[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 7e852bf235a1bc66672eb583f257a4109dbbdc6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sql/recover_module/table.h"
#include <optional>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "sql/recover_module/cursor.h"
#include "sql/recover_module/integers.h"
#include "sql/recover_module/pager.h"
namespace sql {
namespace recover {
// Returns the number of the page holding the root page of a table's B-tree.
// Returns a null optional if the operation fails in any way. The failure is
// most likely due to an incorrect table spec (missing attachment or table).
// Corrupted SQLite metadata can cause failures here.
std::optional<int> GetTableRootPageId(sqlite3* sqlite_db,
const TargetTableSpec& table) {
if (table.table_name == "sqlite_schema") {
// The sqlite_schema table is always rooted at the first page.
// SQLite page IDs use 1-based indexing.
return std::optional<int64_t>(1);
std::string select_sql =
base::StrCat({"SELECT rootpage FROM ", table.db_name,
".sqlite_schema WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name=?"});
sqlite3_stmt* sqlite_statement;
if (sqlite3_prepare_v3(sqlite_db, select_sql.c_str(), select_sql.size() + 1,
SQLITE_PREPARE_NO_VTAB, &sqlite_statement,
nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
// The sqlite_schema table is missing or its schema is corrupted.
return std::nullopt;
if (sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite_statement, 1, table.table_name.c_str(),
// Binding the table name failed. This shouldn't happen.
return std::nullopt;
if (sqlite3_step(sqlite_statement) != SQLITE_ROW) {
// The database attachment point or table does not exist.
return std::nullopt;
int64_t root_page = sqlite3_column_int64(sqlite_statement, 0);
if (!DatabasePageReader::IsValidPageId(root_page)) {
// Database corruption.
return std::nullopt;
DatabasePageReader::kMaxPageId <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
"Converting the page ID to int may overflow");
return std::make_optional(static_cast<int>(root_page));
// Returns (SQLite status, a SQLite database's page size).
std::pair<int, int> GetDatabasePageSize(sqlite3_file* sqlite_file) {
// The SQLite header is documented at:
// https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html#the_database_header
// Read the entire header.
static constexpr int kHeaderOffset = 0;
static constexpr int kHeaderSize = 100;
uint8_t header_bytes[kHeaderSize];
int sqlite_status = DatabasePageReader::RawRead(sqlite_file, kHeaderSize,
kHeaderOffset, header_bytes);
if (sqlite_status != SQLITE_OK)
return {sqlite_status, 0};
// This computation uses the alternate interpretation that the page size
// header field is a little-endian number encoding the page size divided by
// 256.
static constexpr int kPageSizeHeaderOffset = 16;
const int page_size =
LoadBigEndianUint16(header_bytes + kPageSizeHeaderOffset);
if (!DatabasePageReader::IsValidPageSize(page_size)) {
// Invalid page numbers are considered irrecoverable corruption.
return {SQLITE_CORRUPT, 0};
// TODO(pwnall): This method needs a better name. It also checks the database
// header for unsupported edge cases.
static constexpr int kReservedSizeHeaderOffset = 20;
const uint8_t page_reserved_size = header_bytes[kReservedSizeHeaderOffset];
if (page_reserved_size != 0) {
// Chrome does not use any extension that requires reserved page space.
return {SQLITE_CORRUPT, 0};
// The text encoding is stored at offset 56, as a 4-byte big-endian integer.
// However, the range of values is 1-3, so reading the last byte is
// sufficient.
static_assert(SQLITE_UTF8 <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(),
"Text encoding field reading shortcut is invalid.");
static constexpr int kTextEncodingHeaderOffset = 59;
const uint8_t text_encoding = header_bytes[kTextEncodingHeaderOffset];
if (text_encoding != SQLITE_UTF8) {
// This extension only supports databases that use UTF-8 encoding.
return {SQLITE_CORRUPT, 0};
return {SQLITE_OK, page_size};
// static
std::pair<int, std::unique_ptr<VirtualTable>> VirtualTable::Create(
sqlite3* sqlite_db,
TargetTableSpec backing_table_spec,
std::vector<RecoveredColumnSpec> column_specs) {
std::optional<int64_t> backing_table_root_page_id =
GetTableRootPageId(sqlite_db, backing_table_spec);
if (!backing_table_root_page_id.has_value()) {
// Either the backing table specification is incorrect, or the database
// metadata is corrupted beyond hope.
// This virtual table is intended to be used by Chrome features, whose code
// is covered by tests. Therefore, the most likely cause is metadata
// corruption.
return {SQLITE_CORRUPT, nullptr};
sqlite3_file* sqlite_file;
int sqlite_status =
sqlite3_file_control(sqlite_db, backing_table_spec.db_name.c_str(),
if (sqlite_status != SQLITE_OK) {
// Failed to get the backing store's file. GetTableRootPage() succeeded, so
// the attachment point name must be correct. So, this is definitely a
// SQLite error, not a virtual table use error. Report the error code as-is,
// so it can be captured in histograms.
return {sqlite_status, nullptr};
int page_size;
std::tie(sqlite_status, page_size) = GetDatabasePageSize(sqlite_file);
if (sqlite_status != SQLITE_OK) {
// By the same reasoning as above, report the error code as-is.
return {sqlite_status, nullptr};
return {SQLITE_OK,
std::make_unique<VirtualTable>(sqlite_db, sqlite_file,
page_size, std::move(column_specs))};
VirtualTable::VirtualTable(sqlite3* sqlite_db,
sqlite3_file* sqlite_file,
int root_page_id,
int page_size,
std::vector<RecoveredColumnSpec> column_specs)
: sqlite_file_(sqlite_file),
column_specs_(std::move(column_specs)) {
DCHECK(sqlite_db != nullptr);
DCHECK(sqlite_file != nullptr);
DCHECK_GT(root_page_id_, 0);
VirtualTable::~VirtualTable() {
DCHECK_EQ(0, open_cursor_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
<< "SQLite forgot to xClose() an xOpen()ed cursor";
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
std::string VirtualTable::ToCreateTableSql() const {
std::vector<std::string> column_sqls;
for (const RecoveredColumnSpec& column_spec : column_specs_)
static constexpr base::StringPiece kCreateTableSqlStart("CREATE TABLE t(");
static constexpr base::StringPiece kCreateTableSqlEnd(")");
static constexpr base::StringPiece kColumnSqlSeparator(",");
return base::StrCat({kCreateTableSqlStart,
base::JoinString(column_sqls, kColumnSqlSeparator),
VirtualCursor* VirtualTable::CreateCursor() {
open_cursor_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
VirtualCursor* result = new VirtualCursor(this);
return result;
void VirtualTable::WillDeleteCursor(VirtualCursor* cursor) {
DCHECK_GT(open_cursor_count_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), 0);
open_cursor_count_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
} // namespace recover
} // namespace sql