[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 23875ef07f63c2d0825bd95bee419775366a5fb6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(enable_extensions, "Ash Chrome has to be built with extensions")
source_set("ash") {
configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
defines = []
if (use_cras) {
defines += [ "USE_CRAS" ]
public_configs = [ "//build/config/linux/nss" ]
sources = [
# Template used by the `tools/oobe/generate_screen_template.py` script.
# Extension API implementations.
allow_circular_includes_from = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
data_deps = [
if (enable_rlz) {
deps += [ "//components/rlz" ]
if (is_cfm) {
sources += [
public_deps += [
deps += [
if (!is_official_build) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (use_cups) {
sources += [
public_deps += [ "//chrome/services/cups_proxy" ]
} else {
sources += [
action("dbus_service_files") {
sources = [
output_conf_file = "$root_out_dir/dbus/chrome_dbus_services.conf"
outputs = [ output_conf_file ]
script = "//chromeos/tools/concat_dbus_conf_files.py"
args = [ rebase_path(output_conf_file, root_build_dir) ]
args += rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
copy("mojo_service_manager_policy") {
sources = [ "net/network_health/network_health_service_policy.json" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/mojo_service_manager/{{source_file_part}}" ]
static_library("arc_test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [
static_library("user_event_reporter_helper_test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [ ":ash" ]
static_library("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
allow_circular_includes_from = [
public_deps = [
deps = [
source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
# TODO(crbug.com/1113900): Consider making this test available on lacros
# builds as well.
# TODO(crbug.com/1442928): Move to under `enable_screen_ai_service`
# when PDF OCR becomes available on windows, macOS, and linux.
deps = [
# Gather unit tests from subdirectories.
if (is_cfm) {
sources += [
deps += [
if (use_cups) {
sources += [ "printing/cups_print_job_manager_utils_unittest.cc" ]
deps += [
data = [ "//chromeos/test/data/" ]
config("allow_shadow_variables") {
cflags = [ "-Wno-shadow" ]
# TODO(b/247823913): Merge this target back into the unit_tests target above
# when third_party/securemessage code stops generating -Wshadow warnings.
source_set("test_with_shadow_variables") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "attestation/soft_bind_attestation_flow_impl_unittest.cc" ]
configs += [ ":allow_shadow_variables" ]
deps = [
proto_library("add_remove_user_event_proto") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
sources =
[ "../policy/messaging_layer/proto/synced/add_remove_user_event.proto" ]
import_dirs = [ "//components/reporting/proto/synced" ]
deps = [ "//components/reporting/proto:session_affiliated_user_proto" ]
proto_library("attestation_proto") {
sources = [ "attestation/attestation_key_payload.proto" ]
proto_library("device_configuration_proto") {
sources = [ "login/screens/recommend_apps/device_configuration.proto" ]
generate_python = false
proto_library("login_logout_event_proto") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
sources =
[ "../policy/messaging_layer/proto/synced/login_logout_event.proto" ]
import_dirs = [ "//components/reporting/proto/synced" ]
deps = [ "//components/reporting/proto:session_affiliated_user_proto" ]
proto_library("lock_unlock_event_proto") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
sources = [ "../policy/messaging_layer/proto/synced/lock_unlock_event.proto" ]
import_dirs = [ "//components/reporting/proto/synced" ]
deps = [ "//components/reporting/proto:session_affiliated_user_proto" ]
proto_library("os_events_proto") {
proto_in_dir = "//"
sources = [ "../policy/messaging_layer/proto/synced/os_events.proto" ]
import_dirs = [ "//components/reporting/proto/synced" ]
deps = [ "//components/reporting/proto:session_affiliated_user_proto" ]
proto_library("print_job_info_proto") {
sources = [ "printing/history/print_job_info.proto" ]
proto_library("screen_brightness_event_proto") {
sources = [ "power/ml/screen_brightness_event.proto" ]
proto_library("user_activity_event_proto") {
sources = [ "power/ml/user_activity_event.proto" ]
proto_library("user_event_reporter_testing_record_proto") {
sources = [ "policy/reporting/user_event_reporter_testing_record.proto" ]
device_policy_remover_path = "$target_gen_dir/device_policy_remover.cc"
action("device_policy_remover_generate") {
script = "../ash/policy/tools/generate_device_policy_remover.py"
descriptor_pool_path = "//third_party/protobuf/python"
symbol_database_path = "$root_out_dir/pyproto"
# This is provided by //components/policy/proto listed in public_deps.
# The containing directory is in a separate variable because that's what
# the script expects as an argument.
chrome_device_policy_pb2_dir = "$root_out_dir/pyproto/components/policy/proto"
chrome_device_policy_pb2_path =
sources = [
# It's important to explicitly list which files provided by this action's
# dependencies are actually used by this action, because the action is not
# automatically re-run on changes in one of the public_deps. See
# https://crbug.com/933359 for more information.
outputs = [ device_policy_remover_path ]
args = [
# generated file name
rebase_path(device_policy_remover_path, root_build_dir),
# directories for PATH variable to compile generated file
rebase_path(descriptor_pool_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(symbol_database_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(chrome_device_policy_pb2_dir, root_build_dir),
public_deps = [
static_library("device_policy_remover_generated") {
sources = [ device_policy_remover_path ]
public_deps = [ ":device_policy_remover_generate" ]
fuzzer_test("smb_url_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "smb_client/fuzzer_data/smb_url_fuzzer.dict"
seed_corpus = "smb_client/fuzzer_data/smb_url_corpus"
fuzzer_test("zeroconf_printer_detector_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "printing/zeroconf_printer_detector_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [
fuzzer_test("create_fnmatch_query_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "extensions/file_manager/create_fnmatch_query_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [
fuzzer_test("search_by_pattern_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "extensions/file_manager/search_by_pattern_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [
if (use_fuzzing_engine_with_lpm) {
fuzzer_test("policy_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "policy/fuzzer/policy_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [
# :policy_fuzzer_proto should be the first dependency to avoid duplicate
# symbols when linking.
# .pak files loaded by the fuzzer.
fuzzable_proto_library("policy_fuzzer_proto") {
sources = [ "policy/fuzzer/policy_fuzzer.proto" ]
import_dirs = [
# Add the fuzzable (full-protobuf) .pb.h files into include directories.
# This item should come first, so that regular (lite-protobuf) .pb.h
# analogs don't get included, as this would cause compilation issues due
# to missing symbols.
# For imports of proto files from the source tree.
# For imports of autogenerated proto files.
proto_deps = [ "//components/policy/proto/fuzzer" ]
link_deps = [ "//components/policy/proto/fuzzer" ]
fuzzer_test("policy_single_install_event_log_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "policy/reporting/single_install_event_log_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [
fuzzer_test("policy_remote_commands_fuzzer") {
sources = [ "policy/remote_commands/remote_commands_fuzzer.cc" ]
deps = [