[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: b8b79ed67c8f73b00ed65a3b834ba7fafda56057 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
class AccountId;
namespace ash {
enum class FingerprintState;
enum class OobeDialogState;
struct AuthDisabledData;
struct EasyUnlockIconOptions;
struct InputMethodItem;
struct LocaleItem;
struct LoginUserInfo;
struct UserAvatar;
// Provides Chrome access to Ash's login UI. See additional docs for
// ash::LoginDataDispatcher.
class ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT LoginScreenModel {
// Set the users who are displayed on the login UI. |users| is filtered
// and does not correspond to every user on the device.
virtual void SetUserList(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users) = 0;
// Notification if pin is enabled or disabled for the given user.
// |account_id|: The account id of the user in the user pod.
// |is_enabled|: True if pin unlock is enabled.
virtual void SetPinEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user, bool enabled) = 0;
// Requests to show the custom icon in the user pod.
// |account_id|: The account id of the user in the user pod.
// |icon|: Information regarding the icon.
virtual void ShowEasyUnlockIcon(const AccountId& account_id,
const EasyUnlockIconOptions& icon) = 0;
// Update the status of the challenge-response authentication against a
// security token for the given user.
virtual void SetChallengeResponseAuthEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled) = 0;
// Shows a warning banner message on the login screen. A warning banner is
// used to notify users of important messages before they log in to their
// session. (e.g. Tell the user that an update of the user data will start
// on login.) If |message| is empty, the banner will be hidden.
virtual void UpdateWarningMessage(const std::u16string& message) = 0;
// Update the status of fingerprint for |account_id|.
virtual void SetFingerprintState(const AccountId& account_id,
FingerprintState state) = 0;
// Called after a fingerprint authentication attempt has been made. If
// |successful| is true, then the fingerprint authentication attempt was
// successful and the device should be unlocked. If false, an error message
// should be shown to the user.
virtual void NotifyFingerprintAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool successful) = 0;
// Called when auth should be enabled for the given user. When auth is
// disabled, the user cannot unlock the device. Auth is enabled by default.
// |account_id|: The account id of the user in the user pod.
virtual void EnableAuthForUser(const AccountId& account_id) = 0;
// Called when auth should be disabled for the given user. When auth is
// disabled, the user cannot unlock the device. Auth is enabled by default.
// |account_id|: The account id of the user in the user pod.
// |auth_disabled_data|: The data needed to customize the lock screen UI.
virtual void DisableAuthForUser(
const AccountId& account_id,
const AuthDisabledData& auth_disabled_data) = 0;
virtual void SetTpmLockedState(const AccountId& user,
bool is_locked,
base::TimeDelta time_left) = 0;
// Enables or disables the authentication type to tap-to-unlock for the user.
virtual void SetTapToUnlockEnabledForUser(const AccountId& account_id,
bool enabled) = 0;
// Forces online sign-in for the user.
virtual void ForceOnlineSignInForUser(const AccountId& account_id) = 0;
// Called when |avatar| for |account_id| has changed.
virtual void SetAvatarForUser(const AccountId& account_id,
const UserAvatar& avatar) = 0;
// Called when new system information is available.
// |show|: Whether the system information should be displayed to user.
// |enforced|: Whether the display of system information is enforced and
// cannot be changed by some specific user operations (e.g., pressing alt-v).
// |os_version_label_text|: The OS version.
// |enterprise_info_text|: The enterprise info.
// |bluetooth_name|: The name of the bluetooth adapter.
// |adb_sideloading_enabled|: The device status of adb sideoading.
virtual void SetSystemInfo(bool show,
bool enforced,
const std::string& os_version_label_text,
const std::string& enterprise_info_text,
const std::string& bluetooth_name,
bool adb_sideloading_enabled) = 0;
// Set the public session display name for user with |account_id|.
virtual void SetPublicSessionDisplayName(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& display_name) = 0;
// Set the public session locales for user with |account_id|.
// |locales|: Available locales for this user.
// |default_locale|: Default locale for this user.
// |show_advanced_view|: True if we should show the advanced expanded user
// view for the public session.
virtual void SetPublicSessionLocales(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::vector<LocaleItem>& locales,
const std::string& default_locale,
bool show_advanced_view) = 0;
// Set the public session keyboard layouts for user with |account_id|.
// |locale|: The locale that |keyboard_layouts| can be used for.
virtual void SetPublicSessionKeyboardLayouts(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::vector<InputMethodItem>& keyboard_layouts) = 0;
// Sets whether full management disclosure is needed for the public/managed
// session login screen.
virtual void SetPublicSessionShowFullManagementDisclosure(
bool show_full_management_disclosure) = 0;
// Called when focus is reported to be leaving a lock screen app window.
// Requests focus to be handed off to the next suitable widget.
// |reverse|: Whether the tab order is reversed.
virtual void HandleFocusLeavingLockScreenApps(bool reverse) = 0;
// Called when the dialog hosting oobe has changed state. The oobe dialog
// provides support for any part of login that is implemented in JS/HTML, such
// as add user or powerwash.
virtual void NotifyOobeDialogState(OobeDialogState state) = 0;
virtual ~LoginScreenModel();
} // namespace ash