[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 46a325b0d5af71358ce15c9168e9d0d40a823303 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/extension_action_handler.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/extension_action/action_info.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/file_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/image_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
namespace extensions {
ExtensionActionHandler::ExtensionActionHandler() {}
ExtensionActionHandler::~ExtensionActionHandler() {}
bool ExtensionActionHandler::Parse(Extension* extension,
std::u16string* error) {
const char* key = nullptr;
const char* error_key = nullptr;
ActionInfo::Type type = ActionInfo::TYPE_ACTION;
if (extension->manifest()->HasKey(manifest_keys::kAction)) {
key = manifest_keys::kAction;
error_key = manifest_errors::kInvalidAction;
// type ACTION is correct.
if (extension->manifest()->HasKey(manifest_keys::kPageAction)) {
if (key != nullptr) {
// An extension can only have one action.
*error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(manifest_errors::kOneUISurfaceOnly);
return false;
key = manifest_keys::kPageAction;
error_key = manifest_errors::kInvalidPageAction;
type = ActionInfo::TYPE_PAGE;
if (extension->manifest()->HasKey(manifest_keys::kBrowserAction)) {
if (key != nullptr) {
// An extension can only have one action.
*error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(manifest_errors::kOneUISurfaceOnly);
return false;
key = manifest_keys::kBrowserAction;
error_key = manifest_errors::kInvalidBrowserAction;
type = ActionInfo::TYPE_BROWSER;
if (key) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
if (!extension->manifest()->GetDictionary(key, &dict)) {
*error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(error_key);
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ActionInfo> action_info =
ActionInfo::Load(extension, type, dict, error);
if (!action_info)
return false; // Failed to parse extension action definition.
ActionInfo::SetExtensionActionInfo(extension, std::move(action_info));
} else { // No key, used for synthesizing an action for extensions with none.
if (Manifest::IsComponentLocation(extension->location()))
return true; // Don't synthesize actions for component extensions.
if (extension->was_installed_by_default())
return true; // Don't synthesize actions for default extensions.
// Set an empty page action. We use a page action (instead of a browser
// action) because the action should not be seen as enabled on every page.
auto action_info = std::make_unique<ActionInfo>(ActionInfo::TYPE_PAGE);
action_info->synthesized = true;
ActionInfo::SetExtensionActionInfo(extension, std::move(action_info));
return true;
bool ExtensionActionHandler::Validate(
const Extension* extension,
std::string* error,
std::vector<InstallWarning>* warnings) const {
const ActionInfo* action = ActionInfo::GetExtensionActionInfo(extension);
if (!action || action->default_icon.empty())
return true;
const char* manifest_key = nullptr;
switch (action->type) {
case ActionInfo::TYPE_ACTION:
manifest_key = manifest_keys::kAction;
case ActionInfo::TYPE_BROWSER:
manifest_key = manifest_keys::kBrowserAction;
case ActionInfo::TYPE_PAGE:
manifest_key = manifest_keys::kPageAction;
// Analyze the icons for visibility using the default toolbar color, since
// the majority of Chrome users don't modify their theme.
return file_util::ValidateExtensionIconSet(
action->default_icon, extension, manifest_key,
image_util::kDefaultToolbarColor, error);
bool ExtensionActionHandler::AlwaysParseForType(Manifest::Type type) const {
return type == Manifest::TYPE_EXTENSION || type == Manifest::TYPE_USER_SCRIPT;
base::span<const char* const> ExtensionActionHandler::Keys() const {
static constexpr const char* kKeys[] = {
return kKeys;
} // namespace extensions