'custom',
export class SettingsSecureDnsElement extends SettingsSecureDnsElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'settings-secure-dns';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* Mirroring the secure DNS resolver enum so that it can be used from HTML
* bindings.
resolverTypeEnum_: {
type: Object,
value: SecureDnsResolverType,
* The setting sublabel.
secureDnsDescription_: String,
* Represents whether the main toggle for the secure DNS setting is
* switched on or off.
secureDnsToggle_: {
type: Object,
value() {
return {
type: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefType.BOOLEAN,
value: false,
* Whether the secure DNS resolver options should be shown.
showSecureDnsOptions_: Boolean,
* List of secure DNS resolvers to display in dropdown menu.
resolverOptions_: Array,
* String displaying the privacy policy of the resolver selected in the
* dropdown menu.
privacyPolicyString_: String,
* String to display in the custom text field.
secureDnsInputValue_: String,
showDisableDnsDialog_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
isRevampWayfindingEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isRevampWayfindingEnabled');
readOnly: true,
isDeprecateDnsDialogEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isDeprecateDnsDialogEnabled');
readOnly: true,
shouldShowDialogWhenDisablingDns_: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'computeShouldShowDialogWhenDisablingDns_(' +
'isDeprecateDnsDialogEnabled_, isRevampWayfindingEnabled_)',
private secureDnsDescription_: string;
private secureDnsToggle_: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject<boolean>;
private showSecureDnsOptions_: boolean;
private resolverOptions_: ResolverOption[];
private privacyPolicyString_: TrustedHTML;
private secureDnsInputValue_: string;
private browserProxy_: PrivacyPageBrowserProxy =
private showDisableDnsDialog_: boolean;
private isRevampWayfindingEnabled_: boolean;
private isDeprecateDnsDialogEnabled_: boolean;
private shouldShowDialogWhenDisablingDns_: boolean;
override connectedCallback(): void {
// Fetch the options for the dropdown menu before configuring the setting
// to match the underlying host resolver configuration.
this.browserProxy_.getSecureDnsResolverList().then(resolvers => {
this.resolverOptions_ = resolvers;
(setting: SecureDnsSetting) =>
// Listen to changes in the host resolver configuration and update the
// UI representation to match. (Changes to the host resolver configuration
// may be generated in ways other than direct UI manipulation).
(setting: SecureDnsSetting) =>
// This event will only get dispatched from the DNS dialog. If the flag
// kOsSettingsDeprecateDnsDialog is enabled, we don't have to listen for
// the event.
if (this.shouldShowDialogWhenDisablingDns_) {
() => this.onSecureDnsPrefChangedToFalse_());
* Update the UI representation to match the underlying host resolver
* configuration.
private onSecureDnsPrefsChanged_(setting: SecureDnsSetting): void {
switch (setting.mode) {
case SecureDnsMode.SECURE:
case SecureDnsMode.AUTOMATIC:
this.set('secureDnsToggle_.value', true);
this.updateConfigRepresentation_(setting.mode, setting.config);
case SecureDnsMode.OFF:
this.set('secureDnsToggle_.value', false);
assertNotReached('Received unknown secure DNS mode');
private onSecureDnsPrefChangedToFalse_(): void {
this.set('secureDnsToggle_.value', false);
this.showSecureDnsOptions_ = false;
* Updates the underlying secure DNS mode pref based on the new toggle
* selection (and the underlying select menu if the toggle has just been
* turned on).
private onToggleChanged_(): void {
this.showSecureDnsOptions_ = this.secureDnsToggle_.value;
if (!this.secureDnsToggle_.value) {
const resolver = this.$.resolverSelect.value;
if (resolver === SecureDnsResolverType.AUTOMATIC) {
} else {
if (resolver === SecureDnsResolverType.CUSTOM) {
* Only gets called when the user wants to turn on the toggle from ChromeOS
* Settings.
private turnOnDnsToggle_(): void {
this.set('secureDnsToggle_.value', true);
* Helper method for updating the underlying secure DNS prefs based on the
* provided mode and templates (if the latter is specified). The templates
* param should only be specified when the underlying prefs are being updated
* after a custom entry has been validated.
private updateDnsPrefs_(mode: SecureDnsMode, templates: string = ''): void {
switch (mode) {
case SecureDnsMode.SECURE:
// If going to secure mode, set the templates pref first to prevent the
// stub resolver config from being momentarily invalid. If the user has
// selected the custom dropdown option, only update the underlying
// prefs if the templates param was specified. If the templates param
// was not specified, the custom entry may be invalid or may not
// have passed validation yet, and we should not update either the
// underlying mode or templates prefs.
const builtInResolver = this.builtInResolver_();
if (!builtInResolver) {
if (!templates) {
this.setPrefValue('dns_over_https.templates', templates);
} else {
this.setPrefValue('dns_over_https.templates', builtInResolver.value);
this.setPrefValue('dns_over_https.mode', mode);
case SecureDnsMode.AUTOMATIC:
case SecureDnsMode.OFF:
// If going to automatic or off mode, set the mode pref first to avoid
// clearing the dropdown selection when the templates pref is cleared.
this.setPrefValue('dns_over_https.mode', mode);
this.setPrefValue('dns_over_https.templates', '');
assertNotReached('Received unknown secure DNS mode');
* Updates the underlying secure DNS templates pref based on the selected
* resolver and displays the corresponding privacy policy.
private onDropdownSelectionChanged_(): void {
switch (this.$.resolverSelect.value) {
case SecureDnsResolverType.AUTOMATIC:
this.updateConfigRepresentation_(SecureDnsMode.AUTOMATIC, '');
case SecureDnsResolverType.CUSTOM:
this.updateConfigRepresentation_(SecureDnsMode.SECURE, '');
const resolver = this.builtInResolver_();
this.updateDnsPrefs_(SecureDnsMode.SECURE, resolver.value);
this.updateConfigRepresentation_(SecureDnsMode.SECURE, resolver.value);
* Updates the setting to communicate the type of management, if any. The
* setting is always collapsed if there is any management.
private updateManagementView_(setting: SecureDnsSetting): void {
if (this.prefs === undefined) {
// If the underlying secure DNS mode pref has an enforced value, communicate
// that via the toggle pref.
const pref: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefObject<boolean> = {
key: '',
type: chrome.settingsPrivate.PrefType.BOOLEAN,
value: this.secureDnsToggle_.value,
// The message to be displayed when the device is managed. On Chrome OS, if
// the effective template URI contains identifiers (which are
// hashed with a salt and hex encoded), then the message will contain the
// template URI for display in which the identifiers are shown in plain
// text.
let secureDescription =
if (setting.dohWithIdentifiersActive) {
secureDescription = loadTimeData.substituteString(
if (this.getPref('dns_over_https.mode').enforcement ===
chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED) {
pref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
pref.controlledBy = this.getPref('dns_over_https.mode').controlledBy;
this.secureDnsDescription_ = secureDescription;
} else {
// If the secure DNS mode was forcefully overridden by Chrome, provide an
// explanation in the setting subtitle.
switch (setting.managementMode) {
case SecureDnsUiManagementMode.NO_OVERRIDE:
this.secureDnsDescription_ = secureDescription;
case SecureDnsUiManagementMode.DISABLED_MANAGED:
pref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
this.secureDnsDescription_ =
case SecureDnsUiManagementMode.DISABLED_PARENTAL_CONTROLS:
pref.enforcement = chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED;
this.secureDnsDescription_ =
'Received unknown secure DNS management mode ' +
this.secureDnsToggle_ = pref;
if (this.secureDnsToggle_.enforcement ===
chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement.ENFORCED) {
this.showSecureDnsOptions_ = false;
} else {
this.showSecureDnsOptions_ = this.secureDnsToggle_.value;
* Updates the UI to match the provided configuration parameters.
private updateConfigRepresentation_(mode: SecureDnsMode, template: string):
void {
let hideCustomEntry = true;
let selectValue = '';
let privacyPolicy = '';
const index = this.resolverOptions_.findIndex(r => r.value === template);
if (index !== -1) {
privacyPolicy = this.resolverOptions_[index].policy;
switch (mode) {
case SecureDnsMode.AUTOMATIC:
selectValue = SecureDnsResolverType.AUTOMATIC;
case SecureDnsMode.SECURE:
if (index === -1) {
selectValue = SecureDnsResolverType.CUSTOM;
hideCustomEntry = false;
} else {
selectValue = index.toString();
assertNotReached(`Unexpected DNS mode ${mode}`);
this.$.resolverSelect.value = selectValue;
this.$.secureDnsInputContainer.hidden = hideCustomEntry;
if (!hideCustomEntry) {
this.secureDnsInputValue_ = template;
if (!template) {
* Displays the privacy policy string if the policy URL is specified,
* otherwise hides it.
* @param policy The privacy policy URL.
private updatePrivacyPolicyLine_(policy: string): void {
// If the selected item is the custom resolver option, hide the privacy
// policy line.
if (!policy) {
this.$.privacyPolicy.style.display = 'none';
// Otherwise, display the corresponding privacy policy.
this.$.privacyPolicy.style.display = 'block';
this.privacyPolicyString_ = sanitizeInnerHtml(loadTimeData.substituteString(
* Updates the underlying prefs if a custom entry was determined to be valid.
private onSecureDnsInputEvaluated_(
event: CustomEvent<{text: string, isValid: boolean}>): void {
if (event.detail.isValid) {
this.updateDnsPrefs_(SecureDnsMode.SECURE, event.detail.text);
* Returns the ResolverOption details if the currently selected secure DNS
* resolver is a built-in one.
private builtInResolver_(): ResolverOption|undefined {
if (this.$.resolverSelect.selectedOptions[0].dataset['resolverType'] ===
SecureDnsResolverType.BUILT_IN) {
const index = Number.parseInt(this.$.resolverSelect.value);
return this.resolverOptions_[index];
return undefined;
private onDnsToggleClick_(): void {
const secureDnsToggle =
if (secureDnsToggle.checked) {
// Always allow turning on the toggle.
// Do not update the underlying pref value to false. Instead if the user is
// attempting to turn off the toggle, present the warning dialog.
this.showDisableDnsDialog_ = true;
private onDisableDnsDialogClosed_(): void {
// Sync the toggle's value to its pref value.
const secureDnsToggle =
this.showDisableDnsDialog_ = false;
private getDnsRowIcon_(): string {
return this.isRevampWayfindingEnabled_ ? 'os-settings:privacy-secure-dns' :
* The DNS Dialog has been deprecated, so we will only show the dialog when
* the feature flag kOsSettingsDeprecateDnsDialog is disabled and revamp flag
* is enabled.
* Returns whether we should show the DNS dialog when the user toggles DNS
* from enabled to disabled.
private computeShouldShowDialogWhenDisablingDns_(): boolean {
return !this.isDeprecateDnsDialogEnabled_ &&
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'settings-secure-dns': SettingsSecureDnsElement;
customElements.define(SettingsSecureDnsElement.is, SettingsSecureDnsElement);