[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a0f6869693e7ed9dc915522732cd9186b73334ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/flag_descriptions.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
// Keep in identical order as the header file, see the comment at the top
// for formatting rules.
namespace flag_descriptions {
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasName[] = "Accelerated 2D canvas";
const char kAccelerated2dCanvasDescription[] =
"Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of "
"using software rendering.";
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video decode";
const char kAcceleratedVideoDecodeDescription[] =
"Hardware-accelerated video decode where available.";
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeName[] = "Hardware-accelerated video encode";
const char kAcceleratedVideoEncodeDescription[] =
"Hardware-accelerated video encode where available.";
const char kEnableMediaInternalsName[] = "Media-internals page";
const char kEnableMediaInternalsDescription[] =
"Enables the chrome://media-internals debug page.";
const char kAccessiblePDFFormName[] = "Accessible PDF Forms";
const char kAccessiblePDFFormDescription[] =
"Enables accessibility support for PDF forms.";
const char kAccountIdMigrationName[] = "Account ID migration";
const char kAccountIdMigrationDescription[] =
"Migrate to use Gaia ID instead of the email as the account identifer for "
"the Identity Manager.";
const char kLauncherAppSortName[] = "Productivity experiment: Reorder Apps";
const char kLauncherAppSortDescription[] =
"To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that enables users to reorder "
"their apps in order to find them more easily.";
const char kAlignFontDisplayAutoTimeoutWithLCPGoalName[] =
"Align 'font-display: auto' timeout with LCP goal";
const char kAlignFontDisplayAutoTimeoutWithLCPGoalDescription[] =
"Make pending 'display: auto' web fonts enter the swap or failure period "
"immediately before reaching the LCP time limit (~2500ms), so that web "
"fonts do not become a source of bad LCP (Largest Contentful Paint).";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostName[] =
"Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.";
const char kAllowInsecureLocalhostDescription[] =
"Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid certificate "
"is presented.";
const char kAllowSyncXHRInPageDismissalName[] =
"Allows synchronous XHR requests in page dismissal";
const char kAllowSyncXHRInPageDismissalDescription[] =
"Allows synchronous XHR requests during page dismissal when the page is "
"being navigated away or closed by the user.";
const char kWindowsFollowCursorName[] =
"Windows open on the display with the cursor";
const char kWindowsFollowCursorDescription[] =
"When there are multiple displays, windows open on the display where "
"cursor is located.";
const char kAnimatedImageResumeName[] = "Use animated image resume behavior";
const char kAnimatedImageResumeDescription[] =
"Resumes animated images from the last frame drawn rather than attempt "
"to catch up to the frame that should be drawn based on current time.";
const char kAriaElementReflectionName[] = "Enable ARIA element reflection";
const char kAriaElementReflectionDescription[] =
"Enable setting ARIA relationship attributes that reference other elements "
"directly without an IDREF";
const char kCOLRV1FontsName[] = "COLR v1 Fonts";
const char kCOLRV1FontsDescription[] =
"Display COLR v1 color gradient vector fonts.";
extern const char kCSSContainerQueriesName[] = "Enable CSS Container Queries";
extern const char kCSSContainerQueriesDescription[] =
"Enables support for @container, inline-size and block-size values for the "
"contain property, and the LayoutNG Grid implementation.";
const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidName[] = "Conditional Tab Strip";
const char kConditionalTabStripAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access conditional tab strip.";
const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerName[] =
"Content languages in language picker";
const char kContentLanguagesInLanguagePickerDescription[] =
"Enables bringing user's content languages that are translatable to the "
"top of the list with all languages shown in the translate menu";
const char kConversionMeasurementDebugModeName[] =
"Conversion Measurement Debug Mode";
const char kConversionMeasurementDebugModeDescription[] =
"Enables debug mode for the Conversion Measurement API. This removes all "
"reporting delays and noise. Only works if the Conversion Measurement API "
"is already enabled.";
const char kDeprecateMenagerieAPIName[] = "Deprecate Menagerie API on Android";
const char kDeprecateMenagerieAPIDescription[] =
"If enabled, the legacy Menagerie API for profile data will be replaced by "
"the new profile data source";
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoName[] = "Force Start-up Signin Promo";
const char kForceStartupSigninPromoDescription[] =
"If enabled, the full screen signin promo will be forced to show up at "
"Chrome start-up.";
const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationName[] =
"Debug flag for history intervention on no user activation";
const char kDebugHistoryInterventionNoUserActivationDescription[] =
"This flag when enabled, will be used to debug an issue where a page that "
"did not get user activation "
"is able to work around the history intervention which is not the expected "
const char kDetectedSourceLanguageOptionName[] =
"Use Detected Language string on Desktop and Android";
const char kDetectedSourceLanguageOptionDescription[] =
"Renames the 'Unknown' source language option to 'Detected Language' and "
"enables translation of unknown source language pages on Android.";
const char kDetectFormSubmissionOnFormClearName[] =
"Detect form submission when the form is cleared.";
const char kDetectFormSubmissionOnFormClearDescription[] =
"Detect form submissions for change password forms that are cleared and "
"not removed from the page.";
const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsName[] = "Edit passwords in settings";
const char kEditPasswordsInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables password editing in settings.";
const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiName[] =
"Enable Bluetooth Serial Port Profile in Serial API";
const char kEnableBluetoothSerialPortProfileInSerialApiDescription[] =
"When enabled, Bluetooth Serial Port Profile devices will be enumerated "
"for use with the Serial API.";
const char kEnableDrDcName[] =
"Enables Display Compositor to use a new gpu thread.";
const char kEnableDrDcDescription[] =
"When enabled, chrome uses 2 gpu threads instead of 1. "
" Display compositor uses new dr-dc gpu thread and all other clients "
"(raster, webgl, video) "
" continues using the gpu main thread.";
const char kEnablePolicyBlocklistThrottleRequiresPoliciesLoadedName[] =
"Url blocklist throttle wait for policies to be loaded";
const char kEnablePolicyBlocklistThrottleRequiresPoliciesLoadedDescription[] =
"Enables behaviour for Url blocklist throttle to wait for all policies to "
const char kEnableSignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetchName[] =
"Enable Signed Exchange subresource prefetching";
const char kEnableSignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetchDescription[] =
"When enabled, the distributors of signed exchanges can let Chrome know "
"alternative signed exchange subresources by setting \"alternate\" link "
"header. Chrome will prefetch the alternate signed exchange subresources "
"and will load them if the publisher of the main signed exchange has set "
"\"allowed-alt-sxg\" link header in the signed inner response of the "
"main signed exchange.";
const char kEnableSignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigationsName[] =
"Enable Signed Exchange prefetch cache for navigations";
const char kEnableSignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigationsDescription[] =
"When enabled, the prefetched signed exchanges is stored to a prefetch "
"cache attached to the frame. The body of the inner response is stored as "
"a blob and the verification process of the signed exchange is skipped for "
"the succeeding navigation.";
const char kUpdatedCellularActivationUiName[] =
"Updated Cellular Activation UI";
const char kUpdatedCellularActivationUiDescription[] =
"Enables the updated cellular activation UI.";
const char kUseLookalikesForNavigationSuggestionsName[] =
"Use lookalike URL suggestions for navigation suggestions";
const char kUseLookalikesForNavigationSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Use lookalike URL suggestions to suggest navigations to users who "
"face domain not found error.";
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressName[] = "Use Stork SM-DS address";
const char kUseStorkSmdsServerAddressDescription[] =
"Use the Stork SM-DS address to fetch pending eSIM profiles managed by the "
"Stork prod server. Note that Stork profiles can be created with an EID at "
"go/stork-profile, and managed at go/stork-batch > View Profiles. Also "
"note that an external EUICC card is required to use this feature, and "
"that the kCellularUseExternal flag must be enabled. Go to "
"go/cros-connectivity > Dev Tips for more instructions.";
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlName[] = "Use Wallpaper staging URL";
const char kUseWallpaperStagingUrlDescription[] =
"Use the staging server as part of the Wallpaper App to verify "
"additions/removals of wallpapers.";
const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideName[] =
"Use semantic color debug override";
const char kSemanticColorsDebugOverrideDescription[] =
"Use debug override colors to find system components that are not using "
"semantic colors.";
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlName[] = "Use Messages staging URL";
const char kUseMessagesStagingUrlDescription[] =
"Use the staging server as part of the \"Messages\" feature under "
"\"Connected Devices\" settings.";
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainName[] = "Use custom Messages domain";
const char kUseCustomMessagesDomainDescription[] =
"Use a custom URL as part of the \"Messages\" feature under "
"\"Connected Devices\" settings.";
const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIName[] =
"Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android";
const char kAndroidPictureInPictureAPIDescription[] =
"Enable Picture-in-Picture Web API for Android";
const char kAppCacheName[] = "AppCache web API and browser backend";
const char kAppCacheDescription[] =
"When disabled, turns off all AppCache code so that developers "
"can test that their code works properly in the future when AppCache "
"has been removed. If disabled, this will also delete any AppCache data "
"from profile directories.";
const char kDnsHttpssvcName[] = "Support for HTTPSSVC records in DNS.";
const char kDnsHttpssvcDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome may query a configured DoH server for HTTPSSVC "
"records. If any HTTPSSVC records are returned, Chrome may upgrade the URL "
"to HTTPS. If the records indicate support for QUIC, Chrome may attempt "
"QUIC on the first connection.";
const char kEnableFirstPartySetsName[] = "Enable First-Party Sets";
const char kEnableFirstPartySetsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Chrome will apply First-Party Sets to features such as the "
"SameParty cookie attribute.";
const char kDnsOverHttpsName[] = "Secure DNS lookups";
const char kDnsOverHttpsDescription[] =
"Enables DNS over HTTPS. When this feature is enabled, your browser may "
"try to use a secure HTTPS connection to look up the addresses of websites "
"and other web resources.";
extern const char kAssistantConsentV2Name[] = "AssistanConsentV2";
extern const char kAssistantConsentV2Description[] =
"Enables different strategies for handling backing off from the consent "
"screen without explicitly clicking yes/no buttons, i.e. when a user taps "
"outside of the sheet.";
const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardName[] =
"Return cloud token details for server credit cards when possible";
const char kAutofillAlwaysReturnCloudTokenizedCardDescription[] =
"When enabled and where available, forms filled using Google Payments "
"server cards are populated with cloud token details, including CPAN "
"(cloud tokenized version of the Primary Account Number) and dCVV (dynamic "
const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsName[] =
"Auto trigger manual fallback for credit card form-filling failure cases";
const char kAutofillAutoTriggerManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, manual fallback will be auto-triggered on form interaction "
"in the case where autofill failed to fill a credit card form accurately.";
const char kAutofillEnableGoogleIssuedCardName[] =
"Enable Autofill Google-issued card";
const char kAutofillEnableGoogleIssuedCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, Google-issued cards will be available in the autofill "
const char kAutofillEnableMerchantBoundVirtualCardsName[] =
"Offer merchant bound virtual cards in Autofill";
const char kAutofillEnableMerchantBoundVirtualCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will offer to use merchant bound virtual cards in "
"payment forms.";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationName[] =
"Enable Autofill offers and rewards notification";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationDescription[] =
"When enabled, a notification will be displayed on page navigation if the "
"domain has an eligible credit card linked offer or reward.";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationCrossTabTrackingName[] =
"Enable cross tab status tracking for Autofill offer notification";
const char kAutofillEnableOfferNotificationCrossTabTrackingDescription[] =
"When enabled, the offer notification showing will be tracked cross-tab, "
"and on one merchant, the notification will only be shown once.";
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryName[] =
"Enable Autofill offers in keyboard accessory";
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInClankKeyboardAccessoryDescription[] =
"When enabled, offers will be displayed in the keyboard accessory when "
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInDownstreamName[] =
"Enable Autofill offers in downstream";
const char kAutofillEnableOffersInDownstreamDescription[] =
"When enabled, offer data will be retrieved during downstream and shown in "
"the dropdown list.";
const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsName[] =
"Make manual fallback sticky for credit cards";
const char kAutofillEnableStickyManualFallbackForCardsDescription[] =
"When enabled, if the user interacts with the manual fallback bottom "
"sheet, it'll remain sticky until the user dismisses it.";
const char kAutofillEnableToolbarStatusChipName[] =
"Move Autofill omnibox icons next to the profile avatar icon";
const char kAutofillEnableToolbarStatusChipDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill data related icon will be shown in the status "
"chip next to the profile avatar icon in the toolbar.";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardName[] =
"Offer to use cloud token virtual card in Autofill";
const char kAutofillEnableVirtualCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, if all requirements are met, Autofill will offer to use "
"virtual credit cards in form filling.";
const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] =
"Enable Autofill of promo code fields in forms";
const char kAutofillFillMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to fill merchant promo/coupon/gift "
"code fields when data is available.";
const char kAutofillFixOfferInIncognitoName[] =
"Enable the fix for Autofill offer in Incognito mode";
const char kAutofillFixOfferInIncognitoDescription[] =
"When enabled, the fix will be enabled and offers should work correctly in "
"Incognito mode.";
const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsName[] =
"Parse promo code fields in forms";
const char kAutofillParseMerchantPromoCodeFieldsDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill will attempt to find merchant promo/coupon/gift "
"code fields when parsing forms.";
const char kAutofillProfileClientValidationName[] =
"Autofill Validates Profiles By Client";
const char kAutofillProfileClientValidationDescription[] =
"Allows autofill to validate profiles on the client side";
const char kAutofillProfileServerValidationName[] =
"Autofill Uses Server Validation";
const char kAutofillProfileServerValidationDescription[] =
"Allows autofill to use server side validation";
const char kAutofillPruneSuggestionsName[] = "Autofill Prune Suggestions";
const char kAutofillPruneSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Further limits the number of suggestions in the Autofill dropdown.";
const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPAName[] =
"Offer save and autofill of UPI/VPA values";
const char kAutofillSaveAndFillVPADescription[] =
"If enabled, when autofill recognizes a UPI/VPA value in a payment form, "
"it will offer to save it. If saved, it will be offered for filling in "
"fields which expect a VPA.";
const char kAutofillSuggestVirtualCardsOnIncompleteFormName[] =
"Autofill suggests virtual cards on incomplete forms";
const char kAutofillSuggestVirtualCardsOnIncompleteFormDescription[] =
"When enabled, merchant bound virtual cards will be suggested even if not "
"all "
"of the card number, exp date and CVC fields are detected in a payment "
const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationName[] =
"Autofill Uses Improved Label Disambiguation";
const char kAutofillUseImprovedLabelDisambiguationDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Autofill dropdown's suggestions' labels are displayed "
"using the improved disambiguation format.";
const char kAutoScreenBrightnessName[] = "Auto Screen Brightness model";
const char kAutoScreenBrightnessDescription[] =
"Uses Auto Screen Brightness ML model (if it exists) to adjust screen "
"brightness based on ambient light. If disabled, screen brightness "
"will be controlled by the heuristic model provided by powerd (and only "
"on devices that have ambient light sensors).";
const char kAvatarToolbarButtonName[] = "Avatar Toolbar Button";
const char kAvatarToolbarButtonDescription[] =
"Enables the avatar toolbar button and the associated menu";
const char kBackForwardCacheName[] = "Back-forward cache";
const char kBackForwardCacheDescription[] =
"If enabled, caches eligible pages after cross-site navigations."
"To enable caching pages on same-site navigations too, choose 'enabled "
"same-site support'.";
const char kBentoBarName[] = "Persistent desks bar";
const char kBentoBarDescription[] =
"Showing a persistent desks bar at the top of the screen in clamshell mode "
"when there are more than one desk.";
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingName[] =
"Biometric reauth for password filling";
const char kBiometricReauthForPasswordFillingDescription[] =
"Enables biometric"
"re-authentication before password filling";
const char kBorealisDiskManagementName[] = "Borealis Disk management";
const char kBorealisDiskManagementDescription[] =
"Enable experimental disk management settings.";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksName[] =
"Bypass user engagement checks";
const char kBypassAppBannerEngagementChecksDescription[] =
"Bypasses user engagement checks for displaying app banners, such as "
"requiring that users have visited the site before and that the banner "
"hasn't been shown recently. This allows developers to test that other "
"eligibility requirements for showing app banners, such as having a "
"manifest, are met.";
const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityName[] = "Check offline capability for PWAs";
const char kCheckOfflineCapabilityDescription[] =
"Use advanced offline capability check to decide whether the browser "
"displays install prompts for PWAs.";
const char kChromeLabsName[] = "Chrome Labs";
const char kChromeLabsDescription[] =
"Access Chrome Labs through the toolbar menu to see featured user-facing "
"experimental features.";
const char kCompositeAfterPaintName[] = "Composite after paint";
const char kCompositeAfterPaintDescription[] =
"A new algorithm to create compositing layers. "
"See http://bit.ly/composite-after-paint.";
const char kContextMenuGoogleLensChipName[] =
"Google Lens powered image search for surfaced as a chip below the context "
const char kContextMenuGoogleLensChipDescription[] =
"Enable a chip for a Shopping intent into Google Lens when supported. ";
const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensName[] =
"Google Lens powered image search in the context menu.";
const char kContextMenuSearchWithGoogleLensDescription[] =
"Replaces default image search with an intent to Google Lens when "
const char kContextMenuShopWithGoogleLensName[] =
"Google Lens powered image search for shoppable images in the context "
const char kContextMenuShopWithGoogleLensDescription[] =
"Enable a menu item for a Shopping intent into Google Lens when supported. "
"By default replaces the Search with Google Lens option.";
const char kContextMenuSearchAndShopWithGoogleLensName[] =
"Additional menu item for Google Lens image search for shoppable images in "
"the context menu.";
const char kContextMenuSearchAndShopWithGoogleLensDescription[] =
"Display an additional menu item for a Shopping intent to Google Lens "
"below Search with Google Lens when Lens shopping feature is enabled";
const char kContextMenuTranslateWithGoogleLensName[] =
"Google Lens powered image search for translatable images surfaced as a "
"chip under the context menu.";
const char kContextMenuTranslateWithGoogleLensDescription[] =
"Enable a chip for a Translate intent into Google Lens when supported.";
const char kClipboardCustomFormatsName[] = "Clipboard Custom Formats";
const char kClipboardCustomFormatsDescription[] =
"Allows read/write of custom formats with unsanitized clipboard content. "
"See crbug.com/106449";
const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingName[] =
"Access contexts for client-side storage";
const char kClientStorageAccessContextAuditingDescription[] =
"Record the first-party contexts in which client-side storage was accessed";
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameName[] =
"Clear window name in top-level cross-site cross-browsing-context-group "
const char kClearCrossSiteCrossBrowsingContextGroupWindowNameDescription[] =
"Clear the preserved window.name property when it's a top-level cross-site "
"navigation that swaps BrowsingContextGroup.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuName[] =
"Show 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuDescription[] =
"Enables 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; the menu item will take users to "
"an official Google site with information about the latest and most "
"popular Chrome features.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] =
"Show 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in Help portion of main menu.";
const char kChromeTipsInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] =
"Enables 'New' promo badge on 'Tips for Chrome' in main menu; experiment to"
" test the value of this user education feature.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewUIName[] =
"Show Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new";
const char kChromeWhatsNewUIDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome What's New page at chrome://whats-new.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeName[] =
"Show 'New' badge on 'What's New' menu item.";
const char kChromeWhatsNewInMainMenuNewBadgeDescription[] =
"Enables 'New' promo badge on 'What's New' in the Help portion of the main "
const char kCompositingBasedThrottling[] = "Compositing-based Throttling";
const char kCompositingBasedThrottlingDescription[] =
"Enables compositing-based throttling to throttle appropriate frame sinks "
"that do not need to be refreshed at high fps.";
const char kDarkLightTestName[] = "Dark/light mode of system UI";
const char kDarkLightTestDescription[] =
"Enables the dark/light mode of system UI, which includes shelf, launcher, "
"system tray etc.";
const char kDecodeJpeg420ImagesToYUVName[] = "YUV decoding for JPEG";
const char kDecodeJpeg420ImagesToYUVDescription[] =
"Decode and render 4:2:0 formatted jpeg images from YUV instead of RGB."
"This feature requires GPU or OOP rasterization to also be enabled.";
const char kDecodeLossyWebPImagesToYUVName[] = "YUV Decoding for WebP";
const char kDecodeLossyWebPImagesToYUVDescription[] =
"Decode and render lossy WebP images from YUV instead of RGB. "
"You must also have GPU rasterization or OOP rasterization.";
const char kDevicePostureName[] = "Device Posture API";
const char kDevicePostureDescription[] =
"Enables Device Posture API (foldable devices)";
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingName[] = "Double buffered compositing";
const char kDoubleBufferCompositingDescription[] =
"Use double buffer for compositing (instead of triple-buffering). "
"Latency should be reduced in some cases. On the other hand, more skipped "
"frames are expected.";
const char kFontAccessAPIName[] = "Font Access APIs";
const char kFontAccessAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the experimental Font Access APIs, giving websites access "
"to enumerate local fonts and access their table data.";
const char kFontAccessPersistentName[] =
"Enable persistent access to the Font Access API";
const char kFontAccessPersistentDescription[] =
"Enables persistent access to the Font Access API, giving websites access "
"to enumerate local fonts after being granted a permission.";
const char kForceColorProfileSRGB[] = "sRGB";
const char kForceColorProfileP3[] = "Display P3 D65";
const char kForceColorProfileColorSpin[] = "Color spin with gamma 2.4";
const char kForceColorProfileSCRGBLinear[] =
"scRGB linear (HDR where available)";
const char kForceColorProfileHDR10[] = "HDR10 (HDR where available)";
const char kForceColorProfileName[] = "Force color profile";
const char kForceColorProfileDescription[] =
"Forces Chrome to use a specific color profile instead of the color "
"of the window's current monitor, as specified by the operating system.";
const char kDynamicColorGamutName[] = "Dynamic color gamut";
const char kDynamicColorGamutDescription[] =
"Displays in wide color when the content is wide. When the content is "
"not wide, displays sRGB";
const char kCooperativeSchedulingName[] = "Cooperative Scheduling";
const char kCooperativeSchedulingDescription[] =
"Enables cooperative scheduling in Blink.";
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingName[] =
"Darken websites checkbox in themes setting";
const char kDarkenWebsitesCheckboxInThemesSettingDescription[] =
"Show a darken websites checkbox in themes settings when system default or "
"dark is selected. The checkbox can toggle the auto-darkening web contents "
const char kDebugPackedAppName[] = "Debugging for packed apps";
const char kDebugPackedAppDescription[] =
"Enables debugging context menu options such as Inspect Element for packed "
const char kDebugShortcutsName[] = "Debugging keyboard shortcuts";
const char kDebugShortcutsDescription[] =
"Enables additional keyboard shortcuts that are useful for debugging Ash.";
const char kDetectTargetEmbeddingLookalikesName[] =
"Detect target embedding domains as lookalikes.";
const char kDetectTargetEmbeddingLookalikesDescription[] =
"Shows a lookalike interstitial when navigating to target embedding domains"
"(e.g. google.com.example.com).";
const char kDisableProcessReuse[] = "Disable subframe process reuse";
const char kDisableProcessReuseDescription[] =
"Prevents out-of-process iframes from reusing compatible processes from "
"unrelated tabs. This is an experimental mode that will result in more "
"processes being created.";
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiName[] =
"Block scripts loaded via document.write";
const char kDisallowDocWrittenScriptsUiDescription[] =
"Disallows fetches for third-party parser-blocking scripts inserted into "
"the main frame via document.write.";
const char kDocumentTransitionName[] = "documentTransition API";
const char kDocumentTransitionDescription[] =
"Controls the availability of the documentTransition JavaScript API.";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnforcementName[] = "Audio Focus Enforcement";
const char kEnableAudioFocusEnforcementDescription[] =
"Enables enforcement of a single media session having audio focus at "
"any one time. Requires #enable-media-session-service to be enabled too.";
const char kEnableAutofillAccountWalletStorageName[] =
"Enable the account data storage for autofill";
const char kEnableAutofillAccountWalletStorageDescription[] =
"Enable the ephemeral storage for account data for autofill.";
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptName[] =
"Autofill Address Save Prompts";
const char kEnableAutofillAddressSavePromptDescription[] =
"Enable the Autofill address save prompts.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationName[] =
"Allow using platform authenticators to retrieve server cards";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardAuthenticationDescription[] =
"When enabled, users will be given the option to use a platform "
"authenticator (if available) to verify card ownership when retrieving "
"credit cards from Google Payments.";
const char
kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSingleAccountUsersName[] =
"Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for "
"single account users";
const char
[] = "When enabled and user has single account, a footer indicating "
"user's e-mail address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars "
"which has corresponding account indication footer flags on.";
const char kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersName[] =
"Display InfoBar footers with account indication information for "
"sync users";
const char
kEnableAutofillInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterForSyncUsersDescription[] =
"When enabled and user is signed in, a footer indicating user's e-mail "
"address will appear at the bottom of InfoBars which has "
"corresponding account indication footer flags on.";
const char kEnableAutofillPasswordInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterName[] =
"Display password InfoBar footers with account indication information";
const char kEnableAutofillPasswordInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterDescription[] =
"When enabled, a footer indicating user's e-mail address will appear at "
"the bottom of corresponding password InfoBars.";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterName[] =
"Display SaveCardInfoBar footer with account indication information";
const char kEnableAutofillSaveCardInfoBarAccountIndicationFooterDescription[] =
"When enabled, a footer indicating user's e-mail address will appear at "
"the bottom of SaveCardInfoBar.";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadFeedbackName[] =
"Enable feedback for credit card upload flow";
const char kEnableAutofillCreditCardUploadFeedbackDescription[] =
"When enabled, if credit card upload succeeds, the avatar button will "
"show a highlight, otherwise the icon will be updated and if it is "
"clicked, the save card failure bubble will be shown.";
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesName[] =
"Enable experimental cookie features";
const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable new features that affect setting, sending, and managing cookies. "
"The enabled features are subject to change at any time.";
const char kEnableSaveDataName[] = "Enables save data feature";
const char kEnableSaveDataDescription[] =
"Enables save data feature. May cause user's traffic to be proxied via "
"Google's data reduction proxy.";
const char kEnableNavigationPredictorName[] = "Enables navigation predictor";
const char kEnableNavigationPredictorDescription[] =
"Enables navigation predictor feature that predicts the next likely "
"navigation using a set of heuristics.";
const char kEnablePreconnectToSearchName[] =
"Enables preconnections to default search engine";
const char kEnablePreconnectToSearchDescription[] =
"Enables the feature that preconnects to the user's default search engine.";
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesName[] =
"Enable removing SameSite=None cookies";
const char kEnableRemovingAllThirdPartyCookiesDescription[] =
"Enables UI on chrome://settings/siteData to remove all third-party "
"cookies and site data.";
const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerName[] =
"Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run.";
const char kEnableBrowsingDataLifetimeManagerDescription[] =
"Enables the BrowsingDataLifetimeManager service to run and periodically "
"delete browsing data as specified by the BrowsingDataLifetime policy.";
const char kColorProviderRedirectionName[] = "Color Provider Redirection";
const char kColorProviderRedirectionDescription[] =
"Redirects color requests to the color provider where possible.";
const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleName[] =
"Desktop PWAs prefix window title with app name.";
const char kDesktopPWAsPrefixAppNameInWindowTitleDescription[] =
"Prefix the window title of installed PWAs with the name of the PWA. On "
"ChromeOS this is visible only in the window/activity switcher.";
const char kDesktopPWAsAppIconShortcutsMenuUIName[] =
"Desktop PWAs app icon shortcuts menu UI";
const char kDesktopPWAsAppIconShortcutsMenuUIDescription[] =
"Show web app shortcuts in the shelf context menu";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSName[] =
"Desktop PWAs Attention Badging";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSDescription[] =
"Enable attention badging for PWA icons in the shelf and launcher.";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSApiAndNotifications[] =
"for Badging API and notifications";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSApiOverridesNotifications[] =
"for Badging API, or notifications for apps not using Badging API";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSApiOnly[] = "for Badging API only";
const char kDesktopPWAsAttentionBadgingCrOSNotificationsOnly[] =
"for notifications only";
const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarName[] = "Desktop PWAs remove status bar";
const char kDesktopPWAsRemoveStatusBarDescription[] =
"Hides the status bar popup in Desktop PWA app windows.";
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuName[] =
"Desktop PWAs elided extensions menu";
const char kDesktopPWAsElidedExtensionsMenuDescription[] =
"Moves the Extensions \"puzzle piece\" icon from the title bar into the "
"app menu for web app windows.";
const char kDesktopPWAsFlashAppNameInsteadOfOriginName[] =
"Desktop PWAs flash app name instead of origin";
const char kDesktopPWAsFlashAppNameInsteadOfOriginDescription[] =
"Replaces the origin flash with an app name flash when launching a web app "
const char kDesktopPWAsNotificationIconAndTitleName[] =
"Desktop PWAs improvements in notification icon and title";
const char kDesktopPWAsNotificationIconAndTitleDescription[] =
"Replaces the websites origin and the Chrome icon with the web app's name "
"and app icon in notifications.";
const char kDesktopPWAsLinkCapturingName[] =
"Desktop PWA declarative link capturing";
const char kDesktopPWAsLinkCapturingDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare link capturing behavior. Prototype "
"implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdName[] = "Desktop PWA manifest id";
const char kDesktopPWAsManifestIdDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare id. Prototype "
"implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripName[] = "Desktop PWA tab strips";
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for exploring what PWA windows would look like with a tab "
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripLinkCapturingName[] =
"Desktop PWA tab strip link capturing";
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripLinkCapturingDescription[] =
"Experimental behaviour for \"Desktop PWA tab strips\" to capture link "
"navigations within the app scope and bring them into the app's tabbed "
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsName[] =
"Desktop PWA tab strips settings";
const char kDesktopPWAsTabStripSettingsDescription[] =
"Experimental UI for selecting whether a PWA should open in tabbed mode.";
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsName[] = "Desktop PWA Sub Apps";
const char kDesktopPWAsSubAppsDescription[] =
"Enable installed PWAs to create shortcuts by installing their sub apps. "
"Prototype implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsProtocolHandlingName[] = "Desktop PWA Protocol handling";
const char kDesktopPWAsProtocolHandlingDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare protocol handling behavior."
"See: https://crbug.com/1019239.";
const char kDesktopPWAsUrlHandlingName[] = "Desktop PWA URL handling";
const char kDesktopPWAsUrlHandlingDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare URL handling behavior. Prototype "
"implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayName[] =
"Desktop PWA Window Controls Overlay";
const char kDesktopPWAsWindowControlsOverlayDescription[] =
"Enable web app manifests to declare Window Controls Overlay as a display "
"override. Prototype implementation of: "
const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesName[] = "Desktop PWAs Web Bundles";
const char kDesktopPWAsWebBundlesDescription[] =
"Adds support for web bundles, making web apps able to be launched "
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteName[] =
"Migrate default G Suite Chrome apps to web apps";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsGSuiteDescription[] =
"Enable the migration of default installed G Suite Chrome apps over to "
"their corresponding web apps.";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteName[] =
"Migrate default non-G Suite Chrome apps to web apps";
const char kEnableMigrateDefaultChromeAppToWebAppsNonGSuiteDescription[] =
"Enable the migration of default installed non-G Suite Chrome apps over to "
"their corresponding web apps.";
const char kEnableSyncRequiresPoliciesLoadedName[] =
"Sync waits for all policies to load before starting";
const char kEnableSyncRequiresPoliciesLoadedDescription[] =
"Enables behaviour for Sync to wait for all policies to load before "
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataName[] = "TLS 1.3 Early Data";
const char kEnableTLS13EarlyDataDescription[] =
"This option enables TLS 1.3 Early Data, allowing GET requests to be sent "
"during the handshake when resuming a connection to a compatible TLS 1.3 "
const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesName[] = "Enhanced network voices";
const char kEnhancedNetworkVoicesDescription[] =
"This option enables high-quality, network-based voices in "
const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Name[] = "TLS Post-Quantum Confidentiality";
const char kPostQuantumCECPQ2Description[] =
"This option enables a post-quantum (i.e. resistent to quantum computers) "
"key exchange algorithm in TLS (CECPQ2).";
const char kMacCoreLocationBackendName[] = "Core Location Backend";
const char kMacCoreLocationBackendDescription[] =
"Enables usage of the Core Location APIs as the backend for Geolocation "
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIName[] =
"Determines which notification API to use on macOS devices";
const char kNewMacNotificationAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the usage of Apple's new notification API which will run on macOS "
const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationName[] =
"WinRT Geolocation Implementation";
const char kWinrtGeolocationImplementationDescription[] =
"Enables usage of the Windows.Devices.Geolocation WinRT APIs on Windows "
"for geolocation";
extern const char kEnableExtendedSyncPromosCapabilityName[] =
"Enables reading the extended sync promo account capability";
extern const char kEnableExtendedSyncPromosCapabilityDescription[] =
"When enabled, starts reading the account capability to decide whether "
"or not Chrome should display an extended sync promo";
const char kEnableFencedFramesName[] = "Enable the <fencedframe> element.";
const char kEnableFencedFramesDescription[] =
"Fenced frames are an experimental web platform feature that allows "
"embedding an isolated top-level page. See "
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsName[] =
"Gamepad Button and Axis Events";
const char kEnableGamepadButtonAxisEventsDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to subscribe to changes in buttons and/or axes "
"on the gamepad object.";
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesName[] =
"Generic Sensor Extra Classes";
const char kEnableGenericSensorExtraClassesDescription[] =
"Enables an extra set of sensor classes based on Generic Sensor API, which "
"expose previously unavailable platform features, i.e. AmbientLightSensor "
"and Magnetometer interfaces.";
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingName[] = "Enable gpu service logging";
const char kEnableGpuServiceLoggingDescription[] =
"Enable printing the actual GL driver calls.";
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppName[] =
"Enable shortcut customization app";
const char kEnableShortcutCustomizationAppDescription[] =
"Enable the shortcut customization SWA, allowing users to customize system "
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerendersName[] =
"Enable Navigation Predictor Isolated Prerenders";
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerendersDescription[] =
"Enable Navigation Predictions on the Google SRP to be fully isolated.";
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerenderProbingName[] =
"Enable Probing on Navigation Predictor Isolated Prerenders";
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerenderProbingDescription[] =
"Enable probing checks for Isolated Prerenders which will block commit.";
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerendersNSPName[] =
"Enable NoStatePrefetch on Navigation Predictor Isolated Prerenders";
const char kEnableSRPIsolatedPrerendersNSPDescription[] =
"Enables NoStatePrefetch on Isolated Prerenders.";
const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeName[] =
"Enable download auto-resumption in native";
const char kDownloadAutoResumptionNativeDescription[] =
"Enables download auto-resumption in native";
const char kDownloadLaterName[] = "Enable download later";
const char kDownloadLaterDescription[] = "Enables download later feature.";
const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiName[] =
"Show download later dialog on WIFI.";
const char kDownloadLaterDebugOnWifiNameDescription[] =
"Show download later dialog on WIFI.";
const char kDownloadProgressMessageName[] = "Show download progress message";
const char kDownloadProgressMessageDescription[] =
"Shows download progress message UI.";
const char kEnableLayoutNGName[] = "Enable LayoutNG";
const char kEnableLayoutNGDescription[] =
"Enable Blink's next generation layout engine.";
const char kEnableLayoutNGTableName[] = "Enable TableNG";
const char kEnableLayoutNGTableDescription[] =
"Enable Blink's next generation table layout.";
const char kEnableLazyFrameLoadingName[] = "Enable lazy frame loading";
const char kEnableLazyFrameLoadingDescription[] =
"Defers the loading of iframes marked with the attribute 'loading=lazy' "
"until the page is scrolled down near them.";
const char kEnableLazyImageLoadingName[] = "Enable lazy image loading";
const char kEnableLazyImageLoadingDescription[] =
"Defers the loading of images marked with the attribute 'loading=lazy' "
"until the page is scrolled down near them.";
const char kEnableMediaSessionServiceName[] = "Media Session Service";
const char kEnableMediaSessionServiceDescription[] =
"Enables the media session mojo service and internal media session "
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileName[] = "Enable network logging to file";
const char kEnableNetworkLoggingToFileDescription[] =
"Enables network logging to a file named netlog.json in the user data "
"directory. The file can be imported into chrome://net-internals.";
const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendName[] = "Enable new download backend";
const char kEnableNewDownloadBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new download backend that uses offline content provider";
const char kEnablePortalsName[] = "Enable Portals.";
const char kEnablePortalsDescription[] =
"Portals are an experimental web platform feature that allows embedding"
" and seamless transitions between pages."
" See https://github.com/WICG/portals and https://wicg.github.io/portals/";
const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginName[] = "Enable cross-origin Portals.";
const char kEnablePortalsCrossOriginDescription[] =
"Allows portals to load cross-origin URLs in addition to same-origin ones."
" Has no effect if Portals are not enabled.";
const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesName[] = "Translate sub frames";
const char kEnableTranslateSubFramesDescription[] =
"Enable the translation of sub frames (as well as the main frame)";
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherName[] =
"Enable Windows.Gaming.Input";
const char kEnableWindowsGamingInputDataFetcherDescription[] =
"Enable Windows.Gaming.Input by default to provide game controller "
"support on Windows 10 desktop.";
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsName[] =
"Block insecure private network requests.";
const char kBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsDescription[] =
"Prevents non-secure contexts from making sub-resource requests to "
"more-private IP addresses. An IP address IP1 is more private than IP2 if "
"1) IP1 is localhost and IP2 is not, or 2) IP1 is private and IP2 is "
"public. This is a first step towards full enforcement of CORS-RFC1918: "
const char kCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyCredentiallessName[] =
"Enable Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: credentialless";
const char kCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyCredentiallessDescription[] =
"Credentialless is a Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) variant. "
"COEP:credentialless causes no-cors cross-origin requests not to include "
"credentials (cookies, client certificates, etc...). Similarly to "
"require-corp, it can be used to enable cross-origin-isolation.";
const char kDeprecateAltClickName[] =
"Enable Alt+Click deprecation notifications";
const char kDeprecateAltClickDescription[] =
"Start providing notifications about Alt+Click deprecation and enable "
"Search+Click as an alternative.";
const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackName[] =
"Deprecate Alt based six-pack (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Delete, Insert)";
const char kDeprecateAltBasedSixPackDescription[] =
"Show deprecation notifications and disable functionality for Alt based "
"six pack deprecations. The Search based versions continue to work.";
const char kDiagnosticsAppName[] = "Diagnostics app";
const char kDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Enables the Diagnostics app that allows Chrome OS users to be able to "
"view their system telemetric information and run diagnostic tests for "
"their device.";
const char kDiagnosticsAppNavigationName[] = "Diagnostics app navigation";
const char kDiagnosticsAppNavigationDescription[] =
"Enables the navigation panel in the Diagnostics app.";
const char kDisableKeepaliveFetchName[] = "Disable fetch with keepalive set";
const char kDisableKeepaliveFetchDescription[] =
"Disable fetch with keepalive set "
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionName[] =
"Experimental accessibility language detection";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDescription[] =
"Enable language detection for in-page content which is then exposed to "
"assistive technologies such as screen readers.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicName[] =
"Experimental accessibility language detection for dynamic content";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLanguageDetectionDynamicDescription[] =
"Enable language detection for dynamic content which is then exposed to "
"assistive technologies such as screen readers.";
const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingName[] =
"Compositor threaded scrollbar scrolling";
const char kCompositorThreadedScrollbarScrollingDescription[] =
"Enables pointer-based scrollbar scrolling on the compositor thread "
"instead of the main thread";
const char kMemlogName[] = "Chrome heap profiler start mode.";
const char kMemlogDescription[] =
"Starts heap profiling service that records sampled memory allocation "
"profile having each sample attributed with a callstack. "
"The sampling resolution is controlled with --memlog-sampling-rate flag. "
"Recorded heap dumps can be obtained at chrome://tracing "
"[category:memory-infra] and chrome://memory-internals. This setting "
"controls which processes will be profiled since their start. To profile "
"any given process at a later time use chrome://memory-internals page.";
const char kMemlogModeMinimal[] = "Browser and GPU";
const char kMemlogModeAll[] = "All processes";
const char kMemlogModeAllRenderers[] = "All renderers";
const char kMemlogModeRendererSampling[] = "Single renderer";
const char kMemlogModeBrowser[] = "Browser only";
const char kMemlogModeGpu[] = "GPU only";
const char kMemlogSamplingRateName[] =
"Heap profiling sampling interval (in bytes).";
const char kMemlogSamplingRateDescription[] =
"Heap profiling service uses Poisson process to sample allocations. "
"Default value for the interval between samples is 100000 (100KB). "
"This results in low noise for large and/or frequent allocations "
"[size * frequency >> 100KB]. This means that aggregate numbers [e.g. "
"total size of malloc-ed objects] and large and/or frequent allocations "
"can be trusted with high fidelity. "
"Lower intervals produce higher samples resolution, but come at a cost of "
"higher performance overhead.";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate10KB[] = "10KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate50KB[] = "50KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate100KB[] = "100KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate500KB[] = "500KB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate1MB[] = "1MB";
const char kMemlogSamplingRate5MB[] = "5MB";
const char kMemlogStackModeName[] = "Heap profiling stack traces type.";
const char kMemlogStackModeDescription[] =
"By default heap profiling service records native stacks. "
"A post-processing step is required to symbolize the stacks. "
"'Native with thread names' adds the thread name as the first frame of "
"each native stack. It's also possible to record a pseudo stack using "
"trace events as identifiers. It's also possible to do a mix of both.";
const char kMemlogStackModeMixed[] = "Mixed";
const char kMemlogStackModeNative[] = "Native";
const char kMemlogStackModeNativeWithThreadNames[] = "Native with thread names";
const char kMemlogStackModePseudo[] = "Trace events";
const char kEnableLensRegionSearchFlagId[] = "enable-lens-region-search";
const char kEnableLensRegionSearchName[] =
"Search your screen with Google Lens";
const char kEnableLensRegionSearchDescription[] =
"Right click and select \"Search part of the page with Google Lens\" to "
"search any region of the site to learn more about the visual content you "
"see while you browse and shop on the web.";
const char kEnableLoginDetectionName[] = "Enable login detection";
const char kEnableLoginDetectionDescription[] =
"Allow user sign-in to be detected based on heuristics.";
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiName[] =
"Enable Managed Configuration Web API";
const char kEnableManagedConfigurationWebApiDescription[] =
"Allows website to access a managed configuration provided by the device "
"administrator for the origin.";
const char kEnablePciguardUiName[] =
"Enable Pciguard (Thunderbolt + USB4 tunneling) UI for settings";
const char kEnablePciguardUiDescription[] =
"Enable toggling Pciguard settings through the Settings App. By default, "
"this flag is enabled.";
const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionName[] =
"Penetrating Image Selection";
const char kEnablePenetratingImageSelectionDescription[] =
"Enables image options to be surfaced in the context menu for nodes "
"covered by transparent overlays.";
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingName[] = "Enable pixel canvas recording";
const char kEnablePixelCanvasRecordingDescription[] =
"Pixel canvas recording allows the compositor to raster contents aligned "
"with the pixel and improves text rendering. This should be enabled when a "
"device is using fractional scale factor.";
const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityName[] =
"Reduce horizontal fling velocity";
const char kReduceHorizontalFlingVelocityDescription[] =
"Reduces the velocity of horizontal flings to 20\% of their original"
const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsName[] =
"Enable resampling input events";
const char kEnableResamplingInputEventsDescription[] =
"Predicts mouse and touch inputs position at rAF time based on previous "
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsName[] =
"Enable resampling scroll events";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsDescription[] =
"Predicts the scroll amount at vsync time based on previous input";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionName[] =
"Enable experimental prediction for scroll events";
const char kEnableResamplingScrollEventsExperimentalPredictionDescription[] =
"Predicts the scroll amount after the vsync time to more closely match "
"when the frame is visible.";
const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisName[] =
"Enable the restriced web APIs for high-trusted apps.";
const char kEnableRestrictedWebApisDescription[] =
"Enable the restricted web APIs for dev trial. This will be replaced with "
"permission policies to control the capabilities afterwards.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfName[] =
"Use Blink's zoom for device scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfDescription[] =
"If enabled, Blink uses its zooming mechanism to scale content for device "
"scale factor.";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceEnabled[] = "Enabled";
const char kEnableUseZoomForDsfChoiceDisabled[] = "Disabled";
const char kEnableSubresourceRedirectName[] =
"Enable Subresource Redirect Compression";
const char kEnableSubresourceRedirectDescription[] =
"Allow subresource compression for data savings";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationCableV2SupportName[] =
"Web Authentication caBLE v2 support";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationCableV2SupportDescription[] =
"Enable use of phones that are signed into the same account, with Sync "
"enabled, to be used as 2nd-factor security keys.";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorName[] =
"ChromeOS platform Web Authentication support";
const char kEnableWebAuthenticationChromeOSAuthenticatorDescription[] =
"Enable the ChromeOS platform authenticator for the Web Authentication "
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesName[] = "Experimental WebAssembly";
const char kExperimentalWebAssemblyFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental WebAssembly features.";
const char kEnableWasmBaselineName[] = "WebAssembly baseline compiler";
const char kEnableWasmBaselineDescription[] =
"Enables WebAssembly baseline compilation and tier up.";
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationName[] = "WebAssembly lazy compilation";
const char kEnableWasmLazyCompilationDescription[] =
"Enables lazy (JIT on first call) compilation of WebAssembly modules.";
const char kEnableWasmTieringName[] = "WebAssembly tiering";
const char kEnableWasmTieringDescription[] =
"Enables tiered compilation of WebAssembly (will tier up to TurboFan if "
"#enable-webassembly-baseline is enabled).";
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoName[] = "EV certificate details in Page Info.";
const char kEvDetailsInPageInfoDescription[] =
"Shows the EV certificate details in the Page Info bubble.";
const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingName[] =
"Throttle expensive background timers";
const char kExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottlingDescription[] =
"Enables intervention to limit CPU usage of background timers to 1%.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLabelsName[] =
"Experimental Accessibility Labels";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityLabelsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental accessibility labels feature. Note that this only "
"enables the feature, and enabling the service is a profile preference.";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental Web Platform features";
const char kExperimentalWebPlatformFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental Web Platform features that are in development.";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationName[] =
"Extension Content Verification";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationDescription[] =
"This flag can be used to turn on verification that the contents of the "
"files on disk for extensions from the webstore match what they're "
"expected to be. This can be used to turn on this feature if it would not "
"otherwise have been turned on, but cannot be used to turn it off (because "
"this setting can be tampered with by malware).";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationBootstrap[] =
"Bootstrap (get expected hashes, but do not enforce them)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforce[] =
"Enforce (try to get hashes, and enforce them if successful)";
const char kExtensionContentVerificationEnforceStrict[] =
"Enforce strict (hard fail if we can't get hashes)";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsName[] = "Extensions on chrome:// URLs";
const char kExtensionsOnChromeUrlsDescription[] =
"Enables running extensions on chrome:// URLs, where extensions explicitly "
"request this permission.";
const char kFilteringScrollPredictionName[] = "Filtering scroll prediction";
const char kFilteringScrollPredictionDescription[] =
"Enable filtering of predicted scroll events";
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsName[] = "Fractional Scroll Offsets";
const char kFractionalScrollOffsetsDescription[] =
"Enables fractional scroll offsets inside Blink, exposing non-integer "
"offsets to web APIs.";
const char kForceEffectiveConnectionTypeName[] =
"Override effective connection type";
const char kForceEffectiveConnectionTypeDescription[] =
"Overrides the effective connection type of the current connection "
"returned by the network quality estimator. Slow 2G on Cellular returns "
"Slow 2G when connected to a cellular network, and the actual estimate "
"effective connection type when not on a cellular network.";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeUnknownDescription[] = "Unknown";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeOfflineDescription[] = "Offline";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeSlow2GDescription[] = "Slow 2G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionTypeSlow2GOnCellularDescription[] =
"Slow 2G On Cellular";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType2GDescription[] = "2G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType3GDescription[] = "3G";
const char kEffectiveConnectionType4GDescription[] = "4G";
const char kFileHandlingAPIName[] = "File Handling API";
const char kFileHandlingAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the file handling API, allowing websites to register as file "
const char kFileHandlingIconsName[] = "File Handling Icons";
const char kFileHandlingIconsDescription[] =
"Allows websites using the file handling API to also register file type "
"icons. See https://github.com/WICG/file-handling/blob/main/explainer.md "
"for more information.";
const char kFillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsitesName[] =
"Fill passwords across affiliated websites.";
const char kFillingAcrossAffiliatedWebsitesDescription[] =
"Enables filling password on a website when there is saved "
"password on affiliated website.";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectName[] = "Fill passwords on account selection";
const char kFillOnAccountSelectDescription[] =
"Filling of passwords when an account is explicitly selected by the user "
"rather than autofilling credentials on page load.";
const char kForceTextDirectionName[] = "Force text direction";
const char kForceTextDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the per-character directionality of UI text to "
"left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) mode, overriding the default "
"direction of the character language.";
const char kForceDirectionLtr[] = "Left-to-right";
const char kForceDirectionRtl[] = "Right-to-left";
const char kForceUiDirectionName[] = "Force UI direction";
const char kForceUiDirectionDescription[] =
"Explicitly force the UI to left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) "
"mode, overriding the default direction of the UI language.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsName[] = "Global Media Controls";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsDescription[] =
"Enables the Global Media Controls UI in the toolbar.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForCastName[] = "Global Media Controls for Cast";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForCastDescription[] =
"Shows Cast sessions in the Global Media Controls UI. Requires "
"#global-media-controls and #cast-media-route-provider to also be enabled.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForChromeOSName[] =
"Global Media Controls for ChromeOS";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsForChromeOSDescription[] =
"Enable Global Media Controls UI in shelf and quick settings.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsPictureInPictureName[] =
"Global Media Controls Picture-in-Picture";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsPictureInPictureDescription[] =
"Enables Picture-in-Picture controls in the Global Media Controls UI. "
"Requires "
"#global-media-controls to also be enabled.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsSeamlessTransferName[] =
"Global Media Controls Seamless Transfer";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsSeamlessTransferDescription[] =
"Enables selection of audio output device to play media through in "
"the Global Media Controls UI. Requires #global-media-controls to "
"also be enabled.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsModernUIName[] =
"Global Media Controls Modern UI";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsModernUIDescription[] =
"Use a redesigned version of the Global Media Controls UI. Requires "
"#global-media-controls to also be enabled.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsOverlayControlsName[] =
"Enable overlay controls for Global Media Controls";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsOverlayControlsDescription[] =
"Allowing controls to be dragged out from Global Media Controls dialog. "
"Requires #global-media-controls to also be enabled.";
const char kGoogleLensSdkIntentName[] =
"Enable the use of the Lens SDK when starting intent into Lens.";
const char kGoogleLensSdkIntentDescription[] =
"Starts Lens using the Lens SDK if supported.";
const char kGpuRasterizationName[] = "GPU rasterization";
const char kGpuRasterizationDescription[] = "Use GPU to rasterize web content.";
const char kHandwritingGestureEditingName[] = "Handwriting Gestures Editing";
const char kHandwritingGestureEditingDescription[] =
"Enables editing with handwriting gestures within the virtual keyboard.";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionName[] =
"Handwriting Legacy Recognition";
const char kHandwritingLegacyRecognitionDescription[] =
"Enables new on-device recognition for handwriting legacy paths.";
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandling[] = "Hardware Media Key Handling";
const char kHardwareMediaKeyHandlingDescription[] =
"Enables using media keys to control the active media session. This "
"requires MediaSessionService to be enabled too";
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsName[] = "Heavy ad privacy mitigations";
const char kHeavyAdPrivacyMitigationsDescription[] =
"Enables privacy mitigations for the heavy ad intervention. Disabling "
"this makes the intervention deterministic. Defaults to enabled.";
const char kHeavyAdInterventionName[] = "Heavy Ad Intervention";
const char kHeavyAdInterventionDescription[] =
"Unloads ads that use too many device resources.";
const char kHideShelfControlsInTabletModeName[] =
"Hide shelf control buttons in tablet mode.";
const char kHideShelfControlsInTabletModeDescription[] =
"Hides home, back, and overview button from the shelf while the device is "
"in tablet mode. Predicated on shelf-hotseat feature being enabled.";
const char kTabSwitcherOnReturnName[] = "Tab switcher on return";
const char kTabSwitcherOnReturnDescription[] =
"Enable tab switcher on return after specified time has elapsed";
const char kHostedAppShimCreationName[] =
"Creation of app shims for hosted apps on Mac";
const char kHostedAppShimCreationDescription[] =
"Create app shims on Mac when creating a hosted app.";
const char kHttpsOnlyModeName[] = "HTTPS-First Mode Setting";
const char kHttpsOnlyModeDescription[] =
"Adds a setting under chrome://settings/security to opt-in to HTTPS-First "
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistName[] = "Override software rendering list";
const char kIgnoreGpuBlocklistDescription[] =
"Overrides the built-in software rendering list and enables "
"GPU-acceleration on unsupported system configurations.";
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsName[] =
"Enable improved keyboard shortcuts";
const char kImprovedKeyboardShortcutsDescription[] =
"Ensure keyboard shortcuts work consistently with international keyboard "
"layouts and deprecate legacy shortcuts.";
const char kImpulseScrollAnimationsName[] = "Impulse-style scroll animations";
const char kImpulseScrollAnimationsDescription[] =
"Replaces the default scroll animation with Impulse-style scroll "
const char kIncognitoBrandConsistencyForAndroidName[] =
"Enable Incognito brand consistency in Android.";
const char kIncognitoBrandConsistencyForAndroidDescription[] =
"When enabled, keeps Incognito UI consistent regardless of any selected "
const char kIncognitoBrandConsistencyForDesktopName[] =
"Enable Incognito brand consistency in desktop.";
const char kIncognitoBrandConsistencyForDesktopDescription[] =
"When enabled, removes any theme or background customization done by the "
"user on the Incognito UI.";
const char kIncognitoClearBrowsingDataDialogForDesktopName[] =
"Enable clear browsing data dialog in Incognito.";
const char kIncognitoClearBrowsingDataDialogForDesktopDescription[] =
"When enabled, clear browsing data option would be enabled in Incognito "
"which upon clicking would show a dialog to close all Incognito windows.";
const char kUpdateHistoryEntryPointsInIncognitoName[] =
"Update history entry points in Incognito.";
const char kUpdateHistoryEntryPointsInIncognitoDescription[] =
"When enabled, the entry points to history UI from Incognito mode will be "
"removed for iOS and Desktop. An educative placeholder will be shown for "
"Android history page.";
const char kIncognitoNtpRealBoxName[] =
"Incognito New Tab Page Real Search Box";
const char kIncognitoNtpRealBoxDescription[] =
"When enabled, Incognito New Tap Page will display a Real Search Box.";
const char kIncognitoNtpRevampName[] = "Revamped Incognito New Tab Page";
const char kIncognitoNtpRevampDescription[] =
"When enabled, Incognito new tab page will have an updated UI";
const char kIncognitoScreenshotName[] = "Incognito Screenshot";
const char kIncognitoScreenshotDescription[] =
"Enables Incognito screenshots on Android. It will also make Incognito "
"thumbnails visible.";
const char kInheritNativeThemeFromParentWidgetName[] =
"Allow widgets to inherit native theme from its parent widget.";
const char kInheritNativeThemeFromParentWidgetDescription[] =
"When enabled, secondary UI like menu, dialog etc would be in dark mode "
"when Incognito mode is open.";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceName[] = "In-Product Help Demo Mode";
const char kInProductHelpDemoModeChoiceDescription[] =
"Selects the In-Product Help demo mode.";
const char kInstalledAppsInCbdName[] = "Installed Apps in Clear Browsing Data";
const char kInstalledAppsInCbdDescription[] =
"Adds the installed apps warning dialog to the clear browsing data flow "
"which allows users to protect installed apps' data from being deleted.";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyName[] = "Experimental JavaScript";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyDescription[] =
"Enable web pages to use experimental JavaScript features.";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingName[] =
"Latest stable JavaScript features";
const char kJavascriptHarmonyShippingDescription[] =
"Some web pages use legacy or non-standard JavaScript extensions that may "
"conflict with the latest JavaScript features. This flag allows disabling "
"support of those features for compatibility with such pages.";
const char kLegacyTLSEnforcedName[] =
"Enforce deprecation of legacy TLS versions";
const char kLegacyTLSEnforcedDescription[] =
"Enable connection errors and interstitials for sites that use legacy TLS "
"versions (TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1), which are deprecated and will be removed "
" in the future.";
const char kLensCameraAssistedSearchName[] =
"Google Lens in Omnibox and New Tab Page";
const char kLensCameraAssistedSearchDescription[] =
"Enable an entry point to Google Lens to allow users to search what they "
"see using their mobile camera.";
const char kLinkDoctorDeprecationAndroidName[] =
"Link Doctor Deprecation on Android";
const char kLinkDoctorDeprecationAndroidDescription[] =
"Removes the setting for retrieving suggestions on navigation errors since "
"this feature is deprecated.";
const char kLiteVideoName[] = "Enable LiteVideos";
const char kLiteVideoDescription[] =
"Enable the LiteVideo optimization to throttle media requests to "
"reduce data usage";
const char kLiteVideoDownlinkBandwidthKbpsName[] =
"Lite Video: Adjust throttling downlink (in Kbps).";
const char kLiteVideoDownlinkBandwidthKbpsDescription[] =
"Specify the throttling bandwidth to be used";
const char kLiteVideoForceOverrideDecisionName[] = "Force LiteVideos decision";
const char kLiteVideoForceOverrideDecisionDescription[] =
"Force the LiteVideo decision to be allowed on every navigation.";
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesName[] =
"Log JS console messages in system logs";
const char kLogJsConsoleMessagesDescription[] =
"Enable logging JS console messages in system logs, please note that they "
"may contain PII.";
const char kMediaHistoryName[] = "Enable Media History";
const char kMediaHistoryDescription[] =
"Enables Media History which records data around media playbacks on "
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsName[] =
"Connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses";
const char kMediaRouterCastAllowAllIPsDescription[] =
"Have the Media Router connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, not "
"just RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses.";
const char kMediaSessionWebRTCName[] = "Enable WebRTC actions in Media Session";
const char kMediaSessionWebRTCDescription[] =
"Adds new actions into Media Session for video conferencing.";
const char kMemoriesName[] = "Memories";
const char kMemoriesDescription[] = "Enables chrome://history/journeys.";
const char kMemoriesDebugName[] = "Memories Debug";
const char kMemoriesDebugDescription[] =
"Shows visit metadata in chrome://history to debug history clustering.";
const char kMetricsSettingsAndroidName[] = "Metrics Settings on Android";
const char kMetricsSettingsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the new design of metrics settings.";
const char kMixedFormsDisableAutofillName[] =
"Disable autofill for mixed forms";
const char kMixedFormsDisableAutofillDescription[] =
"If enabled, autofill is not allowed for mixed forms (forms on HTTPS sites "
"that submit over HTTP), and a warning bubble will be shown instead. "
"Autofill for passwords is not affected by this setting.";
const char kMixedFormsInterstitialName[] = "Mixed forms interstitial";
const char kMixedFormsInterstitialDescription[] =
"When enabled, a full-page interstitial warning is shown when a mixed "
"content form (a form on an HTTPS site that submits over HTTP) is "
const char kMobileIdentityConsistencyName[] = "Mobile identity consistency";
const char kMobileIdentityConsistencyDescription[] =
"Enables stronger identity consistency on mobile";
const char kWipeDataOnChildAccountSigninName[] =
"Wipe Data On Child account signin";
const char kWipeDataOnChildAccountSigninDescription[] =
"Wipe Data from previous account when signing in a child account";
const char kMobileIdentityConsistencyFREName[] =
"Mobile identity consistency FRE";
const char kMobileIdentityConsistencyFREDescription[] =
"Enables stronger identity consistency on mobile with different UIs for "
"the First Run Experience.";
const char kMobilePwaInstallUseBottomSheetName[] =
"Mobile PWA Installation bottom sheet";
const char kMobilePwaInstallUseBottomSheetDescription[] =
"Enables use of a rich bottom sheet when offering mobile PWA installation.";
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemName[] =
"Enable Mojo Shared Memory Channel";
const char kMojoLinuxChannelSharedMemDescription[] =
"If enabled Mojo on Linux based platforms can use shared memory as an "
"alternate channel for most messages.";
const char kMouseSubframeNoImplicitCaptureName[] =
"Disable mouse implicit capture for iframe";
const char kMouseSubframeNoImplicitCaptureDescription[] =
"When enable, mouse down does not implicit capture for iframe.";
const char kMutingCompromisedCredentialsName[] =
"Enables muting of compromised credentials";
const char kMutingCompromisedCredentialsDescription[] =
"When enable, insecure credential muting state is respected.";
const char kCanvas2DLayersName[] =
"Enables canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer";
const char kCanvas2DLayersDescription[] =
"Enables the canvas 2D methods BeginLayer and EndLayer.";
const char kNewCanvas2DAPIName[] = "Experimental canvas 2D API features";
const char kNewCanvas2DAPIDescription[] =
"Enables in-progress features for the canvas 2D API. See "
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesName[] =
"Enable system-proxy for selected system services";
const char kSystemProxyForSystemServicesDescription[] =
"Enabling this flag will allow Chrome OS system service which require "
"network connectivity to use the system-proxy daemon for authentication to "
"remote HTTP web proxies.";
const char kDestroyProfileOnBrowserCloseName[] =
"Destroy Profile on browser close";
const char kDestroyProfileOnBrowserCloseDescription[] =
"Release memory and other resources when a Profile's last browser window "
"is closed, rather than when Chrome closes completely.";
const char kNewUsbBackendName[] = "Enable new USB backend";
const char kNewUsbBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new experimental USB backend for macOS";
const char kNewTabstripAnimationName[] = "New tabstrip animations";
const char kNewTabstripAnimationDescription[] =
"New implementation of tabstrip animations.";
const char kNotificationIndicatorName[] = "Notification Indicators";
const char kNotificationIndicatorDescription[] =
"Enable notification indicators, which appear on shelf app icons and "
"launcher apps when a notification is active.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerName[] = "Notification scheduler";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDescription[] =
"Enable notification scheduler feature.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionName[] =
"Notification scheduler debug options";
const char kNotificationSchedulerDebugOptionDescription[] =
"Enable debugging mode to override certain behavior of notification "
"scheduler system for easier manual testing.";
const char kNotificationSchedulerImmediateBackgroundTaskDescription[] =
"Show scheduled notification right away.";
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagName[] = "Enable system notifications.";
const char kNotificationsSystemFlagDescription[] =
"Enable support for using the system notification toasts and notification "
"center on platforms where these are available.";
const char kOmniboxActiveSearchEnginesName[] =
"Active Search Engines section on settings page";
const char kOmniboxActiveSearchEnginesDescription[] =
"Enables a 'Your Search Engines' section on "
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountName[] =
"Adaptive Omnibox Suggestions count";
const char kOmniboxAdaptiveSuggestionsCountDescription[] =
"Dynamically adjust number of presented Omnibox suggestions depending on "
"available space. When enabled, this feature will increase (or decrease) "
"amount of offered Omnibox suggestions to fill in the space between the "
"Omnibox and soft keyboard (if any). See also Max Autocomplete Matches "
"flag to adjust the limit of offered suggestions. The number of shown "
"suggestions will be no less than the platform default limit.";
const char kOmniboxAssistantVoiceSearchName[] =
"Omnibox Assistant Voice Search";
const char kOmniboxAssistantVoiceSearchDescription[] =
"When enabled, use Assistant for omnibox voice query recognition instead of"
" Android's built-in voice recognition service. Only works on Android.";
const char kOmniboxBookmarkPathsName[] = "Omnibox Bookmark Paths";
const char kOmniboxBookmarkPathsDescription[] =
"Allows inputs to match with bookmark paths. E.g. 'planets jupiter' can "
"suggest a bookmark titled 'Jupiter' with URL "
"'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter' located in a path containing 'planet.'";
const char kOmniboxClobberTriggersContextualWebZeroSuggestName[] =
"Omnibox Clobber Triggers Contextual Web ZeroSuggest";
const char kOmniboxClobberTriggersContextualWebZeroSuggestDescription[] =
"If enabled, when the user clears the whole omnibox text (i.e. via "
"Backspace), Chrome will request ZeroSuggest suggestions for the OTHER "
"page classification (contextual web).";
const char kOmniboxCompactSuggestionsName[] = "Omnibox: Compact suggestions";
const char kOmniboxCompactSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Conserve the space for Omnibox Suggestions by slightly reducing their "
const char kOmniboxDisableCGIParamMatchingName[] =
"Disable CGI Param Name Matching";
const char kOmniboxDisableCGIParamMatchingDescription[] =
"Disables using matches in CGI parameter names while scoring suggestions.";
const char kOmniboxDefaultTypedNavigationsToHttpsName[] =
"Omnibox - Use HTTPS as the default protocol for navigations";
const char kOmniboxDefaultTypedNavigationsToHttpsDescription[] =
"Use HTTPS as the default protocol when the user types a URL without "
"a protocol in the omnibox such as 'example.com'. Presently, such an entry "
"navigates to http://example.com. When this feature is enabled, it will "
"navigate to https://example.com if the HTTPS URL is available. If Chrome "
"can't determine the availability of the HTTPS URL within the timeout, it "
"will fall back to the HTTP URL.";
const char kOmniboxDocumentProviderAsoName[] = "Omnibox Document Provider ASO";
const char kOmniboxDocumentProviderAsoDescription[] =
"If document suggestions are enabled, swaps the backend from cloudsearch "
"to ASO (Apps Search Overlay) search.";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoringName[] =
"Omnibox Experimental Suggest Scoring";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalSuggestScoringDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental scoring mode for suggestions when Google is the "
"default search engine.";
const char kOmniboxKeywordSpaceTriggeringSettingName[] =
"Omnibox Keyword Space Triggering Setting";
const char kOmniboxKeywordSpaceTriggeringSettingDescription[] =
"Adds a setting to the search engines setting page to control whether "
"spacebar activates keyword mode.";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesName[] = "Omnibox Most Visited Tiles";
const char kOmniboxMostVisitedTilesDescription[] =
"Display a list of frquently visited pages from history as a single row "
"with a carousel instead of one URL per line.";
const char kOmniboxPreserveLongerShortcutsTextName[] =
"Omnibox Preserve Longer Shortcuts Text";
const char kOmniboxPreserveLongerShortcutsTextDescription[] =
"When disabled, updating shortcuts truncates its text to the user input. "
"When enabled, 3 additional characters are preserved.";
const char kOmniboxTrendingZeroPrefixSuggestionsOnNTPName[] =
"Omnibox Trending Zero Prefix Suggestions";
const char kOmniboxTrendingZeroPrefixSuggestionsOnNTPDescription[] =
"Enables trending zero prefix suggestions for signed-in users with no or "
"insufficient search history.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionName[] = "Omnibox Rich Autocompletion";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionDescription[] =
"Allow autocompletion for titles and non-prefixes. I.e. suggestions whose "
"titles or URLs contain the user input as a continuous chunk, but not "
"necessarily a prefix, can be the default suggestion. Typically, only "
"suggestions whose URLs are prefixed by the user input can be. The "
"potential variations toggle 4 params: 1) 'Title UI' displays titles, 2) "
"'2-Line UI' includes titles (and URLs when autocompleting titles) on a "
"2nd line, 3) 'Title AC' autocompletes titles, and 4) 'Non-Prefix AC' "
"autocompletes non-prefixes.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionMinCharName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Min Characters";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionMinCharDescription[] =
"Specifies min input character length to trigger rich autocompletion.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionShowAdditionalTextName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Show Additional Text";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionShowAdditionalTextDescription[] =
"Show the suggestion title or URL additional text when the input matches "
"the URL or title respectively. Defaults to true.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionSplitName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Split";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionSplitDescription[] =
"Allow splitting the user input to intermix with autocompletions; e.g., "
"the user input 'x z' could be autocompleted as 'x [y ]z'.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPreferUrlsOverPrefixesName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Prefer URLs over prefixes";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPreferUrlsOverPrefixesDescription[] =
"When the input matches both a suggestion's title's prefix and its URL's "
"non-prefix, autocomplete the URL.";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingName[] =
"Omnibox Rich Autocompletion Promising Combinations";
const char kOmniboxRichAutocompletionPromisingDescription[] =
"Allow autocompletion for titles and non-prefixes; see Omnibox Rich "
const char kOmniboxRichEntitiesInLauncherName[] =
"Omnibox rich entities in the launcher";
const char kOmniboxRichEntitiesInLauncherDescription[] =
"Enable rich entity formatting for Omnibox results in the launcher.";
const char kOmniboxOnFocusSuggestionsContextualWebAllowSRPName[] =
"Allow Omnibox contextual web on-focus suggestions on the SRP";
const char kOmniboxOnFocusSuggestionsContextualWebAllowSRPDescription[] =
"Enables on-focus suggestions on the Search Results page. "
"Requires on-focus suggestions for the contextual web to be enabled. "
"Will only work if user is signed-in and syncing.";
const char kOmniboxOnFocusSuggestionsContextualWebName[] =
"Omnibox on-focus suggestions for the contextual Web";
const char kOmniboxOnFocusSuggestionsContextualWebDescription[] =
"Enables on-focus suggestions on the Open Web, that are contextual to the "
"current URL. Will only work if user is signed-in and syncing, or is "
"otherwise eligible to send the current page URL to the suggest server.";
const char kOmniboxSpareRendererName[] =
"Start spare renderer on omnibox focus";
const char kOmniboxSpareRendererDescription[] =
"When the omnibox is focused, start an empty spare renderer. This can "
"speed up the load of the navigation from the omnibox.";
const char kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox switch to tab suggestions";
const char kOmniboxTabSwitchSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Enable URL suggestions to optionally take the user to a tab where a "
"website is already opened.";
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesName[] =
"Omnibox Max Zero Suggest Matches";
const char kOmniboxMaxZeroSuggestMatchesDescription[] =
"Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed when zero "
"suggest is active (i.e. displaying suggestions without input).";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesName[] =
"Omnibox UI Max Autocomplete Matches";
const char kOmniboxUIMaxAutocompleteMatchesDescription[] =
"Changes the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in the "
"Omnibox UI.";
const char kOmniboxUpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicatorsName[] =
"Omnibox Updated connection security indicators";
const char kOmniboxUpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicatorsDescription[] =
"Use new connection security indicators for https pages in the omnibox.";
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesName[] = "Omnibox Max URL Matches";
const char kOmniboxMaxURLMatchesDescription[] =
"The maximum number of URL matches to show, unless there are no "
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteName[] =
"Omnibox Dynamic Max Autocomplete";
const char kOmniboxDynamicMaxAutocompleteDescription[] =
"Configures the maximum number of autocomplete matches displayed in the "
"Omnibox UI dynamically based on the number of URL matches.";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoName[] =
"Omnibox on device head suggestions (incognito only)";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsIncognitoDescription[] =
"Google head non personalized search suggestions provided by a compact on "
"device model for incognito";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsNonIncognitoName[] =
"Omnibox on device head suggestions (non-incognito only)";
const char kOmniboxOnDeviceHeadSuggestionsNonIncognitoDescription[] =
"Google head non personalized search suggestions provided by a compact on "
"device model for non-incognito";
const char kOmniboxWebUIOmniboxPopupName[] = "WebUI Omnibox Popup";
const char kOmniboxWebUIOmniboxPopupDescription[] =
"If enabled, uses WebUI to render the omnibox suggestions popup, similar "
"to how the NTP \"realbox\" is implemented.";
const char kEnableSearchPrefetchName[] = "Search Prefetch";
const char kEnableSearchPrefetchDescription[] =
"Allow the default search engine to specify prefetch behavior for "
"suggestions to search results pages.";
const char kOopRasterizationName[] = "Out of process rasterization";
const char kOopRasterizationDescription[] =
"Perform Ganesh raster in the GPU Process instead of the renderer. "
"Must also enable GPU rasterization";
const char kOopRasterizationDDLName[] =
"Out of process rasterization using DDLs";
const char kOopRasterizationDDLDescription[] =
"Use Skia Deferred Display Lists when performing rasterization in the GPU "
"process "
"Must also enable OOP rasterization";
const char kOptimizationGuideModelDownloadingName[] =
"Allow optimization guide model downloads";
const char kOptimizationGuideModelDownloadingDescription[] =
"Enables the optimization guide to download prediction models.";
const char kOptimizationGuideModelPushNotificationName[] =
"Enable optimization guide push notifications";
const char kOptimizationGuideModelPushNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables the optimization guide to receive push notifications.";
const char kEnableDeJellyName[] = "Experimental de-jelly effect";
const char kEnableDeJellyDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental effect which attempts to mitigate "
"\"jelly-scrolling\". This is an experimental implementation with known "
"bugs, visual artifacts, and performance cost. This implementation may be "
"removed at any time.";
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageName[] =
"CrOS Settings App Notifications Page";
const char kOsSettingsAppNotificationsPageDescription[] =
"If enabled, a new App Notifications subpage will appear in the "
"CrOS Settings Apps section.";
const char kOsSettingsDeepLinkingName[] = "CrOS Settings Deep Linking";
const char kOsSettingsDeepLinkingDescription[] =
"Enables a unique URL for each path in CrOS settings. "
"This allows deep linking to individual settings, i.e. in settings search.";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsName[] = "Overlay Scrollbars";
const char kOverlayScrollbarsDescription[] =
"Enable the experimental overlay scrollbars implementation. You must also "
"enable threaded compositing to have the scrollbars animate.";
const char kOverlayStrategiesName[] = "Select HW overlay strategies";
const char kOverlayStrategiesDescription[] =
"Select strategies used to promote quads to HW overlays.";
const char kOverlayStrategiesDefault[] = "Default";
const char kOverlayStrategiesNone[] = "None";
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccludedFullscreen[] =
"Unoccluded fullscreen buffers (single-fullscreen)";
const char kOverlayStrategiesUnoccluded[] =
"Unoccluded buffers (single-fullscreen,single-on-top)";
const char kOverlayStrategiesOccludedAndUnoccluded[] =
"Occluded and unoccluded buffers "
const char kOverrideLanguagePrefsForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Override user-blocklisted languages for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideLanguagePrefsForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of languages that "
"shouldn't be translated.";
const char kOverrideSitePrefsForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Override user-blocklisted sites for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideSitePrefsForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, ignore the user's blocklist of websites that "
"shouldn't be translated.";
const char kOverrideUnsupportedPageLanguageForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Force translation on pages with unsupported languages for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideUnsupportedPageLanguageForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's "
"language cannot be determined or is unsupported.";
const char kOverrideSimilarLanguagesForHrefTranslateName[] =
"Force translation on pages with a similar page language for hrefTranslate";
const char kOverrideSimilarLanguagesForHrefTranslateDescription[] =
"When using hrefTranslate, force translation on pages where the page's "
"language is similar to the target language specified via hrefTranslate.";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationName[] = "Overscroll history navigation";
const char kOverscrollHistoryNavigationDescription[] =
"History navigation in response to horizontal overscroll.";
const char kOverviewButtonName[] = "Overview button at the status area";
const char kOverviewButtonDescription[] =
"If enabled, always show the overview button at the status area.";
const char kPageInfoV2DesktopName[] = "Page info version two desktop";
const char kPageInfoV2DesktopDescription[] =
"Enable the second version of the page info menu on desktop.";
const char kParallelDownloadingName[] = "Parallel downloading";
const char kParallelDownloadingDescription[] =
"Enable parallel downloading to accelerate download speed.";
const char kPasswordChangeInSettingsName[] =
"Rework password change flow from settings";
const char kPasswordChangeInSettingsDescription[] =
"Change password when bulk leak check detected an issue.";
const char kPasswordChangeName[] = "Rework password change flow";
const char kPasswordChangeDescription[] =
"Change password when password leak is detected.";
const char kPasswordImportName[] = "Password import";
const char kPasswordImportDescription[] =
"Import functionality in password settings.";
const char kPasswordScriptsFetchingName[] = "Fetch password scripts";
const char kPasswordScriptsFetchingDescription[] =
"Fetches scripts for password change flows.";
const char kPdfUnseasonedName[] = "Pepper-free PDF viewer";
const char kPdfUnseasonedDescription[] = "Enables the Pepper-free PDF viewer.";
const char kPdfXfaFormsName[] = "PDF XFA support";
const char kPdfXfaFormsDescription[] =
"Enables support for XFA forms in PDFs. "
"Has no effect if Chrome was not built with XFA support.";
const char kForceWebContentsDarkModeName[] = "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents";
const char kForceWebContentsDarkModeDescription[] =
"Automatically render all web contents using a dark theme.";
const char kForcedColorsName[] = "Forced Colors";
const char kForcedColorsDescription[] =
"Enables forced colors mode for web content.";
const char kPercentBasedScrollingName[] = "Percent-based Scrolling";
const char kPercentBasedScrollingDescription[] =
"If enabled, mousewheel and keyboard scrolls will scroll by a percentage "
"of the scroller size.";
const char kPermissionChipName[] = "Permissions Chip Experiment";
const char kPermissionChipDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses a chip in the location"
" bar.";
const char kPermissionChipGestureSensitiveName[] =
"Gesture-sensitive Permissions Chip";
const char kPermissionChipGestureSensitiveDescription[] =
"If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not "
"the chip should be more prominent when the request is associated with a "
const char kPermissionChipRequestTypeSensitiveName[] =
"Request-type-sensitive Permissions Chip";
const char kPermissionChipRequestTypeSensitiveDescription[] =
"If the Permissions Chip Experiment is enabled, controls whether or not "
"the chip should be more or less prominent depending on the request type.";
const char kPermissionPredictionsName[] = "Permission Predictions";
const char kPermissionPredictionsDescription[] =
"Use the Permission Predictions Service to surface permission requests "
"using a quieter UI when the likelihood of the user granting the "
"permission is predicted to be low. Requires "
"chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts and `Safe Browsing Enhanced "
"Protection` to be enabled.";
const char kPermissionQuietChipName[] = "Quiet Permission Chip Experiment";
const char kPermissionQuietChipDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses the quiet chip "
"instead of the right-hand side address bar icon for quiet permission "
"prompts. Requires chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts to be "
const char kPlaybackSpeedButtonName[] = "Playback Speed Button";
const char kPlaybackSpeedButtonDescription[] =
"Enable the playback speed button on the media controls.";
const char kPointerLockOptionsName[] = "Enables pointer lock options";
const char kPointerLockOptionsDescription[] =
"Enables pointer lock unadjustedMovement. When unadjustedMovement is set "
"to true, pointer movements wil not be affected by the underlying platform "
"modications such as mouse accelaration.";
const char kPrerender2Name[] = "Prerender2";
const char kPrerender2Description[] =
"Enables the new prerenderer implementation for "
"<script type=speculationrules> that specifies prerender candidates.";
const char kPrivacyAdvisorName[] = "Privacy Advisor";
const char kPrivacyAdvisorDescription[] =
"Provides contextual entry points for adjusting privacy settings";
const char kPrivacyReviewName[] = "Privacy Review";
const char kPrivacyReviewDescription[] =
"Shows a new subpage in Settings that helps the user to review various "
"privacy settings.";
const char kPrivacySandboxSettingsName[] = "Privacy Sandbox Settings";
const char kPrivacySandboxSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables privacy sandbox settings. Requires at least one of the Privacy "
"Sandbox APIs to be enabled.";
const char kPrivacySandboxSettings2Name[] = "Privacy Sandbox Settings 2";
const char kPrivacySandboxSettings2Description[] =
"Enables the second set of privacy sandbox settings. Requires "
"#privacy-sandbox-settings to also be enabled";
const char kSafeBrowsingPerProfileNetworkContextsName[] =
"Per-profile Safe Browsing network contexts";
const char kSafeBrowsingPerProfileNetworkContextsDescription[] =
"Keys the Safe Browsing network context by the profile initiating the "
const char kSafetyCheckWeakPasswordsName[] = "Safety check for weak passwords";
const char kSafetyCheckWeakPasswordsDescription[] =
"If weak passwords were found, show them in safety check.";
const char kProminentDarkModeActiveTabTitleName[] =
"Prominent Dark Mode Active Tab Titles";
const char kProminentDarkModeActiveTabTitleDescription[] =
"Makes the active tab title in dark mode bolder so the active tab is "
"easier "
"to identify.";
const char kPromoBrowserCommandsName[] = "NTP Promo Browser Commands";
const char kPromoBrowserCommandsDescription[] =
"Enables executing the browser commands sent by the NTP promos";
const char kPullToRefreshName[] = "Pull-to-refresh gesture";
const char kPullToRefreshDescription[] =
"Pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical overscroll.";
const char kPullToRefreshEnabledTouchscreen[] = "Enabled for touchscreen only";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForNameAndIconName[] =
"Enable PWA install update dialog for name/icon changes";
const char kPwaUpdateDialogForNameAndIconDescription[] =
"Enable a confirmation dialog that shows up when a PWA changes its "
const char kQuicName[] = "Experimental QUIC protocol";
const char kQuicDescription[] = "Enable experimental QUIC protocol support.";
const char kQuickActionSearchWidgetAndroidName[] = "Quick Action Search Widget";
const char kQuickActionSearchWidgetAndroidDescription[] =
"When enabled, the quick action search widget will be available to add to "
"the homescreen.";
const char kQuickActionSearchWidgetAndroidDinoVariantName[] =
"Quick Action Search Widget - Dino Variant";
const char kQuickActionSearchWidgetAndroidDinoVariantDescription[] =
"When enabled, the Dino widget will be available to add to the homescreen";
const char kQuietNotificationPromptsName[] =
"Quieter notification permission prompts";
const char kQuietNotificationPromptsDescription[] =
"Enables quieter permission prompts for notification permission requests. "
"When a site wishes to show notifications, the usual modal dialog is "
"replaced with a quieter version.";
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsName[] =
"Split notification permission settings";
const char kSettingsAppNotificationSettingsDescription[] =
"Remove per-app notification permissions settings from the quick settings "
"menu. Notification permission settings will be split between the "
"lacros-chrome browser's notification permission page "
"and the ChromeOS settings app.";
const char kAbusiveNotificationPermissionRevocationName[] =
"Abusive notification permission revocation";
const char kAbusiveNotificationPermissionRevocationDescription[] =
"Enables notification permission revocation for abusive origins. "
"Prior to dispatching a push message to the service worker, the origin is "
"verified through Safe Browsing. Origins with abusive notification "
"permission requests or content will have the notification permission "
const char kContentSettingsRedesignName[] = "Content settings page redesign";
const char kContentSettingsRedesignDescription[] =
"Enables a new content settings page UI.";
const char kReadLaterNewBadgePromoName[] = "Reading list 'New' badge promo";
const char kReadLaterNewBadgePromoDescription[] =
"Causes a 'New' badge to appear on the entry point for adding to the "
"reading list in the tab context menu.";
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoName[] = "Record web app debug info";
const char kRecordWebAppDebugInfoDescription[] =
"Enables recording additional web app related debugging data to be "
"displayed in: chrome://web-app-internals";
const char kReduceUserAgentName[] = "Reduce User-Agent request header";
const char kReduceUserAgentDescription[] =
"Reduce (formerly, \"freeze\") the amount of information available in "
"the User-Agent request header. "
"See https://www.chromium.org/updates/ua-reduction for more info.";
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessName[] = "Restrict gamepad access";
const char kRestrictGamepadAccessDescription[] =
"Enables Permissions Policy and Secure Context restrictions on the Gamepad "
const char kMBIModeName[] = "MBI Scheduling Mode";
const char kMBIModeDescription[] =
"Enables independent agent cluster scheduling, via the "
"AgentSchedulingGroup infrastructure.";
const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingName[] =
"Throttle Javascript timers in background.";
const char kIntensiveWakeUpThrottlingDescription[] =
"When enabled, wake ups from DOM Timers are limited to 1 per minute in a "
"page that has been hidden for 5 minutes. For additional details, see "
const char kSafetyTipName[] =
"Show Safety Tip UI when visiting low-reputation websites";
const char kSafetyTipDescription[] =
"If enabled, a Safety Tip UI may be displayed when visiting or interacting "
"with a site Chrome believes may be suspicious.";
const char kSamePartyCookiesConsideredFirstPartyName[] =
"Consider SameParty cookies to be first-party.";
const char kSamePartyCookiesConsideredFirstPartyDescription[] =
"If enabled, SameParty cookies will not be blocked even if third-party "
"cookies are blocked.";
const char kPartitionedCookiesName[] = "Partitioned cookies";
const char kPartitionedCookiesDescription[] =
"Controls if the Partitioned cookie attribute is enabled.";
const char kSchemefulSameSiteName[] = "Schemeful Same-Site";
const char kSchemefulSameSiteDescription[] =
"Modify the same-site computation such that origins with the same "
"registrable domain but different schemes are considered cross-site. This "
"change only applies to cookies with the 'SameSite' attribute.";
const char kScrollableTabStripFlagId[] = "scrollable-tabstrip";
const char kScrollableTabStripName[] = "Tab Scrolling";
const char kScrollableTabStripDescription[] =
"Enables tab strip to scroll left and right when full.";
const char kScrollableTabStripButtonsName[] = "Tab Scrolling Buttons";
const char kScrollableTabStripButtonsDescription[] =
"When the scrollable-tabstrip flag is enabled, this enables buttons to "
"permanently appear on the tabstrip.";
const char kScrollUnificationName[] = "Scroll Unification";
const char kScrollUnificationDescription[] =
"Refactoring project that eliminates scroll handling code from Blink. "
"Does not affect behavior or performance.";
const char kSearchHistoryLinkName[] = "Search History Link";
const char kSearchHistoryLinkDescription[] =
"Changes the Clear Browsing Data UI to display a link to clear search "
"history on My Google Activity.";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugName[] =
"Secure Payment Confirmation Debug Mode";
const char kSecurePaymentConfirmationDebugDescription[] =
"This flag removes the restriction that PaymentCredential in WebAuthn and "
"secure payment confirmation in PaymentRequest API must use user verifying "
"platform authenticators.";
const char kSendTabToSelfWhenSignedInName[] = "Send tab to self when signed-in";
const char kSendTabToSelfWhenSignedInDescription[] =
"Makes the tab sharing feature also available for users who have \"only\" "
"signed-in to their Google Account (as opposed to having enabled Sync).";
extern const char kSendTabToSelfV2Name[] = "Send tab to self 2.0";
extern const char kSendTabToSelfV2Description[] =
"Enables new received tab "
"UI shown next to the profile icon instead of using system notifications.";
const char kSidePanelFlagId[] = "side-panel";
const char kSidePanelName[] = "Side panel";
const char kSidePanelDescription[] =
"Enables a browser-level side panel for a useful and persistent way to "
"access your Reading List and Bookmarks.";
const char kSidePanelDragAndDropFlagId[] = "side-panel-drag-and-drop";
const char kSidePanelDragAndDropName[] = "Side panel drag and drop";
const char kSidePanelDragAndDropDescription[] =
"Enables drag and drop of bookmarks within the side panel.";
const char kServiceWorkerSubresourceFilterName[] =
"ServiceWorker subresource filter";
const char kServiceWorkerSubresourceFilterDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental API to specify subresource URLs that bypass "
"service workers";
const char kSharedClipboardUIName[] =
"Enable shared clipboard feature signals to be handled";
const char kSharedClipboardUIDescription[] =
"Enables shared clipboard feature signals to be handled by showing "
"a list of user's available devices to share the clipboard.";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsName[] = "Desktop Screenshots";
const char kSharingDesktopScreenshotsDescription[] =
"Enables taking"
" screenshots from the desktop sharing hub.";
const char kSharingHubDesktopAppMenuName[] = "Desktop Sharing Hub in App Menu";
const char kSharingHubDesktopAppMenuDescription[] =
"Enables the Chrome Sharing Hub in the 3-dot menu for desktop.";
const char kSharingHubDesktopOmniboxName[] = "Desktop Sharing Hub in Omnibox";
const char kSharingHubDesktopOmniboxDescription[] =
"Enables the Chrome Sharing Hub in the omnibox for desktop.";
const char kSharingPreferVapidName[] =
"Prefer sending Sharing message via VAPID";
const char kSharingPreferVapidDescription[] =
"Prefer sending Sharing message via FCM WebPush authenticated using VAPID.";
const char kSharingSendViaSyncName[] =
"Enable sending Sharing message via Sync";
const char kSharingSendViaSyncDescription[] =
"Enables sending Sharing message via commiting to Chrome Sync's "
"SHARING_MESSAGE data type";
const char kShelfDragToPinName[] = "Pin apps in shelf using drag";
const char kShelfDragToPinDescription[] =
"Enables pinning unpinned items in shelf by dragging them to the part of "
"the shelf that contains pinned apps.";
const char kShelfHoverPreviewsName[] =
"Show previews of running apps when hovering over the shelf.";
const char kShelfHoverPreviewsDescription[] =
"Shows previews of the open windows for a given running app when hovering "
"over the shelf.";
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesName[] = "Show autofill signatures.";
const char kShowAutofillSignaturesDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill signatures as HTML attributes. Also "
"marks password fields suitable for password generation.";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsName[] = "Show Autofill predictions";
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictionsDescription[] =
"Annotates web forms with Autofill field type predictions as placeholder "
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudName[] = "Show performance metrics in HUD";
const char kShowPerformanceMetricsHudDescription[] =
"Display the performance metrics of current page in a heads up display on "
"the page.";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackName[] = "Show overdraw feedback";
const char kShowOverdrawFeedbackDescription[] =
"Visualize overdraw by color-coding elements based on if they have other "
"elements drawn underneath.";
const char kSkiaRendererName[] = "Skia API for compositing";
const char kSkiaRendererDescription[] =
"If enabled, the display compositor will use Skia as the graphics API "
"instead of OpenGL ES.";
const char kIsolateOriginsName[] = "Isolate additional origins";
const char kIsolateOriginsDescription[] =
"Requires dedicated processes for an additional set of origins, "
"specified as a comma-separated list.";
const char kIsolationByDefaultName[] =
"Change web-facing behaviors that prevent origin-level isolation";
const char kIsolationByDefaultDescription[] =
"Change several web APIs that make it difficult to isolate origins into "
"distinct processes. While these changes will ideally become new default "
"behaviors for the web, this flag is likely to break your experience on "
"sites you visit today.";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutName[] = "Disable site isolation";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutDescription[] =
"Disables site isolation "
"(SitePerProcess, IsolateOrigins, etc). Intended for diagnosing bugs that "
"may be due to out-of-process iframes. Opt-out has no effect if site "
"isolation is force-enabled using a command line switch or using an "
"enterprise policy. "
"Caution: this disables important mitigations for the Spectre CPU "
"vulnerability affecting most computers.";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceDefault[] = "Default";
const char kSiteIsolationOptOutChoiceOptOut[] = "Disabled (not recommended)";
const char kSmoothScrollingName[] = "Smooth Scrolling";
const char kSmoothScrollingDescription[] =
"Animate smoothly when scrolling page content.";
const char kWebOTPCrossDeviceName[] = "WebOTP Cross Device";
const char kWebOTPCrossDeviceDescription[] =
"Enable the WebOTP API to work across devices";
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyName[] = "HTTP Cache Partitioning";
const char kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKeyDescription[] =
"Partitions the HTTP Cache by (top-level site, current-frame site) to "
"disallow cross-site tracking.";
const char kStrictExtensionIsolationName[] = "Strict Extension Isolation";
const char kStrictExtensionIsolationDescription[] =
"Experimental security mode that prevents extensions from sharing a "
"process with each other.";
const char kStrictOriginIsolationName[] = "Strict-Origin-Isolation";
const char kStrictOriginIsolationDescription[] =
"Experimental security mode that strengthens the site isolation policy. "
"Controls whether site isolation should use origins instead of scheme and "
const char kStorageAccessAPIName[] = "Storage Access API";
const char kStorageAccessAPIDescription[] =
"Enables the Storage Access API, allowing websites to request storage "
"access when it would otherwise be restricted.";
const char kStoragePressureEventName[] = "Enable storage pressure Event";
const char kStoragePressureEventDescription[] =
"If enabled, Chrome will dispatch a DOM event, informing applications "
"about storage pressure (low disk space)";
const char kStoreHoursAndroidName[] = "Store Hours";
const char kStoreHoursAndroidDescription[] =
"When enabled, shows store hours for stores in tab grid view.";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchName[] =
"Substring matching for Autofill suggestions";
const char kSuggestionsWithSubStringMatchDescription[] =
"Match Autofill suggestions based on substrings (token prefixes) rather "
"than just prefixes.";
const char kSyncAutofillWalletOfferDataName[] =
"Enable syncing autofill offer data";
const char kSyncAutofillWalletOfferDataDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows syncing autofill wallet offer data type.";
const char kSyncSandboxName[] = "Use Chrome Sync sandbox";
const char kSyncSandboxDescription[] =
"Connects to the testing server for Chrome Sync.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoName[] =
"Enable promos for sync trusted vault passphrase.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphrasePromoDescription[] =
"Enables promos for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as "
"trusted vault.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphraseRecoveryName[] =
"Enable sync trusted vault passphrase with improved recovery.";
const char kSyncTrustedVaultPassphraseRecoveryDescription[] =
"Enables support for an experimental sync passphrase type, referred to as "
"trusted vault, including logic and APIs for improved account recovery "
const char kSystemKeyboardLockName[] = "Experimental system keyboard lock";
const char kSystemKeyboardLockDescription[] =
"Enables websites to use the keyboard.lock() API to intercept system "
"keyboard shortcuts and have the events routed directly to the website "
"when in fullscreen mode.";
const char kStylusBatteryStatusName[] =
"Show stylus battery stylus in the stylus tools menu";
const char kStylusBatteryStatusDescription[] =
"Enables viewing the current stylus battery level in the stylus tools "
const char kSubframeShutdownDelayName[] =
"Add delay to subframe renderer process shutdown";
const char kSubframeShutdownDelayDescription[] =
"Delays shutdown of subframe renderer processes by a few seconds to allow "
"them to be potentially reused. This aims to reduce process churn in "
"navigations where the source and destination share subframes.";
const char kTabEngagementReportingName[] = "Tab Engagement Metrics";
const char kTabEngagementReportingDescription[] =
"Tracks tab engagement and lifetime metrics.";
const char kTabGridLayoutAndroidName[] = "Tab Grid Layout";
const char kTabGridLayoutAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to see their tabs in a grid layout in the tab switcher on "
const char kCommerceMerchantViewerAndroidName[] = "Merchant Viewer";
const char kCommerceMerchantViewerAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to view merchant trust signals on eligible pages.";
const char kCommercePriceTrackingAndroidName[] = "Price Tracking";
const char kCommercePriceTrackingAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to track product prices through Chrome.";
const char kTabGroupsAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups";
const char kTabGroupsAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to create groups to better organize their tabs on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsContinuationAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups Continuation";
const char kTabGroupsContinuationAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access continuation features in Tab Group on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsUiImprovementsAndroidName[] = "Tab Groups UI Improvements";
const char kTabGroupsUiImprovementsAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to access new features in Tab Group UI on phones.";
const char kTabToGTSAnimationAndroidName[] = "Enable Tab-to-GTS Animation";
const char kTabToGTSAnimationAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows users to see an animation when entering or leaving the "
"Grid Tab Switcher on phones.";
const char kTabGroupsAutoCreateName[] = "Tab Groups Auto Create";
const char kTabGroupsAutoCreateDescription[] =
"Automatically creates groups for users, if tab groups are enabled.";
const char kTabGroupsCollapseFreezingName[] = "Tab Groups Collapse Freezing";
const char kTabGroupsCollapseFreezingDescription[] =
"Experimental tab freezing upon collapsing a tab group.";
const char kTabGroupsFeedbackName[] = "Tab Groups Feedback";
const char kTabGroupsFeedbackDescription[] =
"Enables the feedback app to appear in the tab group editor bubble, if tab "
"groups are enabled.";
const char kTabGroupsNewBadgePromoName[] = "Tab Groups 'New' Badge Promo";
const char kTabGroupsNewBadgePromoDescription[] =
"Causes a 'New' badge to appear on the entry point for creating a tab "
"group in the tab context menu.";
const char kTabGroupsSaveName[] = "Tab Groups Save";
const char kTabGroupsSaveDescription[] =
"Enables users to explicitly save and recall tab groups.";
const char kTabHoverCardImagesName[] = "Tab Hover Card Images";
const char kTabHoverCardImagesDescription[] =
"Shows a preview image in tab hover cards, if tab hover cards are enabled.";
const char kTabOutlinesInLowContrastThemesName[] =
"Tab Outlines in Low Contrast Themes";
const char kTabOutlinesInLowContrastThemesDescription[] =
"Expands the range of situations in which tab outline strokes are "
"displayed, improving accessiblity in dark and incognito mode.";
const char kTabRestoreSubMenusName[] = "Show app menu history sub menus";
const char kTabRestoreSubMenusDescription[] =
"Show app menu history sub menus for the contents of recently closed tab "
"groups and windows.";
const char kTextFragmentColorChangeName[] = "Text Fragment color change";
const char kTextFragmentColorChangeDescription[] =
"Changes the Text Fragment background color"
"away from the default yellow.";
const char kTFLiteLanguageDetectionName[] = "TFLite-based Language Detection";
const char kTFLiteLanguageDetectionDescription[] =
"Uses TFLite for language detection in place of CLD3";
const char kTintCompositedContentName[] = "Tint composited content";
const char kTintCompositedContentDescription[] =
"Tint contents composited using Viz with a shade of red to help debug and "
"study overlay support.";
const char kTopChromeTouchUiName[] = "Touch UI Layout";
const char kTopChromeTouchUiDescription[] =
"Enables touch UI layout in the browser's top chrome.";
const char kThreadedScrollingName[] = "Threaded scrolling";
const char kThreadedScrollingDescription[] =
"Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will "
"force all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note that "
"this can dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites and is "
"intended for testing purposes only.";
const char kThrottleDisplayNoneAndVisibilityHiddenCrossOriginIframesName[] =
"Throttle non-visible cross-origin iframes";
const char
kThrottleDisplayNoneAndVisibilityHiddenCrossOriginIframesDescription[] =
"When enabled, all cross-origin iframes with zero visibility (either "
"display:none or zero area) will be throttled, regardless of whether "
"they are same-process or cross-process. When disabled, only cross-"
"process iframes will be throttled.";
const char kTouchDragDropName[] = "Touch initiated drag and drop";
const char kTouchDragDropDescription[] =
"Touch drag and drop can be initiated through long press on a draggable "
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyName[] = "Touch text selection strategy";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDescription[] =
"Controls how text selection granularity changes when touch text selection "
"handles are dragged. Non-default behavior is experimental.";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyCharacter[] = "Character";
const char kTouchSelectionStrategyDirection[] = "Direction";
const char kTraceUploadUrlName[] = "Trace label for navigation tracing";
const char kTraceUploadUrlDescription[] =
"This is to be used in conjunction with the enable-navigation-tracing "
"flag. Please select the label that best describes the recorded traces. "
"This will choose the destination the traces are uploaded to. If you are "
"not sure, select other. If left empty, no traces will be uploaded.";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceOther[] = "Other";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceEmloading[] = "emloading";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceQa[] = "QA";
const char kTraceUploadUrlChoiceTesting[] = "Testing";
const char kTranslateAssistContentName[] = "Translate AssistContent";
const char kTranslateAssistContentDescription[] =
"Enables populating translate details for the current page in "
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishName[] =
"Select which language model to use to trigger translate on English "
const char kTranslateForceTriggerOnEnglishDescription[] =
"Force the Translate Triggering on English pages experiment to be enabled "
"with the selected language model active.";
const char kTranslateIntentName[] = "Translate intent";
const char kTranslateIntentDescription[] =
"Enables an intent that allows Assistant to initiate a translation of the "
"foreground tab.";
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureName[] =
"Insecure origins treated as secure";
const char kTreatInsecureOriginAsSecureDescription[] =
"Treat given (insecure) origins as secure origins. Multiple origins can be "
"supplied as a comma-separated list. Origins must have their protocol "
"specified e.g. \"http://example.com\". For the definition of secure "
"contexts, see https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/";
const char kTreatUnsafeDownloadsAsActiveName[] =
"Treat risky downloads over insecure connections as active mixed content";
const char kTreatUnsafeDownloadsAsActiveDescription[] =
"Disallows downloads of unsafe files (files that can potentially execute "
"code), where the final download origin or any origin in the redirect "
"chain is insecure if the originating page is secure.";
const char kTrustTokensName[] = "Enable Trust Tokens";
const char kTrustTokensDescription[] =
"Enables the prototype Trust Token API "
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBatteryName[] =
"Turn off caching of streaming media to disk while on battery power.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBatteryDescription[] =
"Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in "
"power savings.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlwaysName[] =
"Turn off caching of streaming media to disk.";
const char kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlwaysDescription[] =
"Reduces disk activity during media playback, which can result in "
"power savings.";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidName[] =
"Google Mobile Services for passwords";
const char kUnifiedPasswordManagerAndroidDescription[] =
"Uses Google Mobile Services to store and retrieve passwords."
"Warning: Highly experimental. May lead to loss of passwords and "
"impact performance.";
const char kUnsafeWebGPUName[] = "Unsafe WebGPU";
const char kUnsafeWebGPUDescription[] =
"Enables access to the experimental WebGPU API. Warning: As GPU sandboxing "
"isn't implemented yet for the WebGPU API, it is possible to read GPU data "
"for other processes.";
const char kUnsafeFastJSCallsName[] = "Unsafe fast JS calls";
const char kUnsafeFastJSCallsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental fast API between Blink and V8."
"Warning: type checking, few POD types and array types "
"are not supported yet, so crashes are possible.";
const char kUiPartialSwapName[] = "Partial swap";
const char kUiPartialSwapDescription[] = "Sets partial swap behavior.";
const char kUseFirstPartySetName[] = "First-Party Set";
const char kUseFirstPartySetDescription[] =
"Use the provided list of origins as a First-Party Set, with the first "
"valid origin as the owner of the set.";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowName[] = "Username first flow voting";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowDescription[] =
"Support of sending votes on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page. Votes are send on single username forms and are "
"based on user interaction with the save prompt.";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingName[] =
"Username first flow fallback crowdsourcing";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFallbackCrowdsourcingDescription[] =
"Support of sending additional votes on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page. These votes are sent on single password forms "
"and contain information whether a 1-password form follows a 1-text form "
"and the value's type(or pattern) in the latter (e.g. email-like, "
"phone-like, arbitrary string).";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFillingName[] = "Username first flow filling";
const char kUsernameFirstFlowFillingDescription[] =
"Support of username saving and filling on username first flow i.e. login "
"flows where a user has to type username first on one page and then "
"password on another page";
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickName[] =
"Use Search+Click for right click";
const char kUseSearchClickForRightClickDescription[] =
"When enabled search+click will be remapped to right click, allowing "
"webpages and apps to consume alt+click. When disabled the legacy "
"behavior of remapping alt+click to right click will remain unchanged.";
const char kV8VmFutureName[] = "Future V8 VM features";
const char kV8VmFutureDescription[] =
"This enables upcoming and experimental V8 VM features. "
"This flag does not enable experimental JavaScript features.";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxName[] =
"Use Google Payments sandbox servers";
const char kWalletServiceUseSandboxDescription[] =
"For developers: use the sandbox service for Google Payments API calls.";
const char kWallpaperWebUIName[] = "Enable new wallpaper experience";
const char kWallpaperWebUIDescription[] =
"Enables the wallpaper picker "
"in ChromeOS Settings";
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendName[] =
"Use the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth";
const char kWebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackendDescription[] =
"Enables the new permissions backend for Web Bluetooth. This will enable "
"persistent storage of device permissions.";
const char kWebBundlesName[] = "Web Bundles";
const char kWebBundlesDescription[] =
"Enables experimental supports for Web Bundles (Bundled HTTP Exchanges) "
const char kWebIdName[] = "WebID";
const char kWebIdDescription[] =
"Enables WebID HTTP filtering and JavaScript "
"API to intermediate federated identity requests.";
const char kWebOtpBackendName[] = "Web OTP";
const char kWebOtpBackendDescription[] =
"Enables Web OTP API that uses the specified backend.";
const char kWebOtpBackendSmsVerification[] = "Code Browser API";
const char kWebOtpBackendUserConsent[] = "User Consent API";
const char kWebOtpBackendAuto[] = "Automatically select the backend";
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsName[] = "WebGL Developer Extensions";
const char kWebglDeveloperExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access WebGL extensions "
"intended only for use during development time.";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsName[] = "WebGL Draft Extensions";
const char kWebglDraftExtensionsDescription[] =
"Enabling this option allows web applications to access the WebGL "
"extensions that are still in draft status.";
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesName[] =
"Experimental Web Payments API features";
const char kWebPaymentsExperimentalFeaturesDescription[] =
"Enable experimental Web Payments API features";
const char kWebPaymentsMinimalUIName[] = "Web Payments Minimal UI";
const char kWebPaymentsMinimalUIDescription[] =
"Allow Payment Request API to open a minimal UI to replace the Payment "
"Request UI when appropriate.";
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugName[] =
"Web Payments App Store Billing Debug Mode";
const char kAppStoreBillingDebugDescription[] =
"App-store purchases (e.g., Google Play Store) within a TWA can be "
"requested using the Payment Request API. This flag removes the "
"restriction that the TWA has to be installed from the app-store.";
const char kWebrtcCaptureMultiChannelApmName[] =
"WebRTC multi-channel capture audio processing.";
const char kWebrtcCaptureMultiChannelApmDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for processing capture audio in multi channel without "
"downmixing when running APM in the render process.";
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsName[] =
"Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC.";
const char kWebrtcHideLocalIpsWithMdnsDecription[] =
"Conceal local IP addresses with mDNS hostnames.";
const char kWebrtcHybridAgcName[] = "WebRTC hybrid Agc2/Agc1.";
const char kWebrtcHybridAgcDescription[] =
"WebRTC Agc2 digital adaptation with Agc1 analog adaptation.";
const char kWebrtcAnalogAgcClippingControlName[] =
"WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping control.";
const char kWebrtcAnalogAgcClippingControlDescription[] =
"WebRTC Agc1 analog clipping controller to reduce saturation.";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video decoding";
const char kWebrtcHwDecodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for decoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingName[] = "WebRTC hardware video encoding";
const char kWebrtcHwEncodingDescription[] =
"Support in WebRTC for encoding video streams using platform hardware.";
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogName[] = "WebRTC remote-bound event logging";
const char kWebRtcRemoteEventLogDescription[] =
"Allow collecting WebRTC event logs and uploading them to Crash. "
"Please note that, even if enabled, this will still require "
"a policy to be set, for it to have an effect.";
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmName[] =
"Negotiation with GCM cipher suites for SRTP in WebRTC";
const char kWebrtcSrtpAesGcmDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebRTC will try to negotiate GCM cipher suites for SRTP.";
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsName[] =
"WebRTC Min/Max Video Encode Accelerator dimensions";
const char kWebrtcUseMinMaxVEADimensionsDescription[] =
"When enabled, WebRTC will only use the Video Encode Accelerator for "
"video resolutions inside those published as supported.";
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeName[] = "Force WebXr Runtime";
const char kWebXrForceRuntimeDescription[] =
"Force the browser to use a particular runtime, even if it would not "
"usually be enabled or would otherwise not be selected based on the "
"attached hardware.";
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceNone[] = "No Runtime";
const char kWebXrRuntimeChoiceOpenXR[] = "OpenXR";
const char kWebXrIncubationsName[] = "WebXR Incubations";
const char kWebXrIncubationsDescription[] =
"Enables experimental features for WebXR.";
const char kWindowNamingName[] = "Window Naming";
const char kWindowNamingDescription[] =
"Whether the window naming UI is enabled.";
const char kZeroCopyName[] = "Zero-copy rasterizer";
const char kZeroCopyDescription[] =
"Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles.";
const char kEnableVulkanName[] = "Vulkan";
const char kEnableVulkanDescription[] = "Use vulkan as the graphics backend.";
const char kSharedHighlightingUseBlocklistName[] =
"Shared Highlighting blocklist";
const char kSharedHighlightingUseBlocklistDescription[] =
"Uses a blocklist to disable Shared Highlighting link generation on "
"certain sites where personalized or dynamic content or other technical "
"restrictions make it unlikely that a URL can be generated and actually "
"work when shared.";
const char kSharedHighlightingV2Name[] = "Shared Highlighting 2.0";
const char kSharedHighlightingV2Description[] =
"Improvements to Shared Highlighting. Including ability to reshare or "
"remove a highlight.";
const char kSharedHighlightingAmpName[] = "Shared Highlighting for AMP Viewers";
const char kSharedHighlightingAmpDescription[] =
"Enables Shared Highlighting for AMP Viwers.";
const char kPreemptiveLinkToTextGenerationName[] =
"Preemptive generation of link to text";
const char kPreemptiveLinkToTextGenerationDescription[] =
"Enables link to text to be generated in advance.";
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint12Ms[] = "1 point 12ms ahead.";
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints6Ms[] = "2 points, each 6ms ahead.";
const char kDraw1PredictedPoint6Ms[] = "1 point 6ms ahead.";
const char kDraw2PredictedPoints3Ms[] = "2 points, each 3ms ahead.";
const char kDrawPredictedPointsDefault[] = "Disabled";
const char kDrawPredictedPointsDescription[] =
"Draw predicted points when using the delegated ink trails API. Requires "
"experimental web platform features to be enabled.";
const char kDrawPredictedPointsName[] = "Draw predicted delegated ink points";
const char kSanitizerApiName[] = "Sanitizer API";
const char kSanitizerApiDescription[] =
"Enable the Sanitizer API. See: https://github.com/WICG/sanitizer-api";
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderName[] =
"Use passthrough command decoder";
const char kUsePassthroughCommandDecoderDescription[] =
"Use chrome passthrough command decoder instead of validating command "
const char kExtensionWorkflowJustificationName[] =
"Extension request justification";
const char kExtensionWorkflowJustificationDescription[] =
"Enables users to justify their extension requests by causing a text field "
"to appear on the extension request dialog.";
// Android ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAddToHomescreenIPHName[] = "Add to homescreen IPH";
const char kAddToHomescreenIPHDescription[] =
" Shows in-product-help messages educating users about add to homescreen "
"option in chrome.";
const char kAImageReaderName[] = "Android ImageReader";
const char kAImageReaderDescription[] =
" Enables MediaPlayer and MediaCodec to use AImageReader on Android. "
" This feature is only available for android P+ devices. Disabling it also "
" disables SurfaceControl.";
const char kAndroidDetailedLanguageSettingsName[] =
"Detailed Language Settings";
const char kAndroidDetailedLanguageSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable the new detailed language settings page";
const char kAndroidForceAppLanguagePromptName[] =
"Force second run app language prompt";
const char kAndroidForceAppLanguagePromptDescription[] =
"When enabled the app language prompt to change the UI language will"
"always be shown.";
const char kAndroidLayoutChangeTabReparentingName[] =
"Android Chrome UI phone/tablet layout change tab reparenting";
const char kAndroidLayoutChangeTabReparentingDescription[] =
"If enabled, when the screen size switches between phone and tablet size, "
"the UI layout updates to the proper one and the current tabs are "
"reparented instead of reloaded.";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlName[] = "Android SurfaceControl";
const char kAndroidSurfaceControlDescription[] =
" Enables SurfaceControl to manage the buffer queue for the "
" DisplayCompositor on Android. This feature is only available on "
" android Q+ devices";
const char kAssistantIntentPageUrlName[] =
"Include page URL in Assistant intent";
const char kAssistantIntentPageUrlDescription[] =
"Include the current page's URL in the Assistant voice transcription "
const char kAssistantIntentTranslateInfoName[] =
"Translate info in Assistant intent";
const char kAssistantIntentTranslateInfoDescription[] =
"Include page translation details in the Assistant voice transcription "
"intent. This includes the page's URL and its original, current, and "
"default target language.";
const char kAsyncDnsName[] = "Async DNS resolver";
const char kAsyncDnsDescription[] = "Enables the built-in DNS resolver.";
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewName[] =
"Autofill suggestions as keyboard accessory view";
const char kAutofillAccessoryViewDescription[] =
"Shows Autofill suggestions on top of the keyboard rather than in a "
const char kAutofillUseMobileLabelDisambiguationName[] =
"Autofill Uses Mobile Label Disambiguation";
const char kAutofillUseMobileLabelDisambiguationDescription[] =
"When enabled, Autofill suggestions' labels are displayed using a "
"mobile-friendly format.";
const char kAppMenuMobileSiteOptionName[] =
"Show Mobile Site option in app menu";
const char kAppMenuMobileSiteOptionDescription[] =
"When enabled, app menu should show 'Mobile site' when showing desktop "
"site, instead of showing 'Desktop Site' with checkbox";
const char kBentoOfflineName[] =
"Enables an experiment for Offline Bento content on Android";
const char kBentoOfflineDescription[] =
"Enables displaying Bento content on the offline page for Android.";
const char kBookmarkBottomSheetName[] = "Enables bookmark bottom sheet";
const char kBookmarkBottomSheetDescription[] =
"Enables showing a bookmark bottom sheet when adding a bookmark.";
const char kCCTIncognitoName[] = "Chrome Custom Tabs Incognito mode";
const char kCCTIncognitoDescription[] =
"Enables incognito mode for Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyName[] =
"Allow third party to open Custom Tabs Incognito mode";
const char kCCTIncognitoAvailableToThirdPartyDescription[] =
"Enabling it would allow third party apps to open incognito mode for "
"Chrome Custom Tabs, on Android.";
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationDescription[] =
"A debug flag to always show Chime notification after receiving a payload.";
const char kChimeAlwaysShowNotificationName[] =
"Always show Chime notification";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkDescription[] =
"Enable Chime SDK to receive push notification.";
const char kChimeAndroidSdkName[] = "Use Chime SDK";
const char kContinuousSearchName[] = "Continuous Search Navigation";
const char kContinuousSearchDescription[] =
"Enables caching of search results to permit a more seamless search "
const char kChromeShareHighlightsAndroidName[] =
"Chrome Share text highlights on Android";
const char kChromeShareHighlightsAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables UI to generate and share link to text highlights on Android";
const char kChromeShareLongScreenshotName[] = "Chrome Share Long Screenshots";
const char kChromeShareLongScreenshotDescription[] =
"Enables UI to edit and share long screenshots on Android";
const char kChromeShareScreenshotName[] = "Chrome Share Screenshots";
const char kChromeShareScreenshotDescription[] =
"Enables UI to edit and share screenshots";
const char kChromeSharingHubName[] = "Chrome Sharing Hub";
const char kChromeSharingHubDescription[] =
"Enables the Chrome Sharing Hub/custom share sheet for Android.";
const char kClipboardSuggestionContentHiddenName[] =
"Clipboard suggestion content hidden";
const char kClipboardSuggestionContentHiddenDescription[] =
"Prevents the Clipboard suggestion from proactively retrieving the "
"clipboard content.";
const char kCloseTabSuggestionsName[] = "Suggest to close Tabs";
const char kCloseTabSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Suggests to the user to close Tabs that haven't been used beyond a "
"configurable threshold or where duplicates of Tabs exist. "
"The threshold is configurable.";
const char kCriticalPersistedTabDataName[] = "Enable CriticalPersistedTabData";
const char kCriticalPersistedTabDataDescription[] =
"A new method of persisting Tab data across restarts has been devised "
"and implemented. This actives the new approach.";
const char kContextMenuPerformanceInfoAndRemoteHintFetchingName[] =
"Context menu performance info and remote hint fetching";
const char kContextMenuPerformanceInfoAndRemoteHintFetchingDescription[] =
"Enables showing link performance information in the context menu and "
"allows communicating with Google servers to fetch performance information "
"for the main frame URL.";
const char kContextualSearchDebugName[] = "Contextual Search debug";
const char kContextualSearchDebugDescription[] =
"Enables internal debugging of Contextual Search behavior on the client "
"and server.";
const char kContextualSearchForceCaptionName[] =
"Contextual Search force a caption";
const char kContextualSearchForceCaptionDescription[] =
"Forces a caption to always be shown in the Touch to Search Bar.";
const char kContextualSearchLiteralSearchTapName[] =
"Contextual Search literal search with tap";
const char kContextualSearchLiteralSearchTapDescription[] =
"Enables Contextual Search to be activated with a single tap and produce "
"a literal search. This is intended to be used in conjunction with the "
"long-press resolve feature to allow both gestures to trigger a form of "
"Touch to Search.";
const char kContextualSearchLongpressResolveName[] =
"Contextual Search long-press Resolves";
const char kContextualSearchLongpressResolveDescription[] =
"Enables communicating with Google servers when a long-press gesture is "
"recognized under some privacy-limited conditions, including having Touch "
"to Search enabled in preferences. The page context data sent to Google is "
"potentially privacy sensitive! This disables the tap gesture from "
"triggering Touch to Search unless that experiment arm is enabled.";
const char kContextualSearchMlTapSuppressionName[] =
"Contextual Search ML tap suppression";
const char kContextualSearchMlTapSuppressionDescription[] =
"Enables tap gestures to be suppressed to improve CTR by applying machine "
"learning. The \"Contextual Search Ranker prediction\" flag must also be "
const char kContextualSearchRankerQueryName[] =
"Contextual Search Ranker prediction";
const char kContextualSearchRankerQueryDescription[] =
"Enables prediction of tap gestures using Assist-Ranker machine learning.";
const char kContextualSearchSecondTapName[] =
"Contextual Search second tap triggering";
const char kContextualSearchSecondTapDescription[] =
"Enables triggering on a second tap gesture even when Ranker would "
"normally suppress that tap.";
const char kContextualSearchThinWebViewImplementationName[] =
"Use Contextual Search ThinWebView implementation";
const char kContextualSearchThinWebViewImplementationDescription[] =
"Use ThinWebView and BottomSheet based implementation for Contextual"
const char kContextualSearchTranslationsName[] =
"Contextual Search translations";
const char kContextualSearchTranslationsDescription[] =
"Enables automatic translations of words on a page to be presented in the "
"caption of the bottom bar.";
const char kCpuAffinityRestrictToLittleCoresName[] = "Restrict to LITTLE cores";
const char kCpuAffinityRestrictToLittleCoresDescription[] =
"Restricts Chrome threads to LITTLE cores on devices with big.LITTLE or "
"similar CPU architectures.";
const char kDynamicColorAndroidName[] = "Dynamic colors on Android";
const char kDynamicColorAndroidDescription[] =
"Enabled dynamic colors on supported devices, such as Pixel devices "
"running Android 12.";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackAndroidName[] =
"Enable Autofill manual fallback for Addresses and Payments (Android)";
const char kAutofillManualFallbackAndroidDescription[] =
"If enabled, adds toggle for addresses and payments bottom sheet to the "
"keyboard accessory.";
const char kEnableAutofillRefreshStyleName[] =
"Enable Autofill refresh style (Android)";
const char kEnableAutofillRefreshStyleDescription[] =
"Enable modernized style for Autofill on Android";
const char kEnableAndroidSpellcheckerDescription[] =
"Enables use of the Android spellchecker.";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNonRootedName[] =
"Enable command line on non-rooted devices";
const char kEnableCommandLineOnNoRootedDescription[] =
"Enable reading command line file on non-rooted devices (DANGEROUS).";
const char kEnableUseAaudioDriverName[] = "Use AAudio Driver";
const char kEnableUseAaudioDriverDescription[] =
"Enable the use of AAudio, if supported by the current Android version.";
const char kExploreSitesName[] = "Explore websites";
const char kExploreSitesDescription[] =
"Enables portal from new tab page to explore websites.";
const char kFeedInteractiveRefreshName[] = "Refresh feeds";
const char kFeedInteractiveRefreshDescription[] =
"Enables refreshing feeds triggered by the users.";
const char kFillingPasswordsFromAnyOriginName[] =
"Filling passwords from any origin";
const char kFillingPasswordsFromAnyOriginDescription[] =
"Enabling this flag adds a button to the password fallback sheet. The "
"button opens a different sheet that allows filling a password from any "
const char kHomepagePromoCardName[] =
"Enable homepage promo card on the New Tab Page";
const char kHomepagePromoCardDescription[] =
"Enable homepage promo card that will be shown to users with partner "
"configured homepage.";
const char kInstanceSwitcherName[] = "Enable instance switcher";
const char kInstanceSwitcherDescription[] =
"Enable instance switcher dialog UI that helps users manage multiple "
"instances of Chrome.";
const char kInstantStartName[] = "Instant start";
const char kInstantStartDescription[] =
"Show start surface before native library is loaded.";
const char kIntentBlockExternalFormRedirectsNoGestureName[] =
"Block intents from form submissions without user gesture";
const char kIntentBlockExternalFormRedirectsNoGestureDescription[] =
"Require a user gesture that triggered a form submission in order to "
"allow for redirecting to an external intent.";
const char kInterestFeedV2Name[] = "Interest Feed v2";
const char kInterestFeedV2Description[] =
"Show content suggestions on the New Tab Page and Start Surface using the "
"new Feed Component.";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsName[] = "Interest Feed v2 Hearts";
const char kInterestFeedV2HeartsDescription[] = "Enable hearts on Feedv2.";
const char kInterestFeedV2AutoplayName[] = "Interest Feed v2 Autoplay";
const char kInterestFeedV2AutoplayDescription[] = "Enable autoplay on Feedv2.";
const char kInterestFeedV1ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadName[] =
"Interest Feed V1 clicks/views conditional upload";
const char kInterestFeedV1ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadDescription[] =
"Only enable the upload of clicks/views in Feed V1 after reaching "
const char kInterestFeedV2ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadName[] =
"Interest Feed V2 clicks/views conditional upload";
const char kInterestFeedV2ClickAndViewActionsConditionalUploadDescription[] =
"Only enable the upload of clicks/views in Feed V2 after reaching "
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedName[] = "Ads Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidAdsBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, ads blocked message will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidChromeSurveyName[] = "Chrome Survey Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidChromeSurveyDescription[] =
"When enabled, survey prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInfrastructureName[] = "Messages infrastructure";
const char kMessagesForAndroidInfrastructureDescription[] =
"When enabled, will initialize Messages UI infrastructure";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNotificationBlockedName[] =
"Notification Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidNotificationBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, notification blocked prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPasswordsName[] = "Passwords Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPasswordsDescription[] =
"When enabled, password prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPermissionUpdateName[] =
"Permission Update Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPermissionUpdateDescription[] =
"When enabled, permission update prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPopupBlockedName[] = "Popup Blocked Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidPopupBlockedDescription[] =
"When enabled, popup blocked prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidReaderModeName[] = "Reader Mode Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidReaderModeDescription[] =
"When enabled, reader mode prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSafetyTipName[] = "Safety Tip Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidSafetyTipDescription[] =
"When enabled, safety tip prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
extern const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardName[] = "Save Card Messages UI";
extern const char kMessagesForAndroidSaveCardDescription[] =
"When enabled, save card prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kMessagesForAndroidUpdatePasswordName[] =
"Update password Messages UI";
const char kMessagesForAndroidUpdatePasswordDescription[] =
"When enabled, update password prompt will use the new Messages UI.";
const char kNewWindowAppMenuName[] = "Show a menu item 'New Window'";
const char kNewWindowAppMenuDescription[] =
"Show a new menu item 'New Window' on tablet-sized screen when Chrome "
"can open a new window and create a new instance in it.";
const char kOfflineIndicatorV2Name[] = "Offline indicator V2";
const char kOfflineIndicatorV2Description[] =
"Show a persistent offline indicator when offline.";
const char kOfflinePagesLivePageSharingName[] =
"Enables live page sharing of offline pages";
const char kOfflinePagesLivePageSharingDescription[] =
"Enables to share current loaded page as offline page by saving as MHTML "
const char kAndroidPartnerCustomizationPhenotypeName[] =
"Use homepage and bookmarks from partner customization";
const char kAndroidPartnerCustomizationPhenotypeDescription[] =
"This flag loads a new configuration source of the default homepage and "
const char kPageInfoDiscoverabilityName[] = "Page info discoverability";
const char kPageInfoDiscoverabilityDescription[] =
"Improve discoverability of permission controls in the page info bubble. "
"After a permission decision is made, the page info icon in the address "
"bar will show a brief animation.";
const char kPageInfoHistoryName[] = "Page info history";
const char kPageInfoHistoryDescription[] =
"Enable a history sub page to the page info menu, and a button to forget "
"a site, removing all preferences and history.";
extern const char kPageInfoV2DesktopName[];
extern const char kPageInfoV2DesktopDescription[];
extern const char kPasswordProtectionForSignedInUsersName[] =
"Password Protection for Signed-In Users";
extern const char kPasswordProtectionForSignedInUsersDescription[] =
"Enable signed-in (Google account) password protection for signed-in "
"users and allows users to change their signed-in password through "
"password reuse warnings on phishing or low reputation sites.";
const char kPhotoPickerVideoSupportName[] = "Photo Picker Video Support";
const char kPhotoPickerVideoSupportDescription[] =
"Enables video files to be shown in the Photo Picker dialog";
const char kProcessSharingWithDefaultSiteInstancesName[] =
"Process sharing with default site instances";
const char kProcessSharingWithDefaultSiteInstancesDescription[] =
"When site isolation is disabled, this mode changes how sites are lumped "
"in to shared processes. For sites that do not require isolation, this "
"feature groups them into a single 'default' site instance (per browsing "
"instance) instead of creating unique site instances for each one. This "
"enables resource savings by creating fewer processes for sites that do "
"not need isolation.";
const char kProcessSharingWithStrictSiteInstancesName[] =
"Process sharing with strict site instances";
const char kProcessSharingWithStrictSiteInstancesDescription[] =
"When site isolation is disabled, this mode changes how sites are lumped "
"in to a shared process. Process selection is usually controlled with "
"site instances. With strict site isolation, each site on a page gets its "
"own site instance and process. With site isolation disabled and without "
"this mode, all sites that share a process are put into the same site "
"instance. This mode adds a third way: site instances are strictly "
"separated like strict site isolation, but process selection puts multiple "
"site instances in a single process.";
const char kQueryTilesName[] = "Show query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesDescription[] = "Shows query tiles in Chrome";
const char kQueryTilesNTPName[] = "Show query tiles in NTP";
const char kQueryTilesNTPDescription[] = "Shows query tiles in NTP";
const char kQueryTilesOmniboxName[] = "Show query tiles in omnibox";
const char kQueryTilesOmniboxDescription[] = "Shows query tiles in omnibox";
const char kQueryTilesSingleTierName[] = "Show only one level of query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesSingleTierDescription[] =
"Show only one level of query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesEnableQueryEditingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable query edit mode";
const char kQueryTilesEnableQueryEditingDescription[] =
"When a query tile is tapped, the query text will be shown in the omnibox "
"and user will have a chance to edit the text before submitting";
const char kQueryTilesEnableTrendingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable trending queries";
const char kQueryTilesEnableTrendingDescription[] =
"Allow tiles of trending queries to show up in front of curated tiles";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCode[] = "Country code for getting tiles";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeDescription[] =
"When query tiles are enabled, this value determines tiles for which "
"country should be displayed.";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeUS[] = "US";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeIndia[] = "IN";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeBrazil[] = "BR";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeNigeria[] = "NG";
const char kQueryTilesCountryCodeIndonesia[] = "ID";
const char kQueryTilesLocalOrderingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Enable local ordering";
const char kQueryTilesLocalOrderingDescription[] =
"Enables ordering query tiles locally based on user interactions.";
const char kQueryTilesInstantFetchName[] = "Query tile instant fetch";
const char kQueryTilesInstantFetchDescription[] =
"Immediately schedule background task to fetch query tiles";
const char kQueryTilesMoreTrendingName[] =
"Query Tiles - more trending queries";
const char kQueryTilesMoreTrendingDescription[] =
"Request more trending queries from the server";
const char kQueryTilesRankTilesName[] = "Query Tiles - rank tiles on server";
const char kQueryTilesRankTilesDescription[] =
"Rank tiles on server based on client context";
const char kQueryTilesSwapTrendingName[] =
"Query Tiles - Swap trending queries";
const char kQueryTilesSwapTrendingDescription[] =
"Swap trending queries if user didn't click on them after several "
const char kReadLaterFlagId[] = "read-later";
const char kReadLaterName[] = "Reading List";
const char kReadLaterDescription[] =
"Allow users to save tabs for later. Enables a new button and menu for "
"accessing tabs saved for later.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsName[] = "Reader Mode triggering";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsDescription[] =
"Determines what pages the Reader Mode infobar is shown on.";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsMarkup[] = "With article structured markup";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAdaboost[] = "Non-mobile-friendly articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAllArticles[] = "All articles";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOff[] = "Never";
const char kReaderModeHeuristicsAlwaysOn[] = "Always";
const char kReaderModeInCCTName[] = "Reader Mode in CCT";
const char kReaderModeInCCTDescription[] =
"Open Reader Mode in Chrome Custom Tabs.";
const char kReadLaterReminderNotificationName[] =
"Read later reminder notification";
const char kReadLaterReminderNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables read later weekly reminder notification.";
const char kRecoverFromNeverSaveAndroidName[] =
"UI to recover from never save passwords on Android";
const char kRecoverFromNeverSaveAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables showing UI which allows for easy reverting of the decision to "
"never save passwords on a certain webiste";
const char kReengagementNotificationName[] =
"Enable re-engagement notifications";
const char kReengagementNotificationDescription[] =
"Enables Chrome to use the in-product help system to decide when "
"to show re-engagement notifications.";
const char kRelatedSearchesName[] =
"Enables an experiment for Related Searches on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesDescription[] =
"Enables requesting related searches suggestions. These will be requested "
"but not shown unless the UI flag is also enabled.";
const char kRelatedSearchesAlternateUxName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in an alternate user experience.";
const char kRelatedSearchesAlternateUxDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches with an alternative from the normal "
"user experience treatment.";
const char kRelatedSearchesInBarName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in the peeking bar.";
const char kRelatedSearchesInBarDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches suggestions in a carousel in the "
"peeking bar of the bottom sheet on Android.";
const char kRelatedSearchesSimplifiedUxName[] =
"Enables showing Related Searches in a simplified user experience.";
const char kRelatedSearchesSimplifiedUxDescription[] =
"Enables showing related searches with a simplified form of the normal "
"user experience treatment.";
const char kRelatedSearchesUiName[] =
"Forces showing of the Related Searches UI on Android";
const char kRelatedSearchesUiDescription[] =
"Forces the Related Searches UI and underlying requests to be enabled "
"regardless of whether they are safe or useful. This requires the Related "
"Searches feature flag to also be enabled.";
const char kShareUsageRankingName[] =
"Incorporate usage history into share target ranking.";
const char kShareUsageRankingDescription[] =
"Incorporate the history of which apps were shared to when producing the "
"ordered list of 3P share targets in the share hub.";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteForTabletsName[] =
"Request desktop site for tablets on Android";
const char kRequestDesktopSiteForTabletsDescription[] =
"Requests a desktop site, if the screen size is large enough on Android."
" On tablets with small screens a mobile site will be requested by "
const char kSafeBrowsingClientSideDetectionAndroidName[] =
"Safe Browsing Client Side Detection on Android";
const char kSafeBrowsingClientSideDetectionAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable DOM feature collection on Safe Browsing pings on Android";
const char kSafeBrowsingPasswordCheckIntegrationForSavedPasswordsAndroidName[] =
"Safe Browsing PasswordCheck Integration for Saved Passwords Android";
const char
kSafeBrowsingPasswordCheckIntegrationForSavedPasswordsAndroidDescription[] =
"Allows Android Chrome users to change their saved passwords through "
"password reuse warnings on phishing or low reputation sites.";
const char kEnhancedProtectionPromoAndroidName[] =
"Enable enhanced protection promo card on Android on the New Tab Page";
const char kEnhancedProtectionPromoAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced protection promo card for users that have not signed up "
"for enhanced protection.";
const char kSafeBrowsingUseLocalBlacklistsV2Name[] =
"Use local Safe Browsing blacklists";
const char kSafeBrowsingUseLocalBlacklistsV2Description[] =
"If enabled, maintain a copy of Safe Browsing blacklists in the browser "
"process to check the Safe Browsing reputation of URLs without calling "
"into GmsCore for every URL.";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingName[] = "Set market URL for testing";
const char kSetMarketUrlForTestingDescription[] =
"When enabled, sets the market URL for use in testing the update menu "
const char kSingleTouchSelectName[] =
"Enables selecting plain text with a single touch.";
const char kSingleTouchSelectDescription[] =
"Enables selecting plain text with a single touch on Android.";
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesName[] =
"Site Isolation For Password Sites";
const char kSiteIsolationForPasswordSitesDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for sites based on "
"password-oriented heuristics, such as a user typing in a password.";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsName[] =
"Smart suggestion for large downloads";
const char kSmartSuggestionForLargeDownloadsDescription[] =
"Smart suggestion that offers download locations for large files.";
const char kStartSurfaceAndroidName[] = "Start Surface";
const char kStartSurfaceAndroidDescription[] =
"Enable showing the start surface when launching Chrome via the "
const char kSharingHubLinkToggleName[] = "Sharing Hub Link Toggle";
const char kSharingHubLinkToggleDescription[] =
"Enable the link toggle in the Sharing Hub.";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationName[] = "Strict site isolation";
const char kStrictSiteIsolationDescription[] =
"Security mode that enables site isolation for all sites (SitePerProcess). "
"In this mode, each renderer process will contain pages from at most one "
"site, using out-of-process iframes when needed. "
"Check chrome://process-internals to see the current isolation mode. "
"Setting this flag to 'Enabled' turns on site isolation regardless of the "
"default. Here, 'Disabled' is a legacy value that actually means "
"'Default,' in which case site isolation may be already enabled based on "
"platform, enterprise policy, or field trial. See also "
"#site-isolation-trial-opt-out for how to disable site isolation for "
const char kThemeRefactorAndroidName[] = "Theme refactor on Android";
const char kThemeRefactorAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the theme refactoring on Android.";
const char kToolbarIphAndroidName[] = "Enable Toolbar IPH on Android";
const char kToolbarIphAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables in product help bubbles on the toolbar. In particular, the home "
"button and the tab switcher button.";
const char kToolbarMicIphAndroidName[] =
"Enable IPH on Android on the mic in the toolbar";
const char kToolbarMicIphAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables in product help bubble on the mic button in the toolbar.";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeName[] = "Force show update menu badge";
const char kUpdateMenuBadgeDescription[] =
"When enabled, a badge will be shown on the app menu button if the update "
"type is Update Available or Unsupported OS Version.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryDescription[] =
"When this flag and the force show update menu item flag are enabled, a "
"custom summary string will be displayed below the update menu item.";
const char kUpdateMenuItemCustomSummaryName[] =
"Update menu item custom summary";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeName[] =
"Forces the update menu type to a specific type";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeDescription[] =
"When set, forces the update type to be a specific one, which impacts "
"the app menu badge and menu item for updates. For Inline Update, the "
"update available flag is implied. The 'Inline Update: Success' selection "
"goes through the whole inline update flow to the end with a successful "
"outcome. The other 'Inline Update' options go through the same flow, but "
"stop at various stages, see their error type for details.";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeNone[] = "None";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUpdateAvailable[] = "Update Available";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeUnsupportedOSVersion[] = "Unsupported OS Version";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateSuccess[] = "Inline Update: Success";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateDialogCanceled[] =
"Inline Update Error: Dialog Canceled";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateDialogFailed[] =
"Inline Update Error: Dialog Failed";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateDownloadFailed[] =
"Inline Update Error: Download Failed";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateDownloadCanceled[] =
"Inline Update Error: Download Canceled";
const char kUpdateMenuTypeInlineUpdateInstallFailed[] =
"Inline Update Error: Install Failed";
const char kUseNotificationCompatBuilderName[] =
"Use NotificationCompat.Builder for Web Notifications";
const char kUseNotificationCompatBuilderDescription[] =
"This enables using NotificationCompat.Builder instead of "
"Notification.Builder to create Web Notifications.";
const char kUserMediaScreenCapturingName[] = "Screen Capture API";
const char kUserMediaScreenCapturingDescription[] =
"Allows sites to request a video stream of your screen.";
const char kVideoTutorialsName[] = "Enable video tutorials";
const char kVideoTutorialsDescription[] = "Show video tutorials in Chrome";
const char kVideoTutorialsInstantFetchName[] =
"Video tutorials fetch on startup";
const char kVideoTutorialsInstantFetchDescription[] =
"Fetch video tutorials on startup";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Adaptive button in top toolbar";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables showing an adaptive action button in the top toolbar";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationName[] =
"Adaptive button in top toolbar customization";
const char kAdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomizationDescription[] =
"Enables UI for customizing the adaptive action button in the top toolbar";
const char kShareButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Share button in top toolbar";
const char kShareButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables UI to initiate sharing from the top toolbar. Enabling Adaptive "
"Button overrides this.";
const char kVoiceButtonInTopToolbarName[] = "Voice button in top toolbar";
const char kVoiceButtonInTopToolbarDescription[] =
"Enables showing the voice search button in the top toolbar. Enabling "
"Adaptive Button overrides this.";
const char kInlineUpdateFlowName[] = "Enable Google Play inline update flow";
const char kInlineUpdateFlowDescription[] =
"When this flag is set, instead of taking the user to the Google Play "
"Store when an update is available, the user is presented with an inline "
"flow where they do not have to leave Chrome until the update is ready "
"to install.";
const char kSwipeToMoveCursorName[] = "Swipe to move cursor";
const char kSwipeToMoveCursorDescription[] =
"Allows user to use touch gestures to move the text cursor around. This "
"flag will only take effect on Android 11 and above.";
const char kWalletRequiresFirstSyncSetupCompleteName[] =
"Controls whether Wallet (GPay) integration on Android requires "
"first-sync-setup to be complete";
const char kWalletRequiresFirstSyncSetupCompleteDescription[] =
"Controls whether the Wallet (GPay) integration on Android requires "
"first-sync-setup to be complete. Only has an effect if "
"enable-autofill-account-wallet-storage is also enabled.";
const char kWebFeedName[] = "Web Feed";
const char kWebFeedDescription[] =
"Allows users to keep up with and consume web content.";
const char kWebNotesStylizeName[] = "WebNotes Stylize";
const char kWebNotesStylizeDescription[] =
"Allows users to create and share stylized webnotes.";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingName[] = "Xsurface Metrics Reporting";
const char kXsurfaceMetricsReportingDescription[] =
"Allows metrics reporting state to be passed to Xsurface";
const char kWebNotesPublishName[] = "WebNotes Publish";
const char kWebNotesPublishDescription[] =
"Allows users to save their created notes.";
// Non-Android -----------------------------------------------------------------
#else // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringName[] =
"Allow all sites to initiate mirroring";
const char kAllowAllSitesToInitiateMirroringDescription[] =
"When enabled, allows all websites to request to initiate tab mirroring "
"via Presentation API. Requires #cast-media-route-provider to also be "
const char kAppManagementIntentSettingsName[] =
"App Management intent settings";
const char kAppManagementIntentSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables and displays the intent settings link handling setting for App "
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionName[] = "Live Caption";
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionDescription[] =
"Enables the live caption feature which generates captions for "
"media playing in Chrome. Turn the feature on in "
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionSodaName[] = "SODA for Live Caption";
const char kEnableAccessibilityLiveCaptionSodaDescription[] =
"If Live Caption (chrome://flags/#enable-accessibility-live-captions) is "
"enabled, whether or not to use SODA for live captions instead of the web "
"api. Turn on the feature in chrome://settings/accessibility.";
const char kCopyLinkToTextName[] = "Copy Link To Text";
const char kCopyLinkToTextDescription[] =
"Adds an item to the context menu to allow a user to copy a link to the "
"page with the selected text highlighted.";
const char kEnterpriseRealtimeExtensionRequestName[] =
"Enterprise real-time extension request report";
const char kEnterpriseRealtimeExtensionRequestDescription[] =
"Enable the real-time extension request uploading. The feature requires "
"the enterprise reporting and extension request being enabled.";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopName[] =
"Global media controls control Cast start/stop";
const char kGlobalMediaControlsCastStartStopDescription[] =
"Allows global media controls to control when a Cast session is started "
"or stopped instead of relying on the Cast dialog.";
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionName[] =
"Snooze action for mute notifications";
const char kMuteNotificationSnoozeActionDescription[] =
"Adds a Snooze action to mute notifications shown while sharing a screen.";
const char kNtpCacheOneGoogleBarName[] = "Cache OneGoogleBar";
const char kNtpCacheOneGoogleBarDescription[] =
"Enables using the OneGoogleBar cached response in chrome://new-tab-page, "
"when available.";
const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesName[] =
"Repeatable queries on the New Tab Page";
const char kNtpRepeatableQueriesDescription[] =
"Enables surfacing repeatable queries as most visited tiles on the "
"New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpModulesName[] = "NTP Modules";
const char kNtpModulesDescription[] = "Shows modules on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpDriveModuleName[] = "NTP Drive Module";
const char kNtpDriveModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the Google Drive module on the New Tab Page";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleName[] = "NTP Photos Module";
const char kNtpPhotosModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the Google Photos module on the New Tab Page";
const char kNtpRecipeTasksModuleName[] = "NTP Recipe Tasks Module";
const char kNtpRecipeTasksModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the recipe tasks module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpShoppingTasksModuleName[] = "NTP Shopping Tasks Module";
const char kNtpShoppingTasksModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the shopping tasks module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleName[] = "NTP Chrome Cart Module";
const char kNtpChromeCartModuleDescription[] =
"Shows the chrome cart module on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropName[] = "NTP Modules Drag and Drop";
const char kNtpModulesDragAndDropDescription[] =
"Enables modules to be reordered via dragging and dropping on the "
"New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedName[] = "NTP Modules Redesigned";
const char kNtpModulesRedesignedDescription[] =
"Shows the redesigned modules on the New Tab Page.";
const char kNtpRealboxSuggestionAnswersName[] =
"NTP Realbox Suggestion Answers";
const char kNtpRealboxSuggestionAnswersDescription[] =
"Shows suggestion answers in the NTP Realbox when enabled.";
const char kEnableReaderModeName[] = "Enable Reader Mode";
const char kEnableReaderModeDescription[] =
"Allows viewing of simplified web pages by selecting 'Customize and "
"control Chrome'>'Distill page'";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoName[] =
"Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopDemoDescription[] =
"Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys Demo to users on Desktop";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopPrivacySandboxName[] =
"Happiness Tracking Surveys for the Privacy Sandbox";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopPrivacySandboxDescription[] =
"Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys for the Privacy Sandbox to "
"users on Desktop";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopSettingsName[] =
"Happiness Tracking Surveys for Settings";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys for Settings to users on "
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopSettingsPrivacyName[] =
"Happiness Tracking Surveys for Privacy Settings";
const char kHappinessTrackingSurveysForDesktopSettingsPrivacyDescription[] =
"Enable showing Happiness Tracking Surveys for Privacy Settings to users "
"on Desktop";
const char kKernelnextVMsName[] = "Enable VMs on experimental kernels.";
const char kKernelnextVMsDescription[] =
"Enables VM support on devices running experimental kernel versions.";
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox Google Drive Document suggestions";
const char kOmniboxDriveSuggestionsDescriptions[] =
"Display suggestions for Google Drive documents in the omnibox when Google "
"is the default search engine.";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalKeywordModeName[] =
"Omnibox Experimental Keyword Mode";
const char kOmniboxExperimentalKeywordModeDescription[] =
"Enables various experimental features related to keyword mode, its "
"suggestions and layout.";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch2Name[] = "Omnibox Pedals batch 2";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch2Description[] =
"Enable the second batch of Omnibox Pedals (Safety Check, etc.).";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch2NonEnglishName[] =
"Omnibox Pedals batch 2 for non-English locales";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch2NonEnglishDescription[] =
"Enable the second batch of Omnibox Pedals (Safety Check, etc.) for "
"locales other than 'en' and 'en-GB'. This flag has no effect unless "
"\"Omnibox Pedals batch 2\" is also enabled.";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch3Name[] = "Omnibox Pedals batch 3";
const char kOmniboxPedalsBatch3Description[] =
"Enable the third batch of Omnibox Pedals.";
const char kOmniboxPedalsDefaultIconColoredName[] =
"Omnibox Pedals Default Icon Colored";
const char kOmniboxPedalsDefaultIconColoredDescription[] =
"Enable a color version of the default icon shown on the button for most "
"omnibox Pedals (aka Chrome Actions).";
const char kOmniboxPedalsTranslationConsoleName[] =
"Omnibox Pedals Translation Console";
const char kOmniboxPedalsTranslationConsoleDescription[] =
"Use translation strings sourced from Translation Console "
"for triggering some omnibox Pedals (aka Chrome Actions).";
const char kOmniboxKeywordSearchButtonName[] = "Omnibox keyword search button";
const char kOmniboxKeywordSearchButtonDescription[] =
"Enable the omnibox keyword search button which offers a way to search "
"on specific sites from the omnibox.";
const char kOmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestionsName[] =
"Omnibox short bookmark suggestions";
const char kOmniboxShortBookmarkSuggestionsDescription[] =
"Match very short input words to beginning of words in bookmark "
const char kReadLaterFlagId[] = "read-later";
const char kReadLaterName[] = "Reading List";
const char kReadLaterDescription[] =
"Click on the Bookmark icon or right click on a tab to add tabs to a "
"reading list.";
const char kSCTAuditingName[] = "SCT auditing";
const char kSCTAuditingDescription[] =
"Enables SCT auditing for users who have opted in to Safe Browsing "
"Extended Reporting.";
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionName[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows";
const char kCalculateNativeWinOcclusionDescription[] =
"Calculate window occlusion on Windows will be used in the future "
"to throttle and potentially unload foreground tabs in occluded windows";
const char kChromeCleanupScanCompletedNotificationName[] =
"Chrome cleanup scan completion notification";
const char kChromeCleanupScanCompletedNotificationDescription[] =
"Allows you to be notified when a Chrome cleaner scan you started "
const char kD3D11VideoDecoderName[] = "D3D11 Video Decoder";
const char kD3D11VideoDecoderDescription[] =
"Enables D3D11VideoDecoder for hardware accelerated video decoding.";
const char kEnableIncognitoShortcutOnDesktopName[] =
"Enable Incognito Desktop Shortcut";
const char kEnableIncognitoShortcutOnDesktopDescription[] =
"Enables users to create a desktop shortcut for incognito mode.";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureName[] =
"MediaFoundation Video Capture";
const char kEnableMediaFoundationVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of MediaFoundation for video capture. Fall back "
"to DirectShow if disabled.";
const char kRawAudioCaptureName[] = "Raw audio capture";
const char kRawAudioCaptureDescription[] =
"Enable/Disable the usage of WASAPI raw audio capture. When enabled, the "
"audio stream is a 'raw' stream that bypasses all signal processing except "
"for endpoint specific, always-on processing in the Audio Processing Object"
" (APO), driver, and hardware.";
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessName[] =
"Run video capture service in browser";
const char kRunVideoCaptureServiceInBrowserProcessDescription[] =
"Run the video capture service in the browser process.";
const char kSafetyCheckChromeCleanerChildName[] =
"Chrome Cleanup Tool in safety check";
const char kSafetyCheckChromeCleanerChildDescription[] =
"Enables the Chrome Cleanup Tool child in safety check.";
const char kUseAngleName[] = "Choose ANGLE graphics backend";
const char kUseAngleDescription[] =
"Choose the graphics backend for ANGLE. D3D11 is used on most Windows "
"computers by default. Using the OpenGL driver as the graphics backend may "
"result in higher performance in some graphics-heavy applications, "
"particularly on NVIDIA GPUs. It can increase battery and memory usage of "
"video playback.";
const char kUseAngleDefault[] = "Default";
const char kUseAngleGL[] = "OpenGL";
const char kUseAngleD3D11[] = "D3D11";
const char kUseAngleD3D9[] = "D3D9";
const char kUseAngleD3D11on12[] = "D3D11on12";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiName[] = "Use Windows Runtime MIDI API";
const char kUseWinrtMidiApiDescription[] =
"Use Windows Runtime MIDI API for WebMIDI (effective only on Windows 10 or "
const char kGdiTextPrinting[] = "GDI Text Printing";
const char kGdiTextPrintingDescription[] =
"Use GDI to print text as simply text";
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationName[] =
"Print with reduced rasterization";
const char kPrintWithReducedRasterizationDescription[] =
"When using GDI printing, avoid rasterization if possible.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingName[] = "Use XPS for printing";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API.";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfName[] = "Use XPS for printing from PDF";
const char kUseXpsForPrintingFromPdfDescription[] =
"When enabled, use XPS printing API instead of the GDI print API when "
"printing PDF documents.";
const char kWin10TabSearchCaptionButtonName[] =
"Windows 10 Tab Search Caption Button";
const char kWin10TabSearchCaptionButtonDescription[] =
"Move the Tab Search entrypoint besides the window caption buttons on "
"Windows 10 platforms.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Mac -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_MAC)
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendName[] = "CUPS IPP Printing Backend";
const char kCupsIppPrintingBackendDescription[] =
"Use the CUPS IPP printing backend instead of the original CUPS backend "
"that calls the PPD API.";
const char kEnterpriseReportingApiKeychainRecreationName[] =
"Enterprise reporting API keychain item recreation.";
const char kEnterpriseReportingApiKeychainRecreationDescription[] =
"Allow enterprise reporting private API to recreate keychain item on Mac. "
"The recreated item can be accessed by other binaries.";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenName[] = "Immersive Fullscreen Toolbar";
const char kImmersiveFullscreenDescription[] =
"Automatically hide and show the toolbar in fullscreen.";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxName[] = "Mac Syscall Filtering Sandbox";
const char kMacSyscallSandboxDescription[] =
"Controls whether the macOS sandbox filters syscalls.";
const char kMetalName[] = "Metal";
const char kMetalDescription[] =
"Use Metal instead of OpenGL for rasterization (if out-of-process "
"rasterization is enabled) and display (if the Skia renderer is enabled)";
const char kScreenTimeName[] = "Screen Time";
const char kScreenTimeDescription[] =
"Integrate with the macOS Screen Time system.";
// Chrome OS -------------------------------------------------------------------
const char kAccountManagementFlowsV2Name[] =
"Enable redesign of account management flows";
const char kAccountManagementFlowsV2Description[] =
"Enables redesign of account management flows and Account Manager page in "
"Settings. "
"See go/betterAM";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeName[] =
"Hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame";
const char kAcceleratedMjpegDecodeDescription[] =
"Enable hardware-accelerated mjpeg decode for captured frame where "
const char kAllowDisableMouseAccelerationName[] =
"Allow disabling mouse acceleration";
const char kAllowDisableMouseAccelerationDescription[] =
"Shows a setting to disable mouse acceleration.";
const char kAllowRepeatedUpdatesName[] =
"Continue checking for updates before reboot and after initial update.";
const char kAllowRepeatedUpdatesDescription[] =
"Continues checking to see if there is a more recent update, even if user"
"has not rebooted to apply the previous update.";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsName[] =
"Allow changes to scroll acceleration/sensitivity for mice/touchpads.";
const char kAllowScrollSettingsDescription[] =
"Shows settings to enable/disable scroll acceleration and to adjust the "
"sensitivity for scrolling.";
extern const char kAppListBubbleName[] =
"Productivity experiment: App Launcher";
extern const char kAppListBubbleDescription[] =
"To evaluate an enhanced Launcher experience that aims to improve app "
"workflows by optimizing access to apps, app content, and app actions.";
const char kAppServiceExternalProtocolName[] = "App Service External Protocol";
const char kAppServiceExternalProtocolDescription[] =
"Use the App Service to provide data for external protocol dialog.";
const char kAppServiceAdaptiveIconName[] = "App Service Adaptive Icons";
const char kAppServiceAdaptiveIconDescription[] =
"Provide adaptive icons through the App Service";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentName[] =
"Enable Custom Tabs experiment for ARC";
const char kArcCustomTabsExperimentDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to use Custom Tabs."
"This feature only works on the Canary and Dev channels.";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeName[] =
"Enable ARC DocumentsProvider unknown file size handling";
const char kArcDocumentsProviderUnknownSizeDescription[] =
"Allow opening DocumentsProvider files where size is not reported.";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentName[] =
"Enable file picker experiment for ARC";
const char kArcFilePickerExperimentDescription[] =
"Enables using Chrome OS file picker in ARC.";
const char kArcImageCopyPasteCompatName[] =
"Enable image copy & paste compatibility mode for ARC";
const char kArcImageCopyPasteCompatDescription[] =
"Allows pasting of images to Android apps through commitContent API and "
"share intent.";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationName[] =
"Enable keyboard shortcut helper integration for ARC";
const char kArcKeyboardShortcutHelperIntegrationDescription[] =
"Shows keyboard shortcuts from Android apps in Chrome OS Shortcut Viewer";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleName[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC";
const char kArcNativeBridgeToggleDescription[] =
"Toggle between native bridge implementations for ARC.";
const char kArcNativeBridge64BitSupportExperimentName[] =
"Enable experimental 64-bit native bridge support for ARC";
const char kArcNativeBridge64BitSupportExperimentDescription[] =
"Enable experimental 64-bit native bridge support for ARC where available.";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuDualCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 2 logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreName[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online.";
const char kArcRtVcpuQuadCoreDesc[] =
"Enable ARC real time vcpu on a device with 3+ logical cores online to "
"reduce media playback glitch.";
const char kArcUseHighMemoryDalvikProfileName[] =
"Enable ARC high-memory dalvik profile";
const char kArcUseHighMemoryDalvikProfileDesc[] =
"Allow Android to use high-memory dalvik profile when applicable for "
"high-memory devices.";
const char kArcWebAppShareName[] = "Enable sharing to Web Apps from ARC";
const char kArcWebAppShareDescription[] =
"Allow Android apps to send shared text and files to web apps. When "
"disabled, web apps may still appear in share sheets, but will not "
"receive any shared content.";
const char kArcEnableUsapName[] =
"Enable ARC Unspecialized Application Processes";
const char kArcEnableUsapDesc[] =
"Enable ARC Unspecialized Application Processes when applicable for "
"high-memory devices.";
const char kAshEnablePipRoundedCornersName[] =
"Enable Picture-in-Picture rounded corners.";
const char kAshEnablePipRoundedCornersDescription[] =
"Enable rounded corners on the Picture-in-Picture window.";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopName[] = "Unified desktop mode";
const char kAshEnableUnifiedDesktopDescription[] =
"Enable unified desktop mode which allows a window to span multiple "
const char kBluetoothAdvertisementMonitoringName[] =
"Bluetooth Advertisement Monitoring";
const char kBluetoothAdvertisementMonitoringDescription[] =
"Advertisement monitoring allows applications to register low energy "
"scanners that filter low energy advertisements in a power-efficient "
const char kBluetoothAggressiveAppearanceFilterName[] =
"Aggressive Bluetooth device filtering";
const char kBluetoothAggressiveAppearanceFilterDescription[] =
"Enables a more aggressive Bluetooth filter in the UI to hide devices that "
"likely cannot be connected to.";
const char kBluetoothFixA2dpPacketSizeName[] = "Bluetooth fix A2DP packet size";
const char kBluetoothFixA2dpPacketSizeDescription[] =
"Fixes Bluetooth A2DP packet size to a smaller default value to improve "
"audio quality and may fix audio stutter.";
const char kBluetoothRevampName[] = "Bluetooth Revamp";
const char kBluetoothRevampDescription[] =
"Enables the Chrome OS Bluetooth Revamp, which updates Bluetooth system UI "
"and related infrastructure.";
const char kBluetoothWbsDogfoodName[] = "Bluetooth WBS dogfood";
const char kBluetoothWbsDogfoodDescription[] =
"Enables Bluetooth wideband speech mic as default audio option. "
"Note that flipping this flag makes no difference on most of the "
"Chrome OS models, because Bluetooth WBS is either unsupported "
"or fully launched. Only on the few models that Bluetooth WBS is "
"still stablizing this flag will take effect.";
const char kButtonARCNetworkDiagnosticsName[] = "ARC Network Tests Button";
const char kButtonARCNetworkDiagnosticsDescription[] =
"Enables the display of a button on the ARC Provisioning failure dialog "
"that opens the connectivity section of the diagnostics app.";
const char kCalendarViewName[] =
"Productivity experiment: Monthly Calendar View";
const char kCalendarViewDescription[] =
"Show Monthly Calendar View with Google Calendar events to increase "
"productivity by helping users view their schedules more quickly.";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateName[] = "Prefer Constant Frame Rate";
const char kPreferConstantFrameRateDescription[] =
"Enables this flag to prefer using constant frame rate for camera when "
const char kForceControlFaceAeName[] = "Force control face AE";
const char kForceControlFaceAeDescription[] =
"Control this flag to force enable or disable face AE for camera";
const char kCategoricalSearchName[] = "Launcher Categorical Search";
const char kCategoricalSearchDescription[] =
"Launcher search results grouped by categories";
const char kCellularAllowPerNetworkRoamingName[] =
"Allow per-networking roaming";
const char kCellularAllowPerNetworkRoamingDescription[] =
"Allows per-network cellular roaming configuration when cellular roaming "
"is not disabled for the device through enterprise policy.";
const char kCellularForbidAttachApnName[] = "Forbid Use Attach APN";
const char kCellularForbidAttachApnDescription[] =
"If enabled, the value of |kCellularUseAttachApn| should have no effect "
"and the LTE attach APN configuration will not be sent to the modem. This "
"flag exists because the |kCellularUseAttachApn| flag can be enabled "
"by command-line arguments via board overlays which takes precedence over "
"finch configs, which may be needed to turn off the Attach APN feature.";
const char kCellularUseAttachApnName[] = "Cellular use Attach APN";
const char kCellularUseAttachApnDescription[] =
"Use the mobile operator database to set explicitly an Attach APN "
"for the LTE connections rather than letting the modem decide which "
"attach APN to use or retrieve it from the network";
const char kCellularUseExternalEuiccName[] = "Use external Euicc";
const char kCellularUseExternalEuiccDescription[] =
"When enabled Cellular Setup and Settings UI will use the first available "
"external Euicc.";
const char kContextualNudgesName[] =
"Contextual nudges for user gesture education";
const char kContextualNudgesDescription[] =
"Enables contextual nudges, periodically showing the user a label "
"explaining how to interact with a particular UI element using gestures.";
const char kCroshSWAName[] = "Crosh System Web App";
const char kCroshSWADescription[] =
"When enabled, crosh (Chrome OS Shell) will run as a tabbed System Web App "
"rather than a normal browser tab.";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsUpdate2Name[] = "Language Settings Update 2";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsUpdate2Description[] =
"Enables the second language settings update. Requires "
"#enable-cros-language-settings-update to be enabled.";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckName[] = "On-device Grammar Check";
const char kCrosOnDeviceGrammarCheckDescription[] =
"Enable new on-device grammar check component.";
const char kCrosRegionsModeName[] = "Cros-regions load mode";
const char kCrosRegionsModeDescription[] =
"This flag controls cros-regions load mode";
const char kCrosRegionsModeDefault[] = "Default";
const char kCrosRegionsModeOverride[] = "Override VPD values.";
const char kCrosRegionsModeHide[] = "Hide VPD values.";
const char kCrostiniDiskResizingName[] = "Allow resizing Crostini disks";
const char kCrostiniDiskResizingDescription[] =
"Use preallocated user-resizeable disks for Crostini instead of sparse "
"automatically sized disks.";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallName[] =
"Debian version for new Crostini containers";
const char kCrostiniContainerInstallDescription[] =
"New Crostini containers will use this debian version";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportName[] = "Crostini GPU Support";
const char kCrostiniGpuSupportDescription[] = "Enable Crostini GPU support.";
const char kCrostiniUseDlcName[] = "Crostini Use DLC";
const char kCrostiniUseDlcDescription[] =
"Download the termina VM using the new DLC service instead of the old "
"component updater.";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbName[] = "Crostini Reset LXD DB on launch";
const char kCrostiniResetLxdDbDescription[] =
"Recreates the LXD database every time we launch it";
const char kDisableBufferBWCompressionName[] =
"Disable buffer bandwidth compression";
const char kDisableBufferBWCompressionDescription[] =
"Disable bandwidth compression when allocating buffers";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceName[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation at source";
const char kDisableCameraFrameRotationAtSourceDescription[] =
"Disable camera frame rotation to the upright display orientation in the "
"video capture device";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesName[] = "Disable CancelAllTouches()";
const char kDisableCancelAllTouchesDescription[] =
"If enabled, a canceled touch will not force all other touches to be "
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureName[] =
"Disable closing idle sockets on memory pressure";
const char kDisableIdleSocketsCloseOnMemoryPressureDescription[] =
"If enabled, idle sockets will not be closed when chrome detects memory "
"pressure. This applies to web pages only and not to internal requests.";
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesName[] = "Disable explicit dma-fences";
const char kDisableExplicitDmaFencesDescription[] =
"Always rely on implicit syncrhonization between GPU and display "
"controller instead of using dma-fences explcitily when available.";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceName[] =
"Enable Display Alignment Assistance";
const char kDisplayAlignmentAssistanceDescription[] =
"Show indicators on shared edges of the displays when user is "
"attempting to move their mouse over to another display. Show preview "
"indicators when the user is moving a display in display layouts.";
const char kDisplayIdentificationName[] =
"Enable display identification highlight";
const char kDisplayIdentificationDescription[] =
"Shows a blue highlight around the edges of the display that is selected "
"in the Displays Settings page. Only shown when the Displays Settings page "
"is open.";
const char kFastPairName[] = "Enable Fast Pair";
const char kFastPairDescription[] =
"Enables Google Fast Pair service which uses BLE to discover supported "
"nearby Bluetooth devices and surfaces a notification for quick pairing. "
"Use along with #bluetooth-advertisement-monitoring to allow background "
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionName[] =
"Monitor/Display HDR transfer function";
const char kUseHDRTransferFunctionDescription[] =
"Allows using the HDR transfer functions of any connected monitor that "
"supports it";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppName[] =
"Disable Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides";
const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentAppDescription[] =
"Disables Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component app so "
"handlers won't be registered, making it possible to install another "
"version for testing.";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeName[] =
"Double-tap to zoom in tablet mode";
const char kDoubleTapToZoomInTabletModeDescription[] =
"If Enabled, double tapping in webpages while in tablet mode will zoom the "
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsName[] =
"Enable setting of PWA notification permissions in quick settings ";
const char kQuickSettingsPWANotificationsDescription[] =
"Replace website notification permissions with PWA notification "
"permissions in the quick settings menu. Website notification permissions "
"settings will be migrated to the lacros - chrome browser.";
const char kDriveFsBidirectionalNativeMessagingName[] =
"Enable bidirectional native messaging for DriveFS";
const char kDriveFsBidirectionalNativeMessagingDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced native messaging host to communicate with DriveFS.";
const char kEnableAppDataSearchName[] = "Enable app data search in launcher";
const char kEnableAppDataSearchDescription[] =
"Allow launcher search to access data available through Firebase App "
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecName[] = "Enforce using the system AEC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variant in CrAS of the AEC";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and AGC.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC and NS in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC and NS.";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcName[] =
"Enforce using the system AEC, NS and AGC in CrAS";
const char kCrOSEnforceSystemAecNsAgcDescription[] =
"Enforces using the system variants in CrAS of the AEC, NS and AGC.";
const char kEnableAppReinstallZeroStateName[] =
"Enable Zero State App Reinstall Suggestions.";
const char kEnableAppReinstallZeroStateDescription[] =
"Enable Zero State App Reinstall Suggestions feature in launcher, which "
"will show app reinstall recommendations at end of zero state list.";
const char kEnableAppGridGhostName[] = "App Grid Ghosting";
const char kEnableAppGridGhostDescription[] =
"Enables ghosting during an item drag in launcher.";
const char kEnableArcUnifiedAudioFocusName[] =
"Enable unified audio focus on ARC";
const char kEnableArcUnifiedAudioFocusDescription[] =
"If audio focus is enabled in Chrome then this will delegate audio focus "
"control in Android apps to Chrome.";
const char kEnableAssistantAppSupportName[] = "Enable Assistant App Support";
const char kEnableAssistantAppSupportDescription[] =
"Enable the Assistant App Support feature";
const char kEnableAssistantLauncherIntegrationName[] =
"Assistant & Launcher integration";
const char kEnableAssistantLauncherIntegrationDescription[] =
"Combine Launcher search with the power of Assistant to provide the most "
"useful answer for each query. Requires Assistant to be enabled.";
const char kEnableAssistantRoutinesName[] = "Assistant Routines";
const char kEnableAssistantRoutinesDescription[] = "Enable Assistant Routines.";
const char kEnableAutoSelectName[] = "Auto Select";
const char kEnableAutoSelectDescription[] =
"Automatically select the word under cursor on contextual menu click.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurName[] = "Enable background blur.";
const char kEnableBackgroundBlurDescription[] =
"Enables background blur for the Launcher, Shelf, Unified System Tray etc.";
const char kEnhancedClipboardName[] =
"Productivity Experiment: Enable Enhanced Clipboard";
const char kEnhancedClipboardDescription[] =
"Enables an experimental clipboard history which aims to reduce context "
"switching. After copying to the clipboard, press search + v to show the "
"history. Selecting something from the menu will result in a paste to the "
"active window.";
const char kEnhancedClipboardNudgeSessionResetName[] =
"Enable resetting enhanced clipboard nudge data";
const char kEnhancedClipboardNudgeSessionResetDescription[] =
"When enabled, this will reset the clipboard nudge shown data on every new "
"user session, allowing the nudge to be shown again.";
const char kEnhancedClipboardScreenshotNudgeName[] =
"Enable clipboard history screenshot nudge";
const char kEnhancedClipboardScreenshotNudgeDescription[] =
"When enabled, the keyboard shortcut for clipboard history will show in "
"the screenshot notification banner in clamshell mode.";
const char kEnableCrOSActionRecorderName[] = "Enable CrOS action recorder";
const char kEnableCrOSActionRecorderDescription[] =
"When enabled, each app launching, file opening, setting change, and url "
"visiting will be logged locally into an encrypted file. Should not be "
"enabled. Be aware that hash option only provides a thin layer of privacy.";
const char kEnableDnsProxyName[] = "Enable DNS proxy service";
const char kEnableDnsProxyDescription[] =
"When enabled, standard DNS queries will be proxied through the system "
const char kDnsProxyEnableDOHName[] =
"Enable DNS-over-HTTPS in the DNS proxy service";
const char kDnsProxyEnableDOHDescription[] =
"When enabled, the DNS proxy will perform DNS-over-HTTPS in accordance "
"with the Chrome OS SecureDNS settings.";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingName[] = "Enable setting the device hostname";
const char kEnableHostnameSettingDescription[] =
"Enables the ability to set the Chrome OS hostname, the name of the device "
"that is exposed to the local network";
const char kEnableGeneratedWebApksName[] = "Generated WebAPKs";
const char kEnableGeneratedWebApksDescription[] =
"When enabled, generates and installs a WebAPK inside ARC for each "
"installed and eligible PWA.";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceName[] =
"Enable gesture properties D-Bus service";
const char kEnableGesturePropertiesDBusServiceDescription[] =
"Enable a D-Bus service for accessing gesture properties, which are used "
"to configure input devices.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with hardware-based hotword";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantDspDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses hardware-based hotword detection "
"for Assistant. Only a limited number of devices have this type of "
"hardware support.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputName[] =
"Enable Google Assistant with stereo audio input";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantStereoInputDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that uses stereo audio input for hotword "
"and voice to text detection in Google Assistant.";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecName[] = "Enable Google Assistant AEC";
const char kEnableGoogleAssistantAecDescription[] =
"Enable an experimental feature that removes local feedback from audio "
"input to help hotword and ASR when background audio is playing.";
const char kEnableHeuristicStylusPalmRejectionName[] =
"Enable Heuristic for Stylus/Palm Rejection.";
const char kEnableHeuristicStylusPalmRejectionDescription[] =
"Enable additional heuristic palm rejection logic when interacting with "
"stylus usage. Not intended for all devices.";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingName[] = "Enable input event logging";
const char kEnableInputEventLoggingDescription[] =
"Enable detailed logging of input events from touchscreens, touchpads, and "
"mice. These events include the locations of all touches as well as "
"relative pointer movements, and so may disclose sensitive data. They "
"will be included in feedback reports and system logs, so DO NOT ENTER "
"SENSITIVE INFORMATION with this flag enabled.";
const char kEnableInputInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable input device cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableInputInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Enable input device cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableInputNoiseCancellationUiName[] =
"Enable Input Noise Cancellation UI.";
const char kEnableInputNoiseCancellationUiDescription[] =
"Enable toggling input noise cancellation through the Quick Settings. By "
"default, this flag is disabled.";
const char kEnableLauncherSearchNormalizationName[] =
"Enable normalization of launcher search results";
const char kEnableLauncherSearchNormalizationDescription[] =
"Enable normalization of scores from different providers to the "
const char kNewDragSpecInLauncherName[] = "Enable Launcher App Paging";
const char kNewDragSpecInLauncherDescription[] =
"Show visual affordance of launcher app pages and enable page previews "
"when dragging apps.";
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionName[] =
"Enable Neural Palm Detection";
const char kEnableNeuralStylusPalmRejectionDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Neural Palm detection. Not compatible with all "
const char kEnableOsFeedbackName[] = "Enable updated Feedback Tool App";
const char kEnableOsFeedbackDescription[] =
"Enable the feedback tool with new UX design that helps users mitigate "
"the issues while writing feedback and makes the UI easier to use.";
const char kEnableNewShortcutMappingName[] = "Enable New Shortcut Mapping";
const char kEnableNewShortcutMappingDescription[] =
"Enables experimental new shortcut mapping";
const char kEnablePalmOnMaxTouchMajorName[] =
"Enable Palm when Touch is Maximum";
const char kEnablePalmOnMaxTouchMajorDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable Palm detection when the touchscreen reports max "
"size. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnablePalmOnToolTypePalmName[] =
"Enable Palm when Tool Type is Palm";
const char kEnablePalmOnToolTypePalmDescription[] =
"Experimental: Enable palm detection when touchscreen reports "
"TOOL_TYPE_PALM. Not compatible with all devices.";
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionName[] =
"Enable Palm Suppression with Stylus.";
const char kEnablePalmSuppressionDescription[] =
"If enabled, suppresses touch when a stylus is on a touchscreen.";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersName[] = "Enable Quick Answers";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersDescription[] =
"Enable the Quick Answers feature";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersOnEditableTextName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers on editable text";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersOnEditableTextDescription[] =
"Enable Quick Answers on editable text.";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTextAnnotatorName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers text annotator";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTextAnnotatorDescription[] =
"Enable Quick Answers text annotator.";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTranslationName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers translation";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTranslationDescription[] =
"Enable Quick Answers translation.";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTranslationCloudAPIName[] =
"Enable Quick Answers translation using the Cloud API";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersTranslationCloudAPIDescription[] =
"Enable Quick Answers translation using the Cloud API.";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersV2Name[] = "Enable Quick Answers V2 features";
const char kEnableQuickAnswersV2Description[] =
"Enable Quick Answers V2 features.";
const char kTrimOnMemoryPressureName[] = "Trim Working Set on memory pressure";
const char kTrimOnMemoryPressureDescription[] =
"Trim Working Set periodically on memory pressure";
const char kEcheSWAName[] = "Enable Eche App SWA.";
const char kEcheSWADescription[] = "Enable the SWA version of the Eche.";
const char kEcheSWAResizingName[] = "Allow resizing Eche App.";
const char kEcheSWAResizingDescription[] =
"Enable a naive resize for the Eche window";
const char kEnableNetworkingInDiagnosticsAppName[] =
"Enable networking cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableNetworkingInDiagnosticsAppDescription[] =
"Enable networking cards in the Diagnostics App";
const char kEnableOAuthIppName[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableOAuthIppDescription[] =
"Enable OAuth when printing via the IPP protocol";
const char kEnableSuggestedFilesName[] = "Enable Suggested Files";
const char kEnableSuggestedFilesDescription[] =
"Enable Suggested Files feature in Launcher, which will show file "
"suggestions in the suggestion chips when the launcher is opened";
const char kESimPolicyName[] = "Enable ESim Policy";
const char kESimPolicyDescription[] =
"Enable the support for policy controlled provisioning and configuration "
"of eSIM cellular networks";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationName[] = "Gamepad Vibration for Exo Clients";
const char kExoGamepadVibrationDescription[] =
"Allow Exo clients like Android to request vibration events for gamepads "
"that support it.";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionName[] =
"Raw (unaccelerated) motion for Linux applications";
const char kExoOrdinalMotionDescription[] =
"Send unaccelerated values as raw motion events to linux applications.";
const char kExoPointerLockName[] = "Pointer lock for Linux applications";
const char kExoPointerLockDescription[] =
"Allow Linux applications to request a pointer lock, i.e. exclusive use of "
"the mouse pointer.";
const char kExoLockNotificationName[] = "Notification bubble for UI lock";
const char kExoLockNotificationDescription[] =
"Show a notification bubble once an application has switched to "
"non-immersive fullscreen mode or obtained pointer lock.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationExtensionName[] =
"Experimental accessibility dictation extension.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationExtensionDescription[] =
"Enables the JavaScript dictation extension.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationListeningName[] =
"Experimental accessibility dictation listening duration and behavior.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationListeningDescription[] =
"Enables longer listening with network recognition and listening after "
"finalized speech for the accessibility dictation feature.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationOfflineName[] =
"Experimental accessibility dictation offline.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilityDictationOfflineDescription[] =
"Enables offline speech recognition for the accessibility dictation "
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextName[] =
"Enable enhanced Switch Access text input.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessTextDescription[] =
"Enable experimental or in-progress Switch Access features for improved "
"text input";
const char kSwitchAccessPointScanningName[] =
"Enable point scanning with Switch Access.";
const char kSwitchAccessPointScanningDescription[] =
"Enable an in-process feature to select points onscreen with Switch "
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessSetupGuideName[] =
"Enable setup guide for Switch Access.";
const char kExperimentalAccessibilitySwitchAccessSetupGuideDescription[] =
"Enable a setup guide to walk through the steps of initially configuring "
"Switch Access.";
const char kMagnifierPanningImprovementsName[] =
"Enable panning improvements in magnifier";
const char kMagnifierPanningImprovementsDescription[] =
"Enable feature which adds additional mouse and keyboard panning "
"functionality in Magnifier.";
const char kMagnifierContinuousMouseFollowingModeSettingName[] =
"Enable ability to choose continuous mouse following mode in Magnifier "
const char kMagnifierContinuousMouseFollowingModeSettingDescription[] =
"Enable feature which adds ability to choose new continuous mouse "
"following mode in Magnifier settings.";
const char kFilesArchivemountName[] = "Archivemount in Files App";
const char kFilesArchivemountDescription[] =
"Enable mounting various archive formats in File Manager.";
const char kFilesBannerFrameworkName[] =
"Updated Banner framework in Files app";
const char kFilesBannerFrameworkDescription[] =
"Enable the updated branner framework in Files app";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatName[] =
"Enable Partitioning of Removable Disks.";
const char kFilesSinglePartitionFormatDescription[] =
"Enable partitioning of removable disks into single partition.";
const char kFilesSWAName[] = "Enable Files App SWA.";
const char kFilesSWADescription[] =
"Enable the SWA version of the file manager.";
const char kFilesTrashName[] = "Enable Files Trash.";
const char kFilesTrashDescription[] =
"Enable trash for My files volume in Files App.";
const char kFilesZipMountName[] = "New ZIP mounting in Files App";
const char kFilesZipMountDescription[] =
"Enable new ZIP archive mounting system in File Manager.";
const char kFilesZipPackName[] = "New ZIP packing in Files App";
const char kFilesZipPackDescription[] =
"Enable new ZIP archive creation system in File Manager.";
const char kFilesZipUnpackName[] = "New ZIP unpacking in Files App";
const char kFilesZipUnpackDescription[] =
"Enable new ZIP archive extraction system in File Manager.";
const char kForceSpectreVariant2MitigationName[] =
"Force Spectre variant 2 mitigagtion";
const char kForceSpectreVariant2MitigationDescription[] =
"Forces Spectre variant 2 mitigation. Setting this to enabled will "
"override #spectre-variant2-mitigation and any system-level setting that "
"disables Spectre variant 2 mitigation.";
const char kFiltersInRecentsName[] = "Enable filters in Recents";
const char kFiltersInRecentsDescription[] =
"Enable file-type filters (Audio, Images, Videos) in Files App Recents "
const char kFocusFollowsCursorName[] = "Focus follows cursor";
const char kFocusFollowsCursorDescription[] =
"Enable window focusing by moving the cursor.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsName[] = "Set frame throttling fps.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsDescription[] =
"Set the throttle fps for compositor frame submission.";
const char kFrameThrottleFpsDefault[] = "Default";
const char kFrameThrottleFps5[] = "5 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps10[] = "10 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps15[] = "15 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps20[] = "20 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps25[] = "25 fps";
const char kFrameThrottleFps30[] = "30 fps";
const char kFullRestoreName[] = "Full restore";
const char kFullRestoreDescription[] = "Chrome OS full restore";
const char kFuseBoxName[] = "Enable ChromeOS FuseBox service";
const char kFuseBoxDescription[] = "ChromeOS FuseBox service.";
const char kHelpAppBackgroundPageName[] = "Help App Background Page";
const char kHelpAppBackgroundPageDescription[] =
"Enables the Background page in the help app. The background page is used "
"to initialize the Help App Launcher search index and show the Discover "
"tab notification.";
const char kHelpAppDiscoverTabName[] = "Help App Discover Tab";
const char kHelpAppDiscoverTabDescription[] =
"Enables the Discover tab in the help app. Even if the feature is enabled, "
"internal app logic might decide not to show the tab.";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchName[] = "Help App launcher search";
const char kHelpAppLauncherSearchDescription[] =
"Enables showing search results from the help app in the launcher.";
const char kHelpAppSearchServiceIntegrationName[] =
"Help App search service integration";
const char kHelpAppSearchServiceIntegrationDescription[] =
"Enables the integration between the help app and the local search"
" service. Includes using the search service for in app search.";
const char kHideArcMediaNotificationsName[] = "Hide ARC media notifications";
const char kHideArcMediaNotificationsDescription[] =
"Hides media notifications for ARC apps. Requires "
"#enable-media-session-notifications to be enabled.";
const char kHoldingSpaceInProgressDownloadsIntegrationName[] =
"Enable showing in-progress downloads in Tote.";
const char kHoldingSpaceInProgressDownloadsIntegrationDescription[] =
"Show in-progress download functionality in Tote to increase productivity "
"by giving users one place to go to monitor and access their downloads.";
const char kImeAssistAutocorrectName[] = "Enable assistive autocorrect";
const char kImeAssistAutocorrectDescription[] =
"Enable assistive auto-correct features for native IME";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedName[] = "Enable enhanced assistive emojis";
const char kImeAssistEmojiEnhancedDescription[] =
"Enable enhanced assistive emoji suggestion features for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordName[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordDescription[] =
"Enable assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedName[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions";
const char kImeAssistMultiWordExpandedDescription[] =
"Enable expanded assistive multi word suggestions for native IME";
const char kImeAssistPersonalInfoName[] = "Enable assistive personal info";
const char kImeAssistPersonalInfoDescription[] =
"Enable auto-complete suggestions on personal infomation for native IME.";
const char kImeEmojiSuggestAdditionName[] =
"Enable emoji suggestion (addition)";
const char kImeEmojiSuggestAdditionDescription[] =
"Enable emoji suggestion as addition to the text written for native IME.";
const char kImeMozcProtoName[] = "Enable protobuf on Japanese IME";
const char kImeMozcProtoDescription[] =
"Enable Japanese IME to use protobuf as interactive message format to "
"replace JSON";
const char kImeServiceDecoderName[] = "ChromeOS IME Service Decoder";
const char kImeServiceDecoderDescription[] =
"Controls whether ChromeOS system IME works with the NaCl decoders or "
"the decoders loaded in the IME service.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerName[] = "System emoji picker";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerDescription[] =
"Controls whether a System emoji picker, or the virtual keyboard is used "
"for inserting emoji.";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardName[] =
"System emoji picker clipboard";
const char kImeSystemEmojiPickerClipboardDescription[] =
"Emoji picker will insert emoji into clipboard if they can't be inserted "
"into a text field";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingName[] = "Stylus Handwriting";
const char kImeStylusHandwritingDescription[] =
"Enable VK UI for stylus in text fields";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsImeOptionsInSettingsName[] =
"Ime settings in settings";
const char kCrosLanguageSettingsImeOptionsInSettingsDescription[] =
"Adds IME settings to the settings menu";
const char kIntentHandlingSharingName[] = "Intent handling for sharing";
const char kIntentHandlingSharingDescription[] =
"Support sharing in Chrome OS intent handling.";
const char kIntentPickerPWAPersistenceName[] = "Intent picker PWA Persistence";
const char kIntentPickerPWAPersistenceDescription[] =
"Allow user to always open with PWA in intent picker.";
const char kKeyboardBasedDisplayArrangementInSettingsName[] =
"Keyboard-based Display Arrangement in Settings";
const char kKeyboardBasedDisplayArrangementInSettingsDescription[] =
"Enables using arrow keys to rearrange displays on Settings > Device > "
"Displays page.";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreName[] =
"Ignore lacros-availability policy";
const char kLacrosAvailabilityIgnoreDescription[] =
"Makes the lacros-availability policy have no effect. Instead Lacros "
"availability will be controlled by experiment and/or user flags.";
const char kLacrosPrimaryName[] = "Lacros as the primary browser";
const char kLacrosPrimaryDescription[] =
"Use Lacros-chrome as the primary web browser on Chrome OS. "
"This flag is ignored if Lacros support is disabled.";
const char kLacrosStabilityName[] = "Lacros stability";
const char kLacrosStabilityDescription[] = "Frequency of Lacros updates.";
const char kLacrosStabilityLeastStableDescription[] = "Daily updates";
const char kLacrosStabilityLessStableDescription[] = "Weekly updates";
const char kLacrosStabilityMoreStableDescription[] = "Monthly updates";
const char kLacrosSelectionName[] = "Lacros selection";
const char kLacrosSelectionDescription[] =
"Choosing between rootfs or stateful Lacros.";
const char kLacrosSelectionRootfsDescription[] = "Rootfs";
const char kLacrosSelectionStatefulDescription[] = "Stateful";
const char kLacrosSupportName[] = "Lacros support";
const char kLacrosSupportDescription[] =
"Support for the experimental lacros-chrome browser. Please note that the "
"first restart can take some time to setup lacros-chrome. Please DO NOT "
"attempt to turn off the device during the restart.";
const char kLauncherQueryHighlightingName[] = "Launcher query highlighting";
const char kLauncherQueryHighlightingDescription[] =
"Enables highlighting occurrences of the search query in launcher search "
"result titles.";
const char kLimitAltTabToActiveDeskName[] =
"Limit Alt-Tab windows to active desk";
const char kLimitAltTabToActiveDeskDescription[] =
"Limits the windows listed in Alt-Tab to the ones in the currently active "
"virtual desk";
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskName[] =
"Limit Shelf items to active desk";
const char kLimitShelfItemsToActiveDeskDescription[] =
"Limits items on the shelf to the ones associated with windows on the "
"active desk";
const char kListAllDisplayModesName[] = "List all display modes";
const char kListAllDisplayModesDescription[] =
"Enables listing all external displays' modes in the display settings.";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeName[] = "Enable Hardware Mirror Mode";
const char kEnableHardwareMirrorModeDescription[] =
"Enables hardware support when multiple displays are set to mirror mode.";
const char kLockScreenMediaControlsName[] = "Lock screen media controls";
const char kLockScreenMediaControlsDescription[] =
"Enable media controls on the lock screen.";
const char kLockScreenNotificationName[] = "Lock screen notification";
const char kLockScreenNotificationDescription[] =
"Enable notifications on the lock screen.";
const char kMediaAppHandlesPdfName[] = "Media App Handles PDF";
const char kMediaAppHandlesPdfDescription[] =
"Enables opening PDF files by default in chrome://media-app";
const char kMediaAppMultiWindowName[] = "Media App Multi Window";
const char kMediaAppMultiWindowDescription[] =
"Enables opening multiple instances of chrome://media-app";
const char kMeteredShowToggleName[] = "Show Metered Toggle";
const char kMeteredShowToggleDescription[] =
"Shows a Metered toggle in the Network settings UI for WiFI and Cellular. "
"The toggle allows users to set whether a network should be considered "
"metered for purposes of bandwith usage (e.g. for automatic updates).";
const char kMicrophoneMuteNotificationsName[] = "Microphone Mute Notifications";
const char kMicrophoneMuteNotificationsDescription[] =
"Enables notifications that are shown when an app tries to use microphone "
"while audio input is muted.";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceName[] = "Microphone Mute Switch Device";
const char kMicrophoneMuteSwitchDeviceDescription[] =
"Support for detecting the state of hardware microphone mute toggle. Only "
"effective on devices that have a microphone mute toggle. Enabling the "
"flag does not affect the toggle functionality, it only affects how the "
"System UI handles the mute toggle state.";
const char kMultilingualTypingName[] = "Multilingual typing on CrOS";
const char kMultilingualTypingDescription[] =
"Enables support for multilingual assistive typing on Chrome OS.";
const char kNearbyKeepAliveFixName[] = "Nearby Keep Alive Fix";
const char kNearbyKeepAliveFixDescription[] =
"Enables custom KeepAlive interval and timeout for Nearby Connections and "
"makes Nearby Connections WebRTC KeepAlive less chatty to help with "
"battery life.";
const char kNearbySharingName[] = "Nearby Sharing";
const char kNearbySharingDescription[] =
"Enables Nearby Sharing for sharing content between devices.";
const char kNearbySharingBackgroundScanningName[] =
"Nearby Sharing Background Scanning";
const char kNearbySharingBackgroundScanningDescription[] =
"Enables background scanning for Nearby Share, allowing devices to "
"persistently scan and present a notification when a nearby device is "
"attempting to share.";
const char kNearbySharingDeviceContactsName[] =
"Nearby Sharing Device Contacts";
const char kNearbySharingDeviceContactsDescription[] =
"Enables use of device contacts in Nearby Share.";
const char kNearbySharingWebRtcName[] = "Nearby Sharing WebRTC";
const char kNearbySharingWebRtcDescription[] =
"Enables use of WebRTC in Nearby Share.";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizing[] = "Performant Split View Resizing";
const char kPerformantSplitViewResizingDescription[] =
"If enabled, windows may be moved instead of scaled when resizing split "
"view in tablet mode.";
const char kPhoneHubCameraRollName[] = "Camera Roll in Phone Hub";
const char kPhoneHubCameraRollDescription[] =
"Enables the Camera Roll feature in Phone Hub, which allows users to "
"access recent photos and videos taken on a connected Android device.";
const char kPhoneHubRecentAppsName[] = "Recent Apps in Phone Hub";
const char kPhoneHubRecentAppsDescription[] =
"Enables the Recent Apps feature in Phone Hub, which allows users to "
"relaunch a recently streamed app.";
const char kReduceDisplayNotificationsName[] = "Reduce display notifications";
const char kReduceDisplayNotificationsDescription[] =
"If enabled, notifications for display rotation, display removed, display "
"mirroring, and display extending will be suppressed.";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsName[] =
"Release Notes Notification All Channels";
const char kReleaseNotesNotificationAllChannelsDescription[] =
"Enables the release notes notification for all Chrome OS channels";
const char kArcGhostWindowName[] = "Enable ARC ghost window";
const char kArcGhostWindowDescription[] =
"Enables the pre-load app window for "
"ARC++ app during ARCVM booting stage on full restore process";
const char kArcResizeLockName[] = "Resize Lock for Android apps";
const char kArcResizeLockDescription[] =
"Enable compatibility mode for Android apps that are not optimized for "
"large screens, and impose restrictions on resizing the apps";
const char kScanAppMediaLinkName[] = "Show Media app link in Scan app";
const char kScanAppMediaLinkDescription[] =
"Enables showing a link in the Scan app to open scanned images in the Media"
" app.";
const char kScanAppMultiPageScanName[] =
"Enable multi-page scanning in Scan app";
const char kScanAppMultiPageScanDescription[] =
"Enables creating a single PDF file from multiple flatbed scans";
extern const char kScanAppSearchablePdfName[] =
"Enable saving scans as a searchable PDF.";
extern const char kScanAppSearchablePdfDescription[] =
"Allow selecting Searchable PDF file type in Scan app"
" with incorporation of OCR service.";
const char kScanAppStickySettingsName[] = "Enable sticky settings in Scan app";
const char kScanAppStickySettingsDescription[] =
"Enables sticky settings in Scan app for automatically saving scan"
" settings in Chrome OS.";
const char kShimlessRMAFlowName[] = "Enable shimless RMA flow";
const char kShimlessRMAFlowDescription[] = "Enable shimless RMA flow";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationName[] = "Scheduler Configuration";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationDescription[] =
"Instructs the OS to use a specific scheduler configuration setting.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationConservative[] =
"Disables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kSchedulerConfigurationPerformance[] =
"Enables Hyper-Threading on relevant CPUs.";
const char kSelectToSpeakNavigationControlName[] =
"Select-to-speak navigation control";
const char kSelectToSpeakNavigationControlDescription[] =
"Enables enhanced Select-to-speak navigation features.";
const char kSharesheetContentPreviewsName[] = "Sharesheet Content Previews";
const char kSharesheetContentPreviewsDescription[] =
"Chrome OS content previews for sharesheet.";
const char kSharesheetName[] = "Sharesheet";
const char kSharesheetDescription[] = "Chrome OS sharesheet.";
const char kChromeOSSharingHubName[] = "Chrome OS Sharing Hub";
const char kChromeOSSharingHubDescription[] =
"Enables the Sharing Hub (share sheet) on ChromeOS via the Omnibox.";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleName[] =
"Show Bluetooth debug log toggle";
const char kShowBluetoothDebugLogToggleDescription[] =
"Enables a toggle which can enable debug (i.e., verbose) logs for "
const char kBluetoothSessionizedMetricsName[] =
"Enable Bluetooth sessionized metrics";
const char kBluetoothSessionizedMetricsDescription[] =
"Enables collecting and processing Bluetooth sessionized metrics.";
const char kShowDateInTrayName[] = "Enable Show Date In Tray";
const char kShowDateInTrayDescription[] =
"Showing date in status area when the screen is sufficiently large.";
const char kShowTapsName[] = "Show taps";
const char kShowTapsDescription[] =
"Draws a circle at each touch point, which makes touch points more obvious "
"when projecting or mirroring the display. Similar to the Android OS "
"developer option.";
const char kShowTouchHudName[] = "Show HUD for touch points";
const char kShowTouchHudDescription[] =
"Shows a trail of colored dots for the last few touch points. Pressing "
"Ctrl-Alt-I shows a heads-up display view in the top-left corner. Helps "
"debug hardware issues that generate spurious touch events.";
const char kSmartLockUIRevampName[] = "Enable Smart Lock UI Revamp";
const char kSmartLockUIRevampDescription[] =
"Replaces the existing Smart Lock UI on the lock screen with a new design "
"and adds Smart Lock to the 'Lock screen and sign-in' section of settings.";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationName[] = "Spectre variant 2 mitigation";
const char kSpectreVariant2MitigationDescription[] =
"Controls whether Spectre variant 2 mitigation is enabled when "
"bootstrapping the Seccomp BPF sandbox. Can be overridden by "
const char kSplitSettingsSyncName[] = "Split OS and browser sync";
const char kSplitSettingsSyncDescription[] =
"Allows OS sync to be configured separately from browser sync. Changes the "
"OS settings UI to provide controls for OS data types. Requires "
"#split-settings to be enabled.";
const char kSystemLatinPhysicalTypingName[] =
"Use system IME for latin-script typing";
const char kSystemLatinPhysicalTypingDescription[] =
"Use the system input engine instead of the Chrome extension for physical "
"typing in languages based on latin script.";
const char kPluginVmFullscreenName[] = "Plugin VM Fullscreen";
const char kPluginVmFullscreenDescription[] =
"Hides shelf in immersive mode and allows esc hold to exit.";
const char kTetherName[] = "Instant Tethering";
const char kTetherDescription[] =
"Enables Instant Tethering. Instant Tethering allows your nearby Google "
"phone to share its Internet connection with this device.";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationName[] =
"Enable/disable touchscreen calibration option in material design settings";
const char kTouchscreenCalibrationDescription[] =
"If enabled, the user can calibrate the touch screen displays in "
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamName[] = "Use fake video capture device";
const char kUseFakeDeviceForMediaStreamDescription[] =
"Forces Chrome to use a fake video capture device (a rolling pacman with a "
"timestamp) instead of the system audio/video devices, for debugging "
const char kUiDevToolsName[] = "Enable native UI inspection";
const char kUiDevToolsDescription[] =
"Enables inspection of native UI elements. For local inspection use "
const char kUiSlowAnimationsName[] = "Slow UI animations";
const char kUiSlowAnimationsDescription[] = "Makes all UI animations slow.";
const char kVaapiJpegImageDecodeAccelerationName[] =
"VA-API JPEG decode acceleration for images";
const char kVaapiJpegImageDecodeAccelerationDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of JPEG images (as opposed to camera"
" captures) using the VA-API.";
const char kVaapiWebPImageDecodeAccelerationName[] =
"VA-API WebP decode acceleration for images";
const char kVaapiWebPImageDecodeAccelerationDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of WebP images using the VA-API.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardName[] = "Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDescription[] =
"Always show virtual keyboard regardless of having a physical keyboard "
const char kVirtualKeyboardApiName[] = "Virtual Keyboard API";
const char kVirtualKeyboardApiDescription[] =
"Enable the JS Virtual keyboard API, allowing manual control of the VK.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardBorderedKeyName[] = "Virtual Keyboard Bordered Key";
const char kVirtualKeyboardBorderedKeyDescription[] =
"Show virtual keyboard with bordered key";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledName[] = "Disable Virtual Keyboard";
const char kVirtualKeyboardDisabledDescription[] =
"Always disable virtual keyboard regardless of device mode. Workaround for "
"virtual keyboard showing with some external keyboards.";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultipasteName[] = "Virtual Keyboard MultiPaste";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultipasteDescription[] =
"Show virtual keyboard with multipaste UI";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultipasteSuggestionName[] =
"Virtual Keyboard MultiPaste Suggestion";
const char kVirtualKeyboardMultipasteSuggestionDescription[] =
"Show multipaste items in virtual keyboard suggestion bar if they are "
"copied recently";
const char kVmStatusPageName[] = "VM status page";
const char kVmStatusPageDescription[] = "Enable VM status page";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedName[] = "Allow enabling wake on WiFi features";
const char kWakeOnWifiAllowedDescription[] =
"Allows wake on WiFi features in shill to be enabled.";
const char kWebAppsCrosapiName[] = "Web Apps Crosapi";
const char kWebAppsCrosapiDescription[] =
"Support web apps publishing from Lacros browser.";
const char kWebuiDarkModeName[] = "WebUI dark mode";
const char kWebuiDarkModeDescription[] =
"Allows dark mode usage in WebUI. Note that this does not necessary enable "
"dark mode, which is enabled via the #enable-force-dark flag.";
const char kWifiSyncAllowDeletesName[] =
"Sync removal of Wi-Fi network configurations";
const char kWifiSyncAllowDeletesDescription[] =
"Enables the option to sync deletions of Wi-Fi networks to other Chrome OS "
"devices when Wi-Fi Sync is enabled.";
const char kWifiSyncAndroidName[] =
"Sync Wi-Fi network configurations with Android";
const char kWifiSyncAndroidDescription[] =
"Enables the option to sync Wi-Fi network configurations between Chrome OS "
"devices and a connected Android phone";
// Prefer keeping this section sorted to adding new definitions down here.
extern const char kMultiProfileAccountConsistencyName[] =
"Account consistency for multi-profile.";
extern const char kMultiProfileAccountConsistencyDescription[] =
"Enables integration of secondary profiles with the ChromeOS Account "
const char kAllowDefaultWebAppMigrationForChromeOsManagedUsersName[] =
"Allow default web app migration for Chrome OS managed users";
const char kAllowDefaultWebAppMigrationForChromeOsManagedUsersDescription[] =
"The web app migration flags "
"(chrome://flags/#enable-migrate-default-chrome-app-to-web-apps-gsuite and "
"chrome://flags/#enable-migrate-default-chrome-app-to-web-apps-non-gsuite) "
"are ignored for managed Chrome OS users unless this feature is enabled.";
const char kDefaultChatWebAppName[] = "Default Chat web app";
const char kDefaultChatWebAppDescription[] =
"Enables the Chat web app to be installed by default.";
const char kDefaultMeetWebAppName[] = "Default Meet web app";
const char kDefaultMeetWebAppDescription[] =
"Enables the Meet web app to be installed by default.";
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kDeprecateLowUsageCodecsName[] = "Deprecates low usage media codecs";
const char kDeprecateLowUsageCodecsDescription[] =
"Deprecates low usage codecs. Disable this feature to allow playback of "
"AMR and GSM.";
const char kVaapiAV1DecoderName[] = "VA-API decode acceleration for AV1";
const char kVaapiAV1DecoderDescription[] =
"Enable or disable decode acceleration of AV1 videos using the VA-API.";
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
const char kVaapiVP9kSVCEncoderName[] =
"VA-API encode acceleration for k-SVC VP9";
const char kVaapiVP9kSVCEncoderDescription[] =
"Enable or disable k-SVC VP9 encode acceleration using VA-API.";
const char kChromeOSDirectVideoDecoderName[] = "ChromeOS Direct Video Decoder";
const char kChromeOSDirectVideoDecoderDescription[] =
"Enables the hardware-accelerated ChromeOS direct media::VideoDecoder "
"implementation. Note that this might be entirely disallowed by the "
"--platform-disallows-chromeos-direct-video-decoder command line switch "
"which is added for platforms where said direct VideoDecoder does not work "
"or is not well tested (see the disable_cros_video_decoder USE flag in "
"Chrome OS)";
#if BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_WIN)
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureName[] = "Enable Zero-Copy Video Capture";
const char kZeroCopyVideoCaptureDescription[] =
"Camera produces a gpu friendly buffer on capture and, if there is, "
"hardware accelerated video encoder consumes the buffer";
#endif // BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_WIN)
// All views-based platforms --------------------------------------------------
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
const char kDownloadShelfWebUI[] = "Download Shelf WebUI";
const char kDownloadShelfWebUIDescription[] =
"Replaces the Views download shelf with a WebUI download shelf.";
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Random platform combinations -----------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_LINUX) || \
defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversName[] =
"Enables Out-of-Process Printer Drivers";
const char kEnableOopPrintDriversDescription[] =
"Enables printing interactions with the operating system to be performed "
const char kWebUIBrandingUpdateName[] = "WebUI Branding Update";
const char kWebUIBrandingUpdateDescription[] =
"Changes various UI components in WebUI pages to have a more modern look.";
const char kWebuiFeedbackName[] = "WebUI Feedback";
const char kWebuiFeedbackDescription[] =
"If enabled, Chrome will show the Feedback WebUI, as opposed to Chrome "
"App Feedback UI, when clicking on \"Report an issue...\"";
const char kSettingsLandingPageRedesignName[] =
"Settings Landing Page Redesign";
const char kSettingsLandingPageRedesignDescription[] =
"Changes the layout of the chrome://settings page to only show one section "
"at a time.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_LINUX) ||
// defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_LINUX)
const char kCommanderName[] = "Commander";
const char kCommanderDescription[] =
"Enable a text interface to browser features. Invoke with Ctrl-Space.";
const char kDesktopRestructuredLanguageSettingsName[] =
"Restructured Language Settings (Desktop)";
const char kDesktopRestructuredLanguageSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable the new restructured language settings page";
const char kDesktopDetailedLanguageSettingsName[] =
"Detailed Language Settings (Desktop)";
const char kDesktopDetailedLanguageSettingsDescription[] =
"Enable the new detailed language settings page";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC) || defined(OS_LINUX)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX)
const char kDynamicTcmallocName[] = "Dynamic Tcmalloc Tuning";
const char kDynamicTcmallocDescription[] =
"Allows tcmalloc to dynamically adjust tunables based on system resource "
#endif // #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) || defined(OS_LINUX)
const char kUserDataSnapshotName[] = "Enable user data snapshots";
const char kUserDataSnapshotDescription[] =
"Enables taking snapshots of the user data directory after a Chrome "
"update and restoring them after a version rollback.";
#if defined(OS_WIN) || BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) || defined(OS_MAC)
const char kWebShareName[] = "Web Share";
const char kWebShareDescription[] =
"Enables the Web Share (navigator.share) APIs on experimentally supported "
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_ASH) || defined(OS_MAC)
#if defined(OS_LINUX) && defined(USE_OZONE)
const char kUseOzonePlatformName[] = "Use ozone.";
const char kUseOzonePlatformDescription[] =
"Use the Ozone/X11 platform implementation on X11.";
#endif // defined(OS_LINUX) && defined(USE_OZONE)
// Feature flags --------------------------------------------------------------
const char kDcheckIsFatalName[] = "DCHECKs are fatal";
const char kDcheckIsFatalDescription[] =
"By default Chrome will evaluate in this build, but only log failures, "
"rather than crashing. If enabled, DCHECKs will crash the calling process.";
#endif // defined(DCHECK_IS_CONFIGURABLE)
const char kEnableJXLName[] = "Enable JXL image format";
const char kEnableJXLDescription[] =
"Adds image decoding support for the JPEG XL image format.";
const char kNaclName[] = "Native Client";
const char kNaclDescription[] =
"Support Native Client for all web applications, even those that were not "
"installed from the Chrome Web Store.";
#endif // ENABLE_NACL
const char kPaintPreviewDemoName[] = "Paint Preview Demo";
const char kPaintPreviewDemoDescription[] =
"If enabled a menu item is added to the Android main menu to demo paint "
const char kPaintPreviewStartupName[] = "Paint Preview Startup";
const char kPaintPreviewStartupDescription[] =
"If enabled, paint previews for each tab are captured when a tab is hidden "
"and are deleted when a tab is closed. If a paint preview was captured for "
"the tab to be restored on startup, the paint preview will be shown "
const char kWebUITabStripName[] = "WebUI tab strip";
const char kWebUITabStripDescription[] =
"When enabled makes use of a WebUI-based tab strip.";
const char kWebUITabStripTabDragIntegrationName[] =
"ChromeOS drag-drop extensions for WebUI tab strip";
const char kWebUITabStripTabDragIntegrationDescription[] =
"Enables special handling in ash for WebUI tab strip tab drags. Allows "
"dragging tabs out to new windows.";
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadName[] =
"Enable offering upload of Autofilled credit cards";
const char kAutofillCreditCardUploadDescription[] =
"Enables a new option to upload credit cards to Google Payments for sync "
"to all Chrome devices.";
#endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if !defined(OS_WIN) && !defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
const char kSendWebUIJavaScriptErrorReportsName[] =
"Send WebUI JavaScript Error Reports";
const char kSendWebUIJavaScriptErrorReportsDescription[] =
"If enabled, and if the user has consented to sending metrics to Google, "
"then when the JavaScript has an error on a WebUI page, an error report "
"will be sent to Google.";
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
const char kElasticOverscrollName[] = "Elastic Overscroll";
const char kElasticOverscrollDescription[] =
"Enables Elastic Overscrolling on touchscreens and precision touchpads.";
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN) || (defined(OS_LINUX) || BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMEOS_LACROS)) || \
const char kUIDebugToolsName[] = "Debugging tools for UI";
const char kUIDebugToolsDescription[] =
"Enables additional keyboard shortcuts to help debugging.";
const char kAuraWindowSubtreeCaptureName[] = "ChromeOS Window Subtree Capture";
const char kAuraWindowSubtreeCaptureDescription[] =
"Enables capture of ChromeOS Aura windows using subtree capture. When "
"disabled, the legacy slow capturer will be used.";
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCapturerName[] = "WebRTC PipeWire support";
const char kWebrtcPipeWireCapturerDescription[] =
"When enabled the WebRTC will use the PipeWire multimedia server for "
"capturing the desktop content on the Wayland display server.";
#endif // #if defined(WEBRTC_USE_PIPEWIRE)
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosName[] =
"Enables Lacros in the web (PWA) Kiosk";
const char kWebKioskEnableLacrosDescription[] =
"Uses Lacros-chrome as the web browser in the web (PWA) Kiosk session on "
"Chrome OS. When disabled, the Ash-chrome will be used";
// ============================================================================
// Don't just add flags to the end, put them in the right section in
// alphabetical order just like the header file.
// ============================================================================
} // namespace flag_descriptions