[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a2ba725846304c285bd7ee6fadeebc2c6f350121 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handler.h"
namespace extensions {
// A structure to hold the Content-Security-Policy information.
struct CSPInfo : public Extension::ManifestData {
explicit CSPInfo(std::string extension_pages_csp);
~CSPInfo() override;
// The Content-Security-Policy for an extension. This is applied to an
// extension's background contexts i.e. its background page, event page and
// service worker. Extensions can use Content-Security-Policies to mitigate
// cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities.
std::string extension_pages_csp;
// Content Security Policy that should be used to enforce the sandbox used
// by sandboxed pages (guaranteed to have the "sandbox" directive without the
// "allow-same-origin" token).
std::string sandbox_csp;
// Returns the CSP to be used for the extension frames (tabs, popups, iframes)
// and background contexts, or an empty string if there is no defined CSP.
// Note that for extensions, platform apps and legacy packaged apps, a default
// CSP is used even if the manifest didn't specify one, so an empty string
// shouldn't be returned for those cases.
static const std::string& GetExtensionPagesCSP(const Extension* extension);
// Returns the Content Security Policy to be used for extension isolated
// worlds or null if there is no defined CSP.
static const std::string* GetIsolatedWorldCSP(const Extension& extension);
// Returns the extension's Content Security Policy for the sandboxed pages.
static const std::string& GetSandboxContentSecurityPolicy(
const Extension* extension);
// Returns the Content Security Policy that the specified resource should be
// served with.
static const std::string& GetResourceContentSecurityPolicy(
const Extension* extension,
const std::string& relative_path);
// Parses "content_security_policy", "app.content_security_policy" and
// "sandbox.content_security_policy" manifest keys.
class CSPHandler : public ManifestHandler {
~CSPHandler() override;
// ManifestHandler override:
bool Parse(Extension* extension, std::u16string* error) override;
// Parses the "content_security_policy" dictionary in the manifest.
bool ParseCSPDictionary(Extension* extension, std::u16string* error);
// Parses the content security policy specified in the manifest for extension
// pages.
bool ParseExtensionPagesCSP(Extension* extension,
std::u16string* error,
base::StringPiece manifest_key,
bool secure_only,
const base::Value* content_security_policy);
// Parses the content security policy specified in the manifest for sandboxed
// pages. This should be called after ParseExtensionPagesCSP.
bool ParseSandboxCSP(Extension* extension,
std::u16string* error,
base::StringPiece manifest_key,
const base::Value* sandbox_csp);
// Helper to set the extension pages content security policy manifest data.
bool SetExtensionPagesCSP(Extension* extension,
base::StringPiece manifest_key,
bool secure_only,
std::string content_security_policy);
// Helper to set the sandbox content security policy manifest data.
void SetSandboxCSP(Extension* extension, std::string sandbox_csp);
// ManifestHandler overrides:
bool AlwaysParseForType(Manifest::Type type) const override;
base::span<const char* const> Keys() const override;
} // namespace extensions