| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "cc/resources/resource_provider.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <set> |
| |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" |
| #include "base/logging.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "cc/base/scoped_ptr_deque.h" |
| #include "cc/output/output_surface.h" |
| #include "cc/resources/returned_resource.h" |
| #include "cc/resources/shared_bitmap_manager.h" |
| #include "cc/resources/single_release_callback.h" |
| #include "cc/test/fake_output_surface.h" |
| #include "cc/test/fake_output_surface_client.h" |
| #include "cc/test/test_gpu_memory_buffer_manager.h" |
| #include "cc/test/test_shared_bitmap_manager.h" |
| #include "cc/test/test_texture.h" |
| #include "cc/test/test_web_graphics_context_3d.h" |
| #include "cc/trees/blocking_task_runner.h" |
| #include "gpu/GLES2/gl2extchromium.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h" |
| #include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/gpu_memory_buffer.h" |
| |
| using testing::Mock; |
| using testing::NiceMock; |
| using testing::Return; |
| using testing::SetArgPointee; |
| using testing::StrictMock; |
| using testing::_; |
| |
| namespace cc { |
| namespace { |
| |
| static void EmptyReleaseCallback(uint32 sync_point, |
| bool lost_resource, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner) { |
| } |
| |
| static void ReleaseCallback( |
| uint32* release_sync_point, |
| bool* release_lost_resource, |
| BlockingTaskRunner** release_main_thread_task_runner, |
| uint32 sync_point, |
| bool lost_resource, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner) { |
| *release_sync_point = sync_point; |
| *release_lost_resource = lost_resource; |
| *release_main_thread_task_runner = main_thread_task_runner; |
| } |
| |
| static void SharedBitmapReleaseCallback( |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> bitmap, |
| uint32 sync_point, |
| bool lost_resource, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner) { |
| } |
| |
| static void ReleaseSharedBitmapCallback( |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap, |
| bool* release_called, |
| uint32* release_sync_point, |
| bool* lost_resource_result, |
| uint32 sync_point, |
| bool lost_resource, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner) { |
| *release_called = true; |
| *release_sync_point = sync_point; |
| *lost_resource_result = lost_resource; |
| } |
| |
| static scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> CreateAndFillSharedBitmap( |
| SharedBitmapManager* manager, |
| const gfx::Size& size, |
| uint32_t value) { |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap = manager->AllocateSharedBitmap(size); |
| CHECK(shared_bitmap); |
| uint32_t* pixels = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(shared_bitmap->pixels()); |
| CHECK(pixels); |
| std::fill_n(pixels, size.GetArea(), value); |
| return shared_bitmap.Pass(); |
| } |
| |
| class TextureStateTrackingContext : public TestWebGraphicsContext3D { |
| public: |
| MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexture, void(GLenum target, GLuint texture)); |
| MOCK_METHOD3(texParameteri, void(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(waitSyncPoint, void(GLuint sync_point)); |
| MOCK_METHOD0(insertSyncPoint, GLuint(void)); |
| MOCK_METHOD3(produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM, |
| void(GLuint texture, GLenum target, const GLbyte* mailbox)); |
| MOCK_METHOD2(createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM, |
| unsigned(GLenum target, const GLbyte* mailbox)); |
| |
| // Force all textures to be consecutive numbers starting at "1", |
| // so we easily can test for them. |
| GLuint NextTextureId() override { |
| base::AutoLock lock(namespace_->lock); |
| return namespace_->next_texture_id++; |
| } |
| void RetireTextureId(GLuint) override {} |
| }; |
| |
| // Shared data between multiple ResourceProviderContext. This contains mailbox |
| // contents as well as information about sync points. |
| class ContextSharedData { |
| public: |
| static scoped_ptr<ContextSharedData> Create() { |
| return make_scoped_ptr(new ContextSharedData()); |
| } |
| |
| uint32 InsertSyncPoint() { return next_sync_point_++; } |
| |
| void GenMailbox(GLbyte* mailbox) { |
| memset(mailbox, 0, GL_MAILBOX_SIZE_CHROMIUM); |
| memcpy(mailbox, &next_mailbox_, sizeof(next_mailbox_)); |
| ++next_mailbox_; |
| } |
| |
| void ProduceTexture(const GLbyte* mailbox_name, |
| uint32 sync_point, |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> texture) { |
| unsigned mailbox = 0; |
| memcpy(&mailbox, mailbox_name, sizeof(mailbox)); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mailbox && mailbox < next_mailbox_); |
| textures_[mailbox] = texture; |
| ASSERT_LT(sync_point_for_mailbox_[mailbox], sync_point); |
| sync_point_for_mailbox_[mailbox] = sync_point; |
| } |
| |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> ConsumeTexture(const GLbyte* mailbox_name, |
| uint32 sync_point) { |
| unsigned mailbox = 0; |
| memcpy(&mailbox, mailbox_name, sizeof(mailbox)); |
| DCHECK(mailbox && mailbox < next_mailbox_); |
| |
| // If the latest sync point the context has waited on is before the sync |
| // point for when the mailbox was set, pretend we never saw that |
| // ProduceTexture. |
| if (sync_point_for_mailbox_[mailbox] > sync_point) { |
| return scoped_refptr<TestTexture>(); |
| } |
| return textures_[mailbox]; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| ContextSharedData() : next_sync_point_(1), next_mailbox_(1) {} |
| |
| uint32 next_sync_point_; |
| unsigned next_mailbox_; |
| typedef base::hash_map<unsigned, scoped_refptr<TestTexture>> TextureMap; |
| TextureMap textures_; |
| base::hash_map<unsigned, uint32> sync_point_for_mailbox_; |
| }; |
| |
| class ResourceProviderContext : public TestWebGraphicsContext3D { |
| public: |
| static scoped_ptr<ResourceProviderContext> Create( |
| ContextSharedData* shared_data) { |
| return make_scoped_ptr(new ResourceProviderContext(shared_data)); |
| } |
| |
| GLuint insertSyncPoint() override { |
| uint32 sync_point = shared_data_->InsertSyncPoint(); |
| // Commit the produceTextureCHROMIUM calls at this point, so that |
| // they're associated with the sync point. |
| for (PendingProduceTextureList::iterator it = |
| pending_produce_textures_.begin(); |
| it != pending_produce_textures_.end(); |
| ++it) { |
| shared_data_->ProduceTexture( |
| (*it)->mailbox, sync_point, (*it)->texture); |
| } |
| pending_produce_textures_.clear(); |
| return sync_point; |
| } |
| |
| void waitSyncPoint(GLuint sync_point) override { |
| last_waited_sync_point_ = std::max(sync_point, last_waited_sync_point_); |
| } |
| |
| unsigned last_waited_sync_point() const { return last_waited_sync_point_; } |
| |
| void texStorage2DEXT(GLenum target, |
| GLint levels, |
| GLuint internalformat, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height) override { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(target); |
| ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), target); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1, levels); |
| GLenum format = GL_RGBA; |
| switch (internalformat) { |
| case GL_RGBA8_OES: |
| break; |
| case GL_BGRA8_EXT: |
| format = GL_BGRA_EXT; |
| break; |
| default: |
| } |
| AllocateTexture(gfx::Size(width, height), format); |
| } |
| |
| void texImage2D(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels) override { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(target); |
| ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), target); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(level); |
| ASSERT_EQ(internalformat, format); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(border); |
| ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), type); |
| AllocateTexture(gfx::Size(width, height), format); |
| if (pixels) |
| SetPixels(0, 0, width, height, pixels); |
| } |
| |
| void texSubImage2D(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels) override { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(target); |
| ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), target); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(level); |
| ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), type); |
| { |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| ASSERT_EQ(GLDataFormat(BoundTexture(target)->format), format); |
| } |
| ASSERT_TRUE(pixels); |
| SetPixels(xoffset, yoffset, width, height, pixels); |
| } |
| |
| void genMailboxCHROMIUM(GLbyte* mailbox) override { |
| return shared_data_->GenMailbox(mailbox); |
| } |
| |
| void produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(GLuint texture, |
| GLenum target, |
| const GLbyte* mailbox) override { |
| // Delay moving the texture into the mailbox until the next |
| // InsertSyncPoint, so that it is not visible to other contexts that |
| // haven't waited on that sync point. |
| scoped_ptr<PendingProduceTexture> pending(new PendingProduceTexture); |
| memcpy(pending->mailbox, mailbox, sizeof(pending->mailbox)); |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| pending->texture = UnboundTexture(texture); |
| pending_produce_textures_.push_back(pending.Pass()); |
| } |
| |
| GLuint createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum target, |
| const GLbyte* mailbox) override { |
| GLuint texture_id = createTexture(); |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> texture = |
| shared_data_->ConsumeTexture(mailbox, last_waited_sync_point_); |
| namespace_->textures.Replace(texture_id, texture); |
| return texture_id; |
| } |
| |
| void GetPixels(const gfx::Size& size, |
| ResourceFormat format, |
| uint8_t* pixels) { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> texture = BoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| ASSERT_EQ(texture->size, size); |
| ASSERT_EQ(texture->format, format); |
| memcpy(pixels, texture->data.get(), TextureSizeBytes(size, format)); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| explicit ResourceProviderContext(ContextSharedData* shared_data) |
| : shared_data_(shared_data), |
| last_waited_sync_point_(0) {} |
| |
| private: |
| void AllocateTexture(const gfx::Size& size, GLenum format) { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| ResourceFormat texture_format = RGBA_8888; |
| switch (format) { |
| case GL_RGBA: |
| texture_format = RGBA_8888; |
| break; |
| case GL_BGRA_EXT: |
| texture_format = BGRA_8888; |
| break; |
| } |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| BoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D)->Reallocate(size, texture_format); |
| } |
| |
| void SetPixels(int xoffset, |
| int yoffset, |
| int width, |
| int height, |
| const void* pixels) { |
| CheckTextureIsBound(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| base::AutoLock lock_for_texture_access(namespace_->lock); |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> texture = BoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(texture->data.get()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(xoffset >= 0 && xoffset + width <= texture->size.width()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(yoffset >= 0 && yoffset + height <= texture->size.height()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(pixels); |
| size_t in_pitch = TextureSizeBytes(gfx::Size(width, 1), texture->format); |
| size_t out_pitch = |
| TextureSizeBytes(gfx::Size(texture->size.width(), 1), texture->format); |
| uint8_t* dest = texture->data.get() + yoffset * out_pitch + |
| TextureSizeBytes(gfx::Size(xoffset, 1), texture->format); |
| const uint8_t* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pixels); |
| for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { |
| memcpy(dest, src, in_pitch); |
| dest += out_pitch; |
| src += in_pitch; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct PendingProduceTexture { |
| scoped_refptr<TestTexture> texture; |
| }; |
| typedef ScopedPtrDeque<PendingProduceTexture> PendingProduceTextureList; |
| ContextSharedData* shared_data_; |
| GLuint last_waited_sync_point_; |
| PendingProduceTextureList pending_produce_textures_; |
| }; |
| |
| void GetResourcePixels(ResourceProvider* resource_provider, |
| ResourceProviderContext* context, |
| ResourceId id, |
| const gfx::Size& size, |
| ResourceFormat format, |
| uint8_t* pixels) { |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| switch (resource_provider->default_resource_type()) { |
| case ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE: { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock_gl(resource_provider, id); |
| ASSERT_NE(0U, lock_gl.texture_id()); |
| context->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lock_gl.texture_id()); |
| context->GetPixels(size, format, pixels); |
| break; |
| } |
| case ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP: { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware lock_software(resource_provider, |
| id); |
| memcpy(pixels, |
| lock_software.sk_bitmap()->getPixels(), |
| lock_software.sk_bitmap()->getSize()); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ResourceProviderTest |
| : public testing::TestWithParam<ResourceProvider::ResourceType> { |
| public: |
| explicit ResourceProviderTest(bool child_needs_sync_point) |
| : shared_data_(ContextSharedData::Create()), |
| context3d_(NULL), |
| child_context_(NULL), |
| main_thread_task_runner_(BlockingTaskRunner::Create(NULL)) { |
| switch (GetParam()) { |
| case ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE: { |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProviderContext> context3d( |
| ResourceProviderContext::Create(shared_data_.get())); |
| context3d_ = context3d.get(); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<TestContextProvider> context_provider = |
| TestContextProvider::Create(context3d.Pass()); |
| |
| output_surface_ = FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_provider); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProviderContext> child_context_owned = |
| ResourceProviderContext::Create(shared_data_.get()); |
| child_context_ = child_context_owned.get(); |
| if (child_needs_sync_point) { |
| child_output_surface_ = |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(child_context_owned.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| child_output_surface_ = FakeOutputSurface::CreateNoRequireSyncPoint( |
| child_context_owned.Pass()); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP: |
| output_surface_ = FakeOutputSurface::CreateSoftware( |
| make_scoped_ptr(new SoftwareOutputDevice)); |
| child_output_surface_ = FakeOutputSurface::CreateSoftware( |
| make_scoped_ptr(new SoftwareOutputDevice)); |
| break; |
| } |
| CHECK(output_surface_->BindToClient(&output_surface_client_)); |
| CHECK(child_output_surface_->BindToClient(&child_output_surface_client_)); |
| |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.reset(new TestSharedBitmapManager); |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.reset(new TestGpuMemoryBufferManager); |
| |
| resource_provider_ = ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface_.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), main_thread_task_runner_.get(), 0, |
| false, 1, false); |
| child_resource_provider_ = ResourceProvider::Create( |
| child_output_surface_.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), main_thread_task_runner_.get(), 0, |
| false, 1, false); |
| } |
| |
| ResourceProviderTest() : ResourceProviderTest(true) {} |
| |
| static void CollectResources(ReturnedResourceArray* array, |
| const ReturnedResourceArray& returned, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner) { |
| array->insert(array->end(), returned.begin(), returned.end()); |
| } |
| |
| static ReturnCallback GetReturnCallback(ReturnedResourceArray* array) { |
| return base::Bind(&ResourceProviderTest::CollectResources, array); |
| } |
| |
| static void SetResourceFilter(ResourceProvider* resource_provider, |
| ResourceId id, |
| GLenum filter) { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL sampler( |
| resource_provider, id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, filter); |
| } |
| |
| ResourceProviderContext* context() { return context3d_; } |
| |
| ResourceId CreateChildMailbox(uint32* release_sync_point, |
| bool* lost_resource, |
| bool* release_called, |
| uint32* sync_point) { |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| unsigned texture = child_context_->createTexture(); |
| gpu::Mailbox gpu_mailbox; |
| child_context_->genMailboxCHROMIUM(gpu_mailbox.name); |
| child_context_->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| gpu_mailbox.name); |
| *sync_point = child_context_->insertSyncPoint(); |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, *sync_point); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap; |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind( |
| ReleaseSharedBitmapCallback, base::Passed(&shared_bitmap), |
| release_called, release_sync_point, lost_resource)); |
| return child_resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(gpu_mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_2D, *sync_point), |
| callback.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| gfx::Size size(64, 64); |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap( |
| CreateAndFillSharedBitmap(shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), size, 0)); |
| |
| SharedBitmap* shared_bitmap_ptr = shared_bitmap.get(); |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind( |
| ReleaseSharedBitmapCallback, base::Passed(&shared_bitmap), |
| release_called, release_sync_point, lost_resource)); |
| return child_resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(shared_bitmap_ptr, size), callback.Pass()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| scoped_ptr<ContextSharedData> shared_data_; |
| ResourceProviderContext* context3d_; |
| ResourceProviderContext* child_context_; |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client_; |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient child_output_surface_client_; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface_; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> child_output_surface_; |
| scoped_ptr<BlockingTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner_; |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider_; |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> child_resource_provider_; |
| scoped_ptr<TestSharedBitmapManager> shared_bitmap_manager_; |
| scoped_ptr<TestGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager_; |
| }; |
| |
| void CheckCreateResource(ResourceProvider::ResourceType expected_default_type, |
| ResourceProvider* resource_provider, |
| ResourceProviderContext* context) { |
| DCHECK_EQ(expected_default_type, resource_provider->default_resource_type()); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(resource_provider->num_resources())); |
| if (expected_default_type == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, context->NumTextures()); |
| |
| uint8_t data[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| resource_provider->CopyToResource(id, data, size); |
| if (expected_default_type == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, context->NumTextures()); |
| |
| uint8_t result[4] = { 0 }; |
| GetResourcePixels(resource_provider, context, id, size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, result, pixel_size)); |
| |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(resource_provider->num_resources())); |
| if (expected_default_type == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, context->NumTextures()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, Basic) { |
| CheckCreateResource(GetParam(), resource_provider_.get(), context()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, SimpleUpload) { |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(16U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| uint8_t image[16] = {0}; |
| resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id, image, size); |
| { |
| uint8_t result[16] = {0}; |
| uint8_t expected[16] = {0}; |
| GetResourcePixels(resource_provider_.get(), context(), id, size, format, |
| result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(expected, result, pixel_size)); |
| } |
| |
| for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pixel_size; ++i) |
| image[i] = i; |
| resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id, image, size); |
| { |
| uint8_t result[16] = {0}; |
| uint8_t expected[16] = { |
| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}; |
| GetResourcePixels(resource_provider_.get(), context(), id, size, format, |
| result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(expected, result, pixel_size)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TransferGLResources) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data2[4] = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data2, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id3 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer lock( |
| child_resource_provider_.get(), id3); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lock.GetGpuMemoryBuffer()); |
| } |
| |
| GLuint external_texture_id = child_context_->createExternalTexture(); |
| |
| gpu::Mailbox external_mailbox; |
| child_context_->genMailboxCHROMIUM(external_mailbox.name); |
| child_context_->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM( |
| external_texture_id, GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, external_mailbox.name); |
| const GLuint external_sync_point = child_context_->insertSyncPoint(); |
| ResourceId id4 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(external_mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, |
| external_sync_point), |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&EmptyReleaseCallback))); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id4); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, |
| list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[2].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, |
| list[2].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(external_sync_point, list[3].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[1].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[2].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| list[3].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id4)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| EXPECT_NE(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, |
| context3d_->last_waited_sync_point()); |
| { |
| resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(list[0].id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| list[0].id); |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, |
| context3d_->last_waited_sync_point()); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id3); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id4); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(4u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id2 = resource_map[id2]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id3 = resource_map[id3]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id4 = resource_map[id4]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id2); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id3); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id4); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id4)); |
| |
| uint8_t result[4] = { 0 }; |
| GetResourcePixels( |
| resource_provider_.get(), context(), mapped_id1, size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data1, result, pixel_size)); |
| |
| GetResourcePixels( |
| resource_provider_.get(), context(), mapped_id2, size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data2, result, pixel_size)); |
| |
| { |
| // Check that transfering again the same resource from the child to the |
| // parent works. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id2, list[1].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id3, list[2].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[1].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[2].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| // ids were exported twice, we returned them only once, they should still |
| // be in-use. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| } |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(4u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[1].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[2].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[3].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[2].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[3].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id4)); |
| |
| { |
| child_resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id1); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(child_resource_provider_.get(), |
| id1); |
| ASSERT_NE(0U, lock.texture_id()); |
| child_context_->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lock.texture_id()); |
| child_context_->GetPixels(size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data1, result, pixel_size)); |
| } |
| { |
| child_resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id2); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(child_resource_provider_.get(), |
| id2); |
| ASSERT_NE(0U, lock.texture_id()); |
| child_context_->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lock.texture_id()); |
| child_context_->GetPixels(size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data2, result, pixel_size)); |
| } |
| { |
| child_resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id3); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(child_resource_provider_.get(), |
| id3); |
| ASSERT_NE(0U, lock.texture_id()); |
| child_context_->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lock.texture_id()); |
| } |
| { |
| // Transfer resources to the parent again. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id4); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id2, list[1].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id3, list[2].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id4, list[3].id); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[2].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[3].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[1].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[2].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| list[3].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id4)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id3); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id4); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(4u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(4u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[1].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[2].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[3].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[2].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[3].lost); |
| } |
| |
| class ResourceProviderTestNoSyncPoint : public ResourceProviderTest { |
| public: |
| ResourceProviderTestNoSyncPoint() : ResourceProviderTest(false) { |
| EXPECT_EQ(ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE, GetParam()); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTestNoSyncPoint, TransferGLResources) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| { |
| // Ensure locking the memory buffer doesn't create an unnecessary sync |
| // point. |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer lock( |
| child_resource_provider_.get(), id2); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lock.GetGpuMemoryBuffer()); |
| } |
| |
| GLuint external_texture_id = child_context_->createExternalTexture(); |
| |
| // A sync point is specified directly and should be used. |
| gpu::Mailbox external_mailbox; |
| child_context_->genMailboxCHROMIUM(external_mailbox.name); |
| child_context_->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM( |
| external_texture_id, GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, external_mailbox.name); |
| const GLuint external_sync_point = child_context_->insertSyncPoint(); |
| ResourceId id3 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(external_mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, |
| external_sync_point), |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&EmptyReleaseCallback))); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| resource_provider_->SetChildNeedsSyncPoints(child_id, false); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, list.size()); |
| // Standard resources shouldn't require creating and sending a sync point. |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| // A given sync point should be passed through. |
| EXPECT_EQ(external_sync_point, list[2].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id3); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| std::map<ResourceId, unsigned int> returned_sync_points; |
| for (const auto& returned : returned_to_child) |
| returned_sync_points[returned.id] = returned.sync_point; |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_sync_points.find(id1) != returned_sync_points.end()); |
| // No new sync point should be created transferring back. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_sync_points.find(id1) != returned_sync_points.end()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_sync_points[id1]); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_sync_points.find(id2) != returned_sync_points.end()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_sync_points[id2]); |
| // Original sync point given should be returned. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_sync_points.find(id3) != returned_sync_points.end()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(external_sync_point, returned_sync_points[id3]); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[2].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| } |
| |
| ResourceProviderTests, |
| ResourceProviderTestNoSyncPoint, |
| ::testing::Values(ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE)); |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ReadLockCountStopsReturnToChildOrDelete) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| |
| resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(list[0].id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| list[0].id); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild( |
| child_id, ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| |
| { |
| child_resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id1); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(child_resource_provider_.get(), |
| id1); |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(id1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| } |
| |
| class TestFence : public ResourceProvider::Fence { |
| public: |
| TestFence() {} |
| |
| void Set() override {} |
| bool HasPassed() override { return passed; } |
| void Wait() override {} |
| |
| bool passed = false; |
| |
| private: |
| ~TestFence() override {} |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ReadLockFenceStopsReturnToChildOrDelete) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| child_resource_provider_->EnableReadLockFencesForTesting(id1); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(list[0].read_lock_fences_enabled); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<TestFence> fence(new TestFence); |
| resource_provider_->SetReadLockFence(fence.get()); |
| { |
| unsigned parent_id = list.front().id; |
| resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(parent_id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| parent_id); |
| } |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild( |
| child_id, ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild( |
| child_id, ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| fence->passed = true; |
| |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild( |
| child_id, ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(id1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ReadLockFenceDestroyChild) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data, size); |
| child_resource_provider_->EnableReadLockFencesForTesting(id1); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| |
| // Transfer resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<TestFence> fence(new TestFence); |
| resource_provider_->SetReadLockFence(fence.get()); |
| { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { |
| unsigned parent_id = list[i].id; |
| resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(parent_id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| parent_id); |
| } |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // id1 should be lost and id2 should not. |
| EXPECT_EQ(returned_to_child[0].lost, returned_to_child[0].id == id1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(returned_to_child[1].lost, returned_to_child[1].id == id1); |
| |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(id1); |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(id2); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ReadLockFenceContextLost) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data, size); |
| child_resource_provider_->EnableReadLockFencesForTesting(id1); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| |
| // Transfer resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<TestFence> fence(new TestFence); |
| resource_provider_->SetReadLockFence(fence.get()); |
| { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { |
| unsigned parent_id = list[i].id; |
| resource_provider_->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(parent_id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| parent_id); |
| } |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| resource_provider_->DidLoseOutputSurface(); |
| resource_provider_ = nullptr; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TransferSoftwareResources) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP) |
| return; |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data2[4] = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data2, size); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap(CreateAndFillSharedBitmap( |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), gfx::Size(1, 1), 0)); |
| SharedBitmap* shared_bitmap_ptr = shared_bitmap.get(); |
| ResourceId id3 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(shared_bitmap_ptr, gfx::Size(1, 1)), |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind( |
| &SharedBitmapReleaseCallback, base::Passed(&shared_bitmap)))); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, list[2].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id3); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id2 = resource_map[id2]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id3 = resource_map[id3]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id2); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id3); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| |
| uint8_t result[4] = { 0 }; |
| GetResourcePixels( |
| resource_provider_.get(), context(), mapped_id1, size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data1, result, pixel_size)); |
| |
| GetResourcePixels( |
| resource_provider_.get(), context(), mapped_id2, size, format, result); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data2, result, pixel_size)); |
| |
| { |
| // Check that transfering again the same resource from the child to the |
| // parent works. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id2, list[1].id); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| // ids were exported twice, we returned them only once, they should still |
| // be in-use. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| } |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[1].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[2].sync_point); |
| std::set<ResourceId> expected_ids; |
| expected_ids.insert(id1); |
| expected_ids.insert(id2); |
| expected_ids.insert(id3); |
| std::set<ResourceId> returned_ids; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
| returned_ids.insert(returned_to_child[i].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_ids, returned_ids); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[2].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware lock( |
| child_resource_provider_.get(), id1); |
| const SkBitmap* sk_bitmap = lock.sk_bitmap(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->width(), size.width()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->height(), size.height()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data1, sk_bitmap->getPixels(), pixel_size)); |
| } |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware lock( |
| child_resource_provider_.get(), id2); |
| const SkBitmap* sk_bitmap = lock.sk_bitmap(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->width(), size.width()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->height(), size.height()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data2, sk_bitmap->getPixels(), pixel_size)); |
| } |
| { |
| // Transfer resources to the parent again. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id3); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id2, list[1].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id3, list[2].id); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id3)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id3); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[1].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child[2].sync_point); |
| std::set<ResourceId> expected_ids; |
| expected_ids.insert(id1); |
| expected_ids.insert(id2); |
| expected_ids.insert(id3); |
| std::set<ResourceId> returned_ids; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
| returned_ids.insert(returned_to_child[i].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_ids, returned_ids); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[2].lost); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TransferGLToSoftware) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProviderContext> child_context_owned( |
| ResourceProviderContext::Create(shared_data_.get())); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient child_output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> child_output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(child_context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(child_output_surface->BindToClient(&child_output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> child_resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| child_output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<GLenum>(GL_TEXTURE_2D), |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.texture_target); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(returned_to_child[0].id, id1); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, mapped_id1); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TransferInvalidSoftware) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP) |
| return; |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| // Make invalid. |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.mailbox.name[1] = 5; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id1); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware lock(resource_provider_.get(), |
| mapped_id1); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lock.valid()); |
| } |
| |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, DeleteExportedResources) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data2[4] = {5, 5, 5, 5}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data2, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id2 = resource_map[id2]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id2); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| { |
| // The parent transfers the resources to the grandparent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(mapped_id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(mapped_id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| // Release the resource in the parent. Set no resources as being in use. The |
| // resources are exported so that can't be transferred back yet. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| // Return the resources from the grandparent to the parent. They should be |
| // returned to the child then. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(mapped_id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(mapped_id2, list[1].id); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[1].sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[1].lost); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, DestroyChildWithExportedResources) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id1 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data1[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id1, data1, size); |
| |
| ResourceId id2 = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data2[4] = {5, 5, 5, 5}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id2, data2, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resources to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id1); |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id2); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id1 = resource_map[id1]; |
| ResourceId mapped_id2 = resource_map[id2]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id2); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| { |
| // The parent transfers the resources to the grandparent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(mapped_id1); |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(mapped_id2); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[1].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id2)); |
| |
| // Release the resource in the parent. Set no resources as being in use. The |
| // resources are exported so that can't be transferred back yet. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| // Destroy the child, the resources should not be returned yet. |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DestroyChild(child_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Return a resource from the grandparent, it should be returned at this |
| // point. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(mapped_id1, list[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(mapped_id2, list[1].id); |
| TransferableResourceArray return_list; |
| return_list.push_back(list[1]); |
| list.pop_back(); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(return_list, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_FALSE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| |
| // Destroy the parent resource provider. The resource that's left should be |
| // lost at this point, and returned. |
| resource_provider_ = nullptr; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, DeleteTransferredResources) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id, data, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| // Delete textures in the child, while they are transfered. |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, returned_to_child[0].sync_point); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| } |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, child_resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, UnuseTransferredResources) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| uint8_t data[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; |
| child_resource_provider_->CopyToResource(id, data, size); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| const ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap& map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| TransferableResourceArray sent_to_top_level; |
| { |
| // Parent transfers to top-level. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(map.find(id) != map.end()); |
| ResourceId parent_id = map.find(id)->second; |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(parent_id); |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &sent_to_top_level); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(parent_id)); |
| } |
| { |
| // Stop using resource. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet empty; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, empty); |
| // Resource is not yet returned to the child, since it's in use by the |
| // top-level. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child.empty()); |
| } |
| { |
| // Send the resource to the parent again. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id)); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| { |
| // Receive returns back from top-level. |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(sent_to_top_level, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| // Resource is still not yet returned to the child, since it's declared used |
| // in the parent. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child.empty()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(map.find(id) != map.end()); |
| ResourceId parent_id = map.find(id)->second; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(parent_id)); |
| } |
| { |
| sent_to_top_level.clear(); |
| // Parent transfers again to top-level. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(map.find(id) != map.end()); |
| ResourceId parent_id = map.find(id)->second; |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(parent_id); |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &sent_to_top_level); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(parent_id)); |
| } |
| { |
| // Receive returns back from top-level. |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(sent_to_top_level, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| // Resource is still not yet returned to the child, since it's still |
| // declared used in the parent. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child.empty()); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(map.find(id) != map.end()); |
| ResourceId parent_id = map.find(id)->second; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(parent_id)); |
| } |
| { |
| // Stop using resource. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet empty; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, empty); |
| // Resource should have been returned to the child, since it's no longer in |
| // use by the top-level. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(id, returned_to_child[0].id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, returned_to_child[0].count); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(id)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ResourceProviderTestTextureFilters : public ResourceProviderTest { |
| public: |
| static void RunTest(GLenum child_filter, GLenum parent_filter) { |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> child_context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* child_context = child_context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient child_output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> child_output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(child_context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(child_output_surface->BindToClient(&child_output_surface_client)); |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmapManager> shared_bitmap_manager( |
| new TestSharedBitmapManager()); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> child_resource_provider( |
| ResourceProvider::Create(child_output_surface.get(), |
| shared_bitmap_manager.get(), NULL, NULL, 0, |
| false, 1, false)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> parent_context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* parent_context = parent_context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient parent_output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> parent_output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(parent_context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(parent_output_surface->BindToClient(&parent_output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> parent_resource_provider( |
| ResourceProvider::Create(parent_output_surface.get(), |
| shared_bitmap_manager.get(), NULL, NULL, 0, |
| false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| int child_texture_id = 1; |
| int parent_texture_id = 2; |
| |
| size_t pixel_size = TextureSizeBytes(size, format); |
| ASSERT_EQ(4U, pixel_size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = child_resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| format); |
| |
| // The new texture is created with GL_LINEAR. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, child_texture_id)) |
| .Times(2); // Once to create and once to allocate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, |
| *child_context, |
| *child_context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| child_resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(child_context); |
| |
| uint8_t data[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, child_texture_id)); |
| child_resource_provider->CopyToResource(id, data, size); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(child_context); |
| |
| // The texture is set to |child_filter| in the child. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, child_texture_id)); |
| if (child_filter != GL_LINEAR) { |
| *child_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, child_filter)); |
| *child_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, child_filter)); |
| } |
| SetResourceFilter(child_resource_provider.get(), id, child_filter); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(child_context); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = parent_resource_provider->CreateChild( |
| GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer some resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(id); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, |
| produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, GL_TEXTURE_2D, _)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, insertSyncPoint()); |
| child_resource_provider->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(child_context); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<unsigned>(child_filter), list[0].filter); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*parent_context, |
| createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(parent_texture_id)); |
| |
| parent_resource_provider->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| { |
| parent_resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(list[0].id); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(parent_resource_provider.get(), |
| list[0].id); |
| } |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(parent_context); |
| |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(id); |
| parent_resource_provider->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild( |
| child_id, resource_ids_to_receive); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(parent_context); |
| } |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| parent_resource_provider->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId mapped_id = resource_map[id]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, mapped_id); |
| |
| // The texture is set to |parent_filter| in the parent. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*parent_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, parent_texture_id)); |
| *parent_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, parent_filter)); |
| *parent_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, parent_filter)); |
| SetResourceFilter(parent_resource_provider.get(), mapped_id, parent_filter); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(parent_context); |
| |
| // The texture should be reset to |child_filter| in the parent when it is |
| // returned, since that is how it was received. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*parent_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, parent_texture_id)); |
| *parent_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, child_filter)); |
| *parent_context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, child_filter)); |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources |
| // as being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*parent_context, insertSyncPoint()); |
| parent_resource_provider->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| no_resources); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(parent_context); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| child_resource_provider->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| } |
| |
| // The child remembers the texture filter is set to |child_filter|. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*child_context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, child_texture_id)); |
| SetResourceFilter(child_resource_provider.get(), id, child_filter); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(child_context); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureFilters_ChildNearestParentLinear) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureFilters::RunTest(GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureFilters_ChildLinearParentNearest) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureFilters::RunTest(GL_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TransferMailboxResources) { |
| // Other mailbox transfers tested elsewhere. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| unsigned texture = context()->createTexture(); |
| context()->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); |
| uint8_t data[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
| context()->texImage2D( |
| GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1, 1, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &data); |
| gpu::Mailbox mailbox; |
| context()->genMailboxCHROMIUM(mailbox.name); |
| context()->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox.name); |
| uint32 sync_point = context()->insertSyncPoint(); |
| |
| // All the logic below assumes that the sync points are all positive. |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, sync_point); |
| |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner = NULL; |
| ReleaseCallbackImpl callback = base::Bind(ReleaseCallback, |
| &release_sync_point, |
| &lost_resource, |
| &main_thread_task_runner); |
| ResourceId resource = resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sync_point), |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(callback)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, context()->NumTextures()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource, expect the sync points to be consistent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_LE(sync_point, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, |
| memcmp(mailbox.name, |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.mailbox.name, |
| sizeof(mailbox.name))); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| |
| context()->waitSyncPoint(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| unsigned other_texture = |
| context()->createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox.name); |
| uint8_t test_data[4] = { 0 }; |
| context()->GetPixels( |
| gfx::Size(1, 1), RGBA_8888, test_data); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, test_data, sizeof(data))); |
| |
| context()->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(other_texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| mailbox.name); |
| context()->deleteTexture(other_texture); |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point = context()->insertSyncPoint(); |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| |
| // Receive the resource, then delete it, expect the sync points to be |
| // consistent. |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, context()->NumTextures()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DeleteResource(resource); |
| EXPECT_LE(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(main_thread_task_runner_.get(), main_thread_task_runner); |
| } |
| |
| // We're going to do the same thing as above, but testing the case where we |
| // delete the resource before we receive it back. |
| sync_point = release_sync_point; |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, sync_point); |
| release_sync_point = 0; |
| resource = resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sync_point), |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(callback)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, context()->NumTextures()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource, expect the sync points to be consistent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_LE(sync_point, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, |
| memcmp(mailbox.name, |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.mailbox.name, |
| sizeof(mailbox.name))); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| |
| context()->waitSyncPoint(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| unsigned other_texture = |
| context()->createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox.name); |
| uint8_t test_data[4] = { 0 }; |
| context()->GetPixels( |
| gfx::Size(1, 1), RGBA_8888, test_data); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(data, test_data, sizeof(data))); |
| |
| context()->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(other_texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| mailbox.name); |
| context()->deleteTexture(other_texture); |
| list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point = context()->insertSyncPoint(); |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point); |
| |
| // Delete the resource, which shouldn't do anything. |
| resource_provider_->DeleteResource(resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, context()->NumTextures()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| |
| // Then receive the resource which should release the mailbox, expect the |
| // sync points to be consistent. |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| EXPECT_LE(list[0].mailbox_holder.sync_point, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(main_thread_task_runner_.get(), main_thread_task_runner); |
| } |
| |
| context()->waitSyncPoint(release_sync_point); |
| texture = |
| context()->createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox.name); |
| context()->deleteTexture(texture); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, LostResourceInParent) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId resource = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| child_resource_provider_->AllocateForTesting(resource); |
| // Expect a GL resource to be lost. |
| bool should_lose_resource = |
| GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE; |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(resource); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| // Lose the output surface in the parent. |
| resource_provider_->DidLoseOutputSurface(); |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| // Expect a GL resource to be lost. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(should_lose_resource, returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // A GL resource should be lost. |
| EXPECT_EQ(should_lose_resource, child_resource_provider_->IsLost(resource)); |
| |
| // Lost resources stay in use in the parent forever. |
| EXPECT_EQ(should_lose_resource, |
| child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(resource)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, LostResourceInGrandParent) { |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId resource = child_resource_provider_->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| child_resource_provider_->AllocateForTesting(resource); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(resource); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId parent_resource = resource_map[resource]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, parent_resource); |
| |
| // Transfer to a grandparent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(parent_resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| |
| // Receive back a lost resource from the grandparent. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(parent_resource, list[0].id); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, returned.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(parent_resource, returned[0].id); |
| returned[0].lost = true; |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| |
| // The resource should be lost. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->IsLost(parent_resource)); |
| |
| // Lost resources stay in use in the parent forever. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(parent_resource)); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| // Expect the resource to be lost. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // The resource should be lost. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->IsLost(resource)); |
| |
| // Lost resources stay in use in the parent forever. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(child_resource_provider_->InUseByConsumer(resource)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, LostMailboxInParent) { |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| bool release_called = false; |
| uint32 sync_point = 0; |
| ResourceId resource = CreateChildMailbox(&release_sync_point, &lost_resource, |
| &release_called, &sync_point); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(resource); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| // Lose the output surface in the parent. |
| resource_provider_->DidLoseOutputSurface(); |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| // Losing an output surface only loses hardware resources. |
| EXPECT_EQ(returned_to_child[0].lost, |
| GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // Delete the resource in the child. Expect the resource to be lost if it's |
| // a GL texture. |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(lost_resource, |
| GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, LostMailboxInGrandParent) { |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| bool release_called = false; |
| uint32 sync_point = 0; |
| ResourceId resource = CreateChildMailbox(&release_sync_point, &lost_resource, |
| &release_called, &sync_point); |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_to_child; |
| int child_id = |
| resource_provider_->CreateChild(GetReturnCallback(&returned_to_child)); |
| { |
| // Transfer the resource to the parent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveFromChild(child_id, list); |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet resource_ids_to_receive; |
| resource_ids_to_receive.insert(resource); |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, |
| resource_ids_to_receive); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdMap resource_map = |
| resource_provider_->GetChildToParentMap(child_id); |
| ResourceId parent_resource = resource_map[resource]; |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, parent_resource); |
| |
| // Transfer to a grandparent. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(parent_resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, &list); |
| |
| // Receive back a lost resource from the grandparent. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(parent_resource, list[0].id); |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned; |
| TransferableResource::ReturnResources(list, &returned); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, returned.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(parent_resource, returned[0].id); |
| returned[0].lost = true; |
| resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| |
| // Transfer resources back from the parent to the child. Set no resources as |
| // being in use. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdSet no_resources; |
| resource_provider_->DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(child_id, no_resources); |
| |
| // Expect the resource to be lost. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, returned_to_child.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(returned_to_child[0].lost); |
| child_resource_provider_->ReceiveReturnsFromParent(returned_to_child); |
| returned_to_child.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| // Delete the resource in the child. Expect the resource to be lost. |
| child_resource_provider_->DeleteResource(resource); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lost_resource); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, Shutdown) { |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| bool release_called = false; |
| uint32 sync_point = 0; |
| CreateChildMailbox( |
| &release_sync_point, &lost_resource, &release_called, &sync_point); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| |
| child_resource_provider_ = nullptr; |
| |
| if (GetParam() == ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) { |
| EXPECT_LE(sync_point, release_sync_point); |
| } |
| EXPECT_TRUE(release_called); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ShutdownWithExportedResource) { |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| bool release_called = false; |
| uint32 sync_point = 0; |
| ResourceId resource = CreateChildMailbox(&release_sync_point, &lost_resource, |
| &release_called, &sync_point); |
| |
| // Transfer the resource, so we can't release it properly on shutdown. |
| ResourceProvider::ResourceIdArray resource_ids_to_transfer; |
| resource_ids_to_transfer.push_back(resource); |
| TransferableResourceArray list; |
| child_resource_provider_->PrepareSendToParent(resource_ids_to_transfer, |
| &list); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| |
| child_resource_provider_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Since the resource is in the parent, the child considers it lost. |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lost_resource); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, LostContext) { |
| // TextureMailbox callbacks only exist for GL textures for now. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| unsigned texture = context()->createTexture(); |
| context()->bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture); |
| gpu::Mailbox mailbox; |
| context()->genMailboxCHROMIUM(mailbox.name); |
| context()->produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, mailbox.name); |
| uint32 sync_point = context()->insertSyncPoint(); |
| |
| EXPECT_LT(0u, sync_point); |
| |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner = NULL; |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(ReleaseCallback, |
| &release_sync_point, |
| &lost_resource, |
| &main_thread_task_runner)); |
| resource_provider_->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| TextureMailbox(mailbox, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sync_point), callback.Pass()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(NULL, main_thread_task_runner); |
| |
| resource_provider_->DidLoseOutputSurface(); |
| resource_provider_ = nullptr; |
| |
| EXPECT_LE(sync_point, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(main_thread_task_runner_.get(), main_thread_task_runner); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ScopedSampler) { |
| // Sampling is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| int texture_id = 1; |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| // Check that the texture gets created with the right sampler settings. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)) |
| .Times(2); // Once to create and once to allocate. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| *context, |
| *context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // Creating a sampler with the default filter should not change any texture |
| // parameters. |
| { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL sampler( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_LINEAR); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| // Using a different filter should be reflected in the texture parameters. |
| { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| *context, |
| *context, |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL sampler( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_NEAREST); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| // Test resetting to the default filter. |
| { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL sampler( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_LINEAR); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ManagedResource) { |
| // Sampling is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| int texture_id = 1; |
| |
| // Check that the texture gets created with the right sampler settings. |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateManagedResource( |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| *context, |
| *context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| resource_provider->CreateForTesting(id); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureWrapMode) { |
| // Sampling is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| for (int texture_id = 1; texture_id <= 2; ++texture_id) { |
| GLint wrap_mode = texture_id == 1 ? GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE : GL_REPEAT; |
| // Check that the texture gets created with the right sampler settings. |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateGLTexture( |
| size, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_pool, wrap_mode, |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap_mode)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap_mode)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| resource_provider->CreateForTesting(id); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureHint) { |
| // Sampling is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context->set_support_texture_storage(true); |
| context->set_support_texture_usage(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| const ResourceProvider::TextureHint hints[4] = { |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_DEFAULT, |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, |
| }; |
| for (GLuint texture_id = 1; texture_id <= arraysize(hints); ++texture_id) { |
| // Check that the texture gets created with the right sampler settings. |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateGLTexture( |
| size, GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_pool, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, |
| hints[texture_id - 1], format); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| *context, |
| *context, |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| bool is_framebuffer_hint = |
| hints[texture_id - 1] & ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_FRAMEBUFFER; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, |
| .Times(is_framebuffer_hint ? 1 : 0); |
| resource_provider->CreateForTesting(id); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_SharedMemory) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP) |
| return; |
| |
| gfx::Size size(64, 64); |
| const uint32_t kBadBeef = 0xbadbeef; |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap( |
| CreateAndFillSharedBitmap(shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), size, kBadBeef)); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::CreateSoftware(make_scoped_ptr( |
| new SoftwareOutputDevice))); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), main_thread_task_runner_.get(), 0, |
| false, 1, false)); |
| |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner = NULL; |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&ReleaseCallback, |
| &release_sync_point, |
| &lost_resource, |
| &main_thread_task_runner)); |
| TextureMailbox mailbox(shared_bitmap.get(), size); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| mailbox, callback.Pass()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockSoftware lock(resource_provider.get(), id); |
| const SkBitmap* sk_bitmap = lock.sk_bitmap(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->width(), size.width()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(sk_bitmap->height(), size.height()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(*sk_bitmap->getAddr32(16, 16), kBadBeef); |
| } |
| |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(main_thread_task_runner_.get(), main_thread_task_runner); |
| } |
| |
| class ResourceProviderTestTextureMailboxGLFilters |
| : public ResourceProviderTest { |
| public: |
| static void RunTest(TestSharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager, |
| TestGpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager, |
| BlockingTaskRunner* main_thread_task_runner, |
| bool mailbox_nearest_neighbor, |
| GLenum sampler_filter) { |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager, gpu_memory_buffer_manager, |
| main_thread_task_runner, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| unsigned texture_id = 1; |
| uint32 sync_point = 30; |
| unsigned target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| gpu::Mailbox gpu_mailbox; |
| memcpy(gpu_mailbox.name, "Hello world", strlen("Hello world") + 1); |
| uint32 release_sync_point = 0; |
| bool lost_resource = false; |
| BlockingTaskRunner* mailbox_task_runner = NULL; |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&ReleaseCallback, |
| &release_sync_point, |
| &lost_resource, |
| &mailbox_task_runner)); |
| |
| TextureMailbox mailbox(gpu_mailbox, target, sync_point); |
| mailbox.set_nearest_neighbor(mailbox_nearest_neighbor); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| mailbox, callback.Pass()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| { |
| // Mailbox sync point WaitSyncPoint before using the texture. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(sync_point)); |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(target, _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(target, texture_id)); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| // The sampler will reset these if |mailbox_nearest_neighbor| does not |
| // match |sampler_filter|. |
| if (mailbox_nearest_neighbor != (sampler_filter == GL_NEAREST)) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texParameteri( |
| GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, sampler_filter)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texParameteri( |
| GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, sampler_filter)); |
| } |
| |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL lock( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, sampler_filter); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // When done with it, a sync point should be inserted, but no produce is |
| // necessary. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| } |
| |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, release_sync_point); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(lost_resource); |
| EXPECT_EQ(main_thread_task_runner, mailbox_task_runner); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_GLTexture2D_LinearToLinear) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureMailboxGLFilters::RunTest( |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), |
| main_thread_task_runner_.get(), |
| false, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_GLTexture2D_NearestToNearest) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureMailboxGLFilters::RunTest( |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), |
| main_thread_task_runner_.get(), |
| true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_GLTexture2D_NearestToLinear) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureMailboxGLFilters::RunTest( |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), |
| main_thread_task_runner_.get(), |
| true, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_GLTexture2D_LinearToNearest) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| ResourceProviderTestTextureMailboxGLFilters::RunTest( |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), |
| main_thread_task_runner_.get(), |
| false, |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_GLTextureExternalOES) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| uint32 sync_point = 30; |
| unsigned target = GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| gpu::Mailbox gpu_mailbox; |
| memcpy(gpu_mailbox.name, "Hello world", strlen("Hello world") + 1); |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&EmptyReleaseCallback)); |
| |
| TextureMailbox mailbox(gpu_mailbox, target, sync_point); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| mailbox, callback.Pass()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| { |
| // Mailbox sync point WaitSyncPoint before using the texture. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(sync_point)); |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| unsigned texture_id = 1; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(target, _)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedReadLockGL lock(resource_provider.get(), id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // When done with it, a sync point should be inserted, but no produce is |
| // necessary. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, |
| TextureMailbox_WaitSyncPointIfNeeded_WithSyncPoint) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| uint32 sync_point = 30; |
| unsigned target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| gpu::Mailbox gpu_mailbox; |
| memcpy(gpu_mailbox.name, "Hello world", strlen("Hello world") + 1); |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&EmptyReleaseCallback)); |
| |
| TextureMailbox mailbox(gpu_mailbox, target, sync_point); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| mailbox, callback.Pass()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| { |
| // First call to WaitSyncPointIfNeeded should call waitSyncPoint. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(sync_point)); |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // Subsequent calls to WaitSyncPointIfNeeded shouldn't call waitSyncPoint. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureMailbox_WaitSyncPointIfNeeded_NoSyncPoint) { |
| // Mailboxing is only supported for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<TextureStateTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureStateTrackingContext); |
| TextureStateTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| uint32 sync_point = 0; |
| unsigned target = GL_TEXTURE_2D; |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, insertSyncPoint()).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, produceTextureDirectCHROMIUM(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| gpu::Mailbox gpu_mailbox; |
| memcpy(gpu_mailbox.name, "Hello world", strlen("Hello world") + 1); |
| scoped_ptr<SingleReleaseCallbackImpl> callback = |
| SingleReleaseCallbackImpl::Create(base::Bind(&EmptyReleaseCallback)); |
| |
| TextureMailbox mailbox(gpu_mailbox, target, sync_point); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResourceFromTextureMailbox( |
| mailbox, callback.Pass()); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| { |
| // WaitSyncPointIfNeeded with sync_point == 0 shouldn't call waitSyncPoint. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitSyncPoint(_)).Times(0); |
| resource_provider->WaitSyncPointIfNeeded(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class AllocationTrackingContext3D : public TestWebGraphicsContext3D { |
| public: |
| MOCK_METHOD0(NextTextureId, GLuint()); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(RetireTextureId, void(GLuint id)); |
| MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexture, void(GLenum target, GLuint texture)); |
| MOCK_METHOD5(texStorage2DEXT, |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint levels, |
| GLuint internalformat, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height)); |
| MOCK_METHOD9(texImage2D, |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels)); |
| MOCK_METHOD9(texSubImage2D, |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels)); |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels)); |
| MOCK_METHOD9(asyncTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM, |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels)); |
| MOCK_METHOD8(compressedTexImage2D, |
| void(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei image_size, |
| const void* data)); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(waitAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM, void(GLenum)); |
| GLuint(ClientBuffer, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum)); |
| MOCK_METHOD1(destroyImageCHROMIUM, void(GLuint)); |
| MOCK_METHOD2(bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM, void(GLenum, GLint)); |
| MOCK_METHOD2(releaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM, void(GLenum, GLint)); |
| |
| // We're mocking bindTexture, so we override |
| // TestWebGraphicsContext3D::texParameteri to avoid assertions related to the |
| // currently bound texture. |
| virtual void texParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {} |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureAllocation) { |
| // Only for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| gfx::Vector2d offset(0, 0); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId id = 0; |
| uint8_t pixels[16] = { 0 }; |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| |
| // Lazy allocation. Don't allocate when creating the resource. |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->CreateForTesting(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // Do allocate when we set the pixels. |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(3); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texImage2D(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texSubImage2D(_, _, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->CopyToResource(id, pixels, size); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| // Same for async version. |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| resource_provider->AcquirePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, asyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| resource_provider->BeginSetPixels(id); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(resource_provider->DidSetPixelsComplete(id)); |
| |
| resource_provider->ReleasePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureAllocationHint) { |
| // Only for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context->set_support_texture_storage(true); |
| context->set_support_texture_usage(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| |
| const ResourceFormat formats[2] = {RGBA_8888, BGRA_8888}; |
| const ResourceProvider::TextureHint hints[4] = { |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_DEFAULT, |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, |
| }; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(formats); ++i) { |
| for (GLuint texture_id = 1; texture_id <= arraysize(hints); ++texture_id) { |
| // Lazy allocation. Don't allocate when creating the resource. |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, hints[texture_id - 1], formats[i]); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| bool is_immutable_hint = |
| hints[texture_id - 1] & ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE; |
| bool support_immutable_texture = |
| is_immutable_hint && formats[i] == RGBA_8888; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texStorage2DEXT(_, _, _, 2, 2)) |
| .Times(support_immutable_texture ? 1 : 0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texImage2D(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(support_immutable_texture ? 0 : 1); |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, TextureAllocationHint_BGRA) { |
| // Only for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context->set_support_texture_format_bgra8888(true); |
| context->set_support_texture_storage(true); |
| context->set_support_texture_usage(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| const ResourceFormat formats[2] = {RGBA_8888, BGRA_8888}; |
| |
| const ResourceProvider::TextureHint hints[4] = { |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_DEFAULT, |
| ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, |
| }; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(formats); ++i) { |
| for (GLuint texture_id = 1; texture_id <= arraysize(hints); ++texture_id) { |
| // Lazy allocation. Don't allocate when creating the resource. |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, hints[texture_id - 1], formats[i]); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| bool is_immutable_hint = |
| hints[texture_id - 1] & ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texStorage2DEXT(_, _, _, 2, 2)) |
| .Times(is_immutable_hint ? 1 : 0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texImage2D(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(is_immutable_hint ? 0 : 1); |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, PixelBuffer_GLTexture) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId id = 0; |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| resource_provider->AcquirePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, asyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| resource_provider->BeginSetPixels(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(resource_provider->DidSetPixelsComplete(id)); |
| |
| resource_provider->ReleasePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, ForcingAsyncUploadToComplete) { |
| // Only for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId id = 0; |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| resource_provider->AcquirePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, asyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(_, _, _, 2, 2, _, _, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| resource_provider->BeginSetPixels(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, waitAsyncTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->ForceSetPixelsToComplete(id); |
| |
| resource_provider->ReleasePixelBuffer(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, PixelBufferLostContext) { |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new NiceMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(2, 2); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId id = 0; |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillRepeatedly(Return(texture_id)); |
| |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| resource_provider->AcquirePixelBuffer(id); |
| int stride; |
| void* buffer = resource_provider->MapPixelBuffer(id, &stride); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(buffer); |
| resource_provider->UnmapPixelBuffer(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, Image_GLTexture) { |
| // Only for GL textures. |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| const int kWidth = 2; |
| const int kHeight = 2; |
| gfx::Size size(kWidth, kHeight); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId id = 0; |
| const unsigned kTextureId = 123u; |
| const unsigned kImageId = 234u; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()) |
| .WillOnce(Return(kTextureId)) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createImageCHROMIUM(_, kWidth, kHeight, GL_RGBA)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(kImageId)) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer lock( |
| resource_provider.get(), id); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lock.GetGpuMemoryBuffer()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL lock_gl( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_LINEAR); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kTextureId, lock_gl.texture_id()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer lock( |
| resource_provider.get(), id); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lock.GetGpuMemoryBuffer()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kTextureId)).Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, releaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(kTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedSamplerGL lock_gl( |
| resource_provider.get(), id, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_LINEAR); |
| EXPECT_EQ(kTextureId, lock_gl.texture_id()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, destroyImageCHROMIUM(kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, CopyResource_GLTexture) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new StrictMock<AllocationTrackingContext3D>); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context_owned->set_support_sync_query(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| const int kWidth = 2; |
| const int kHeight = 2; |
| gfx::Size size(kWidth, kHeight); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| ResourceId source_id = 0; |
| ResourceId dest_id = 0; |
| const unsigned kSourceTextureId = 123u; |
| const unsigned kDestTextureId = 321u; |
| const unsigned kImageId = 234u; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| |
| source_id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()) |
| .WillOnce(Return(kSourceTextureId)) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kSourceTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, createImageCHROMIUM(_, kWidth, kHeight, GL_RGBA)) |
| .WillOnce(Return(kImageId)) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| { |
| ResourceProvider::ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer lock( |
| resource_provider.get(), source_id); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(lock.GetGpuMemoryBuffer()); |
| } |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| dest_id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, format); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()) |
| .WillOnce(Return(kDestTextureId)) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kDestTextureId)) |
| .Times(2) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, texImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 2, 2, 0, GL_RGBA, |
| GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kSourceTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GL_TEXTURE_2D, kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| resource_provider->CopyResource(source_id, dest_id, gfx::Rect(size)); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, destroyImageCHROMIUM(kImageId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(kSourceTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(kDestTextureId)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .RetiresOnSaturation(); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(source_id); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(dest_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, CompressedTextureETC1Allocate) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new AllocationTrackingContext3D); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context_owned->set_support_compressed_texture_etc1(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(4, 4); |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, ETC1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(2); |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(ResourceProviderTest, CompressedTextureETC1Upload) { |
| if (GetParam() != ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE) |
| return; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<AllocationTrackingContext3D> context_owned( |
| new AllocationTrackingContext3D); |
| AllocationTrackingContext3D* context = context_owned.get(); |
| context_owned->set_support_compressed_texture_etc1(true); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(4, 4); |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get(), |
| gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(), NULL, 0, false, 1, false)); |
| int texture_id = 123; |
| uint8_t pixels[8]; |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| size, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ResourceProvider::TEXTURE_HINT_IMMUTABLE, ETC1); |
| EXPECT_NE(0u, id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, NextTextureId()).WillOnce(Return(texture_id)); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture_id)).Times(3); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, |
| compressedTexImage2D( |
| _, 0, _, size.width(), size.height(), _, _, _)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->CopyToResource(id, pixels, size); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*context, RetireTextureId(texture_id)).Times(1); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| } |
| |
| ResourceProviderTests, |
| ResourceProviderTest, |
| ::testing::Values(ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_GL_TEXTURE, |
| ResourceProvider::RESOURCE_TYPE_BITMAP)); |
| |
| class TextureIdAllocationTrackingContext : public TestWebGraphicsContext3D { |
| public: |
| GLuint NextTextureId() override { |
| base::AutoLock lock(namespace_->lock); |
| return namespace_->next_texture_id++; |
| } |
| void RetireTextureId(GLuint) override {} |
| GLuint PeekTextureId() { |
| base::AutoLock lock(namespace_->lock); |
| return namespace_->next_texture_id; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| TEST(ResourceProviderTest, TextureAllocationChunkSize) { |
| scoped_ptr<TextureIdAllocationTrackingContext> context_owned( |
| new TextureIdAllocationTrackingContext); |
| TextureIdAllocationTrackingContext* context = context_owned.get(); |
| |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface( |
| FakeOutputSurface::Create3d(context_owned.Pass())); |
| CHECK(output_surface->BindToClient(&output_surface_client)); |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmapManager> shared_bitmap_manager( |
| new TestSharedBitmapManager()); |
| |
| gfx::Size size(1, 1); |
| ResourceFormat format = RGBA_8888; |
| |
| { |
| size_t kTextureAllocationChunkSize = 1; |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager.get(), NULL, NULL, 0, false, |
| kTextureAllocationChunkSize, false)); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| format); |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| DCHECK_EQ(2u, context->PeekTextureId()); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| size_t kTextureAllocationChunkSize = 8; |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider(ResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface.get(), shared_bitmap_manager.get(), NULL, NULL, 0, false, |
| kTextureAllocationChunkSize, false)); |
| |
| ResourceId id = resource_provider->CreateResource( |
| format); |
| resource_provider->AllocateForTesting(id); |
| Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(context); |
| |
| DCHECK_EQ(10u, context->PeekTextureId()); |
| resource_provider->DeleteResource(id); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace cc |