[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 18b8f974788011c788781b98e0339a991329ee70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/public/cpp/external_arc/message_center/arc_notification_item.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/external_arc/message_center/arc_notification_surface_manager.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/message_center/views/notification_background_painter.h"
#include "ui/message_center/views/notification_control_buttons_view.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/native/native_view_host.h"
#include "ui/views/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
namespace message_center {
class Notification;
class NotificationControlButtonsView;
} // namespace message_center
namespace ui {
class LayerTreeOwner;
namespace views {
class FocusTraversable;
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class ArcNotificationSurface;
// ArcNotificationContentView is a view to host NotificationSurface and show the
// content in itself. This is implemented as a child of ArcNotificationView.
class ArcNotificationContentView
: public views::NativeViewHost,
public aura::WindowObserver,
public ArcNotificationItem::Observer,
public ArcNotificationSurfaceManager::Observer,
public views::WidgetObserver {
ArcNotificationContentView(ArcNotificationItem* item,
const message_center::Notification& notification,
message_center::MessageView* message_view);
ArcNotificationContentView(const ArcNotificationContentView&) = delete;
ArcNotificationContentView& operator=(const ArcNotificationContentView&) = delete;
~ArcNotificationContentView() override;
void Update(const message_center::Notification& notification);
message_center::NotificationControlButtonsView* GetControlButtonsView();
void UpdateControlButtonsVisibility();
void UpdateCornerRadius(int top_radius, int bottom_radius);
void OnSlideChanged(bool in_progress);
void OnContainerAnimationStarted();
void OnContainerAnimationEnded();
void ActivateWidget(bool activate);
bool slide_in_progress() const { return slide_in_progress_; }
friend class ArcNotificationViewTest;
friend class ArcNotificationContentViewTest;
class EventForwarder;
class MouseEnterExitHandler;
class SettingsButton;
class SlideHelper;
void CreateCloseButton();
void CreateSettingsButton();
void MaybeCreateFloatingControlButtons();
void SetSurface(ArcNotificationSurface* surface);
void UpdatePreferredSize();
void UpdateSnapshot();
void AttachSurface();
void SetExpanded(bool expanded);
bool IsExpanded() const;
void SetManuallyExpandedOrCollapsed(bool value);
bool IsManuallyExpandedOrCollapsed() const;
void ShowCopiedSurface();
void HideCopiedSurface();
// Generates a mask using |top_radius_| and |bottom_radius_| and installs it.
void UpdateMask(bool force_update);
// views::NativeViewHost
void ViewHierarchyChanged(
const views::ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) override;
void Layout() override;
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
void OnMouseEntered(const ui::MouseEvent& event) override;
void OnMouseExited(const ui::MouseEvent& event) override;
void OnFocus() override;
void OnBlur() override;
views::FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversable() override;
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
void OnAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event) override;
void AddedToWidget() override;
void RemovedFromWidget() override;
void VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) override;
// aura::WindowObserver
void OnWindowBoundsChanged(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override;
void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;
// views::WidgetObserver:
void OnWidgetClosing(views::Widget* widget) override;
void OnWidgetActivationChanged(views::Widget* widget, bool active) override;
// ArcNotificationItem::Observer
void OnItemDestroying() override;
void OnItemContentChanged(
arc::mojom::ArcNotificationShownContents content) override;
void OnRemoteInputActivationChanged(bool activated) override;
// ArcNotificationSurfaceManager::Observer:
void OnNotificationSurfaceAdded(ArcNotificationSurface* surface) override;
void OnNotificationSurfaceRemoved(ArcNotificationSurface* surface) override;
// If |item_| is null, we may be about to be destroyed. In this case,
// we have to be careful about what we do.
ArcNotificationItem* item_;
ArcNotificationSurface* surface_ = nullptr;
arc::mojom::ArcNotificationShownContents shown_content_ =
// The flag to prevent an infinite loop of changing the visibility.
bool updating_control_buttons_visibility_ = false;
const std::string notification_key_;
// A pre-target event handler to forward events on the surface to this view.
// Using a pre-target event handler instead of a target handler on the surface
// window because it has descendant aura::Window and the events on them need
// to be handled as well.
// TODO(xiyuan): Revisit after exo::Surface no longer has an aura::Window.
std::unique_ptr<EventForwarder> event_forwarder_;
// A handler which observes mouse entered and exited events for the floating
// control buttons widget.
std::unique_ptr<ui::EventHandler> mouse_enter_exit_handler_;
// A helper to observe slide transform/animation and use surface layer copy
// when a slide is in progress and restore the surface when it finishes.
std::unique_ptr<SlideHelper> slide_helper_;
// Whether the notification is being slid or is at the origin. This stores the
// latest value of the |in_progress| from OnSlideChanged callback, which is
// called during both manual swipe and automatic slide on dismissing or
// resetting back to the origin.
// This value is synced with the visibility of the copied surface. If the
// value is true, the copied surface is visible instead of the original
// surface itself. Copied surgace doesn't have control buttons so they must be
// hidden if it's true.
// This value is stored in case of the change of surface. When a new surface
// sets, if this value is true, the copy of the new surface gets visible
// instead of the copied surface itself.
bool slide_in_progress_ = false;
// A control buttons on top of NotificationSurface. Needed because the
// aura::Window of NotificationSurface is added after hosting widget's
// RootView thus standard notification control buttons are always below
// it.
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> floating_control_buttons_widget_;
// The message view which wrapps thie view. This must be the parent of this
// view.
message_center::MessageView* const message_view_;
// This view is owned by client (this).
message_center::NotificationControlButtonsView control_buttons_view_;
// Protects from call loops between Layout and OnWindowBoundsChanged.
bool in_layout_ = false;
// Widget which this view tree is currently attached to.
views::Widget* attached_widget_ = nullptr;
std::u16string accessible_name_;
// If it's true, the surface gets active when attached to this view.
bool activate_on_attach_ = false;
// Radiuses of rounded corners. These values are used in UpdateMask().
int top_radius_ = 0;
int bottom_radius_ = 0;
// Current insets of mask layer.
base::Optional<gfx::Insets> mask_insets_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::LayerTreeOwner> surface_copy_;
} // namespace ash