[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: dcdddddc3a57ba19e3b4c8f0ea2fabad93be0c53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/common/api/declarative/declarative_manifest_data.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/declarative/declarative_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
class ErrorBuilder {
explicit ErrorBuilder(std::u16string* error) : error_(error) {}
// Appends a literal string |error|.
void Append(base::StringPiece error) {
if (!error_->empty())
error_->append(base::ASCIIToUTF16("; "));
// Appends a string |error| with the first %s replaced by |sub|.
void Append(base::StringPiece error, base::StringPiece sub) {
Append(base::StringPrintf(error.data(), sub.data()));
std::u16string* const error_;
// Converts a rule defined in the manifest into a JSON internal format. The
// difference is that actions and conditions use a "type" key to define the
// type of rule/condition, while the internal format uses a "instanceType" key
// for this. This function walks through all the conditions and rules to swap
// the manifest key for the internal key.
bool ConvertManifestRule(const DeclarativeManifestData::Rule& rule,
ErrorBuilder* error_builder) {
auto convert_list =
[error_builder](const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<base::Value>>& list) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<base::Value>& value : list) {
base::DictionaryValue* dictionary = nullptr;
if (!value->GetAsDictionary(&dictionary)) {
error_builder->Append("expected dictionary, got %s",
return false;
std::string type;
if (!dictionary->GetString("type", &type)) {
error_builder->Append("'type' is required and must be a string");
return false;
if (type == declarative_content_constants::kLegacyShowAction)
type = declarative_content_constants::kShowAction;
dictionary->Remove("type", nullptr);
dictionary->SetString("instanceType", type);
return true;
return convert_list(rule.actions) && convert_list(rule.conditions);
} // namespace
DeclarativeManifestData::DeclarativeManifestData() {
DeclarativeManifestData::~DeclarativeManifestData() {
// static
DeclarativeManifestData* DeclarativeManifestData::Get(
const Extension* extension) {
return static_cast<DeclarativeManifestData*>(
// static
std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData> DeclarativeManifestData::FromValue(
const base::Value& value,
std::u16string* error) {
// The following is an example of how an event programmatic rule definition
// translates to a manifest definition.
// From javascript:
// chrome.declarativeContent.onPageChanged.addRules([{
// actions: [
// new chrome.declarativeContent.ShowPageAction()
// ],
// conditions: [
// new chrome.declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher({css: ["video"]})
// ]
// }]);
// In manifest:
// "event_rules": [{
// "event" : "declarativeContent.onPageChanged",
// "actions" : [{
// "type": "declarativeContent.ShowPageAction"
// }],
// "conditions" : [{
// "css": ["video"],
// "type" : "declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher"
// }]
// }]
// The javascript objects get translated into JSON objects with a "type"
// field to indicate the instance type. Instead of adding rules to a
// specific event list, each rule has an "event" field to indicate which
// event it applies to.
ErrorBuilder error_builder(error);
std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData> result(
new DeclarativeManifestData());
const base::ListValue* list = nullptr;
if (!value.GetAsList(&list)) {
error_builder.Append("'event_rules' expected list, got %s",
return std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData>();
for (const auto& element : *list) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
if (!element.GetAsDictionary(&dict)) {
error_builder.Append("expected dictionary, got %s",
return std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData>();
std::string event;
if (!dict->GetString("event", &event)) {
error_builder.Append("'event' is required");
return std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData>();
Rule rule;
if (!Rule::Populate(*dict, &rule)) {
error_builder.Append("rule failed to populate");
return std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData>();
if (!ConvertManifestRule(rule, &error_builder))
return std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData>();
return result;
DeclarativeManifestData::RulesForEvent(const std::string& event) {
const auto& rules = event_rules_map_[event];
std::vector<DeclarativeManifestData::Rule> result;
for (const auto& rule : rules) {
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): It would be nice if we could have the RulesRegistry
// reference the rules owned here, but the ownership issues are a bit
// tricky. Revisit this.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> rule_value = rule.ToValue();
std::unique_ptr<DeclarativeManifestData::Rule> rule_copy =
return result;
} // namespace extensions