[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9954455f2fe060a22bad483b6a9b2b07f7f523f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/user_info.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/token.h"
#include "chromeos/components/proximity_auth/public/mojom/auth_type.mojom-forward.h"
#include "chromeos/components/security_token_pin/constants.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
namespace ash {
// State of the Oobe UI dialog, which is used to update the visibility of login
// shelf buttons.
// This comes from OOBE_UI_STATE defined in display_manager_types.js, with an
// additional value HIDDEN to indicate the visibility of the oobe ui dialog.
enum class OobeDialogState {
// Showing other screen, which does not impact the visibility of login shelf
// buttons.
NONE = 0,
// Showing gaia signin screen.
// 2 is unused to keep in sync with display_manager.js
// Showing wrong hardware identification screen.
// Showing supervised user creation screen.
// Showing SAML password confirmation screen.
// Showing password changed screen.
// Showing device enrollment screen.
// Showing error screen.
ERROR = 8,
// Showing any of post-login onboarding screens.
// Screen that blocks device usage for some reason.
// Showing any of kiosk launch screens.
// Showing data migration screen.
// Oobe UI dialog is currently hidden.
HIDDEN = 13,
// Showing login UI provided by a Chrome extension using chrome.loginScreenUi
// API.
// Showing user creation screen.
// Supported multi-profile user behavior values.
// TODO(estade): change all the enums to use kCamelCase.
enum class MultiProfileUserBehavior {
// Easy unlock icon choices.
enum class EasyUnlockIconId {
// No icon shown.
// The user has clicked the easy unlock icon and disabled easy unlock for this
// login/lock session.
// Phone could not be found.
// Phone found, but it is not unlocked.
// Phone found, but it is too far away.
// Phone found and unlocked. The user can click to dismiss the login/lock
// screen.
// Scanning for phone.
// The status of fingerprint availability.
enum class FingerprintState {
// The user cannot use fingerprint. This may be because:
// - they are not the primary user
// - they never registered fingerprint
// - the device does not have a fingerprint sensor
// Fingerprint can be used to unlock the device.
// Fingerprint can be used to unlock the device but the user touched the
// fingerprint icon instead of the fingerprint sensor. A warning message
// should be displayed for 3 seconds before getting back to AVAILABLE_DEFAULT
// state.
// There have been too many attempts, so now fingerprint is disabled.
// It has been too long since the device was last used.
// Information about the custom icon in the user pod.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT EasyUnlockIconOptions {
EasyUnlockIconOptions(const EasyUnlockIconOptions& other);
EasyUnlockIconOptions(EasyUnlockIconOptions&& other);
EasyUnlockIconOptions& operator=(const EasyUnlockIconOptions& other);
EasyUnlockIconOptions& operator=(EasyUnlockIconOptions&& other);
// Icon that should be displayed.
EasyUnlockIconId icon = EasyUnlockIconId::NONE;
// Tooltip that is associated with the icon. This is shown automatically if
// |autoshow_tooltip| is true. The user can always see the tooltip if they
// hover over the icon. The tooltip should be used for the accessibility label
// if it is present.
std::u16string tooltip;
// If true, the tooltip should be displayed (even if the user is not currently
// hovering over the icon, ie, this makes |tooltip| act like a little like a
// notification).
bool autoshow_tooltip = false;
// Accessibility label. Only used if |tooltip| is empty.
// TODO(jdufault): Always populate and use |aria_label|, even if |tooltip| is
// non-empty.
std::u16string aria_label;
// If true, clicking the easy unlock icon should fire a hardlock event which
// will disable easy unlock. The hardlock event will request a new icon
// display via a separate EasyUnlockIconsOption update. See
// LoginScreenClient::HardlockPod.
bool hardlock_on_click = false;
// Information of each input method. This is used to populate keyboard layouts
// for public account user.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT InputMethodItem {
InputMethodItem(const InputMethodItem& other);
InputMethodItem(InputMethodItem&& other);
InputMethodItem& operator=(const InputMethodItem& other);
InputMethodItem& operator=(InputMethodItem&& other);
// An id that identifies an input method engine (e.g., "t:latn-post",
// "pinyin", "hangul").
std::string ime_id;
// Title of the input method.
std::string title;
// Whether this input method is been selected.
bool selected = false;
// Information of each available locale. This is used to populate language
// locales for public account user.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT LocaleItem {
LocaleItem(const LocaleItem& other);
LocaleItem(LocaleItem&& other);
LocaleItem& operator=(const LocaleItem& other);
LocaleItem& operator=(LocaleItem&& other);
bool operator==(const LocaleItem& other) const;
// Language code of the locale.
std::string language_code;
// Title of the locale.
std::string title;
// Group name of the locale.
base::Optional<std::string> group_name;
// Information about a public account user.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT PublicAccountInfo {
PublicAccountInfo(const PublicAccountInfo& other);
PublicAccountInfo(PublicAccountInfo&& other);
PublicAccountInfo& operator=(const PublicAccountInfo& other);
PublicAccountInfo& operator=(PublicAccountInfo&& other);
// The name of the device manager displayed in the login screen UI for
// device-level management. May be either a domain (foo.com) or an email
// address (user@foo.com).
base::Optional<std::string> device_enterprise_manager;
// A list of available user locales.
std::vector<LocaleItem> available_locales;
// Default locale for this user.
std::string default_locale;
// Show expanded user view that contains session information/warnings and
// locale selection.
bool show_expanded_view = false;
// Show the advanced expanded user view if there are at least two recommended
// locales. This will be the case in multilingual environments where users
// are likely to want to choose among locales.
bool show_advanced_view = false;
// A list of available keyboard layouts.
std::vector<InputMethodItem> keyboard_layouts;
// Whether public account uses SAML authentication.
bool using_saml = false;
// Info about a user in login/lock screen.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT LoginUserInfo {
LoginUserInfo(const LoginUserInfo& other);
LoginUserInfo(LoginUserInfo&& other);
LoginUserInfo& operator=(const LoginUserInfo& other);
LoginUserInfo& operator=(LoginUserInfo&& other);
// User's basic information including account id, email, avatar etc.
UserInfo basic_user_info;
// What method the user can use to sign in.
// Initialized in .cc file because the mojom header is huge.
proximity_auth::mojom::AuthType auth_type;
// True if this user has already signed in.
bool is_signed_in = false;
// True if this user is the device owner.
bool is_device_owner = false;
// The initial fingerprint state. There are other methods (ie,
// LoginScreenModel::SetFingerprintState) which update the current state.
FingerprintState fingerprint_state = FingerprintState::UNAVAILABLE;
// True if multi-profiles sign in is allowed for this user.
bool is_multiprofile_allowed = false;
// Enforced policy for multi-profiles sign in.
MultiProfileUserBehavior multiprofile_policy =
// True if this user can be removed.
bool can_remove = false;
// Show pin pad for password for this user or not.
bool show_pin_pad_for_password = false;
// True if the display password button should be visible on the login/lock
// screen for this user.
bool show_display_password_button = false;
// The name of the entity that manages this user's account displayed in the
// login screen UI for user-level management. Will be either a domain name
// (foo.com) or the email address of the admin (some_user@foo.com).
// This is only set if the relevant user is managed.
base::Optional<std::string> user_account_manager;
// Contains the public account information if user type is PUBLIC_ACCOUNT.
base::Optional<PublicAccountInfo> public_account_info;
// True if this user chooses to use 24 hour clock in preference.
bool use_24hour_clock = false;
enum class AuthDisabledReason {
// Auth is disabled because the device is locked by a time limit override.
// Auth is disabled because the user has reached their daily usage limit on
// the device.
// Auth is disabled because the device is within a locked time window.
// The data needed to customize the lock screen when auth is disabled.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT AuthDisabledData {
AuthDisabledData(AuthDisabledReason reason,
const base::Time& auth_reenabled_time,
const base::TimeDelta& device_used_time,
bool disable_lock_screen_media);
AuthDisabledData(const AuthDisabledData& other);
AuthDisabledData(AuthDisabledData&& other);
AuthDisabledData& operator=(const AuthDisabledData& other);
AuthDisabledData& operator=(AuthDisabledData&& other);
// Reason why auth is disabled.
AuthDisabledReason reason = AuthDisabledReason::kTimeLimitOverride;
// A future time when auth will be enabled. This value is for display purpose
// only, auth won't be automatically enabled when this time is reached.
base::Time auth_reenabled_time;
// The amount of time that the user used this device.
base::TimeDelta device_used_time;
// If true media will be suspended and media controls will be unavailable on
// lock screen.
bool disable_lock_screen_media = false;
// Parameters and callbacks for a security token PIN request that is to be shown
// to the user.
struct ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT SecurityTokenPinRequest {
SecurityTokenPinRequest& operator=(SecurityTokenPinRequest&&);
// The user whose authentication triggered this PIN request.
AccountId account_id;
// Type of the code requested from the user.
chromeos::security_token_pin::CodeType code_type =
// Whether the UI controls that allow user to enter the value should be
// enabled. MUST be |false| when |attempts_left| is zero.
bool enable_user_input = true;
// An optional error to be displayed to the user.
chromeos::security_token_pin::ErrorLabel error_label =
// When non-negative, the UI should indicate this number to the user;
// otherwise must be equal to -1.
int attempts_left = -1;
// Called when the user submits the input. Will not be called if the UI is
// closed before that happens.
using OnPinEntered = base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& user_input)>;
OnPinEntered pin_entered_callback;
// Called when the PIN request UI gets closed. Will not be called when the
// browser itself requests the UI to be closed.
using OnUiClosed = base::OnceClosure;
OnUiClosed pin_ui_closed_callback;
} // namespace ash