[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 505e7c9b2dd538cb5248a5f957f85293f35ef0fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "extensions/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_guid.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_resource.h"
#include "extensions/common/hashed_extension_id.h"
#include "extensions/common/install_warning.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#error "Extensions must be enabled"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class Version;
namespace extensions {
class PermissionSet;
class PermissionsData;
class PermissionsParser;
// Represents a Chrome extension.
// Once created, an Extension object is immutable, with the exception of its
// RuntimeData. This makes it safe to use on any thread, since access to the
// RuntimeData is protected by a lock.
class Extension final : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// Do not renumber or reorder these values, as they are stored on-disk in the
// user's preferences.
enum State {
// DEPRECATED. External uninstallation bits are now stored directly in
// the ExtensionPrefs. See https://crbug.com/795026.
// An external extension that the user uninstalled. We should not reinstall
// such extensions on startup.
// DEPRECATED: Special state for component extensions.
// Do not add more values. State is being removed.
// https://crbug.com/794205.
// A base class for parsed manifest data that APIs want to store on
// the extension. Related to base::SupportsUserData, but with an immutable
// thread-safe interface to match Extension.
struct ManifestData {
virtual ~ManifestData() {}
// Do not change the order of entries or remove entries in this list
// as this is used in UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATIONs about extensions.
enum InitFromValueFlags {
// Usually, the id of an extension is generated by the "key" property of
// its manifest, but if |REQUIRE_KEY| is not set, a temporary ID will be
// generated based on the path.
REQUIRE_KEY = 1 << 0,
// Requires the extension to have an up-to-date manifest version.
// Typically, we'll support multiple manifest versions during a version
// transition. This flag signals that we want to require the most modern
// manifest version that Chrome understands.
// |ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS| indicates that the user is allowing this extension
// to have file access. If it's not present, then permissions and content
// scripts that match file:/// URLs will be filtered out.
// |FROM_WEBSTORE| indicates that the extension was installed from the
// Chrome Web Store.
// |FROM_BOOKMARK| indicates the extension is a bookmark app which has been
// generated from a web page. Bookmark apps have no permissions or extent
// and launch the web page they are created from when run.
// |FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_ANYWHERE| means that resources can be symlinks to
// anywhere in the filesystem, rather than being restricted to the
// extension directory.
// |ERROR_ON_PRIVATE_KEY| means that private keys inside an
// extension should be errors rather than warnings.
// |WAS_INSTALLED_BY_DEFAULT| installed by default when the profile was
// created.
// Unused - was part of an abandoned experiment.
// Unused - this flag has been moved to ExtensionPrefs.
IS_EPHEMERAL = 1 << 9,
// |WAS_INSTALLED_BY_OEM| installed by an OEM (e.g on Chrome OS) and should
// be placed in a special OEM folder in the App Launcher. Note: OEM apps are
// also installed by Default (i.e. WAS_INSTALLED_BY_DEFAULT is also true).
// DEPRECATED: WAS_INSTALLED_BY_CUSTODIAN is now stored as a pref instead.
// |MAY_BE_UNTRUSTED| indicates that this extension came from a potentially
// unsafe source (e.g., sideloaded from a local CRX file via the Windows
// registry). Such extensions may be subjected to additional constraints
// before they are fully installed and enabled.
// |FOR_LOGIN_SCREEN| means that this extension was force-installed through
// policy for the login screen. Extensions created with this flag will have
// type |TYPE_LOGIN_SCREEN_EXTENSION| (with limited API capabilities)
// instead of the usual |TYPE_EXTENSION|.
// |WITHHOLD_PERMISSIONS| indicates that on installation the user indicated
// for permissions to be withheld from the extension by default.
// When adding new flags, make sure to update kInitFromValueFlagBits.
// This is the highest bit index of the flags defined above.
static const int kInitFromValueFlagBits;
static scoped_refptr<Extension> Create(const base::FilePath& path,
Manifest::Location location,
const base::DictionaryValue& value,
int flags,
std::string* error);
// In a few special circumstances, we want to create an Extension and give it
// an explicit id. Most consumers should just use the other Create() method.
static scoped_refptr<Extension> Create(const base::FilePath& path,
Manifest::Location location,
const base::DictionaryValue& value,
int flags,
const ExtensionId& explicit_id,
std::string* error);
// Valid schemes for web extent URLPatterns.
static const int kValidWebExtentSchemes;
// Valid schemes for bookmark app installs by the user.
static const int kValidBookmarkAppSchemes;
// Valid schemes for host permission URLPatterns.
static const int kValidHostPermissionSchemes;
// The mimetype used for extensions.
static const char kMimeType[];
// See Type definition in Manifest.
Manifest::Type GetType() const;
// Returns an absolute url to a resource inside of an extension. The
// |extension_url| argument should be the url() from an Extension object. The
// |relative_path| can be untrusted user input. The returned URL will either
// be invalid() or a child of |extension_url|.
// NOTE: Static so that it can be used from multiple threads.
static GURL GetResourceURL(const GURL& extension_url,
const std::string& relative_path);
GURL GetResourceURL(const std::string& relative_path) const {
return GetResourceURL(url(), relative_path);
// Returns true if the resource matches a pattern in the pattern_set.
bool ResourceMatches(const URLPatternSet& pattern_set,
const std::string& resource) const;
// Returns an extension resource object. |relative_path| should be UTF8
// encoded.
ExtensionResource GetResource(base::StringPiece relative_path) const;
// As above, but with |relative_path| following the file system's encoding.
ExtensionResource GetResource(const base::FilePath& relative_path) const;
// |input| is expected to be the text of an rsa public or private key. It
// tolerates the presence or absence of bracking header/footer like this:
// and may contain newlines.
static bool ParsePEMKeyBytes(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
// Does a simple base64 encoding of |input| into |output|.
static bool ProducePEM(const std::string& input, std::string* output);
// Expects base64 encoded |input| and formats into |output| including
// the appropriate header & footer.
static bool FormatPEMForFileOutput(const std::string& input,
std::string* output,
bool is_public);
// Returns the base extension url for a given |extension_id|.
static GURL GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(const ExtensionId& extension_id);
// Returns true if this extension or app includes areas within |origin|.
bool OverlapsWithOrigin(const GURL& origin) const;
// Returns true if the extension requires a valid ordinal for sorting, e.g.,
// for displaying in a launcher or new tab page.
bool RequiresSortOrdinal() const;
// TODO(devlin): The core Extension class shouldn't be responsible for these
// ShouldDisplay/ShouldExpose style functions; it doesn't know about the NTP,
// Management API, etc.
// Returns true if the extension should be displayed in the app launcher.
bool ShouldDisplayInAppLauncher() const;
// Returns true if the extension should be displayed in the browser NTP.
bool ShouldDisplayInNewTabPage() const;
// Returns true if the extension should be exposed via the chrome.management
// API.
bool ShouldExposeViaManagementAPI() const;
// Get the manifest data associated with the key, or NULL if there is none.
// Can only be called after InitFromValue is finished.
ManifestData* GetManifestData(const std::string& key) const;
// Sets |data| to be associated with the key.
// Can only be called before InitFromValue is finished. Not thread-safe;
// all SetManifestData calls should be on only one thread.
void SetManifestData(const std::string& key,
std::unique_ptr<ManifestData> data);
// Sets the GUID for this extension. Note: this should *only* be used when
// duplicating an existing extension; otherwise, the GUID will be
// appropriately set during creation (ensuring uniqueness).
void SetGUID(const ExtensionGuid& guid);
// Accessors:
const base::FilePath& path() const { return path_; }
const GURL& url() const { return extension_url_; }
url::Origin origin() const { return url::Origin::Create(extension_url_); }
Manifest::Location location() const;
const ExtensionId& id() const;
const HashedExtensionId& hashed_id() const;
const ExtensionGuid& guid() const;
const base::Version& version() const { return version_; }
const std::string& version_name() const { return version_name_; }
std::string VersionString() const;
std::string DifferentialFingerprint() const;
std::string GetVersionForDisplay() const;
const std::string& name() const { return display_name_; }
const std::string& short_name() const { return short_name_; }
const std::string& non_localized_name() const { return non_localized_name_; }
// Base64-encoded version of the key used to sign this extension.
// In pseudocode, returns
// base::Base64Encode(RSAPrivateKey(pem_file).ExportPublicKey()).
const std::string& public_key() const { return public_key_; }
const std::string& description() const { return description_; }
int manifest_version() const { return manifest_version_; }
bool converted_from_user_script() const {
return converted_from_user_script_;
PermissionsParser* permissions_parser() { return permissions_parser_.get(); }
const PermissionsParser* permissions_parser() const {
return permissions_parser_.get();
const PermissionsData* permissions_data() const {
return permissions_data_.get();
// Appends |new_warning[s]| to install_warnings_.
void AddInstallWarning(InstallWarning new_warning);
void AddInstallWarnings(std::vector<InstallWarning> new_warnings);
const std::vector<InstallWarning>& install_warnings() const {
return install_warnings_;
const extensions::Manifest* manifest() const {
return manifest_.get();
bool wants_file_access() const { return wants_file_access_; }
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): This is needed for ContentScriptsHandler, and should
// be moved out as part of crbug.com/159265. This should not be used anywhere
// else.
void set_wants_file_access(bool wants_file_access) {
wants_file_access_ = wants_file_access;
int creation_flags() const { return creation_flags_; }
bool from_webstore() const { return (creation_flags_ & FROM_WEBSTORE) != 0; }
bool from_bookmark() const { return (creation_flags_ & FROM_BOOKMARK) != 0; }
bool may_be_untrusted() const {
return (creation_flags_ & MAY_BE_UNTRUSTED) != 0;
bool was_installed_by_default() const {
return (creation_flags_ & WAS_INSTALLED_BY_DEFAULT) != 0;
bool was_installed_by_oem() const {
return (creation_flags_ & WAS_INSTALLED_BY_OEM) != 0;
// Type-related queries. These are all mutually exclusive.
// The differences between the types of Extension are documented here:
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/extensions/docs/extension_and_app_types.md
bool is_platform_app() const; // aka "V2 app", "V2 packaged app"
bool is_hosted_app() const; // Hosted app (or bookmark app)
bool is_legacy_packaged_app() const; // aka "V1 packaged app"
bool is_extension() const; // Regular browser extension, not an app
bool is_shared_module() const; // Shared module
bool is_theme() const; // Theme
bool is_login_screen_extension() const; // Extension on login screen.
// True if this is a platform app, hosted app, or legacy packaged app.
bool is_app() const;
void AddWebExtentPattern(const URLPattern& pattern);
const URLPatternSet& web_extent() const { return extent_; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension>;
Extension(const base::FilePath& path,
std::unique_ptr<extensions::Manifest> manifest);
// Initialize the extension from a parsed manifest.
// TODO(aa): Rename to just Init()? There's no Value here anymore.
// TODO(aa): It is really weird the way this class essentially contains a copy
// of the underlying DictionaryValue in its members. We should decide to
// either wrap the DictionaryValue and go with that only, or we should parse
// into strong types and discard the value. But doing both is bad.
bool InitFromValue(int flags, std::u16string* error);
// The following are helpers for InitFromValue to load various features of the
// extension from the manifest.
bool LoadRequiredFeatures(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadName(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadVersion(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadAppFeatures(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadExtent(const char* key,
URLPatternSet* extent,
const char* list_error,
const char* value_error,
std::u16string* error);
bool LoadSharedFeatures(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadDescription(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadManifestVersion(std::u16string* error);
bool LoadShortName(std::u16string* error);
// The extension's human-readable name. Name is used for display purpose. It
// might be wrapped with unicode bidi control characters so that it is
// displayed correctly in RTL context.
// NOTE: Name is UTF-8 and may contain non-ascii characters.
std::string display_name_;
// A non-localized version of the extension's name. This is useful for
// debug output.
std::string non_localized_name_;
// A short version of the extension's name. This can be used as an alternative
// to the name where there is insufficient space to display the full name. If
// an extension has not explicitly specified a short name, the value of this
// member variable will be the full name rather than an empty string.
std::string short_name_;
// The version of this extension's manifest. We increase the manifest
// version when making breaking changes to the extension system.
// Version 1 was the first manifest version (implied by a lack of a
// manifest_version attribute in the extension's manifest). We initialize
// this member variable to 0 to distinguish the "uninitialized" case from
// the case when we know the manifest version actually is 1.
int manifest_version_;
// The absolute path to the directory the extension is stored in.
base::FilePath path_;
// Defines the set of URLs in the extension's web content.
URLPatternSet extent_;
// The parser for the manifest's permissions. This is NULL anytime not during
// initialization.
// TODO(rdevlin.cronin): This doesn't really belong here.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionsParser> permissions_parser_;
// The active permissions for the extension.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionsData> permissions_data_;
// Any warnings that occurred when trying to create/parse the extension.
std::vector<InstallWarning> install_warnings_;
// The base extension url for the extension.
GURL extension_url_;
// The extension's version.
base::Version version_;
// The extension's user visible version name.
std::string version_name_;
// An optional longer description of the extension.
std::string description_;
// True if the extension was generated from a user script. (We show slightly
// different UI if so).
bool converted_from_user_script_;
// The public key used to sign the contents of the crx package.
std::string public_key_;
// The manifest from which this extension was created.
std::unique_ptr<Manifest> manifest_;
// Stored parsed manifest data.
using ManifestDataMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ManifestData>>;
ManifestDataMap manifest_data_;
// Set to true at the end of InitFromValue when initialization is finished.
bool finished_parsing_manifest_;
// Ensures that any call to GetManifestData() prior to finishing
// initialization happens from the same thread (this can happen when certain
// parts of the initialization process need information from previous parts).
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// Should this app be shown in the app launcher.
bool display_in_launcher_;
// Should this app be shown in the browser New Tab Page.
bool display_in_new_tab_page_;
// Whether the extension has host permissions or user script patterns that
// imply access to file:/// scheme URLs (the user may not have actually
// granted it that access).
bool wants_file_access_;
// The flags that were passed to InitFromValue.
int creation_flags_;
// A dynamic ID that can be used when referencing extension resources via URL
// instead of an extension ID.
base::GUID guid_;
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<const Extension> > ExtensionList;
// Handy struct to pass core extension info around.
struct ExtensionInfo {
ExtensionInfo(const base::DictionaryValue* manifest,
const ExtensionId& id,
const base::FilePath& path,
Manifest::Location location);
// Note: This may be null (e.g. for unpacked extensions retrieved from the
// Preferences file).
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> extension_manifest;
ExtensionId extension_id;
base::FilePath extension_path;
Manifest::Location extension_location;
// The details sent for EXTENSION_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED notifications.
struct UpdatedExtensionPermissionsInfo {
enum Reason {
ADDED, // The permissions were added to the extension.
REMOVED, // The permissions were removed from the extension.
POLICY, // The policy that affects permissions was updated.
Reason reason;
// The extension who's permissions have changed.
const Extension* extension;
// The permissions that have changed. For Reason::ADDED, this would contain
// only the permissions that have added, and for Reason::REMOVED, this would
// only contain the removed permissions.
const PermissionSet& permissions;
UpdatedExtensionPermissionsInfo(const Extension* extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
Reason reason);
} // namespace extensions