[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 86bd50c1bde180f00830f89dc0ee1bf795c132e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/accessibility/accessibility_observer.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "ash/shelf/contextual_tooltip.h"
#include "ash/shelf/hotseat_transition_animator.h"
#include "ash/shelf/hotseat_widget.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_background_animator.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_component.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager_observer.h"
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_observer.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace ash {
enum class AnimationChangeType;
class ApplicationDragAndDropHost;
class DragHandle;
class FocusCycler;
class HotseatWidget;
class LoginShelfView;
class LoginShelfGestureController;
class Shelf;
class ShelfLayoutManager;
class ShelfNavigationWidget;
class ShelfView;
class StatusAreaWidget;
// The ShelfWidget manages the shelf view (which contains the shelf icons) and
// the status area widget. There is one ShelfWidget per display. It is created
// early during RootWindowController initialization.
class ASH_EXPORT ShelfWidget : public SessionObserver,
public ShelfComponent,
public ShelfLayoutManagerObserver,
public ShelfObserver,
public views::Widget {
explicit ShelfWidget(Shelf* shelf);
~ShelfWidget() override;
// Sets the initial session state and show the UI. Not part of the constructor
// because showing the UI triggers the accessibility checks in browser_tests,
// which will crash unless the constructor returns, allowing the caller
// to store the constructed widget.
void Initialize(aura::Window* shelf_container);
// Clean up prior to deletion.
void Shutdown();
void OnTabletModeChanged();
ShelfBackgroundType GetBackgroundType() const;
// Gets the alpha value of |background_type|.
int GetBackgroundAlphaValue(ShelfBackgroundType background_type) const;
const Shelf* shelf() const { return shelf_; }
void RegisterHotseatWidget(HotseatWidget* hotseat_widget);
ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_layout_manager() { return shelf_layout_manager_; }
// TODO(manucornet): Remove these getters once all callers get the shelf
// components from the shelf directly.
ShelfNavigationWidget* navigation_widget() const {
return shelf_->navigation_widget();
HotseatWidget* hotseat_widget() const { return shelf_->hotseat_widget(); }
StatusAreaWidget* status_area_widget() const {
return shelf_->status_area_widget();
void PostCreateShelf();
bool IsShowingAppList() const;
bool IsShowingMenu() const;
// Sets the focus cycler. Also adds the shelf to the cycle.
void SetFocusCycler(FocusCycler* focus_cycler);
FocusCycler* GetFocusCycler();
// See Shelf::GetScreenBoundsOfItemIconForWindow().
gfx::Rect GetScreenBoundsOfItemIconForWindow(aura::Window* window);
// Returns the bounds of the shelf on the screen. The returned rect does
// not include portions of the shelf that extend beyond its own display,
// as those are not visible to the user.
gfx::Rect GetVisibleShelfBounds() const;
// Returns the ApplicationDragAndDropHost for this shelf.
ApplicationDragAndDropHost* GetDragAndDropHostForAppList();
// Fetch the LoginShelfView instance.
LoginShelfView* login_shelf_view() { return login_shelf_view_; }
void set_default_last_focusable_child(bool default_last_focusable_child);
// views::Widget:
void OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
void OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) override;
bool OnNativeWidgetActivationChanged(bool active) override;
// ShelfComponent:
void CalculateTargetBounds() override;
gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const override;
void UpdateLayout(bool animate) override;
void UpdateTargetBoundsForGesture(int shelf_position) override;
// Called when shelf layout manager detects a locale change.
void HandleLocaleChange();
// TODO(manucornet): Remove this method when all this widget's layout
// logic is part of this class.
void set_target_bounds(gfx::Rect target_bounds) {
target_bounds_ = target_bounds;
// ShelfLayoutManagerObserver:
void WillDeleteShelfLayoutManager() override;
void OnHotseatStateChanged(HotseatState old_state,
HotseatState new_state) override;
// ShelfObserver:
void OnBackgroundTypeChanged(ShelfBackgroundType background_type,
AnimationChangeType change_type) override;
// SessionObserver overrides:
void OnSessionStateChanged(session_manager::SessionState state) override;
void OnUserSessionAdded(const AccountId& account_id) override;
SkColor GetShelfBackgroundColor() const;
bool GetHitTestRects(aura::Window* target,
gfx::Rect* hit_test_rect_mouse,
gfx::Rect* hit_test_rect_touch);
// Force to show hotseat in tablet mode. When the returned closure runner is
// called or goes out of scope, it removes the caller as an instance to force
// show hotseat. The hotseat will be shown as long as there is one
// caller/instance force it to show.
base::ScopedClosureRunner ForceShowHotseatInTabletMode();
bool IsHotseatForcedShowInTabletMode() const;
// Creates a login shelf gesture controller (which enabled login shelf gesture
// detection). See ash/public/cpp/login_screen.h for more info.
bool SetLoginShelfSwipeHandler(const std::u16string& nudge_text,
const base::RepeatingClosure& fling_callback,
base::OnceClosure exit_callback);
// Resets a previously create login shelf gesture controller, if any.
void ClearLoginShelfSwipeHandler();
// Gets the layer used to draw the shelf background.
ui::Layer* GetOpaqueBackground();
// Gets the layer used to animate transitions between in-app and hotseat
// background.
ui::Layer* GetAnimatingBackground();
// Gets the layer used to animate drag handle transitions between in-app and
// home.
ui::Layer* GetAnimatingDragHandle();
// Gets the view used to display the drag handle on the in-app shelf.
DragHandle* GetDragHandle();
// Starts the animation to show the drag handle nudge.
void ScheduleShowDragHandleNudge();
// Starts the animation to hide the drag handle nudge.
void HideDragHandleNudge(contextual_tooltip::DismissNudgeReason context);
// Sets opacity of login shelf buttons to be consistent with shelf icons.
void SetLoginShelfButtonOpacity(float target_opacity);
// Handles shelf widget gesture events for login shelf, if login shelf view is
// visible. Returns whether the gesture was handled (the gesture will not be
// handled if the login shelf view is hidden).
bool HandleLoginShelfGestureEvent(const ui::GestureEvent& event_in_screen);
// Internal implementation detail. Do not expose outside of tests.
ShelfView* shelf_view_for_testing() const {
return hotseat_widget()->GetShelfView();
ShelfBackgroundAnimator* background_animator_for_testing() {
return &background_animator_;
LoginShelfGestureController* login_shelf_gesture_controller_for_testing() {
return login_shelf_gesture_controller_.get();
HotseatTransitionAnimator* hotseat_transition_animator() {
return hotseat_transition_animator_.get();
class DelegateView;
friend class DelegateView;
// Hides shelf widget if IsVisible() returns true.
void HideIfShown();
// Shows shelf widget if IsVisible() returns false.
void ShowIfHidden();
ShelfView* GetShelfView();
const ShelfView* GetShelfView() const;
// Callback returned by ForceShowHotseatInTabletMode().
void ResetForceShowHotseat();
Shelf* shelf_;
gfx::Rect target_bounds_;
ShelfBackgroundAnimator background_animator_;
// Owned by the shelf container's window.
ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_layout_manager_;
// Sets shelf opacity to 0 after all animations have completed.
std::unique_ptr<ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver> hide_animation_observer_;
// |delegate_view_| is the contents view of this widget and is cleaned up
// during CloseChildWindows of the associated RootWindowController.
DelegateView* delegate_view_;
// Animates the shelf background to/from the hotseat background during hotseat
// transitions.
std::unique_ptr<HotseatTransitionAnimator> hotseat_transition_animator_;
// View containing the shelf items for Login/Lock/OOBE/Add User screens.
// Owned by the views hierarchy.
LoginShelfView* login_shelf_view_;
// Used to handle gestures on login shelf - created only if
// SetLoginShelfSwipeHandler() gets called.
std::unique_ptr<LoginShelfGestureController> login_shelf_gesture_controller_;
ScopedSessionObserver scoped_session_observer_;
size_t force_show_hotseat_count_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ShelfWidget> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash