[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c4e26077c34283cc6d442cc8bc57f799eadd5a99 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
function loadScript(path) {
let script = document.createElement('script');
let promise = new Promise(resolve => script.onload = resolve);
script.src = path;
script.async = false;
return promise;
function loadScripts(paths) {
let chain = Promise.resolve();
for (let path of paths) {
chain = chain.then(() => loadScript(path));
return chain;
function performChromiumSetup() {
// Make sure we are actually on Chromium.
if (!Mojo) {
// Load the Chromium-specific resources.
let prefix = '/resources/chromium';
let extra = [];
const pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.includes('/LayoutTests/') || pathname.includes('/web_tests/')) {
let root = pathname.match(/.*(?:LayoutTests|web_tests)/);
prefix = `${root}/external/wpt/resources/chromium`;
extra = [
} else if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/bluetooth/https/')) {
extra = [
return loadScripts([
// Call setBluetoothFakeAdapter() to clean up any fake adapters left over
// by legacy tests.
// Legacy tests that use setBluetoothFakeAdapter() sometimes fail to clean
// their fake adapter. This is not a problem for these tests because the
// next setBluetoothFakeAdapter() will clean it up anyway but it is a
// problem for the new tests that do not use setBluetoothFakeAdapter().
// TODO(crbug.com/569709): Remove once setBluetoothFakeAdapter is no
// longer used.
.then(() => typeof setBluetoothFakeAdapter === 'undefined' ?
undefined : setBluetoothFakeAdapter(''));
// These tests rely on the User Agent providing an implementation of the
// Web Bluetooth Testing API.
// https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nhv_oVDCodd1pEH_jj9k8gF4rPGb_84VYaZ9IG8M_WY/edit?ts=59b6d823#heading=h.7nki9mck5t64
function bluetooth_test(func, name, properties) {
.then(() => promise_test(t => Promise.resolve()
// Trigger Chromium-specific setup.
.then(() => func(t))
.then(() => navigator.bluetooth.test.allResponsesConsumed())
.then(consumed => assert_true(consumed)), name, properties));
// HCI Error Codes. Used for simulateGATT[Dis]ConnectionResponse.
// For a complete list of possible error codes see
// BT 4.2 Vol 2 Part D 1.3 List Of Error Codes.
const HCI_SUCCESS = 0x0000;
// GATT Error codes. Used for GATT operations responses.
// BT 4.2 Vol 3 Part F Error Response
const GATT_SUCCESS = 0x0000;
const GATT_INVALID_HANDLE = 0x0001;
// Bluetooth UUID constants:
// Services:
var blocklist_test_service_uuid = "611c954a-263b-4f4a-aab6-01ddb953f985";
var request_disconnection_service_uuid = "01d7d889-7451-419f-aeb8-d65e7b9277af";
// Characteristics:
var blocklist_exclude_reads_characteristic_uuid =
var request_disconnection_characteristic_uuid =
// Descriptors:
var blocklist_test_descriptor_uuid = "bad2ddcf-60db-45cd-bef9-fd72b153cf7c";
var blocklist_exclude_reads_descriptor_uuid =
// Sometimes we need to test that using either the name, alias, or UUID
// produces the same result. The following objects help us do that.
var generic_access = {
alias: 0x1800,
name: 'generic_access',
uuid: '00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var device_name = {
alias: 0x2a00,
name: 'gap.device_name',
uuid: '00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var reconnection_address = {
alias: 0x2a03,
name: 'gap.reconnection_address',
uuid: '00002a03-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var heart_rate = {
alias: 0x180d,
name: 'heart_rate',
uuid: '0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var health_thermometer = {
alias: 0x1809,
name: 'health_thermometer',
uuid: '00001809-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var body_sensor_location = {
alias: 0x2a38,
name: 'body_sensor_location',
uuid: '00002a38-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var glucose = {
alias: 0x1808,
name: 'glucose',
uuid: '00001808-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var battery_service = {
alias: 0x180f,
name: 'battery_service',
uuid: '0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var battery_level = {
alias: 0x2A19,
name: 'battery_level',
uuid: '00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var user_description = {
alias: 0x2901,
name: 'gatt.characteristic_user_description',
uuid: '00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var client_characteristic_configuration = {
alias: 0x2902,
name: 'gatt.client_characteristic_configuration',
uuid: '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
var measurement_interval = {
alias: 0x2a21,
name: 'measurement_interval',
uuid: '00002a21-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'
// The following tests make sure the Web Bluetooth implementation
// responds correctly to the different types of errors the
// underlying platform might return for GATT operations.
// Each browser should map these characteristics to specific code paths
// that result in different errors thus increasing code coverage
// when testing. Therefore some of these characteristics might not be useful
// for all browsers.
// TODO(ortuno): According to the testing spec errorUUID(0x101) to
// errorUUID(0x1ff) should be use for the uuids of the characteristics.
var gatt_errors_tests = [{
testName: 'GATT Error: Unknown.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA1),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT Error Unknown.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Failed.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA2),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT operation failed for unknown reason.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: In Progress.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA3),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT operation already in progress.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Invalid Length.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA4),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT Error: invalid attribute length.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Permitted.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA5),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT operation not permitted.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Authorized.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA6),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT operation not authorized.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Paired.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA7),
// TODO(ortuno): Change to InsufficientAuthenticationError or similiar
// once https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/web-bluetooth/issues/137 is
// resolved.
error: new DOMException(
'GATT Error: Not paired.',
}, {
testName: 'GATT Error: Not Supported.',
uuid: errorUUID(0xA8),
error: new DOMException(
'GATT Error: Not supported.',
// Waits until the document has finished loading.
function waitForDocumentReady() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
}, {once: true});
function callWithTrustedClick(callback) {
return waitForDocumentReady()
.then(() => new Promise(resolve => {
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = 'click to continue test';
button.style.display = 'block';
button.style.fontSize = '20px';
button.style.padding = '10px';
button.onclick = () => {
// Calls requestDevice() in a context that's 'allowed to show a popup'.
function requestDeviceWithTrustedClick() {
let args = arguments;
return callWithTrustedClick(
() => navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice.apply(navigator.bluetooth, args));
// errorUUID(alias) returns a UUID with the top 32 bits of
// '00000000-97e5-4cd7-b9f1-f5a427670c59' replaced with the bits of |alias|.
// For example, errorUUID(0xDEADBEEF) returns
// 'deadbeef-97e5-4cd7-b9f1-f5a427670c59'. The bottom 96 bits of error UUIDs
// were generated as a type 4 (random) UUID.
function errorUUID(uuidAlias) {
// Make the number positive.
uuidAlias >>>= 0;
// Append the alias as a hex number.
var strAlias = '0000000' + uuidAlias.toString(16);
// Get last 8 digits of strAlias.
strAlias = strAlias.substr(-8);
// Append Base Error UUID
return strAlias + '-97e5-4cd7-b9f1-f5a427670c59';
// Function to test that a promise rejects with the expected error type and
// message.
function assert_promise_rejects_with_message(promise, expected, description) {
return promise.then(() => {
assert_unreached('Promise should have rejected: ' + description);
}, error => {
assert_equals(error.name, expected.name, 'Unexpected Error Name:');
if (expected.message) {
assert_equals(error.message, expected.message, 'Unexpected Error Message:');
function runGarbageCollection()
// Run gc() as a promise.
return new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
step_timeout(resolve, 0);
function eventPromise(target, type, options) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let wrapper = function(event) {
target.removeEventListener(type, wrapper);
target.addEventListener(type, wrapper, options);
// Helper function to assert that events are fired and a promise resolved
// in the correct order.
// 'event' should be passed as |should_be_first| to indicate that the events
// should be fired first, otherwise 'promiseresolved' should be passed.
// Attaches |num_listeners| |event| listeners to |object|. If all events have
// been fired and the promise resolved in the correct order, returns a promise
// that fulfills with the result of |object|.|func()| and |event.target.value|
// of each of event listeners. Otherwise throws an error.
function assert_promise_event_order_(should_be_first, object, func, event, num_listeners) {
let order = [];
let event_promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < num_listeners; i++) {
event_promises.push(new Promise(resolve => {
let event_listener = (e) => {
object.removeEventListener(event, event_listener);
object.addEventListener(event, event_listener);
let func_promise = object[func]().then(result => {
return result;
return Promise.all([func_promise, ...event_promises])
.then((result) => {
if (should_be_first !== order[0]) {
throw should_be_first === 'promiseresolved' ?
`'${event}' was fired before promise resolved.` :
`Promise resolved before '${event}' was fired.`;
if (order[0] !== 'promiseresolved' &&
order[order.length - 1] !== 'promiseresolved') {
throw 'Promise resolved in between event listeners.';
return result;
// See assert_promise_event_order_ above.
function assert_promise_resolves_before_event(
object, func, event, num_listeners=1) {
return assert_promise_event_order_(
'promiseresolved', object, func, event, num_listeners);
// See assert_promise_event_order_ above.
function assert_promise_resolves_after_event(
object, func, event, num_listeners=1) {
return assert_promise_event_order_(
'event', object, func, event, num_listeners);
// Returns a promise that resolves after 100ms unless
// the the event is fired on the object in which case
// the promise rejects.
function assert_no_events(object, event_name) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let event_listener = (e) => {
object.removeEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
assert_unreached('Object should not fire an event.');
object.addEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
// TODO: Remove timeout.
// http://crbug.com/543884
step_timeout(() => {
object.removeEventListener(event_name, event_listener);
}, 100);
class TestCharacteristicProperties {
// |properties| is an array of strings for property bits to be set
// as true.
constructor(properties) {
this.broadcast = false;
this.read = false;
this.writeWithoutResponse = false;
this.write = false;
this.notify = false;
this.indicate = false;
this.authenticatedSignedWrites = false;
this.reliableWrite = false;
this.writableAuxiliaries = false;
properties.forEach(val => {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(val))
this[val] = true;
throw `Invalid member '${val}'`;
function assert_properties_equal(properties, expected_properties) {
for (let key in expected_properties) {
assert_equals(properties[key], expected_properties[key]);
class EventCatcher {
constructor(object, event) {
this.eventFired = false;
let event_listener = () => {
object.removeEventListener(event, event_listener);
this.eventFired = true;
object.addEventListener(event, event_listener);
// Returns a function that when called returns a promise that resolves when
// the device has disconnected. Example:
// device.gatt.connect()
// .then(gatt => get_request_disconnection(gatt))
// .then(requestDisconnection => requestDisconnection())
// .then(() => // device is now disconnected)
function get_request_disconnection(gattServer) {
return gattServer.getPrimaryService(request_disconnection_service_uuid)
.then(service => service.getCharacteristic(request_disconnection_characteristic_uuid))
.then(characteristic => {
return () => assert_promise_rejects_with_message(
characteristic.writeValue(new Uint8Array([0])),
new DOMException(
'GATT Server is disconnected. Cannot perform GATT operations. ' +
'(Re)connect first with `device.gatt.connect`.',
function generateRequestDeviceArgsWithServices(services = ['heart_rate']) {
return [{
filters: [{ services: services }]
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, name: 'Name' }]
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, namePrefix: 'Pre' }]
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, name: 'Name', namePrefix: 'Pre' }]
}, {
filters: [{ services: services }],
optionalServices: ['heart_rate']
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, name: 'Name' }],
optionalServices: ['heart_rate']
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, namePrefix: 'Pre' }],
optionalServices: ['heart_rate']
}, {
filters: [{ services: services, name: 'Name', namePrefix: 'Pre' }],
optionalServices: ['heart_rate']
// Causes |fake_peripheral| to disconnect and returns a promise that resolves
// once `gattserverdisconnected` has been fired on |device|.
function simulateGATTDisconnectionAndWait(device, fake_peripheral) {
return Promise.all([
eventPromise(device, 'gattserverdisconnected'),
// Simulates a pre-connected device with |address|, |name| and
// |knownServiceUUIDs|.
function setUpPreconnectedDevice({
address = '00:00:00:00:00:00', name = 'LE Device', knownServiceUUIDs = []}) {
return navigator.bluetooth.test.simulateCentral({state: 'powered-on'})
.then(fake_central => fake_central.simulatePreconnectedPeripheral({
address: address,
name: name,
knownServiceUUIDs: knownServiceUUIDs,
// Returns a FakePeripheral that corresponds to a simulated pre-connected device
// called 'Health Thermometer'. The device has two known serviceUUIDs:
// 'generic_access' and 'health_thermometer'.
function setUpHealthThermometerDevice() {
return setUpPreconnectedDevice({
address: '09:09:09:09:09:09',
name: 'Health Thermometer',
knownServiceUUIDs: ['generic_access', 'health_thermometer'],
// Returns an array containing two FakePeripherals corresponding
// to the simulated devices.
function setUpHealthThermometerAndHeartRateDevices() {
return navigator.bluetooth.test.simulateCentral({state: 'powered-on'})
.then(fake_central => Promise.all([
address: '09:09:09:09:09:09',
name: 'Health Thermometer',
knownServiceUUIDs: ['generic_access', 'health_thermometer'],
address: '08:08:08:08:08:08',
name: 'Heart Rate',
knownServiceUUIDs: ['generic_access', 'heart_rate'],
// Returns the same fake peripheral as setUpHealthThermometerDevice() except
// that connecting to the peripheral will succeed.
function setUpConnectableHealthThermometerDevice() {
let fake_peripheral;
return setUpHealthThermometerDevice()
.then(_ => fake_peripheral = _)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({
.then(() => fake_peripheral);
// Returns an object containing a BluetoothDevice discovered using |options|,
// its corresponding FakePeripheral and FakeRemoteGATTServices.
// The simulated device is called 'Health Thermometer' it has two known service
// UUIDs: 'generic_access' and 'health_thermometer' which correspond to two
// services with the same UUIDs. The 'health thermometer' service contains three
// characteristics:
// - 'temperature_measurement' (indicate),
// - 'temperature_type' (read),
// - 'measurement_interval' (read, write, indicate)
// The 'measurement_interval' characteristic contains a
// 'gatt.client_characteristic_configuration' descriptor and a
// 'characteristic_user_description' descriptor.
// The device has been connected to and its attributes are ready to be
// discovered.
function getHealthThermometerDevice(options) {
let result;
return getConnectedHealthThermometerDevice(options)
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() => result.fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
.then(() => result);
// Similar to getHealthThermometerDevice except that the peripheral has
// two 'health_thermometer' services.
function getTwoHealthThermometerServicesDevice(options) {
let device;
let fake_peripheral;
let fake_generic_access;
let fake_health_thermometer1;
let fake_health_thermometer2;
return getConnectedHealthThermometerDevice(options)
.then(result => {
fake_health_thermometer: fake_health_thermometer1,
} = result);
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({uuid: 'health_thermometer'}))
.then(s => fake_health_thermometer2 = s)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
code: HCI_SUCCESS}))
.then(() => ({
device: device,
fake_peripheral: fake_peripheral,
fake_generic_access: fake_generic_access,
fake_health_thermometer1: fake_health_thermometer1,
fake_health_thermometer2: fake_health_thermometer2
// Returns an object containing a Health Thermometer BluetoothRemoteGattService
// and its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTService.
function getHealthThermometerService() {
let result;
return getHealthThermometerDevice()
.then(r => result = r)
.then(() => result.device.gatt.getPrimaryService('health_thermometer'))
.then(service => Object.assign(result, {
fake_service: result.fake_health_thermometer,
// Returns an object containing a Measurement Interval
// BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic and its corresponding
// FakeRemoteGATTCharacteristic.
function getMeasurementIntervalCharacteristic() {
let result;
return getHealthThermometerService()
.then(r => result = r)
.then(() => result.service.getCharacteristic('measurement_interval'))
.then(characteristic => Object.assign(result, {
fake_characteristic: result.fake_measurement_interval,
function getUserDescriptionDescriptor() {
let result;
return getMeasurementIntervalCharacteristic()
.then(r => result = r)
.then(() => result.characteristic.getDescriptor(
.then(descriptor => Object.assign(result, {
fake_descriptor: result.fake_user_description,
// Populates a fake_peripheral with various fakes appropriate for a health
// thermometer. This resolves to an associative array composed of the fakes,
// including the |fake_peripheral|.
function populateHealthThermometerFakes(fake_peripheral) {
let fake_generic_access, fake_health_thermometer, fake_measurement_interval,
fake_user_description, fake_cccd, fake_temperature_measurement,
return fake_peripheral.addFakeService({uuid: 'generic_access'})
.then(_ => fake_generic_access = _)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({
uuid: 'health_thermometer',
.then(_ => fake_health_thermometer = _)
.then(() => fake_health_thermometer.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: 'measurement_interval',
properties: ['read', 'write', 'indicate'],
.then(_ => fake_measurement_interval = _)
.then(() => fake_measurement_interval.addFakeDescriptor({
uuid: 'gatt.characteristic_user_description',
.then(_ => fake_user_description = _)
.then(() => fake_measurement_interval.addFakeDescriptor({
uuid: 'gatt.client_characteristic_configuration',
.then(_ => fake_cccd = _)
.then(() => fake_health_thermometer.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: 'temperature_measurement',
properties: ['indicate'],
.then(_ => fake_temperature_measurement = _)
.then(() => fake_health_thermometer.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: 'temperature_type',
properties: ['read'],
.then(_ => fake_temperature_type = _)
.then(() => ({
// Similar to getHealthThermometerDevice except the GATT discovery
// response has not been set yet so more attributes can still be added.
function getConnectedHealthThermometerDevice(options) {
let device, fake_peripheral, fakes;
return getDiscoveredHealthThermometerDevice(options)
.then(_ => ({device, fake_peripheral} = _))
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({
.then(() => populateHealthThermometerFakes(fake_peripheral))
.then(_ => fakes = _)
.then(() => device.gatt.connect())
.then(() => Object.assign({device}, fakes));
// Returns an object containing a BluetoothDevice discovered using |options|,
// its corresponding FakePeripheral and FakeRemoteGATTServices.
// The simulated device is called 'Blocklist Device' and it has one known
// service UUIDs |blocklist_test_service_uuid| which
// correspond to a service with the same UUID. The
// |blocklist_test_service_uuid| service contains two characteristics:
// - |blocklist_exclude_reads_characteristic_uuid| (read, write)
// - 'gap.peripheral_privacy_flag' (read, write)
// The 'gap.peripheral_privacy_flag' characteristic contains three descriptors:
// - |blocklist_test_descriptor_uuid|
// - |blocklist_exclude_reads_descriptor_uuid|
// - 'gatt.client_characteristic_configuration'
// These are special UUIDs that have been added to the blocklist found at
// https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/registries/blob/master/gatt_blocklist.txt
// There are also test UUIDs that have been added to the test environment which
// other implementations should add as test UUIDs as well.
// The device has been connected to and its attributes are ready to be
// discovered.
function getBlocklistDevice(
options = {filters: [{services: [blocklist_test_service_uuid]}]}) {
let device, fake_peripheral, fake_blocklist_test_service,
return setUpPreconnectedDevice({
address: '11:11:11:11:11:11',
name: 'Blocklist Device',
knownServiceUUIDs: ['generic_access', blocklist_test_service_uuid],
.then(_ => fake_peripheral = _)
.then(() => requestDeviceWithTrustedClick(options))
.then(_ => device = _)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({
.then(() => device.gatt.connect())
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({
uuid: blocklist_test_service_uuid,
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_test_service = _)
.then(() => fake_blocklist_test_service.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: blocklist_exclude_reads_characteristic_uuid,
properties: ['read', 'write'],
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_exclude_reads_characteristic = _)
.then(() => fake_blocklist_test_service.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: 'gap.peripheral_privacy_flag',
properties: ['read', 'write'],
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_characteristic = _)
.then(() => fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_characteristic
.addFakeDescriptor({uuid: blocklist_test_descriptor_uuid}))
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_descriptor = _)
.then(() => fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_characteristic
.addFakeDescriptor({uuid: blocklist_exclude_reads_descriptor_uuid}))
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_exclude_reads_descriptor = _)
.then(() => fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_characteristic
uuid: 'gatt.client_characteristic_configuration'
.then(_ => fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_descriptor = _)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
.then(() => ({
// Returns an object containing a Blocklist Test BluetoothRemoveGattService and
// its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTService.
function getBlocklistTestService() {
let result;
return getBlocklistDevice()
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() =>
.then(service => Object.assign(result, {
fake_service: result.fake_blocklist_test_service,
// Returns an object containing a blocklisted BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
// that excludes reads and its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTCharacteristic.
function getBlocklistExcludeReadsCharacteristic() {
let result, fake_characteristic;
return getBlocklistTestService()
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() => result.service.getCharacteristic(
.then(characteristic =>
result, {
// Returns an object containing a blocklisted BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
// that excludes writes and its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTCharacteristic.
function getBlocklistExcludeWritesCharacteristic() {
let result, fake_characteristic;
return getBlocklistTestService()
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() => result.service.getCharacteristic(
.then(characteristic =>
result, {
// Returns an object containing a blocklisted BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor that
// excludes reads and its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTDescriptor.
function getBlocklistExcludeReadsDescriptor() {
let result;
return getBlocklistExcludeWritesCharacteristic()
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() => result.characteristic.getDescriptor(
.then(descriptor => Object.assign(
result, {
fake_descriptor: result.fake_blocklist_exclude_reads_descriptor
// Returns an object containing a blocklisted BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor that
// excludes writes and its corresponding FakeRemoteGATTDescriptor.
function getBlocklistExcludeWritesDescriptor() {
let result;
return getBlocklistExcludeWritesCharacteristic()
.then(_ => result = _)
.then(() => result.characteristic.getDescriptor(
.then(descriptor => Object.assign(
result, {
descriptor: descriptor,
fake_descriptor: result.fake_blocklist_exclude_writes_descriptor,
// Returns the same device and fake peripheral as getHealthThermometerDevice()
// after another frame (an iframe we insert) discovered the device,
// connected to it and discovered its services.
function getHealthThermometerDeviceWithServicesDiscovered(options) {
let device, fake_peripheral, fakes;
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
return setUpConnectableHealthThermometerDevice()
.then(_ => fake_peripheral = _)
.then(() => populateHealthThermometerFakes(fake_peripheral))
.then(_ => fakes = _)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
.then(() => new Promise(resolve => {
let src = '/bluetooth/resources/health-thermometer-iframe.html';
// TODO(509038): Can be removed once LayoutTests/bluetooth/* that use
// health-thermometer-iframe.html have been moved to
// LayoutTests/external/wpt/bluetooth/*
if (window.location.pathname.includes('/LayoutTests/')) {
src = '../../../external/wpt/bluetooth/resources/health-thermometer-iframe.html';
iframe.src = src;
iframe.addEventListener('load', resolve);
.then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
callWithTrustedClick(() => {
type: 'DiscoverServices',
options: options
}, '*');
function messageHandler(messageEvent) {
if (messageEvent.data == 'DiscoveryComplete') {
window.removeEventListener('message', messageHandler);
} else {
reject(new Error(`Unexpected message: ${messageEvent.data}`));
window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler);
.then(() => requestDeviceWithTrustedClick(options))
.then(_ => device = _)
.then(device => device.gatt.connect())
.then(_ => Object.assign({device}, fakes));
// Similar to getHealthThermometerDevice() except the device has no services,
// characteristics, or descriptors.
function getEmptyHealthThermometerDevice(options) {
return getDiscoveredHealthThermometerDevice(options)
.then(({device, fake_peripheral}) => {
return fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({code: HCI_SUCCESS})
.then(() => device.gatt.connect())
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
code: HCI_SUCCESS}))
.then(() => ({
device: device,
fake_peripheral: fake_peripheral
// Similar to getHealthThermometerService() except the service has no
// characteristics or included services.
function getEmptyHealthThermometerService(options) {
let device;
let fake_peripheral;
let fake_health_thermometer;
return getDiscoveredHealthThermometerDevice(options)
.then(result => ({device, fake_peripheral} = result))
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({
code: HCI_SUCCESS}))
.then(() => device.gatt.connect())
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({uuid: 'health_thermometer'}))
.then(s => fake_health_thermometer = s)
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
code: HCI_SUCCESS}))
.then(() => device.gatt.getPrimaryService('health_thermometer'))
.then(service => ({
service: service,
fake_health_thermometer: fake_health_thermometer,
// Returns a BluetoothDevice discovered using |options| and its
// corresponding FakePeripheral.
// The simulated device is called 'HID Device' it has three known service
// UUIDs: 'generic_access', 'device_information', 'human_interface_device'.
// The primary service with 'device_information' UUID has a characteristics
// with UUID 'serial_number_string'. The device has been connected to and its
// attributes are ready to be discovered.
function getHIDDevice(options) {
let device, fake_peripheral;
return getConnectedHIDDevice(options)
.then(_ => ({device, fake_peripheral} = _))
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTDiscoveryResponse({
.then(() => ({device, fake_peripheral}));
// Similar to getHealthThermometerDevice except the GATT discovery
// response has not been set yet so more attributes can still be added.
// TODO(crbug.com/719816): Add descriptors.
function getConnectedHIDDevice(options) {
let device, fake_peripheral;
return setUpPreconnectedDevice({
address: '10:10:10:10:10:10',
name: 'HID Device',
knownServiceUUIDs: [
.then(_ => (fake_peripheral = _))
.then(() => requestDeviceWithTrustedClick(options))
.then(_ => (device = _))
.then(() => fake_peripheral.setNextGATTConnectionResponse({
.then(() => device.gatt.connect())
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({
uuid: 'generic_access',
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({
uuid: 'device_information',
// Blocklisted Characteristic:
// https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/registries/blob/master/gatt_blocklist.txt
.then(dev_info => dev_info.addFakeCharacteristic({
uuid: 'serial_number_string',
properties: ['read'],
.then(() => fake_peripheral.addFakeService({
uuid: 'human_interface_device',
.then(() => ({device, fake_peripheral}));
// Similar to getHealthThermometerDevice() except the device
// is not connected and thus its services have not been
// discovered.
function getDiscoveredHealthThermometerDevice(
options = {filters: [{services: ['health_thermometer']}]}) {
return setUpHealthThermometerDevice()
.then(fake_peripheral => {
return requestDeviceWithTrustedClick(options)
.then(device => ({
device: device,
fake_peripheral: fake_peripheral